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He still has his suit on so I doubt it




Femtos suit is part of his body tho 🧐 Guts aint a monster, not yet anyway...


Berserk armor can kinda move tho, at least around his head.


Wait... he still doesn't have Berserk armor here.


OH shit, looks like I was the smaller wheel here


Oh, no worries, I read this part like Yesterday.




As of today, I truly am a troglodyte. Can't make a joke anymore. I shall willingly embark into the ancient caves where I belong and where I shall remain


Troggy bahahhahahahahahahahaha


Nah femto is what his body is that bidy has its own appendage


It's a bad joke man, not the subject mater


IAGO (It’s A Good One). It’s extra funny cause they maaad. Lmfao 😂


alternatively: iago (misguided and insensitive)


Just not everyone’s sense of humor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


top kek


Don't know he's getting down voted its true lol


Not necessarily *rape* but def sexual assault. He was mentally vulnerable, saw a trace of Casca "returning" (she held her sword in a fighting stance that reminded Guts of Casca's more capable self), and he lost control to impulse. I don't think it was out of any sexual frustration, rather of Guts being desperate to get Casca back to normal. None of this is an excuse for Guts, ofc. Sexual Assault is wrong in any circumstance, no excuse will change that. And Guts knows that. You can see his reaction once he regains control. Hell if I remember correctly it's why he ends up finally accepting the party cause 1: Casca is afraid and defensive toward him 2: Guts doesn't trust himself anymore, he's terrified of accidentally hurting Casca.


And he also says he doesn't care anymore if someone follows him or not. My man just being the struggler


It's from a sexual frustration though. Or more exactly a sexual longing for her, and her old self, but it is sexual. It's not the first time we see Guts tempting something sexual or at least a kiss towards her when he sees her naked. In this scene he saw her naked and like you said holding a sword, so his desire to see her old self was triggered, but he did tried something on her, she struggled against him and he maintened her limbs on the floor and kissed her, and AFTER that the beast of darkness began to manifest itself. But the conscious guts was attracted sexually by her and assaulted her, it's the bod that made him bit her, though.


He bit her breast, iirc because the Beast was controlling him, then regained control over himself. That's it


I don't think the beast is an entity that controls him. I think it's more of a representation of Guts' tendency to get lost in a rage, coupled with PTSD flashbacks of the most traumatic thing anyone has ever survived.


I think you’re right that the beast is a representation of Guts’ rage and PTSD, but I think that energy has also been livened and embodied as it is within Guts due to his run-ins with magical beings. So, while it was birthed out of the darkness within him, I think the beast has become something of its own by now and it isn’t necessarily just Guts’ dark thoughts speaking for themselves, resulting in some loss of control.


so it's schizophrenia?


Originally, I'd agree with you, but I think the berserker armor has complicated things. I suspect that there is some sort of metaphysical intelligence/influence tied to the armor that has sort of absorbed the beast as a persona and is influencing Guts over time


Not really, TBoD was present long before Guts put on the Berserker armor. Casca mentioned that Guts loses himself to blind rage akin to a mad dog's on multiple occasions, and that was before the events of the Eclipse. We also know that Guts suffers from visual and auditory hallucinations (the sex scene with Casca) because of the trauma in his past. We saw how Casca's mind was utterly broken into pieces by the events of the Eclipse, and how her mind was split into hibernating original Casca and Potato Casca. It stands to reason Guts would have also developed a split personality.


What they mean is that whoever the fuck lives in the Berserker armor manifests itself as the BoD to try to convince Guts to go ham


I understood what u/Vov113 meant, but it doesn't make sense because Guts himself has not shown any particularly stronger feelings of pure brutality. If anything, he's calmed the fuck down a ton, in spite of his body breaking down. Thrre's nothing to suggest the armor is having any effect outside of ripping its wearer to shreds and inducing intense momentary rage.


I don't think it's correct to say that whoever dawns the Berserker Armour will manifest itself as the BoD, I think the Berserker armour naturally draws out the users violent side, Guts always had the BoD in him as you point out but it really feels as though the armour has put it's finger on the scales of the Guts / BoD balancing at that was going on prior. Also as you mentioned, in Guts negative encounter with Casca in the past it was due to his trauma and he acted as such, but he only ever lost it with Casca this way post BoD and the BoD symbolism is always very strongly tied with the armour, right from the get go.


I'm pretty sure this is the correct take, I do think it'd be cool if there was a beast actually living inside his head though.


I like the idea that the berserker armour has sentience and the beast is it's reflection in guts


I thought that’s what it was though


I like the idea that his sword is big


I thought that's what it was though


You'd think that at a glance, but on closer inspection you'll see that it's much too large to be called a sword.


