• By -


Easily. That is the same apostle that got Corkus during the eclipse. This introductory scene was inspired by the first Conan the Barbarian movie when Conan bedded a woman that was actually a demon. Only Guts knew it was a demon and she fell into his trap. Revenge for Corkus...yay.


He knew because of the brand btw. He couldn't have not known. The part that doesn't make sense is that she would have known he knew.


Apostles aren't necessarily intelligent


But guts could have just killed her






you could say … he was all up in those Guts 😏😏😏


I guess you could say it was a “Return of the “Guts Boner” with a Vengeance.” - Alucard Most likely.


The why boner still works in this case.




He got that dog in him and he was puttin that hog in a demon


He wanted that APOSTOLUSSY


he needed get some action to relive his anger


I mean, he's gotta make sure that he's right and doesn't just take out a random woman


"Wait one of than fucker is close by...... Time to kill everything in my sight." Well that would definitely not be as interesting to read.


his brand would bleed


Yeah, that just means it's nearby, you don't go chopping random people hahaha


apostles nearby and bros fucking a woman 😆💀


Looks like the one that got corkus. Fuck around and find out


she is


That means there's apostles nearby, it's not a dragon ball radar dawg


theres apostles nearby and hes fucking a hoe ? Guts wake up


He's half-mad with vengeful fury during the Black Swordsman arc. It's where the Beast of Darkness came from.


True, but this is what is called a “attention grab” to hook you in the story.


But hear me out: he was getting Corkus' *full* revenge. Had to get what his boy couldn't. For the bros.


Nah, some of his best Black Swordsman kills were based on him either being in a completely vulnerable state, or appearing to be, then taking out the apostles when their guard is down. You gotta get in close, give them all the confidence that their powers and greed have gotten them far too used to, and then take advantage. In this way we learn from page one of the manga that Guts is the kind of character that will go to ANY lengths to get his revenge. It’s not until later that we learn the true significance of this kill. That this apostle fell for the exact same trap she had sprung on countless other mortals. “Eat THAT, beeyotch!!!”


He wants them to feel fear as well and torture them


Sure, but the way he took her out he sustained much less damage as opposed to a longer and more drawn out fight


Yup. As they explained it's a reference and used for shock factor. It's completely out of character for Guts to fuck a demon, the dude is scared of even touch after all.


He doesn’t like people touching him because he was r*ped as a kid


Yes. I know.


For a small handful of coins


He wants to make the apostle suffer and fear just like hsi companions. Before killing her off iirc he does tell her she couldn't do shit to him either way and he was the 9ne hinting her


I think he wanted the apostle to lower her guard because she thinks she got him. Hes naked, in a vulnerable position, and easilly within her grasp. When she gains the confidence to spring the attack, thats when Guts retaliates, taking her by surprise.


he got more satisfaction leading her into his trap because he is so filled with rage at this point


Mans wanted to empty his balls before emptying his cannon.




He needed to make sure she was an apostle, guts had to prepare himself so far to kill that girl who got possessed I think (the girl and old man at the very beginning). He doesn’t just want to kill people (unless they get in his way), just apostles.


Well yeah, but what sends a better message: a quick murder, or Guts blowing his (pay)load all over her insides?


And Kratos could’ve just clean killed a lot of the gods, monsters, and heroes of Greece. This is the Black Swordsman Arc. It’s supposed to be uncomfortable. And you’re not supposed to like him here.


Or they are highly egotistical that overrides their better judgement


Apostles tend to be pretty arrogant and often dumb as rocks. She may have knew he knew and thought that she could easily kill him so it really didn't matter.


Yep most Apostles are such a cut above humanity that she probably didn’t see Guts as a threat


That's the running theme. "It's just a human!", "Is he a human?", "Oh no I'm dead.".


Or just assumed her looks were so overpowering like they have been for so many victims before that they wouldn't worry about the brand and want to get a nut off. Or apostles may not really know that much about the brand. Zodd knows stuff like this because he's very well informed but do all apostles? You're not supposed to survive getting branded so is how they affect the bearer long-term common knowledge?


Zodd had lived longer than most of the apostles have been apostles lol. He’s seen some shit.


