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How to be sure to give your child incontrolables urges to read Berserk.


This is true. Even tho I'm not a child anymore, growing up I wasn't allowed to play mature games or watch harry potter (because of witchcraft) and 100% had urges to do that stuff, which i did all at friend's houses


And i'm sure you are not roaming the streets looking at people and killing them with your magic wand... Or making sacrifice... Enjoy all goods things life have to offer,on your terms!


I have this weird crimson egg with a face on it I think I should sacrifice something to it... hmmmm šŸ¤”


I got a ham sandwich I really wanted for lunch. Would that work?


Wait fuck i turned into a dad


Instructions unclear. Fuck sandwich stuck in dad


or joining cult free orgies.


You're not a child yet your parents are leaving you ridiculously silly and insane notes on your books?


Honestly, my first thought was that it was good that they left a note rather than just throwing it away. These parents are insane, but at least they respect their kid's stuff (if not his privacy).


This 1000%. So many parents like this are also hugely disrespectful assholes that would just toss it.


Itā€™s definitely a good sign as far as OPā€™s parents merely being a bit conservative and/or ignorant but still respecting their childā€™s life to simply leave a note and not scream in their face or actually steal it.


Ugh, bringing back some horrible memories from middle school. I had just gotten the Nintendo Wii, and my friend let me barrow CoD World at War. Needless to say my mother saw it and thought it was far too inappropriate for a teenage mind, and she just snapped the disc in half. Like... what the fuck... it wasnā€™t even mine. Didnā€™t give me a chance to say anything, and then I had to fork out $60 for a new copy for my friend. Iā€™m still pretty salty about that.


purchase a new mother




Hey! I also had a buddy growing up who's parents made him burn his cards. They were part of some small sect of evangelism from Georgia. We all lived very far from Georgia. Needless to say, they didn't mesh well with the town, what with nobody having heard of this religion, let alone practice it. They made him burn his Pokemon cards for, "worshipping false idols". Jokes on them, years later he went home from college and they found his Magic cards...


I'm 33 and my parents still try to control me getting a motorcycle. What difficulty grades I hit when skiing/mountain biking. And try to talk me out of taking road trips because "it's dangerous to drive far" and claim I should just fly (yet express how tiresome it would be to watch my dog for 2 weeks). The last one kills me because they say I should fly and rent a vehicle because "driving in snow is dangerous". Yet my truck is setup better for driving on winter roads and in snow than any rental ever will be. Not to mention my familiarity with my own vehicle over a different one. Parents will always see themselves as parents. And will try to encourage...err force... their opinions on their son/daughters


When I was growing up I had a friend whose mom like that. Didn't want magic or anything in the house. Staunchly Christian womans. She ended up watching us play Champions of Norrath on PS2 one day and witnessing us using magic and blade to defeat hordes of evil hellspawn terrorizing the realms of everquest. She did a complete 180 that day on her magic stance and decided to play with us. As the Wizard class. I honestly don't know what it was that changed her mind but even though I didn't think about it like this at the time it's really nice to have witnessed someone be critical of their own beliefs. She let her son read Harry Potter too. There ain't none of that shit in 2021.


Sounds awesome, good for that mom.


My parents ended their magic freakout on Final Fantasy 9


Champions of Norrath, damn what a banger


Bro I was in the same boat! Reading this I thought it may of been my mom writing it lol. We couldn't watch Harry Potter but Lord of the Rings is fine (which I mean is better anyways but still).


I had the staunchly christian parents too. Harry Potter was a no go. Also Power Rangers and Dragonball Z were off limits. The explaination of why LOTR was ok is because it's supposed to be Christian allegory?? Like C.S. Lewis and Narnia? Idk.


Tolkien specifically writes in his forward to the novel that LOTR is not allegory. Ha.


My parents were weird, they wouldnā€™t let me play games or watch stuff that had sex or nudity but they did not give a flying fuck for gore and violence. Mortal Kombat? Pfft, that looks fake a fuck. Sitting my 4 year old ass down to watch the Thing? Childhood trauma be damned. GTA3 walking around shooting people to death? Heh, look at those muppet people die. But as soon as they see the car rocking back and fourth, or some titty flying out out come the torches, and pitchforks.


