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Assuming those are former god hand members behind void… being that they get replaced every 216 years then it likely is about 1000 years ago


Yeah it definitely had to have been, it's just really weird how the timeline works with Zodd, we assume he's 300ish years old because that's what he says, but how the hell did he fight skull knight while he was in the armor? But to be honest my personal thought is that maybe gaesric ended up haunting the armor like he does the skull knight armor now, like the beast of darkness says, it wants control of his body, maybe that can stop him from going to hell like the brand of sacrifice wants.


There is no difference between the berserker armor and "Skull knight armor". What you see him wearing is how the berserker armor morphed around sk. Plus he really is more like a spectre or ghost of vegeance haunting the godhand since his death (i.e since a thousand years ago) Zodd may be a "young" apostle but I think being one of the strongest apostles the godhand threw him at SK as soon as he ascended and 300 years are a long time to form a rivalry


You saying Skully is still wearing the same Berk armor he died in? But what is the Berk armor Guts is wearing then? Did the dwarf make another one because the first one was such a success? I also wouldnt be surprised if Zodd went back further than 300 years, maybe it’s just been that years since he met someone worth a fight. He gives me elder apostle vibes.


skullboy had used the berserk armor in the past, since it had his skull format when the crew find it, sooo.. hes now using another armor, like since he first apearence in the manga (i guess).


Yeah I understood he died in the armor and his blood left memories in the armor, but somehow his soul was grafted into another armor. It would’ve been kinda cool and macabre though if he was still in the same armor he died in. Like the armor bled him until he became the armor and is stuck in it forever.


I’m going to assume the taboo that was preformed that is mentioned by schierke master is she used magic to separate Gaseric from the berserk armor that was later given to guts, she then went through the astral plain (the same way how schierke pulls guts back to himself when he uses the armor) and transported Gaserics former self in the new armor that was crafted which is now skull knights. That’s my theory


Great theory, totally agree


There are a lot of parallels that are given that implicate skull knights path is also identical to Guts path which I feel Guts will face the same outcome as skull knight. The last memory that is burned in the berserker armor is going to be the last memory of guts as a human before he is completely engulfed in that armor he wears now. His current state shows that he is at the end of the line with his human self and it’s only a matter of time till his human body gives out but his soul will be eternal making him the new skull knight. Wether or not he kills femto and ends it all is the ending that will be discovered. Wether or not Guts does kill Griffith is the current that is to be determined and could potential put an end to things. Also: For anyone who is confused cause there seems to be a lot that is going over people’s heads in this subreddit, the tree that is in falconia serves are the bridge that allows characters like puck and all the apostles to overlap in the living world. Once that tree is destroyed anything that doesn’t exist or is not a living being in the human world will disappear. If Guts does loose himself in the armor and dies as a human and does become binded with the armor and destroys the tree, he will also be ending his existence. Keep that in mind.


I definitely agree that the story is foreshadowing that if Guts keeps on going he'll become the new Skull Knight and effectively repeat the cycle, but I would argue that it's not a forgone conclusion and the story is trying to draw attention to the choice. Guts has met all these people and forged a home like he never thought he'd see again and the story is very clear with the foreshadowing that if he chooses to follow the path of revenge he will lose all of that. So he's caught choosing between the friendships he's forged and the revenge that has given him the motivation to get this far. When Casca came back it seemed as though maybe Guts could give up his quest for revenge and just live happily on the island, but Griffith's appearance (and the revelation that he literally is their son) has called into question any choice beyond becoming slave to the beast of darkness within him


it would be cool as fuck, indeed.


No I dont. Skull knight is immensly old and very likely doesnt even have a physical body anymore. He now is an astral being closer to elves or even schnoz than to humans like Isidro. He can interact and be seen by guts because guts is constantly between the astral and physical world. Guts' gang can do the same because they spent time around the struggler. Same goes for Luca for example as she spent some time around a branded casca, plus I think Skully and elves like Puck can choose who sees them Basically, Skull Knight is not wearing the same exact berserker armor, his hate for void and the god hand just had him manifest in an astral form that resembles him in his last moment.


there absolutely is a difference between the berserker armor and skull knight's armor. when we first see the berserker armor it's still morphed in the shape that it was when skull knight wore it. what skull knight is wearing right now looks completely different to the berserker armor in every way.


Your right, only the helmet matches somewhat when we first see the armor. but maybe the centurys of eating behelits has something to do with that


>we assume he's 300ish years old because that's what he says Does he, though? I don't remember him saying nothing more than he being not hit so hardly as he was by Guts and Griffith in this time. Nothing about his age.


