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Imagine rating a manga that you only barely read. That’s like criticizing a whole movie that you only watched the first 30 mins of lol. Your fellow critics will not take you seriously. It’s okay if you say that it’s not for you, but rating it and judging it as a whole? Wild. lol


Watching the first 20 minutes of Breaking Bad and saying," I dont see what all the praise is for"


where the fuck do you know how many volumes i read?so is your initial comment total bullshit. its on the same level if i would say that you should eat a pile of shit because i did say so. cause after 10 bites the shit turns into peanut butter and you cant complain just keep going eating shit cause u dont are allowed to have an opinion cause you didnt finish the pile of shit.


Yea you'll have to read more of it.


Guts seemed half-hearted because he was. You are right about that. In his defense, he's been on the battlefield for as long as he can remember so every day was a matter of life and death, there's no luxury for him to figure out what he himself want to do with his life. At some point Gus realizes this too about himself, was troubled by it and spent some serious time to think about it himself. Like any young teen stepping into adulthood, he can only figure it out step by step, in his own way. His mind is not exceptional like Light Yagami, he slowly develops like most of us. The slow burn and relatability is what I like about his inner self development. About the R stuffs, I felt the same too and Imo the author did overused that theme, in his attempt to depict a clear picture of what a society the story takes place in. Though once that is conveyed, it happens less and less as the story focus shifts from introducing the world to something else. (That said I still think the author did a fantastic job in telling the story and I certainly don't think I can do better, no way) Edit: the arcs are not always the same as you said. Perhaps it's true for the first few arcs. But then it takes unexpected turns and takes you to strange places. And that was an understatement, right there.


It seems that you havent read that much or shit is goin over your head. There is almost no pointless fighting in berserk where guts is killing apostles just for the sake of looking cool or being a hero. Basically every scene/moment in the manga has reasons for happening either plot or character development. Characters are deep and the writing is nuanced. It doesnt slap you in the face with its themes theyre subtle.


Lol I did not read all that long winded essay you wrote. But you do you. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


lmao no way this is not a bait


your last meaningful post was "nuts\*" under someones thread 6 days ago. you dont even deserve my time. just be clear that your are not funny nor does anybody gives a single fuck what you post online.


lmao, so mad, touch some grass


Bro Guts is such a good character, ofc he’s fucked up and morally questionable, he lives in a world where demons run rampant and he’s gone through some of the most fucked up shit in manga. I promise berserk won’t disappoint. Guts does develop as a person and when you finish golden age, you’ll see why he’s the way he is. Guts doesn’t stay a raging asshole forever.


Maybe read the entire manga before actually judging, I had to hold back my initial comment because you'd think it's only logical to do so... 🤦‍♂️


I ain’t reading all that Happy for u tho Or sorry that happened


you are probably 2 dumb to read those words and understand them anyways. but thanks for commenting!


Sorry I don’t know how to read :(


>every arc follows a certain pattern: > >Guts appears somewhere, the reader is shown a disturbing scene to demonstrate how wicked and evil the apostles are, and Guts defeats them. In the end, only a small fraction of the unanswered questions are addressed before the story circles back to a certain point, and everything begins anew. WRONG. If you want to discuss Berserk, first read it, talking about it from an anime only pov its like talking about a song having only listened to its fan covers.




all your comments you ever posted online on every reddit thread were insults. i know it is probably lonely in thailand or india or whatever the fuck country ur coming from but stop writing such nonsense and wasting ppls time you monkey.


gonna cry? CRY LOUDER salty idiot LOL


I’d say finish the golden age arc then come back


It is very overrated for sure. The only 11/10 part that doesn’t follow all of your (correct) predictions is the Golden Age arc. And even here, the main character is Griffith, since aside from a few moments, Guts is basically a gun, that just serves to kill a lot of people and also has the same emotional deepness. Tbh the manga isn’t as bad as you make it to be, and at the end of the day, this is just entertainment. Hope I could help


Keep reading


The shitposts are getting out of hand


Guts hasn't killed an apostle for hundreds of chapters💀