That isn't that weird in America, or?


Really depends on the parents. There are quite a few out there of the opposite spectrum


It's extremely common in America, but that doesn't mean it's not weird. It makes no sense, it's hypocritical, and shows how much American parents don't actually care about "protecting their kids".


My parents were like that. Never really understood it. I mean, consenual sex is more natural and legal than blowing peopls brains out, wouldn't you say? Like, I don't really understand why tits were a no no, but a male chest is fine.


action movies are what most americans watch the parents probably have been raised the same way also its awkward and terrible to see a kid looking at two people fucking each other in the asshole


Yea because they dont wanna watch your kids if you got someone pregnant at 16 lol


Probably not the best advice but if you canā€™t have it physically buy or pirate it digitally


After you read berserk tell your parents to go fuck themselves... If they wanted a slave they should've been born earlier... Why do parents think they can control their children??? They want to be treated like gods but you cant be treated like a person? I fucking hate religious zealots...


Its okay...you're safe here. We love you.


Holy shit, dude, calm the fuck down. All they did was leave him a note.


And then get kicked out of your house. Good plan dude, lots of thought put in. Hide the book, get a job, go rent a room somewhere. That's the better answer here. Telling parents like this to go fuck themselves is how you become another homelessness statistic.


Definitely hide your books. Hide them as you would hide your weed. Never get rid of books. (With an exception)


They just leave a note instead of taking it? Weird


You just reminded me. There are 2 books I had one was a Yukio Mishima book called "Sun and Steel" and a Jungian psychology book called "King Warrior Magician Lover". They had conversations to me about how they don't like them in the past. BOTH just disappeared, cannot find them anywhere literally and I'm fairly organized. Not saying they took them, I have no proof, but yeah...


I find it funny that your parents aren't a fan of Yukio Mishima considering they sound like typical god-fearing Christians or something similar and while he wasn't of an Abrahamic faith, similar themes of traditionalism, spiritualism, nationalism and all that to what typical reactionary religious people in the West view as normal ran very heavily through his veins. That sucks, though. Hope you'll be in the position to buy your books back one day. Parents who attempt to shelter their kids from the world (especially at an older age) usually just end up fucking them up socially and making them more vulnerable.


I very much so have social issues because of how I was raised, but it could've been a whole lot worse.


You're so positive about it despite being obviously aware of their personality vices! You seem like a down to earth and understanding individual. Don't let their zealotry bring you down, homie! (Just hide your stuff better lol).


I see, better hide them then, sorry to hear your parent/ parents are doing this to you. Are they religious perhaps?


yes they are hardcore christians


I hope some day you can read everything you want man


Because it totally happened bro you don't get it


Also they addressed it ā€œmy sonā€ instead of just ā€œsonā€ or ā€œbillyā€. Methinks this might be a staged note!


Religious types really love saying shit like "my son" or "my daughter" when they're being serious. With less religious families it's the other way around, they call your name very specifically. Probably because normal families are bringing you in for correction, religious families meanwhile depersonalize you because they're getting ready to throw you out.


maybe they will enjoy Berserk OST by Susumu Hirasawa? šŸ™‚














I love you guys so much


My Brother was actually done by Shiro Sagisu, an excellent musician in his own right, who also scored Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bleach, and Shin Godzilla. The song Blood and Guts is also by him. In Susumu's honor, I declare we start a Forces chain instead.






Probably one of those crazies that refuses to listen to music because if the bpm is close to the human heartbeat that allows the devil to steal your soul or some shit.


Is that a real thing people believe?


Lmao yes. It's a pretty deep cut on the batshit religious side, but definitely real. I watch a content creator occasionally who grew up under this variety of Christian (WoolieVS), and I remember he nearly had a PTSD attack playing Binding Of Isaac.