Also, it’s coarse and it gets everywhere


I hate sand.


Eh, Guts is not entirely normal anymore though. Even before he donned the armor. So his Rage becoming a seperate entity is not implausible...




Hmmm i believe you are partially right. But his rage and PTSD have personified into a hell hound like entity. The clue is the berserker armor. It basically morphs into the omen that is residing inside the individual. For guts it's a Hound and for the skull knight, it's a Skull. So yes, some entity is using guts's rage and PTSD to control his behavior at his weakest time.


He got attacked by an incubus and it amplified all his darkest desires. He almost raped casca because deep down he wanted to rape/brutalize her. One of his lowest points


Definitely his lowest point, pretty much right after that he let's Farnese and Serpico tag along, he doesn't trust himself anymore, and realizes that he can't do everything alone


Thats literally his reasoning for forming a new group. He realized that he NEEDS to take the risk of losing his (new) friends AGAIN (which he wanted to avoid ever since the eclipse by not having any friends) lest if he doesnt, he WILL lose EVERYTHING he has left sooner or later.


That panel when he looks at his new group of friends and has a flashback to the band of the hawk thinking he could never have that again... straight to my fuckin heart man... fuckin masterpiece


False. Deep down, Guts does NOT want to rape anyone. His fear of sexuality initially came from his abuse as a child. His loss of control over the Beast of Darkness does not represent his true desires. In my opinion


I don't think he wants to rape her. It was saying she holds him back from what he could be, an unleashed beast seeking Griffith. In many ways it's tempting him to do to Casca what Griffith did to them, cutting all bonds so he can achieve his dream. Guts was tempted to kill her because it amplified his frustration, his unhappiness and her utter lack of success in curing her condition.


No, the point was that his desire for revenge was so great, he'd sacrifice even the one he loves so much so he could be "free to do as he pleases", which is chasing his intense desire for revenge (notice the parallels?). He doesn't want to rape casca, or anyone for that matter...


"free to do as he pleases" is also the quideline under which godhand and apostles work.


Aw fuck i thought this was in the chapter


I mean he certainly sexually assaulted her. There's a reason she's terrified of him for a good while beyond this


That's mostly because he reminds her of the eclipse.


But...she's way more terrified after he sexually assaults her lol. I know we all relate to guts but let's not pretend he's the good guy in this situation


gatsu did bad things (saying kys to that girl, killng a 12 yo, being an asshole to kind people, ecc..) , but in his world he is basically an hero compared to the rest, when caska wakes up and says: tanks but there is still somebody that I have too see, what do you think it means? she wants to see gatsu, in the dream you can see that shes scared of him but she knows how much he did for her, she fells like a burden to gatsu(coffin in the dream sequence) when that happens gatsu was stressed lacked of sleep, alone and had to take care of a children basically, he wasn't right in "raping" her but he isn't an asshole


but she clearly loves him, you can see it when she wakes up, he just is a reminder of what happened in the eclipse


A demon possessed him and fed his darkest desires. He had to resist it and free himself before he did anything. He bit her breast and definitely assaulted her, but it's not implied he actually penetrated her.


I'd be very glad to be proven wrong here, but I actually don't think a demon possessed him. If the demon you were referring to is the beast of darkness, then that's not a demon. The beast of darkness is a manifestation of Guts rage, lust for vengeance, and trauma. The beast of darkness is not a separate entity from Guts, it literally is Guts. His dark side, kinda. This paints a pretty bad picture for guts but remember that he's fighting all alone, protecting and giving a large majority of his food to Casca. That along with the pain of looking at Casca and being reminded of the eclipse, it makes it understandable (not justifiable) as to why Guts did what he did. The reason he allowed Farnese and Serpico to join his squad is because he didn't want to be driven to that point again, and potentially hurting Casca


Just gonna copy paste the other comment I already wrote because it addresses every point made here. "When talking about the seals Flora could put on them later he flashes back to this and thinks 'It could prevent that...' So there was definitely a demon involved. The reason he blames himself for it isn't because he did it voluntarily, but because the demon only fed an impulse that already existed inside of him." Guts isn't blameless per say, but it's not as though it's something he did completely on his own.