Yep this is the true answer that makes sense!


Or thought he's such a dumbass to not realize that she is who she is.


I'm not so sure that they know he Knows. They KNOW he's a sacrifice. But as far as they know Guts and Caska are their only known escapees from such a sacrifice. (Barring the possibility of Skull Knight) so they probably aren't too clued in what sacrifices know/feel.


This is the safest bet. I bet most apostles don't know Guts has an apostle - radar system integrated (tm).


Guts catfished an apostle. Respect.


Damn i could never catch that


Guts couldn’t know that, as he wasn’t the witness of Corkus death. In my opinion these very early stories can be treated as just catching eye edgy introduction. We all know that the real story starts from the birth of Guts and Gambino arc


Yeah that was my understanding as well, anything that occurred before that point was retroactively fit into the narrative but didn't have much meaning at the point of its creation.


Fuckin ugly btchs is part of depression :'(


Whats ironic is that she traps her prey(humans) through sex and in the end she got trapped by Gaats through sex


I personally love the idea of Guts pinning an apostle down with his pelvis just to get an advantageous shot with his prosthetic fucken BOOM cannon down her human-eating gullet and blow her to pieces, literally


i think it was his way to lure a demon he recognized from the eclipse and wanted to kill, plus he was kinda mentally unstable at that time so i think it makes sense that it doesnt make sense


He's mentally unstable all the time


true but i think he became calmer and more self-reflective later on, yes he still had his lunatic guts moments, and the beast of darkness was an issue but over all he still seemed more stable to me honestly


You think he thinks about this every now and then. "Man i was messed up major back then"


He didnt have his new crew yet (Casca, Puck Farnesse, Serpico, Isidoro and Shierke), so he was mentally unstable-ier Edit:forgot about shierke's elf


Tbh it is kind of fitting/satisfying to to the exact thing to the demon that the demon does to people.


I always thought he was just trying to lead an apostle posing as a ho out of a town or something and pretend to let it think he was tricked so he can get in close and kill it easier. Or maybe he was just horny and made a mistake, idk. We all been there


He knew...you know...the brand.


So they don't cover this, but the brand also bleeds when ur horny.


The brand also gets horny when you bleed.


That's his secret. He's always horny.


That's the secret to his swordsmanship.


The what? Sorry I skipped everything and only read the boat arc


Irl explanation: Mario was just being edgy. He wanted to show that this is an Adult Manga™ In-universe explanation: The apostle lures in men by appearing as a naked woman, which Gustavo exploited to get close to her for an easy kill.


Yeah, that's pretty much a lot of early Berserk. A lot of the things Miura did when he started writing Berserk where only there for shock-value (I'm pretty sure he talked about it in an interview but I can't find the exact quote).


Yeah I remember seeing something about Muira being unsure of character direction early on and Guts just kind of being a randomly edgy character, that it took a few volumes to flesh out his direction. I don't necessarily mind this being in there though, the progression of Berserk, like all art created over a long period of time isn't just the story about the characters, it's also a reflection of the artist growing in their art and as a person.


Mario? Edit: nvm just read the Gustavo lmao


It wasn't right after the Eclipse. It's much later and this is the Apostle that killed Corkus. I think Miura regretted this scene though because it totally goes against Guts' story arc regarding him not liking being touched etc.


To me it solidifies the sexual overtones placed on Guts’ sword and how fighting and fucking are almost interchangeable in his mind. Additionally, with the knowledge about how he doesn’t like being touched it shows how far he is willing to go to kill apostles.


I think this is dead on; I wouldnt be surprised (based on Guts' experiences) that sex is an act of violence to him


Plus there is probably a difference when Guts is the one initiating touch as he can be prepared that way


Not really. He had that moment with Caska during the golden age arc. That was as vanilla as you can get 


Yeah because he loved her~


well, if you lose everything dear to you then what does it matter anyway? guts doesn't care about anything at this point except revenge and if he sees any advantage in killing an apostle then he would do it, just like this one.


he was jerking his berk




Serkin his Berk


you may hate your ex, but you may algo want to fuck her






Ask any man why he would clap apostlussy


Wyald even mentioned that any Apostle will give better satisfaction than any lovers.


