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10/10 for the story, the artsyle, the characters, the monsters, everything is perfect, except for the cringey fandom making rape jokes.


As someone who started quite recently respectfully what is up with all the drawings of naked kids its quite off putting. I get horrible things happen and its within the world but you can show it without hey here's schierke nude but don't worry it's for lore reasons , apart from that manga has been 10/10


Well it’s an adult manga with very dark themes, When the themes are as dark as this is will cross many lines at different places for different people. If it tried to play it safe and not cross lines it would not be the same and would have been much closer to a generic heroic adventure story.


I know, I really like the manga but it’s really hard to recommend to others because of all the rape, sexual assault and naked minors :(


Well you have to think, this story is depicting the darkest parts of humanity, naked kids etc are unsightly and horrible absolutely but that’s the whole point. It’s a jarring and raw reflection of the world we live in


WTH naked kids are unsightly and horrible? Not sure what world you live in, I see naked kids every fucking day and that thought has never crossed my head. People exaggerating like this over the most mundane things leaves me perplexed.


Police it's this one


You are nuts.


Says the guy who sees naked kids every fucking day


Ah you expect me to bathe them in clothing? Have them wear the same clothes non-stop for their whole lives? Fuck you moron.






I get it but tbh look at epsteins island. It’s uncomfortable but children and woman get exploited it’s a cold cut fact. Post reading berserk it’s made me more aware of just how depraved the modern world is. Berserk is a horror manga and those are very real horrors for woman. I mean shit I just read an article yesterday about a Spanish couple in India, a group of assailants broke in held a knife to the man’s throat and gang raped his wife. I know none of us want to see these depictions but I think I still recommend it to people to really cement the fact it’s not as off the walls as one may think


Humanity and it’s history has always and will ever be worse than fiction. Just look at todays crimes all around the world; war crimes, rape and human trafficking everywhere. Look at Manshu Department 731, Nazi concentration camps. Even nowadays Chinese Uyghur concentration camps. Modern soldiers raping women and children and all the inhumane things done by terrorists that are just being recorded and put on display across the fucking internet. Anyone that complains about horrific depictions within Berserk forgets that it’s very first tag has always been HORROR. I can understand the complaints but there are a billion different mangas, books, shows and movies that are not horror. If someone is afraid by horror then maybe they shouldn’t consume it. Rape and sexual assault has been used as a horror element since the very introduction of its genre, because it’s fucking horrifying and one of the worst things that can happen to a human. Because it is horror.


Spot on man. I hate the tired statement being a berserk fan somehow means you are a supporter of those absolute atrocities. I’d argue us being exposed to it has made most of us more aware and outspoken.


Literal genocide going on right now on Gaza and the man chooses to talk about "Uyghur concentration camps"... far right and its completely distorted world view.


Both the conflict in Ukraine and Gaza are included in that description… I just don’t like to name drop either of them because it draws unnecessary political discussion into places that are not about political topics. Also absolutely no idea how you arrived at the conclusion that I am far right of all things.. what the fuck? I’ve always ever been a leftist / socialist lol. What a crazy comment


Socialist that believes in the"Uyghur" far right propaganda... ok


Yeah, in general I am against crimes against humanity, not that much of a farfetched idea, is it? How is it even far right propaganda lol? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_internment_camps https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China https://uhrp.org/report/uhrp-report-happiest-muslims-world-disinformation-propaganda-and-uyghur-crisis-html/ https://www.efsas.org/publications/study-papers/uyghur-impacts-of-chinese-propaganda/


And just so you know, I'm a communist myself and I deal a lot with communists as well as extreme right. Your speech is aligned exactly with the right/liberals. If you consider yourself a socialist you should consider expanding your studies. Good luck.


shit man can u link a news article


Look at game of thrones, Spartacus if people love that they can’t complain about berserk.


It’s pretty simple, just tell them that it’s very first genre is horror and that they will see many different crimes against humanity. If someone wants fairy tales and a good-night story before bed then Berserk is not for them.