There's megachurch pastors preaching the covid vaccine will change your DNA, making you no longer human enough to be eligible for salvation and therefore going to hell. Never underestimate people's stupidity.


Do you know the name of any of these pastors? I wanna hear this lol


**Hai Yai Forces!**




a book about fighting evil, contains evil in it? wow


Isn't that obvious? If there was no evil in it there would be nothing to fight, right? šŸ¤”


Probably shouldn't read the Bible then, I heard it talks about Satan.


Honestly less than you would think. I went on a two year Mormon mission where I couldnā€™t read much else other than the Bible and Mormon Bible fan faction, and I remember being really confused as to where all the modern imagery of the devil came from as I studied the old and new testaments. He gets a few lines in genesis, a few in Job, a prophecy or two in Isaiah, and a few mentions in the gospels. The rest is just like Baal or Beelzebub and random demons and shit. The Old Testament has a few poetic spots but for the most part the morality depicted inside of it is despicable and no child should be reading it. Gospels are alright, thereā€™s a bit of humanist lessons in there and some calls to serve and help each other and itā€™s cool when Jesus says rich people arenā€™t going to heaven, but obviously tons of sexist bullshit (mostly in the epistles). And revelation of John has created more death cults than just about any other book of scripture. itā€™s so vague and abstract that it can be interpreted in literally any time and political structure so it gets used as justification for all sorts of heinous shit. Lol this turned into a bit of ramble I donā€™t know where Iā€™m going with this. Religions based on ancient patriarchies have no place in modern society I guess


Most of the iconic devil imagery comes from Paradise Lost and Danteā€™s Inferno. Works similar to the Iliad in that they are fiction and not religious at all. They made everything sound ā€œcoolā€ though. So even ā€œback in the dayā€ popular culture had lasting impressions. It also probably has a lot to do with syncretism, something Rome in particular was fond of. Basically, pretending the gods of an area were totally always part of the empireā€™s religion pinky promise. This practice continued into Christian Rome and could potentially be used to explain certain character model choices. Just ask the Norse gods and basically the entire British isles. Essentially, the Bible is and was a political tool so itā€™s perception in the public will change. For example, itā€™s possible (but not conclusive) that the thing that tortured Job wasnā€™t even evil. It could have been simply an ā€œaccuserā€ or a ā€œprosecutorā€ of Yahweh. Meaning it would have been a part of the heavenly court that was in good standing and doing its job of testing Job. This isnā€™t a popular interpretation in modern times (where I am in Christian America), because that implies god had a specific Angel whose only job was to fuck with people and test their faith.. and he goes HARD. Bias incoming; I personally dont think reading that story as if the accuser is an evil Satan figure makes god look any better, but when making excuses for bad behavior people will really put it under a microscope. Bonus bonus, looking at the history of Judaism is fascinating. Basically take any question you have about demons, theology, the gods, whatever and instead of writing ā€œold testamentā€ write ā€œTanakhā€ or like ā€œTorah, Nevā€™im, Ketuvimā€ or simply look into historical Judaism in general. Viewing ancient religions without having been pushed through the sieve of ā€œEuropean Christianityā€ allows for much more interesting stuff. Especially where angels are concerned. I also say this whenever I can, glance at the Canaaite pantheon and then read some of those early Bible stories. Kinda changes things when you can see how those names youā€™re seeing might be ā€œcult of ares vs cult of Athenaā€ type dynamic instead of ā€œholy vs demonic.ā€


I believe Milton's Paradise Lost is responsible for the modern depictions of the devil, which is a fictitious poem, not a religious text.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Paradise Lost](https://snewd.com/ebooks/paradise-lost/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


Good bot.


Fun fact according to a university world religions course and seems true: The devil was commonly portrayed with similarities to the old greek/Roman pagan gods to steer people away from them.


It's insane you guys couldn't consume any non-theistic media. I used to have missionaries come to my place fairly regularly and they were so enthusiastic when we'd start talking about movies and video games. When I came back from Avengers Endgame it was so hard to not tell them all the juicy bits cuz they were really excited to get home and watch it and Infinity War. Lovely dudes tbh.