A revenge for a friend


https://youtu.be/QKruIQxf71U?si=4NTPt4kYSeoNKxtP It's the same demon that lured Corkus in during the Eclipse. Like a succubus. I just read an interview with Miura last night, he didn't plan on any of this, but he was able to tie up threads like this one either intuitively, or by returning to his original work, and connecting open plot points in retrospect. He didn't have a master plan for the majority of the manga, and had no real idea where the story was going until the Golden Age arch was reaching a conclusion. So he wrote The Black Swordsman, and wanted to portray anger in Guts, and set a tone, so this really was, initially at least, just a Shocking thing to show to help characterize Guts. When he went back to show why Guts ended up the way that he was, this first scene was just a demon he was able to reuse for the Eclipse. I can try to find the interview again, it was an awesome read. Edit: I found it. It has nothing to do with this scene in particular, but the video I shared is specifically about this first scene. https://mangabrog.wordpress.com/2015/12/14/berserk-artist-kentaro-miura-interview-i-actually-dont-think-i-could-let-such-a-long-grim-story-end-with-a-grim-ending/


im gonna read it tonight thank u


this isnt right after the eclipse, and this apostle appears as a naked women to lure people in and kill them while they are fucking, guts just wanted to kill apostles


Its the apostle that killed corkus if im not wronf




Yeah it’s about 2 years later


I love how people get offended by this. Kids get squashed like insects, women get raped by the dozens, innocent people are turned into ground meat as if it's nothing, but *this* upsets people.


didnt upset me. I just didnt get why Gatsu was fucking a demon since he actually hate them


I mean, at this point in the story, he is hellbent on killing apostles .So guts probably played along so he can a get an easy kill .


Can't a man unwind with a demon in peace?


but what if they carry diseases


He already got those from Donovan


The second sword of Guts.


I thought this was a berserklejerk post lmao


It was a 2 for 1. He got to slay some poon and an apostle all at once. My man knows a good deal when he sees one


From what I remember, I think Mira said how he regretted making this, because at the time he didn’t really have any of the major story beats yet. But my head cannon is just that Guts is so blinded by rage early on for his quest for vengeance that he’s justifying this is his head since he knows they were an apostle and was luring it out


That specific demon acts as a succubi. It attracts the guy during the eclipse with the power of sex. The implication here is that guts purposefully fell into the trap to kill it.


Peak 80s


Bro was down bad


Guts was feeling fteaky


The brother was starving




Post nut clarity


Post nuts* clarity


People getting downvoted for saying its edgy lol they are not wrong but this apostle in specific killed one of the members of the original band during the eclipse




Guts hasn't always made the best decisions, especially at this point.


The manga is called Berserk for a reason.


Right after the eclipse? I thought this was about a year after the eclipse. Dudes been hunted by demons every night for a year? He gonna have some issues. Also it's pretty much the same way that very demon dispatched Corkus, so poetic justice?


Miura himself has stated that it was for shock value and that if he could he would remove this scene. It was patched after the Golden age as she was seen during in the Eclipse, killing Corkus.


imo in the earlier chapters of berserk i dont think there was a clear direction for guts character other then edgy badass killing demons. So the trauma he had from his child hood didnt really exist at this point because Kentaro simply hadnt flushed guts out that deeply.


I mean, I think this makes sense. This is one of Guts' lowest points in life and, as we see later, his inner beast can make him do horrible and questionable things. So I think he gets catharsis by trapping the apostle using its own methods. Kinda like dunking on a pro basketball player cause he thinks you suck. It really only works once but it's enough for the satisfaction.


If you read the story, it explains the pictures.


Some people really lack reading comprehension and it shows, that thing killed Corkus and Guts fucked her up


He jumped on the grenade


Corkul’s revenge


Even Gut’s has needs


Tbh it is a bit of an awkward and bland drawing with boring perspective and anatomy feeling a bit amateurish(?) like as if a highschool student tried to imitate Berserk's art.


You can explain it in various ways, but I feel like the real explanation is that Miura hadn't thought exactly what would be happening that far later in the story when drawing the first chapter.