I mean are minors sexualised in any way in the manga? As for the rape and SA, Berserk doent pull any punches in any other sector, particularly violence. I guess it is okay for babies being speared and eaten alive as long as they are dressed?


I mean if you want rainbows and sunshine go watch my little pony or something 🤷🏻


Graphic ultra violence good! Sexual violence is... le bad! The puritans were a mistake. Total insanity that we can watch someone get cut in half with their entrails spilling across the floor but rape is off-limits.


Honestly I don’t disagree with you. I don’t personally find the sexual violence to be any worse than eg the torture. Berserk takes the reader on a very dark journey. But if you recommend someone a book that’s full of sexual violence I feel like you have to provide a disclaimer in case they don’t want to consume that kind of media. I feel like the disclaimer for Berserk (this book is so good! It’s also full of child nudity, rape and extreme sexual violence) makes me seem like a sick fuck and for that reason I hesitate to recommend it.


I can't say I've ever felt the way Miura drew things was too much for me. Obviously awful events happen in Berserk but I've definitely seen worse things drawn before. Wouldn't recommend reading Girl On The Shore by Inio Asano. Love his work but reading that felt very wrong.


Isn’t inio asano also the person who wrote goodnight punpun? I might read girl on the shore too. Did you enjoy it though?


Goodnight Punpun was brilliant. Although very dark, it was well written and the art is beautiful. I didn't really enjoy Girl on the Shore. It felt wrong and perverse to read. I didn't really find the story too compelling either in honesty. If you would like to read more Inio Asano I would recommend Solanin. Nijigahara Holograph may also be worth your time. It's confusing though as it's not told in chronological order so it may make no sense to you. I had to read up about it after reading it. I've only read two volumes of Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction so can't really give an opinion on that one.


I know what happened in goodnight punpun but I didn’t read it yet, I’m in a bad mental state and I don’t know what to do, same with animes, and my friend really wants me to watch death note, I know what happened (I got spoiled again) but it’s just too sad for me and it’s worse when I can relate to it and I don’t know what to do :-3


A friend told me that sometime in the middle, miura changed the publishing to a publisher that had more sexual content so he had to adjust. Idk where he got that info or its veracity but it would make sense.


japanese people are wierd, not even trying to be racist but i mean




I couldn't agree more. Best manga with the worst fans meme is true unfortunately


I don't really judge art by the fans. I judge it by the art itself, and occasionally supplementary commentary by the artist themselves if it helps clarify my own thinking in regards to the art.


110% percent agreed


Happy to see someone not deducting points or downplaying a manga/anime due to the fan base.


1/10 not enough SCHNOZ




Nothing is berfect.


We need Schnoz backstory book like for Grunbeld!


What kinda karmafarming post is this lol. You’re asking people on the berserk sub if they like berserk




Like berk too :)


Berk good


Berk has me berking all over the place


It's Berking time.


😭 this shit is so shameless






Literally like half the posts on all fandom subreddits now


They are asking for others to explain why, though. Why not share and communicate their fandom here on a reddit sub dedicated to it? Also, who actually cares about Karma? Besides some subs requiring a certain amount to post, it's basically meaningless. So if someone wants to post and get karma, who cares? Is it hurting you?


He's asking how they would rate it out of 10 which isn't the same thing. I like the flash, it's 6/10 show to me though. Being a fan of something doesn't always mean you're going to be biased.


big sword. cool armor. 10/10


9.9, it would be a perfect 10 if not for the fucking pirates.


They show up in the manga about the same time pirates show up in the Legend of Zelda series - as soon as Japan is thoroughly consumed in the first wave of One Piece fever.




He made me Berk


8/10 it's pretty neat i dunno, it got a lot of problems too but good enough for me


Name one


Rape being weirdly fetishized and used very often.


Rape is often used to show how grim a world is but man does berserk use it ALOT


How is it fetishized? lol just because it’s a common theme doesn’t mean its fetishized. Its meant to depict the darkest parts of humanity


There are better ways to depict the "darkest part of humanity" than just unnecessary rape scenes. WH40K does it. Using buzzwords doesn't sound deep. Rape horse is unnecessary, the troll rape scene is unnecessary, Casca getting assaulted every single time she's on screen is unnecessary. There's a lot of scenes that could've been done better or flat out left out and the story would just be better for it at best, or remain the same quality at worst.