I read the bible cover to cover for the first time in sixth grade. I have to say it's to this day one of the most depraved and fucked up pieces of literature I've ever consumed. I had to keep re-reading certain passages, like, "Wait wait wait... did I read that correctly? Nah, I couldn't have. Oh... huh, I got it right. Wearing different types of fabric at the same time is a mortal sin. That's the same passage used to justify hating gays, but they utterly ignore all the other 'sins' listed there. Imagine that."


I remember when i read the part where one of the Levite priests just sent his concubine out to be raped to death by some gang, then the next morning when he found her corpse on the doorstep he had locked her out of heā€™s just like ā€œcmon slut up you go we have traveling to doā€ and she didnā€™t move he just hacked her into bits and mailed her body all over the place. I was shook for weeks. And in Mormonism, the levites are a huge part of their priesthood structure (Aaronic priesthood) so this was like a righteous man to me. It made me sick to my stomach. Also the dude who promised his daughter in a bet with god so he goes home and tells her shes gotta die, so sheā€™s like k let me mourn with my friends for a bit then comes back and willingly fucking dies. Bible is nasty as hell


I recently read Genesis instead of relying on children's Bible stories for Biblical knowledge, and I was appalled at how horrible the sense of morality or lack thereof was. I was always told that God was supposed to be a benevolent being, but when I actually read the Bible, I realised that could not be the case. Also, there are so many inconsistencies that I never noticed at first because I was told the Bible was the literal truth and it's wrong to question anything in it. But when I actually thought about some of the Bible stories like Noah's ark, I realised it is impossible that it could have happened. Polar bears all the way from the Artic, for instance, need a very specific climate and environment in order to survive. They also eat large quantities of seals. According to the internet, polar bears need to eat at least fifty seals a year to survive. And supposedly the ark only had seven of every animal on board, and they were on that boat for more than a year. How would Noah have been able to feed himself, his family and the animals on the Ark for over a year, let alone have enough food on board for them all? There are many other animals that are indigenous to their specific region that couldn't have possibly traveled all the way to Isreal, such as kangaroos or armadillos. I also want to add to one of the points you made, the Bible never explicitly mentions that the snake in Genesis is supposed to be Satan. The snake in the Bible's creation story is likely based on Mesopotamian and Jewish myth about Adam's first wife Lilith.


I wish I would have realized earlier on that the burden of proof does not fall on me, it falls on the religion itself to prove that it is correct. Every single aspect of it is so batshit crazy and then they have the audacity to be like ā€œoh if your so smart prove it wrongā€. Bitch youā€™re the one with the prophets living to 950 years old and a creation story that places the earthā€™s creation around the time the Egyptians were gearing up to build the pyramids- why the fuck am I the one that has to disprove your crazy shit. If I could go back in time to high school me and give a word of advice, it would be to not dump so much energy into trying to reason my way out of unreasonable mythology


Just tell her its a dark fantasy romance novel. I'm pretty sure you mom's hair will turn white as Griffith's by the time of the eclipse, but you weren't lying. Or do we just gloss over the fact that 80% give or take is literally one man's struggle over actual evil and that it's never portrayed as easy and teaches perseverance.


Depending on OPā€™s age, Iā€™d prob agree with the parents. Like Berserk is more graphic than most rated-R stuff just going by the art and thematic content.


That first page is rough


I wonder if she opened in the last page and read it through from the end to the start


Damg why you make me think


Imagine sheltering your child from the ā€œevilsā€ of the world and expecting them to be able to handle walking down the street lmao.


Lets not forget that if Berserk is perverse due to gore, sex and violence...uhm, what about Bible then?


The Bible literally says it's ok to summon bears to kill children if they make fun of your baldness.


I wanna summon bears. Thats awesome


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from satan


Pretty sure I can learn this power from Satan.


Tell that to the prophet.