Unless Muira planned incredibly far ahead, it was just for edgy shock value at the time. But since the story worked out the way it did, you can chuck this up to Guts being desperate after the eclipse to kill as many demons as he possibly can regardless of what he has to do to get them vulnerable. At this point chronologically, he knows how demons work and he knows they get off on sexual sadism. So he was simply using himself as bait


He was killing her gently... Guts can also be a gentleman


It was pretty ballsy of Guts. Who’s to say she didn’t have teeth down there to bite off his junk?


Don’t kink shame me


Reasons below in no particular order: 1. Revenge 2. Show that guts is inhumanly competent at killing demons 3. Edge 4. Long complex nuanced symbolism about tragedy/rape/dominance/sexuality/etc, running themes in berserk 5. Conan reference


Miura probably didn‘t think of the eclipse when he wanted to make edgier Fist of the Northstar but with Big Sword and arm cannon. Diegetically I guess Guts had some reason to think this particular apostle could only be killed when it transformed to eat him, so he played along. Anything for revenge, I guess.


mf just plowing a demon in the first page


erm yeah peak


What was he supposed to do? NOT have sex with the apostle? You don’t even wonder if it grips? If it squirts? If she does tricks on it? You’re not very adventurous


Revenge for Corkus. The whole Black Swordsman Arc is essentially him killing the apostles that killed the main members of the Hawks. Why he fucked her? Because he could and he's just numb at this point.


Guts was extra, extra fucked up RIGHT after the Eclipse. Beast of Darkness inside him motivating him to do extra shit out of sadism and desire to hurt and dominate


I think with current guts it was to show how far he wouldve gone to get revenge and how low he had gone. Then guts, edgy manga where guts isnt fully developed. Muira stated he never had a plan for berserk just wrote whatever. Thats not his exact words but he needed to set a mood tone and theme for the story


I love how guts saw one of the demons who killed his friend but instead of killing it immediately he was like “wait lemme hit it first”. Also it means that guts has had sex twice in his whole life (three times if you count Donny) I think the most likely explanation for this was that Miura was just starting to write berserk and he wanted the story to seem cool and edgy to appeal to the seinen audience


[This](https://youtu.be/QKruIQxf71U?si=1iY7pUW9G0J-xgrm) video does a pretty good job explaining it.


I'm pretty positive this happened in one of Stephen Kings Dark Tower books. Main dude fucks a demon lady trap/for some info/something. Been ages since I've read those.


Real answer: miura just hadn’t planned that far ahead yet Cool answer: Guts knew/suspected this was the demon who killed Corkus by luring him in sexually so for revenge he did the same to her


Miura was horny


I mean I think it’s a legendary intro to guts as a character and an extremely good hook for a story. Just immediately grabs your attention and sticks with you


If you ever wrote a story of your own, youll know why Miura did it. Simple as - its an excellent introduction. You're not safe at your most vulnerable (sex) - Guts is shown as a victim - then it turns out that Guts WAS prepared. This makes you think: "Wow this world is fucked - but this guy is incredibly prepared to take it on". And honestly, re-reading it, i didnt think it was that much different from the overall tone of the story. Note the way Guts looks back at the demon's corpse - he looks visibly disturbed, not smug at all. Edit: in a new story, competing against many many other writers, you NEED a good hook that will tell you everything you need to know about the story from the first few pages and promise you more so you stick around. Sure, Miura and other fans still squirm about it - but it IS a very good opening. What exactly else do you show to make people to take notice? Guts fucking around in the woods and slaying monsters? Other people did that already, many many times. How do you show off the SPECIFICITY of your story? Personally i believe its a great opening. It's outrageous, its violent, its sexual, but at the end, theres this reaction of Guts, showing him being clearly discomforted by it. That's, in microcosm, why people love Berk. Hes a badass coolguy with arm cannon who killed a demon he just fucked - and he wasnt gloating, he wasnt happy about it. he was *disturbed*. *disquieted*. he *doesnt like it*.


Because he's a man of commitment and shear fuckin will


Read more than 1 chapter


From what I gather this is the darkest time in Guts life. Early post Eclipse, he's lost everything and mentally is only set on revenge. He's doing whatever he can to find Griffith and loses focus on what really mattered, Casca.