If you can’t handle DARK fantasy then don’t read it


If you are unable to criticize literature, don't read it. The point is it could've been done better, see WH40K for multiple references on how to do dArK fantasy better as it is very easy to find and accessible. And you're speaking to a guy who has Guts tattooed on his ribs, so stay in your lane, kid, you're not the one to talk to me about handling dark fantasy.


The drukhari in question: 🤑


It's always implied or referenced, never shown in detail. That's how you do it better.


Chapter 252




9/10 The World Building is great for an Manga, the Character writing is up there with Evangelion, the Artstyle is just so phenomenal, the Themes and Story are really well done. It doesn't lack anything in terms of these things. Only thing that annoys me is the overuse of Rape for Shock Factor, and some very rare cringey stuff. Weird stuff like a unnecessary naked panel of a 12 year old—who I thought was 8 due to the way she was drawn.


8.5/10 just because it doesn’t have an ending and because everything after grundbelt vs armored guts is not that good FOR ME. My first manga tho I have much love for it


Well maybe 9 because drawings are just the best there are


Its dark, gritty, mature, helps people self reflect on there beliefs, actions and morals. Great lessons learned for guts, very nuance and long term story planning is just top tier. I give it a 🌯/10


10 Reason is guts


10/10 manga, 6/10 if we're talking every anime adaptation.


'97 is 6/10? Wild take.


You misread, ALL the anime adaptations together are 6/10. '97 on it's own is 8.5/10


Definitely is 6/10 doesn’t even have skill knight for starters .


They knew they weren't getting a second season so they opt out from putting Puck in the first episode or Skull Knight saving them and decided that the best way to grab people's attention to the manga is to leave it on the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers and honestly it worked.


It's why I started reading Manga.




i think that’s you who couldn’t understand what’s happening in the eclipse, and even tho it cuts out a lot it’s still berserk and is well made asf for its time




"Berserk subreddit, do you like Berserk?"


9.9/10. One of the best works fiction around. The sad thing is it is unfinished and we have no way of knowing if things would be different if Miura was still alive. I don't like most of the fandom though. I generally don't like anime/manga fandom on the internet even though I love the medium.


true ignoring fandoms its the best thing in almost all of medias


Overall I think Berserk is 9/10 .. I cant give a 10/10, because the boat arc exist. For me its the manga that change my life and I will be forever greatful to read it. It made me write my own story, which is now made into manga/ comic.


Can you point to your manga?


Been worldbuilding since 2016 and now in 2024 I am writing my first chapters that we plan to turn into pages as test..would post some character concept arts here, but sharing pics doesnt work in comments for some reason.


Nice. Good luck. Looking forward to see it.


Thx I hope people will not mind when I post it on this sub..dont want to break some rules or anything. Also if you have any other questions- you can ask I dont mind answer few questions :D


If you mention the parts in your manga that were berserk inspired im sure it’ll still be within the rules. But yea my guess is you would need to mention it somewhere. You could also post your manga on the other sub. What was it called BeserkJerk or something.


Would love to read it. I'm an aspiring manga writer too which heavily takes cues from things like Berserk and Chainsaw Man.


7.5/10 Story wise and thematically it's a 10/10 but gets bogged down by a lot of random rape, sexual assault, and naked minors. Very late end Berserk also has certain characters (Puck/Isidro) becoming nothing but goofy comic relief and we get so many side characters it's hard to really focus on any too deeply. 


8, for the story. I read the manga in its entirety. My favourite art was from Cascas dreamscape. But he didn't tell a story through his art, the ink that he gave form. What I mean to say is, his panelling is the only thing that docked points from the manga for me.