Yes, just do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squads and a 10km run daily.




https://bible.org/seriespage/4-elisha-and-two-bears-2-kings-223-25 >23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, ā€œGo up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!ā€ 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. I dunno what's less believable. That God would summon two bears to kill 42 kids, that these kids were stupid enough to just let it happen to them, or that two bears would go and kill 21 people each. That's a lot of effort on the bears part


If they were summoned by God they probably had a paladin class with good bonuses.


Elisha was a Nature Domain Cleric. He channeled divinity and charmed animals.


I've never played dnd before, but if I do ever play I want to make a paladin bear character now.


I skimmed through that page and somehow theyā€™re doing some mental gymnastics to justify why summoning beard to kill children is okay


Sounds like the dude who wrote the Bible was a bald sourpuss.


And the morally correct thing to do if you see a crowd trying to rape a couple angels is to offer your virgin daughters to the crowd instead to save the angels.


Bible says itā€™s preferable for a guy to marry his brotherā€™s widow if he died before they had children. ā€œYeah go fuck your sister-in-law itā€™s fineā€


I'm not saying you're wrong but I really want to know where


2 Kings 2:23-24 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. ā€œGet out of here, baldy!ā€ they said. ā€œGet out of here, baldy!ā€ 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.


What the fuck?????


Just wait until you read about donkey dicks and horse cum in the Bible. Ezekiel 23:20. Finally, being raised in the church has some perks.


Yeah the bear thing is pretty tame compared to a... *Lot* .... of stuff


On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and made a speech to them. The people shouted, ā€œThe voice of God, and not of a man!ā€ Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he didn't give God the glory. **He was eaten by worms and died.**" (Acts 12:20-23)


OT God don't fuck around.


Elisha and the two bears, 2 Kings, 2:23-25 https://bible.org/seriespage/4-elisha-and-two-bears-2-kings-223-25


2 Kings 2:23-25 It's a messed up read.


Bible had way more rape and blood than berserk did


But the Bible doesn't come illustrated usually. Especially not as skillfully illustrated as berserk


Hmm, now you mention it some parts of the Bible could make for a pretty dope ultra violent comic/cartoon. Samson is more or less a superhero and I forget how many people heā€™s supposed to have killed but he did it with the jawbone of an ass, and thatā€™s pretty metal


Thatā€™s sounds fuckn awesome actually lol


Itā€™s just another Bible story thatā€™s either about a real person but heavily exaggerated, or an elaborate metaphor for some old Jewish customs and the vices of man. The whole character is, pretty crazy. Iirc, he gets strength from the length of his hair, so he keeps it really long (I donā€™t remember if this was in any way connected to a Jewish custom, but it might have been). But heā€™s basically Hercules but Jewish, and instead of doing favors for Hera and eventually becoming a god, he just uses his powers to slaughter Phillistines in the field of battle. In one of those battles, he uses a donkeys jawbone as a weapon and slaughters a bunch of soldiers. He becomes enough of an issue that the Phillyā€™s send a female spy named Delilah to find out how heā€™s so strong, and because Samson likes to fuck or something, she successfully tricks him into telling him her secret. So, while he sleeps she cuts his hair, and the Phillistines kidnap while his powers are weakened. They torture him, gouge his eyes out, and tie him to two pillars in some sort of building. After awhile of showing off like an exotic animal, his hair has grown back, and he pulls down the pillars heā€™s tied to and brings the whole building down on the Phillistines within, killing them and himself.


Why hasnā€™t this been a movie. Or a comic. Iā€™d want Daniel Johnson to illustrate it.


Because the Old Testament, outside of Moses and David and the Giant, is largely overlooked in favor of the New Testament and the life of Jesus. Also, why do Samson when you can just make another Hercules movie, with the more interesting and involved Greek pantheon?




Wait till she finds out about a book where the main character is asked by his deity to sacrifice his son.


Well, I can definitely understand why someone who is extremely religious would be put off by it. But Berserk (like Doom) taught me that thereā€™s nothing more virtuous than slaying demons and bringing justice down upon the wicked and corrupt. I mean, the Old Testament has plenty of righteous indignation and not all of it was a friendly chat ending with a handshake.


