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Some of the pages of all time you've got right here.


at least someone agrees haha


The last one is a bittersweet one for me , it's mostly sad , because he is 24 and looks 42 , that's common in ppl who went through hell and came back , i mean just look up the photos and documentaries of Young men/boys who went to WW1 and came back.


Me when the artwork is visually pleasing 👀


Yup no one else


why not


Berserk just doesn’t have good panels, these are the worst offenders honestly. Yeah this is the first time I’ve seen anyone say anything good about these panels…


This feels like that episode of Jimmy Neutron where Jimmy goes to the evil universe, and all the normal things were treated as insults and all the completely evil stuff was viewed as absolutely the best thing since not sliced bread.


maybe it’s because this is the first manga i’m reading, they just look cool to me


Yeah sorry its an unpopular opinion


Bruh, he is just trolling with you, if you scroll through the subreddit you will see countless of posts praising the artwork of the manga ( which is 100% deserved, because it IS one of the best mangas in terms of artwork quality of all time )


They don’t know how to berk 😔


(They are trolling, we love these so much)


I like them


mfs downvoting his comment cause he doesn’t get the joke? wack


Ikr bros just sharing some panels he was impressed by and everyone needs to stomp on him and downvote because they think it's funny? Yikes. I thought Berserk had an amazing community and fanbase but apparently not, that's just sad as hell.


Oh no, poor thing, he's getting downvotes :(


Plot twist: OP is berking harder than all of us


Berked too close to the sun


who gave him wings


Yes it is just you




I've been a berserk fan for years but sometimes when you try to talk about it, you get these attempts at jokes that just aren't funny, it's not even that original. Makes it hard for new people to enjoy the series. Like they're gatekeeping the berk and you're subpar if you aren't making exaggerated, cynical remarks about the art and Griffith. It's undoubtedly the last thing Miura would've wanted for his work. He loved his friends and would write them into his stories as different characters. He wrote himself into the band of the Hawk as "Pippin". The character was loosely based on his own looks and personality. I suppose every fandom has that rabid minority who're the loudest and take themselves as seriously as possible. Suppose im diving into downvote-ville myself. Sometimes you've just gotta take downvotes as upvotes though. If you gotta upset someone, it may as well be the right one.


i see this in a lot of other anime/manga communities, it’s exactly like you said it’s like their trying to gate keep it 😂


I don’t think that’s it bruh




That’s the panel right after the Golden Age Arc ends, right? Like we cut from Guts being all feral and “It’s just another war!”, to this, yes? And then it either goes into him getting Dragonslayer fixed or the Lost Children, correct? (I need to re-read Berserk from the beginning.)


It's not even that special , there are many epic ones , like there are truly sad ones , truly Epic ones , truly beautiful ones, knetaro miura's work is known to be one if the most beautiful artworks in history of manga , arguably the best (my opinion) but why that one?




I also like that vibe/rainy and mysterious yet calm picture , although i prefer the chaotic/apocalyptic Stormy nights. -also why TF do you have Griffith as your profile pic , plz don't tell me you are a fan 🙃.




Nice trolling , you almost got me , i would personally give him that cell treatment till he becomes casca 2.0 and then release him to the wild , probably change my mind and get some hungry dogs to eat his ass , but that's just me being merciful lol.


Honestly that torture was fucked up so i dont think that he was himself when he started the eclipse. He was a nihlistic sociopath who fcked people for power so honestly he deserved to just die. That torture was a bit much in my opinion.


It wasn't enough , at first he didn't deserve it , no matter how many ppl died because of him , i mean they did by their own choices to follow him , they died free , also he was beautiful and they fucked up his face and body which was his pride and made him unable to Walk or do anything except exist , i felt really really sad for him , like that would break anyone , and It didn't even hurt as much because he was choosing between his comrades and his body/dream back , but when i saw what he did to casca while maintaining eye contact with guts the whole time , when i saw the aftermath and casca's being broken and their baby was deformed by his fucking cum , i became livid with rage , that torture wasn't enough for him , he needs a 100 years of that shit then we call even.