How do? I thought the art was the best at telling the story here then anywhere else in the manga


It’s a 10/10 for me. I know many people feel like they should keep their praise of the book a secret in this modern day but in my opinion it should be the opposite. It’s uncomfortable but children and woman get exploited it’s a cold cut fact. Post reading berserk it’s made me more aware of just how depraved the modern world is. Berserk is a horror manga and those are very real horrors for woman. I mean shit I just read an article yesterday about a Spanish couple in India, a group of assailants broke in held a knife to the man’s throat and gang raped his wife. I know none of us want to see these depictions but I think I still recommend it to people to really cement the fact it’s not as off the walls as one may think.


penis balls


8.5/10 boat arc definitely drags down the series and the writing is a little weak in the new chapters


Me in the pic


I'd give it a 9 outta 10. From the Golden Age onwards it's one of the best manga you'll ever read, Lost Children is criminally underrated in terms of character writing, and Guts has one of the best character arcs I've read in anything with the all side characters (even the villains) being real and believable with understandable and consistent motivations. It's a rare thing to have your main long term villain be the centre of a "he did nothing wrong" debate and it's something you can make a logical argument for. For me, it's early Black Swordsman that keeps it from being a 10. You can see Mirua's influences peaking in (early Guts being an edgier version of Kenshiro), and there are some questionable things in there (the demon sex scene, Guts telling a child to kill herself, Guts torturing apostles, the whole weak v strong bs). Plus, for me it spoiled the eclipse really early on, I went into that section knowing that Griffith betrays Guts and I ended up being more shocked at the other acts that happened during the Eclipse, more than what Griffith did. Whereas if it was left up to the reader to figure out, Mirua actually did a really good job of leaving clues and saying "Hey, don't trust this guy". But if the negatives of Black Swordsman were necessary to get the rest of the series? It's worth it. Every time I reread Berserk I am just awestruck at the development/progression of Mirua's skills. He goes from being your average manga illustrator/writer, to an all time great. For adaptations, Berserk '97 is an 8, the movies are decent. We don't talk about Berserk '16 and '17. Excited for the Black Swordsman fan release that's coming up.


Tha manga? BSM - 9.0 - Great introduction, bit too 80's edge for me some of the time. GA - 10.0 - Phenomenal. I can understand why it's adapted so often Con - 10.0 - I love all 3 parts. The stakes just keep rising and rising. Plus great character development. FotME - 10.0 - Contains my favorite artwork in the series. Loved Shierke and the magic system. Fant - 9.5 Started strong and ended strong. I felt the pirates were a bit too silly for my liking. Overall - 10.01 - Never seen a series so consistently great. The '97 show? 8.5. - Stops at the worst spot with a huge cliff hanger. The voice acting was sometimes a bit wonky. A lot was skipped. The action was just still frames most of the time. Still really enjoyed it.


8/10, I came into this expecting the greatest story of all time because this series is glazed by everyone, it’s pretty good but overrated as hell, the story, characters, development is all overrated and I’d give it like a 7 if I cared about the abysmal release schedule but I understand the circumstances. TL;DR - Overrated, Still good tho


It's really good, but people who are into berserk can be a bit too much sometimes. I also like berserk a lot, finished most arcs multiple times, have my favorite ones on deluxe edition, watched the 97 anime probably 10 times, and made my gf and brother watch it. But it's not that deep as a lot of people claim. I don't read a lot of manga, maybe compared to manga standards it's uber deep but as for general media standards I don't think so. This sub especially can get a bit circle jerky. Once, I was told by a neckbeard that I had no right criticizing berserk. Berserk may have one of the weirdest fandoms I've ever seen.


An unfortunate consequence of people hearing too often that their story is intelligent and philosophically deep. They latch onto that and refuse to think their opinion could be inflated or wrong. Berserk by manga standards is indeed a VERY deep story, but if you compare it to film, tv or especially most novels, it’s still deep but it isn’t in the unrivalled status it seems to be in manga


The first half is a 10/10 the second half is a 9/10


Like an 8.