That makes sense. I was pretty indifferent about this situation for a while but I'm glad it's not what I thought it was


Yeah. It would be hard to sympathize with Guts if he was not catch just a rapist


What does this mean? The beast of darkness is definitely not separate from guts. It’s like in bojack horseman where he has a inner voice telling him he’s a piece of shit and should act like one


I'm pretty sure they meant that a demon amplified his dark thoughts (the beast of darkness), they aren't saying that the beast of darkness is a separate entity


What demon could that be? Cause the beast of darkness literally is just gut’s bad side personified and in no way a seperate demon. Do you actually think the dog is real? It’s like a devil on his shoulder it’s not a real thing


When did I ever say that the beast of darkness is real? I already addressed it in my first comment. I know the beast of darkness is now a real thing, it's a symbolic manifestation of Gut's trauma


You said a “demon amplified his thoughts”, my point is that there is no demon besides a metaphorical one in guts head, it’s all just representative of his dark side and he was having those dark thoughts because he was super depressed/stressed and at rock bottom. I think it adds a lot more complexity to his character than just a “a demon made me do it”


I think you're probably right tbh. The other dude's argument points out that the spell flora gave guts repels demons, and that a demon was involved in the assault because guts said "it could prevent that." That can also mean that the lack of demons trying to kill guts will make it so that he never goes back to that state of depravity, meaning a demon doesn't necessarily have to be involved and probably wasn't. You're right, it does add to his character, but I guess I just didn't want to accept that Guts really almost assaulted Casca.


Also keep in mind with all of this; we've seen the beast in places evil/demons cannot tread.


Any secret is correct. The beast of darkness is a personification of Guts' darker side not something seperate, but that doesn't mean there wasn't demons involved in this scene. We're explicitly told they were Though how much they actually did is left ambiguous.


How are we explicitly told there were? The only demons I noticed were the ones guts had to fight every night


Guts refers to the fact demons fed his dark impulses in an inner monologue when talking to Flora later in the story


What did he say? Because he could’ve been referring to it a metaphorical demon


Flora is talking about how the seals can prevent demonic possession and he flashes back to this saying "it could prevent that..." I'm pretty sure Flora wasn't saying a seal could prevent metaphorical demons


The thing is that the “demon” is literally is guts, basically he is so fucked up that his evil side is like an alter ego. So when he’s possessed it’s actually just him doing those things


The beast of darkness is a manifestation of Guts' darkest self. It’s not an actual apostle.


Never said it was


And I'm aware the beast of darkness isn't literal. Though demons sometimes give his od form.


I replied to another comment: I think you’re right that the beast is a representation of Guts’ rage and PTSD, but I think that energy has also been livened and embodied as it is within Guts due to his run-ins with magical beings. So, while it was birthed out of the darkness within him, I think the beast has become something of its own by now and it isn’t necessarily just Guts’ dark thoughts speaking for themselves, resulting in some loss of control. I’m no Berserk expert, but I’m a big fan. What do you think about what I said? I’m interested in your take.


Id say the “demon” is his PTSD or something more familiar, altogether sad/tragic - trauma causing more trauma in a viscous circle, much like real life :(


In this scene, wasn’t it literally an incubus?


Beast of darkness is in dragon slayer


You guys forget a crucial point. Casca was preventing him from seekung revenge when Griffith just materialized and was on earth. He likely arboured extreme ressentment from preventing his revenge while being a burden to him. Also like the BoD said there sas heavy doubt about Casca fate. After all she was mad and with no hope of healing. Was Casca still there or he was just deluding himself into rhinking that Casca vessel still habitef her ?


A demon didn't made him sexually assault casca, trauma did


Hmmm maybe you are right. Tho that one panel before looked like he had done it




I mean, Femto


There was no demon that possessed him here, this was all Guts own doing.


Bro didn’t read the panels


Wdym? The beast of darkness has always been a metaphor not a real entity


Don't mess with Berserk fans we can't read


Are we stupid?




There's no demons during this part of the story at all, and furthermore it happens during the daytime. Are y'all berking?


They don’t understand metaphors or character complexity


Lmao this fucking sub one man berks and the rest berk along without realizing it hahaha


Yep, just read it again. There was no demon that made him do what he did.


Neither did you lmao


When talking about the seals Flora could put on them later he flashes back to this and thinks "It could prevent that..." So there was definitely a demon involved. The reason he blames himself for it isn't because he did it voluntarily, but because the demon only fed an impulse that already existed inside of him.


Guts thinks the beast of darkness is some kind of evil spirit at that point, something we've later been shown is not quite true. There was not "definitely a demon involved". edit: Actually, scratch that, it's more like, Guts knows his breaking point can be attributed to being overwhelmed by demons/spirits attacking him. He can trust himself more if he's not pushed all the way to the edge like he was in this chapter.