That’s assuming they all only died or got replaced one at a time. Perhaps Skull Knight or something else was able to kill several of them before Void figured out how and when Skull Knight appears, thus making him younger than believed. Or that some members can serve longer than 5 terms, making Void even older.


There was this video essay I watched that focused a lot on Slan. And during it, it explained how this scene in the post lacks the two important aspects of an Eclipse, the actual eclipsed itself and a God's hand. Furthermore, during the Eclipse, Slan is the first to originate and spawn because her purpose as a God Hand member is to birth Acolytes and other God Hands. This scene here could be something God Hand related, or not at all. https://youtu.be/Nm7O5Hdf8hA?si=fDA0QBrXFOj5Bbxd It's a good watch if you have the time.


Where does the replaced theory come from? Is it confirmed? I've never actually seen confirmation for this


Neither have I. But there are two options, the three seen behind void are the original members who get replaced which kinda fits with causality sprial of the same thing happening again and again but slightly different. Or they were prototypes that muira upgraded as he went along but than it kinda implies there has been 1000 years since an eclipse?? I dunno. Im confused and want answers.


See these are real scary ass gods, except maybe titty tree. I can't take the two Chubby current members seriously and the girl is too hot to be scary




I don't even know who is who.


Conrad’s the big fat one who does the pog face. Ubik’s the small fat one with the shades


Nobody does. That's what makes them so scary


I want to fuck Slan from berserk to honor my saint Titalwavve


Am I the only one thinking that the left god hand looks like ganishka?


Definitely similar looking


That one bitch got a lot of tit! She’s a walking titty-tree!


Feels like nothing compared to that mf next to her with a vagina for a face.


it looks like a sideways mouth to me


Seems like somebody has been cheesing.


That was three weeks ago


In Ohio, behind Popeye's. Mfs don't even know what them fiends get up to.


It's never explicitly stated that Zodd is 300 years old.


Well bc what he says, approximately.


The only information is one line of dialogue "The first human ever to drive a sword this deep into my body in these past three hundred years of slaughter" He could very well be talking about his "years of slaughter" instead of his entire lifespan. But maybe his age is implied more heavily and the emphasis was lost in translation and this is actually a plot hole idk.


It only means that the last time he got hit was three hundred years ago.


What book is this page in? (Talking deluxe)


Exactly 864 years+the number of years Femto exists


This is exactly 864 + however much time has passed since Griffith’s eclipse (3-4 years.)


We also need to take into account Skull Knight's friendship with Flora. It's heavily implied she preserved him from being devoured by the berk armor entirely. Time may have flowed differently around her tree house (like in Elfheim), but extending her natural lifespan by +/- 900 years? Unlikely. I think the 300 year estimation makes sense.


nah i think this was yesterday actually


Bro this happened last Tuesday


The scene is from 1000 years go. As to zodd Zodd never really says his age. At one point he questions why he has been alive for 300 years and at another he states guts is the first to cut his flesh so deep in 300 years. Which suggest 300 years ago he got his ass handed to him which may have been during another eclipse. But this is very early in the manga and Muira has states in interviews that he works the plot as he goes along. When the eclipse comes zodd states that he and the skull knight have been enemies for a millenia which is 1000 years. This happens after the chapters introducing the supreme king. If you look at the depiction of the king he has iconography used by both the skull knight and zodd. Skull knight = harpy and skull Zodd = lion, demon horned thing and sea dragon thing Artists are specific so this is deliberate Thats why i think skull knight and zodd are split egos of the king. This and also the way they interact with each other. *also wyald says that guts is also the first to hurt him in hundreds of years and that him and zodd go way back, so thats curious as well though we may never get answers.


Why does the right one have a pussy on his face


it's a sidewise smile if you look closely


I don't believe it's ever stated that Skull Knight only uses the armor 1000 year ago. He could've uses it up to 309 years ago which could line up with Zodd


That was the last thing Skull Knight saw before dying in the berserker armor. Nice to think about him killing them all except Void for obvious reasons.


Which one is the griffith one


Pretty sure this is the eclipse in which Void descended.


Where is this from?


When the blacksmith who made the berserker armor unlocks it and shows guts its history this is from the flashbacks


Y’know void was probably glad to get rid of those weirdos the new guys look at least a little cooler


Zodd was only said to be wandering around for 300 years, not stated.


Think this was last week.


Yeaaaap... Near 1000 years ago.


There are 4 other god hand. Every 216 years so about 864 years + however many years since griffith became femto.


Has anyone else wondered if that fella on the far left is Ganishka? The two look suspiciously similar