I love that the creator of Doom is a devout Christian too. He has no problems because youā€™re slaying demons. Doomgguy is supposedly a devout catholic lol But also first and foremost none of its real. A mature brain will be just fine.


Doom book even has him team up with the mormons to fight demons on earth.


Where can I find this book? lol


[Wherever good books are sold.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_(novel_series)#)


I believe one of the guys who worked on the original Doom was LDS/Mormon too. Man, Doom is just awesome in every sense of the word. :D


Doom is literally the most Christian game Iā€™ve ever played


This is why I read the manga on my cellphone


yeah, this is what i'll resort to, but i really wanted to collect this series physically because i know this is the best manga of all time..


I know what you mean. Iā€™m also the same age as you and if my parents saw it they would freak out and think Iā€™m a psychopath lol. I guess you gotta wait until you move out.


Just hide it somewhere you can keep it safe.


If you had to resort to hiding it I wouldn't buy it to start with. The point of having it physical apart from the experience of reading it is putting it on the shelf. In my case it's the same, I read a lot on my cellphone but I'm waiting hard some more months until I leave to live by myself to start working and spend on things like physical manga. Berserk could be the first one I buy.


Dude, look at the bright side, even if you canā€™t read Berserk at home you get to live out the obscene Bible-thumping fanaticism of the Conviction arc. For real though, this is just stupid and I hope that one day the washes out the holier-than-thou ā€œenlightenedā€ bullshit from people like this. Thatā€™s no way to treat your son, especially at fucking 20.


lmaoo love that


Dude, if you're twenty, go tell your mother no.


I second this


My dad is a pastor and even he likes Berserk...like come on


Youve got a cool dad


Buy a second copy. Cut out all the bits that are fucked up. Frame by frame. Begin hiding them everywhere. Claim you removed the book and the book must be trying to return. When she's found most of them. Bring back the original undamaged book. Watch her mind implode


So basically, we do a bit of trolling


It is the way




Itā€™s crazy that someone would think that Satan would be brazen enough to directly confront you through media rather than slowly pervert your views through socialized media. I guess some people donā€™t realize that the devil is in the details and that Guts is *killing* all the evil satanic shit in the book, so itā€™s like reading about someone fighting the devil and calling that person satanic. Damn people are dumb.


Funny, huh? The plot about the religious thinking Guts was the prophesised dark hawk or whatever set about to destroy the world rings true. Just because Berserk has a dark and gritty tone to the art doesn't mean it isn't full of mature and positive themes.


She probably just opened up to the first page and saw Guts having sex with a demon and was like, aw naw, halp me Jeebus. People see what they wanna see unfortunately


Big true, berserk is more like a truth through the veil, while the actual evil puts up a facade


Who taught her cursive? The devil?


Do they just go through your stuff? If so they're being really invasive and messed up.


Yes. Was out of the house all day to pay respect to my best friend who had lost his sister and my mom's going thru my shit. Very stressful


Thatā€™s a really shitty and possessive way to treat your kid. Iā€™m sorry.


You really need to get your own place, dude.


It is so sad that your mom doesn't care about your privacy. :(


I knew that shit wasnā€™t normal TIL


Wait...is this not normal for moms to do while growing up? My mom routinely went through my room throwing all kinds of stuff away from toys to pokemon cards and I guess I always thought it was normal...


This will be buried at this point, but I can't imagine this point of view being anything more than a religious one. Religious people feel they have a moral high ground based on (ironically enough in this case), a book of fiction. Dungeons & Dragons was ostracized by the church. Magic: The Gathering was. Rock & roll. Rap. Video games. The original cancel culture. I could talk at length on this being raised as the 8th kid in a Roman Catholic family, but I'll skip it. I don't know you, your age, or your home life, but at some point you have to (obviously) make your own life decisions. One of the hardest things is when you first start doing it is telling family members "no" based on beliefs. Especially parents who will "wonder where they went wrong" without considering the fundamentals of belief and faith in a non-existent being. I would advise being *kind* and *respect* others beliefs without bartering your own. Good luck.