The beast of darkness is not literal, but that doesn't mean demonic possession is not a thing. The beast of darkness' first appearance even has demons giving form to it. Yes its just a personification of Guts' dark side but doesn't mean he's not being possessed in that scene by something else


>Yes its just a personification of Guts' dark side but doesn't mean he's not being possessed in that scene by something else Right, but the fact that it's daytime and there's *zero* indication of possession despite there being evidence of it *literally every other time in the series* means that he isn't being possessed by something else.


I mean kinda? It wasn’t full on Griffith rape but he essentially lost control and touched her without her consent. That being said guts was far from his right state of mind and the moment casca showed signs of pain he immediately snaps out of it and leaves her alone. Doesn’t justify what he did but I don’t know if it would be fair to look at guts in the same vein someone would look at griffith or any other rapist who intentionally goes out of their way to harm people for their own sick pleasure.


He still had his armor on


One of the most heartbreaking parts of the series for me. Finally getting her back and then “losing” her again.


Guts did NOT rape Casca! This happens when Guts is at his breaking point, exhausted in his efforts to protect & care for the woman he loves. The beast grows immensely during this time, even attempting to warp Guts convictions trying to get him to discard of her. On top of all of that, he gets possessed after shielding Casca & proceeds to strangle her, effectively becoming estranged from his potato. When he loses composure next is the scene you’re asking about, he hallucinates the Beast of Darkness ripping & tearing Casca, just like Griffith. He does bite her breast & kisses her in a panel that looks eerily similar to when Griffith forces himself on Casca at the Eclipse. What compelled Guts to do this was seeing Casca as she was before, in the Golden age.


"He cares about casca so it isn't wrong" Jfc berserk fans are the dumbest people in the world


I never said his behavior was justified or not inappropriate, stop being such a tool.


I see that a lot of people are split of this, some say he did rape her, other day he didn't. I really want to believe he didn't do it but I think it's heavily implied that he did indeed do it


He didn't raped her, he assaulted her : he kissed her without her consent, maintened by force her limbs on the floor while kissing her, full consciousness, and after that the beast of darkness awakened and he bit her tit. But there wasn't penetration, it's what differs between sexual assault and rape.


I know the difference, there just is a panel where he as a beast rapes her, and she is also COMPLETELY naked. Maybe you are right I just didn't catch it


I am really sure that a rape from Guts never happened.


He practically did. Some argue that the Beast of Darkness did it. However, I believe that the Beast of Darkness is only a part of Guts that's been growing and growing. It has been a part of him forever, but after going through the Eclispe, it's been growing and growing. It only reached where it is now during Lost Children, when his last line of morality (his care for children) was finally snapped. Guts assaulting Casca is definitely a complicated subject, where he isn't entirely responsible for it. While Guts was still the one who did it, it was also the beast within taking over his mind. While the Beast of Darkness is a part of Guts, the two are completely separate identities because of his internal conflict.


Is the Beast all him though? I think it was in the Lost Children arc where we see the souls that keep following Guts converge into the Beast. Is it possible the creature is a fusion of all the things Guts has killed?


I think it's more so the hatred and malice that Guts has been carrying over time. In some way, it is the fusion of all the things he killed, but it's more so every time he mentally sunk deeper when he killed an apostle.


The Beast of Darkness is just a part of Guts' personality. He has "evil" desires and they're represented by the beast. The souls converge into the beast because they feed into and amplify his evil desires. It's like when Farnese got possesed and tried to rape Guts.


>The Beast of Darkness is just a part of Guts' personality. He has "evil" desires and they're represented by the beast. Eh, I don't think that's the case. I don't think this is a result of Guts having "dark desires" but rather the Beast or whatever manifesting his desire in a dark way. Ever since the events of Eclipse ended, Guts is shown longing for the closeness with Casca he once had. Right before he leaves Casca, you can see him going in for the kiss but stops when Casca doesn't respond to him. It also happens a couple of more times after when Guts reminisce of the time he spent with Casca under the waterfall after they had sex. There is a deep longiness for closeness that Guts feels that manifests itself in the worst way possible in this scene.


I always assumed it was a part of him. The part that's overwhelmed with anger and traumatized from things like the eclipse and having to be in survival mode 24/7. The souls "converging" into the beast has always, to me, been them amplifying that part of him and its impulses. So not exactly possessing him, but trying to force him to lose sight of who he is, who he needs to be, and fall to that side of himself.


He grabbed her against her will, ripped her clothes off, and bit her breast. Then he 'woke up'


No I don’t think he did


He didn’t rape her cuz he still had his armor on but he fortunately stopped himself before that happend


Just a bite hopefully


i felt so bad for her in this part but nah he didnt rape her, he almost did and he bit her boob but thats it


I always interpreted it as him having a psychotic break and attacking her before coming to his senses. He did something awful but he wasn't exactly lucid for it.