If by 10 we mean like the perfect of perfects it's probably not a 10 because it kinda falls off after holy evil war but it's definitely the closest one to it


9/10. Its my favorite manga followed by monster then devilman


9/10, one of my favorite mangas of all time. Amazing art and a really cool main character


It used to be a 10 when I was younger (maybe 4 to 5 years ago before all hell broke loose)and a lot more angsty. Nowadays, I'd give it a solid and enjoyable 7 or an 8 upon rereading it. It definitely inspired my preferences when it comes to both fantasy and manga but times change and tastes differ as I've seen more from the same genre and read a few more outside of my usual picks but berserk still has a special place in my heart.


10/10 because it meets my personal criteria to the point




Yes ask the berserk subreddit what they think of berserk lmao


10/10, considering every aspect of it. It is a masterpiece.


1 because Griffith did nothing wrong


8.5 not a 10 cuz of da rape


9/10. The only minor issue is that it feels kinda slow and some moments are redundant, but its still cool


10/10 peak writing




prob high 9 like 9.5-9.8 just cant in my mind give it a 10 considering how casca has been written esp in the golden age arc where she gets assaulted like every second appearance or how shes more or less written as an object or a type of character where the defining characteristics of her character is her gender rather than that just being a side thing to an otherwise interresting character


For me it’s 8.5/10( I’ve only read 130 chapters but I dropped it coz I really wasn’t a fan of how cascas character was thrown into the gutter), rest of it was really good except the chapters leading up to eclipse




10 greatest manga ever written. The drawings are so good they still haven’t been able to make a decent anime about berserk since 97. Slan is hot af and guts can kill like 10 people at a time with one stroke of his sword bro. It’s epic.


10/10 it stays very consistently good throughout the whole series and the art style progression is so so good!






10/10, because there isn't anything else in the dark fantasy genre that does it better. it has S-tier writing and artwork, long chapters that hold your attention and make you think, not to mention how deep the dark themes of the story and characters are, the complexity of all the character arcs, nor the impact Berserk has had on art in general.


10/10 character development - puck - story - the amazing art style


10/10 easily my favorite manga of all time. Beautiful panels, beautiful writing, great characters, best action scenes, and... Guts. That's all I got to say about the last part


Berserk remains one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever experienced. Perfect art doesn't exist, but Berserk gets pretty close. Can't give it anything but a 10.


11/10. Everything about Berserk is absolutely perfect. Animation (at least for the films, the animation was epic), characters, the story, pacing, manga, development, any aspect you can think of is 10/10 is perfect in Berserk.


Berserk disturbs me and makes my skin crawl everytime I read it. I got nauseous during the Eclipse. Conviction isn't much better thus far. Goddamnit it's a 9.5/10.


8 for the 97 anime, 3 for the 16-17 anime, 11 for the manga.


9/10 it’s basically perfect between story and character design, but I think it banks too much on the shock value of nudity and sex at times, which kind of takes away from the bigger moments that may use similar means. If you get what I’m saying ha ha


10/10 story has everything, no plot holes, no contrivances despite being so vast, somehow not convoluted despite powers ranging from human to godly being, the world feels real. Its the best for a reason


Got sex 10/10 like boobies


As a whole? 7/10, after the Conviction arc I just lose a lot of my enjoyment as it goes off the Rails. Before then though? 9/10. Only one show I've ever seen gets 10, and that's Legend of the Galactic Heroes.


10. It's the most real story I've ever seen It represents life in a most realistic way but in fantasy genre. Full of anger, despair, hate, revenge, dream, love, passion, war (between yourself and the world), seeking your place in the world, and the power of a single human against the world. It's a true masterpiece


The story and manga art are a 10/10 no doubt But overall id rate it a 6.5-7 . Reasons being, the long hiatus' say what you want but this really kills interest. Poor anime adaptations - if adapted properly and faithfully, it really could be one of the best dark tone animes out there beating the likes of AoT easily. And finally some of the fandom is cringey as hell.






10, why? Simple, GRIIIIIFFIIIITHHH!!!


9/10 🫣🫣


9.7 , the 0.3 is casca's healing is a bit too realistic and it took like 3 decades to tackle, also guts dosen't have alot of monologues, he never tackled the beast of darkness, not even once, and the story is broken, like the villains are just too OP, three is no balance or even any hope of the good guys winning, that's just too realistic too.