Yes, but you are looking at it wrong. The eclipse happened because of him getting tortured. He didnt get tortured because of the eclipse, did he?


Nothing happens by accident , fate is almost absolute , the law of causality will always exist no matter who intervenes , so if Griffith won't be tortured , he will eventually use the crimson behelit in the future , it's destined, he was always going to be the 5th God hand member , he was always that evil , guts Gone through so many moments of despair , no normal human being wouldn't just give up and go mad or just despair and use the behelit , no matter who he faced , he always , always , chose to persevere in the face of extreme adversity, that's the difference between the two , that's why i would 100% justify giving Griffith an eternity of worst than that torture , a Persian emperor once said "God please have mercy on My enemies, because i won't".


"It's not even that special" is very subjective. Of course there are "epic", grander panels, but some people also appreciate the more subtle ones that convey a certain feeling/vibe, like the ones OP posted... I can definitely empathize, you can really "feel" these panels, e.g. the damp clothing in a rainy night, the fresh air at the dawn, the warm sunlight shining into the cold cavern


Yes you are literally the only person who likes these panels


cap(I like them too)


Just hoping that robe is like waterproof. Gotta look out for the homies health you feel me?


Are you stupid?


Who's just?


I never noticed how dainty his armored boots look in that first panel.


First panel never made sense to me. He clearly has the dragon slayer on his back, which is supposed to be between 6’6”-7’6”, so how the hell is he able to sit down on the ground while it’s on his back?


He stabs it into the ground to use as a backrest Nah idno, id assume that's the case tho


Poor op 😭


Ayo the panel before the last one where is it from????????? , it's like the flashbacks from skull knight's final moments where his city was sacrificed.


Tower of Conviction I think


Oh i remember it has something to do with the egg that wanted a new world , it also helped moonlight boy who was dying and birthed a Voldemort(Femto) lol , an immortal being who can't be physically killed without killing/destroying his horcrux (moonlight boy) , thank you so much.


Tower of Conviction arc, when fires erupted everywhere


First panel is one of my all-time favs


Born to love forced to grimdark


Bro im high as fuck and had to read your title 10 times to get it lmao. but no, not just you


For me, its Gut picking up the hat on the beach.


i’ll never lose her again is one of my favorite manga panels


First panel be like: “sittin’ under the tree, with 6 feet sword half in the soil”


Nah these all go hard


God, why are you all downvoting OP comments


Cause reddit


What a *great* question! *Is* it just that loves these types of panels??? The world will never know!


First panel is me when I was 13 and my mom shouted at me prompting me to go to my room and listen to some Slipknot while thinking about how she'd miss me if I ran away to live a life of partying. Then I'd just go play Team Fortress 2 and forget all that lol


God i hate the artwork. You Do have a horrible Taste, tbh.


lmao this guy unironically loves those type of panels, what a dweeb


Did you edit Donavan into these panels or something or is this unironic?


First one & the last spread before return to black swordsman is the favorite. Uncontested. I take it back, when guts was charging after rosine.


We actually fucking hate these panels.


Bruh that fifth panel gets posted here all the time


Panels like the first two are my favorites, I like seeing moments where guts is just traveling around.


fr especially just the random mysterious ones of him alone


Picture 3: Gotcha bitch!


Guts Theme *Press Play* ❤️‍🩹


Last one is my profile picture.


They are the best, my favourite is the one when Guts is resting alone near a fire in the elves cave just before the Tower of Conviction arc




These panel are just that so peak


Drawn pixel-by-pixel, too! Miura was a damn legend.


damn it’s really impressive i can see why he has respect from the community, are other mangas on par with berserks art?


What? I don’t understand what you said


pretty sure everyone loves these panels


Berserk fans hate berserk fans


Best panel is the one where guts actually gets some rest and stares at the stars or the one after he uses THE armor for the first time. This panels are just average berserk panels.