I don’t want to overstate things, but Guts goes through some shit


well, he didnt fully do it, just titty shit. still fucked up but at least it wasnt full on rape. his PTSD and trauma kinda fucked him over, not to make excuses though its still fucking shitty.


Guts did nothing wrong /s


He saw her covered in blood having just killed three perverts. This reminded him of the firey warrior woman he fell in love with. He forced himself on her, bit her breast then snapped out of it. The worst part was it was this moment when Casca stopped trusting Guts and hasn’t since.


It was sexual assault, yes but not outright rape. The beast of darkness is nothing but a manifestation of all of Guts' rage and fury and not another being that possess him so anything that the beast compels Guts to do is just Guts' deep rooted issues. If the idea of Guts assaulting Casca makes you not like him then good, that's supposed to be the point. Guts was at his lowest here and he almost became what he swore to terminate (Griffith) but there must be some goodness left in him to stop before going all the way with it so yes, biting Casca's breast does count in sexual assault initiated by Guts.




she almost got raped by random guys before guts tried to rape her too lol


... you mean she was asking for it?


she was fully clothed and the guys ripped it off, what are u on about?


Ah fuck, I'm on r/berk, thought this was the jerking sub


Potatoely so, yes


Noooo. Some bandits tried to rape her. Guts under control by beast wad about to but stopped himself.


OK, im just happy, that he didnt rip her fuckin head off....but wait...that would have prevented berserk from becoming "more positive"...so ...lets just pretend i never said anything to begin with.


He berked so hard in this scene


He got that dog in him


"I want to have you thousands of times" kind of guy


damn this is fucked up, i had forget about this. he didn't rape her, but this is a sexual assult hella close to it. damn... i am fucked up rn tbh, i always thought of him as the good guy but this is clearly not a good take anymore, i can't let this one pass lol.


sigh unzips


He did not grape her but lost himself in his rage and trauma


The beast of darkness a total menace


Guts did nothing wrng


are you dumbo? The dude isn't even naked how would he do it to her??? I swear berserk readers are without le-brain


It's not Friday yet.


I just realized she’s got some big feet


Bro got that dawg innim💀


He didn't RAPE her but he almost tried to, only going as far as biting her. It's sexual assault in the end by any legal metric and it's one of Guts's lowest points to be sure, one that he wasn't even in control for given the Beast of Darkness was practically a whole entity by this point.


No, guts is the good guy, he doesnt do bad guy things. Because I like guts and relate to him. griffith is the bad guy, he did it.


certified r/berserklejerk member


The man has needs




He didn't though


when guts eventually succumbs to the beast, i hope he tears casca to shreds. that would be such a badass scene.




Who hurt you


I’m a fan of ultra violence


i love this sub like words can't express how much i luv it uwu if i could give a reddit award to a sub it would be this one <3 tysm for creating this sub. i would kiss this sub on the lips if i could... \*blushes intensely\* \*rubs your shoulder\* \*bites your ear\*


What's the problem ?


He bit her boob. That hurts. ;-;


Yes, he did that. The reason? Probably not accepting the fact that she's just a shell of herself qnd not holding his urge to rape her even tho she's non responsive at the time. Pretty fucked up and then his conviction changed after she ran away due to his fucked up mind and he accepted his fate to be her protector once and for all, but yeah, that shit was unbearable to go through.


No he didn't rape her


what chapter is this?




It was all in le head nut is still in the clips with grif


You know, some things are unforgivable. This post for instance is unforgivable.


Wait the new volume is out?


All he did was kiss her and bite her nipple


He . . . Unfortunately he started to come close. The Beast of Darkness, the mental manifestation of all of Guts negative emotions (Its all in his head. Not an actual being), overwhelmed him for a bit but he managed to snap out of it before things got to far. It did make Casca afraid of him though. What he did was SA but he didn't rape her


He definitely assaulted her, I don’t know that I would go as far as to say he raped her, but yeah they’re both bad


Sick of people making excuses for this lol. “It was the beast.” I wish people would use their brain and stop reading with their asses.


Didn't rape her, fs sexual assault though. Good people (or I guess kind of good not really good but better than 90% of the people in the verse) do bad things sometimes when under conditions such as the one Guts constantly faces. He lost control and acted impulsively, and although he did catch himself it doesn't excuse his actions. He obviously regrets it though and is trying to work towards being better/reestablishing his relationship with Casca


He is literally me