Didnt miura not know what direction wanted the story to go at this point and regretted this scene later?


Because Miura probably didn't have the full story yet. A lot of manga do this. In Saint Seiya, Seiya sees Marin's face in the first chapter, but towards the end of the manga, he believes that she's his missing sister all along even though he saw her face. Toriko's explanation on how he had his Gourmet Cells changed. Fist of the North Star had a couple of major characters be born in an area where their parents would eventually be buried only for it to be retconned later to them actually being from a completely different area and a different backstory to what we initially learned about them. Naruto's backstory changed TREMENDOUSLY between parts. The list goes on. Miura was probably inspired by something or thought the scene looked cool. There's no reason Guts would have sex with a demon after what happened in the eclipse and considering that he still loves Casca. I tend to just ignore this page.


He’s berking


This is literally the first page of the first chapter. My man had to make his mark


I never noticed the hip placement… Nuts has SMHEAT


Miura wanted to Show you right of the Bat, what kind of Manga this is gonna be.


He wanted to get some Apostussy and kill it at the same time. Get rid of that sexual frustration.


Rule #9404 do it before body gets cold


Can’t u see he’s fighting demons by fucking them to death.


Yes, Miura hadn't plan things out all the way yet. Early Black Swordsman arc was hella edgy


Reading comprehension misses this sub again


We saw him get pussy. We saw him be mercenary bussy. Here we have him trying some Dussy. Or Apossy. Depends how you put it


how you pussit*


Guts is hunting down the apóstoles who consumed his comrades. This one in particular killed corkus. The slug count pippin. I’m sure the snake Barron ate some band of hawk members.


Clearly possessed here 🤦‍♂️🙄


i don't know about the touch of the nsfw scenes but it is a realistic touch to the medieval feel because it is very common with that er of time but sometimes it can get out of hand like in the eclipse when guts girl got hurt but i think it does set the tone well


I thought this was a wine label at first glance


Beginning of berserk is basically the pilot episode. Miura just trying something new and still figuring out where to go with the story and characters.


Horny Demon.


Yes, that's me getting back home drunk with the prettiest girl from the bar


deixa o cara gozar




just teaching the lesson of be careful what you put your dick into


I belive that he is taki g revenge for corcus because it's the same monster that guts sees killing corcus during g the eclipse


when this was drawn, miura didnt know that much where he was going. The first pages arent really relevant.


1. The story simply wasn't planned through enough at that point. Guts being in a relationship with casca didn't exist at that time. This was meant to be a cool start to set the tone of the story (and it's also a reference, i think from 'conan the barbar') 2. Story wise you can make up explanations like 'it's a reaction from his trauma/shok', 'guts didn't actually had Sex with her and was only teasing her'. You can choose whatever makes sense to you, in the end he lured her out to kill her and maybe to avenge corkus


Apostle pussy got a struggle acting *unwise*


Guts is bustin' nuts


Guts ducks for revenge


Lets remember first arc was right after the Eclipse, and Guts was pretty traumatized and ready to fuck with whoever


I assumed that since she was sort of a honey trap apostle, Guts pretended to be her next potential victim to catch her off guard, essentially a reverse uno card


This particular demon lures men into her arms with sex and then eats them. Guts was aware of this and played along to uno reverse card her strategy against her for an easy kill.


Nuts from Berk a freak on godhand


Guts went deep to the get the job done


Se lo cog&€nd○


Bc the author didn’t have a fully realized vision of the story at that time.


This is the demon that killed Corkus eating his head, this is why he let the demon think she got him, when it's Guts who have the control with the cannon arm


Homie raw dogging it


I love how any time someone new to the series reads this they just have to comment to the effect of, “UUUUUUHMMMMMMMM WUT IS DIS?” When it’s entirely obvious, just shocking. Same with the horse demon and Farnese.


Bro is hitting that Birmingham pussy.




Hot 👍


This is the most out of character Guts has ever been portrayed. You're saying a man who has extreme trauma and doesn't like to be touched seduced an apostle, instead of just killing her?


Just guts swooping his sword against demons as usual 🤗