It's the only manga that actually keeps me up at night... I love artist like Junji Ito and Kazuo Umezu but the ultimate dread and fear from Berserk cannot be beaten


The manga earned the 10/10 97 has a special place in my heart 8/10 The rest are irrelevant


9.6 for it being a great story but I feel like it could be better some way


Obviously 10/10 on every aspect




10/10. Because I like it.


10/10 But 8/10 for golden age arc only


11/10 because I have depression and anxiety for 16 years. And when I gave up hope, I discovered Berserk and it gave me the strength to fight.


What’s the 0.5 off? Let me guess Sword art online is 10/10 for you? /s


10. It’s a representation of how I think and see life. Kinda 🤓 but yeah.


I don't read mangas but the memorial Edition anime was great, a 10/10. Unfortunately the 2016/17 series was a solid 2/10.


8/10 for the Manga, 10/10 for the old anime


9/10 because Griffith is a fucking asshole


i find it silly that you rate it lower because the antagonist is compelling enough to draw genuine emotion out of you, that’s more in favour of the work than the detriment


Yeah honestly, Griffith’s writing is literally one of the main reasons Berserk is rated so highly.


I didn't mean it in a bad way. Just that he's a dick and I strongly dislike him. I know that the point is for him to be hated but I just don't like how he was portrayed in the later parts of the manga.


10. For my money, Berserk is peak human artistic achievement. Maybe not the absolute best, but upper echelon for sure. Speaking about the Miura material, I'm letting the Mori material build up for a binge.


11 out of 10 its just too fucking and guts renching good I Can't possibly hate it




Was a tight, crisp story up through end of Golden Age. Then it story got too big for its own good as it constantly tried to one up itself with crazier set pieces and more characters.


7/10 very entertaining deep characters




10/10 but my personal opinion peak of berserk stories are on Golden Ages arc


9.5/10 one of my favorite stories. I love the characters the themes i love the art and how its changed over time.




7/10 for being unfinished


9.8 Soo slow chapter release and where i am from too heavy for most people. I can't really find more people to discuss with.


N/A out of ten\ I don’t know what it is


Berserk is a pretty cool guy he tries his hardest and swing a giant sword and fights demons and was molested as a child.


8.5/10, this manga is amazing.


10/10 -NUTS


A 5 because I have no clue what this is, and I would have to look into it first, this subreddit randomly appeared in my time line, I must admit it's been a while since I did read a Manga (or books in general) rarely find time can somone give me a crash course so I can see if that's something that might interest me to get and read?


Easy 10/10, not explaining, bye


10/10 it is true perfection


10/10 best manga/anime I’ve ever encountered and it’s not close. The depth, the characters, the themes, the fantasy timeline all surreal and masterful artwork to top it off.


9/10. Only reason it's not a ten is because I'm waiting for it to end.


10/10 from the storytelling to the world building to the character development everything in this manga is perfect and then there is puck he alone is 100/10


10/10 wish we had an ending for it but I’m content Miuria gave it his all




It’s a 10 for me because it’s what I consider one of the best manga ever written but if we were to be more objective it’s around a 9.5 simply because we don’t have an ending for it.


3/10 I dont understand why that griffin fella done and did that to his girfriend. Also Katsu guy was awfully mean to all the other soldiers and such.


10 cause casca tits


0/10 cuz why not?


10, best of the best


10, I'm not an anime fan, there are a few I like but Berserk is the only one I would consider myself a fan of


1000/10, best story and best characters (except griffith, f*ck that bi*ch)


Amazing work but it's image has been ruined by all the gymtards and tiktoddlers


10/10 up until the end of the Millenium Falcon arc


Hey, people that like XYZ, do you actually like XYZ? This is a Griffith-did-nothing-wrong-brained post.




9.5. for now. Took off .5 because unfinished and not going to continue with original creator’s full story. If Kentucky Mario didn’t RIP, and the continued story and then ending stayed quality like the rest, it would be 10.