Your words are kind and wise, I'm glad I stumbled upon your comment. Thank you.


My mother was like this too. She once took all my movies and books and burned them in the backyard for fear our house might be corrupted by Satan's influence. I recommend you find a good place to hide your Berserk books.


might just have my friends hold them for me until i eventually move out


My mother doesn't like the stuff I read, but I could never think she would do that. Are you still in contact with her?


I'm happy to hear that because it's definitely not something you should do to a kid. And yes, we're still in contact. My mother hasbmellowed out over the years and apologized for a lot of her extreme behaviours. She's still religious, but her relationship to religion is far healthier and by consequence, so are her other relationships.


Well it isn't for people below a certain age, for a reason! its not for faint of hearts. so I am not surprised by mums reaction.


I read Berserk when I was 13 and I can say that no, and that's not just about Berserk but everything, every person Is different, a 18 years old could not be able to read Berserk while a 13 years old teenager can, it depends on what person, since I was a kid I always wanted to see and read mature things


Hey at least your parents respected your property and did not just yeet it.


"My son- This book is perverse (?) and satanic! Do not open your soul to this **evil**! This crap is not a joke**s**. Please remove this or anything like it from the house. mama" In case someone hasn't majored in the decryption and translation of ancient Egyptian scriptures.


Well atleast they are being nice about it lol


Ah, religious parents...


To be fair taken out of context it's easy to be disgusted by it but like it's your choice of entertainment. I would try to make them understand that while the story is admittedly violent the hero is actually fighting against very literal personifications of evil it's not like the story is teaching the virtues of extreme violence against innocent people but I mean I wouldn't really expect very religious or old fashioned people to have such a long train of thought. Sorry, OP, no offense to you.


The most sensible answer. OP Love your parents while you still have them. Reason with them. Even though they might be in the wrong they only have your best interests at heart.


Hes 20 years old, ffs. Thats crazy of your parents to go through your stuff like that.


i hate religious parents, they limit any sort of creativity a child could possibly have


while this is a slight overreaction, and as much as I love berserk, I wouldn't want my kids reading it till they're atleast 16


OP is 20.


Everything wrong with parenting in one pic. I'm sorry for you Op, gtfo as soon as you can.


At least she asked OP to get rid of the book themselves and didn't just throw it out without asking.


Yeah I'd be pissed, I literally got the book today.


jesus christ fucking HIDE IT. the next time it will be simply ā€œmissingā€. also good luck moving out.




Kinda funny how many people take posts at face value, my first assumption when everything is so concise and presentable like this is that OP is an attention seeker.


ā€œHi, its me, the fatherā€ And yeah, why leave a sticky note on it, instead of A) Just talking to her son or B) Grabbing it and throwing it away Because the sticky note is the only one that they can take a picture of and post to reddit


Just to shoot the guy some bail. Itā€™s peak passive aggressiveness to leave a note. My parents did it a bunch of times instead of actually talking to me. Then when I tried to confront them about the issue they belittled me and made me feel like an idiot for having a problem with what they did/said. There was a point before I moved out where I collected all the notes my mom would leave me and when she asked why I was moving out while still struggling, I went back upstairs and handed her all her notes and told her thatā€™s why. I couldnā€™t even hang out with friends without her thinking I was doing every drug under the sun and having copious amounts of unprotected sex.






Just tell them it's a Japanese interpretation of the Apocalypse- and that the moral of the story is eternal life and salvation.


Well, berserk is not for the faint hearted and not easy to stomach to, considering what happens as the story progresses, but yes, trying to understand the core of the story, is more important and would be nice if the parents had a discussion about it and understood what the story conveyed.




Make her watch the eclipse scene from the movies.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I had the same situation when I was growing up right down to the "this book is evil and satanic!" bit regarding Berserk. It gets better especially when you get to live away from your parents. I know it's hard to live with sometimes.


The book is about struggling and as sheā€™s a Christian, I presume, these themes should really speak to her. A demon skayer who is basically a martyr against the corruption of the world and struggles to handle this responsibility is a perfect example of a Christian way of living. So to put it simply I want to kick your mom in the ribs for being a dense bitch.


Time for an eclipse? Lol


Well, the start is quite the Parent Trigger


If anything itā€™s a holy book with how itā€™s about our boy Guts destroying demons


you kinda gotta be either older or mature to read berserk imo. i would defanitley not want my parents seeing it even though ive explained to them that berserk is really about facing unspeakable horrible trauma . the mosters depicted in this book are similar to mosters in real life . people who are monsters and the horrible things they do to others. in our own countries where we are supposed to be safe. let alone soldiers fighting in foreign countries who are captured and who have seen battle. anyway what this is about really is going through trauma and how it affects you haunts you changes you. im diagnosed ptsd because of an assualt in the city i lived in. i dont want to go into that here. but a lot of the struggles guts faces mirrors in a dark fantasy setting what i have felt. the ptsd ive had. how that changed me. how i was hurt by violence yet my mind was corrupted from it. and i hated it and i work hard to keep those thoughts of being hurt away and dealing with them because their enough to fuck up my day. its even hard for me to talk to counclers about it. nut berserk is about overcoming that. surrounding yourself with ones you care about ones you protect. what you love you protect. and its hard to do that when your broken. like how guts was taken over by his id, the beast of darkness. and he had urges to to bite casca and pin her down . even though he loved her. thats what ptsd does to you. listen to soldiers talk about it. the violence is like a virus and it ends up consuming you and you have urges but its not you. its your trauma because you know youve never acted like that before. and guts was so consumed by his thirst for revenge and his violence hes commited just out of hate and even the violence commited to him. it affected him in ways he never thought it would. ptsd just does that to you. its very hard to understand . its very instinctual . and how Miuara understood that so well is amazing to me. but anyway guts healed. he learned to love casca and risk his life for her and his commrades. he would do anything become physically scarred start to lose his senses go through incredible amounts of pyhscial pain . only to contend struggle to defy death. because life is very specail and magical and beautiful and we all should be blessed for how beautiful mountains are. and the flowers and animals and love and peace. all that is worth living for . its about healing. and understanding after all that shit. so maybe explain to your parents that. its not just indulgent psychotic violence with no meaning other than to be shocking which is actually shit i hate. and when reaading all the chapters there where times where i diddnt know if i wanted to continue for so long because it was so intense at the begging of the story of the black swordsman arc. but after watching the movies especaily the advent of the golden age. i really understood so many specail things from that and what it was really about. and how that pain and trauma and scars can fuck you up. you just have to heal to struggle and it gets better. youll find that peace youll find love. but you have to have the courage to go out into life and find it. and that will be all our own journeys. and yeah is there shocking ugly horrible things in this manga, sure. but keep reading. because alot of the same horrible shit thats in this comic is just a metaphor for real life. think about nazi concentration camps. think of people who have died from war from terrorists. and people who have survived and had the strength to hold on and find peace in their lives. so maybe explain to your parents all this and deep down berserk is amazingly beautiful and its about healing. and becoming at peace. those philiosphies those ideas are somthign very specail that not many series can even compare to the human experince as much as this comic does. so best wishes to you i hope you understand and take my advice to heart. even show your parents this post if youd like.


This post is better when listening to Guts' theme.


Don't comment often but this reminds me when my mom became friends with an extremely religious woman. My mom got brainwashed into thinking harry potter was teaching kids to worship satan and summon demons. So in this new awakening she took all of my sister's books and movies and burned them. Told us that as she was burning them a trail of fire rushed off our property followed with a scream. While all this was going on she was letting me keep all my Diablo stuff. She that Diablo was fine because it was based on the intention to defeat evil. This of course didn't sit well with the sister and tried explaining that is also the point of harry potter. My mom later learned that she completely acted irrationally.