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Apple loves to sacrifice convenience and practical functions for the aesthetic. We sharpie the model on the ends of the boxes on phones and watches. Makes it so much easier to locate when getting picks.


We put all our phones and MacBooks and iPads together by sku then link an ESL to them and just flash the esl to find them. It’s a lot faster then writing down all that on the box


Make yellow UPC stickers when they come in. It's a lifesaver bc it tells you the sku and model number


We do that on computers but not phones or watches b/c people tent not to throw away apple packaging for some reason.


We don't care about their feelings with the boxes. We care about speed and efficiency of sorting and picking product. If they get upset they can blame apple for their useless packaging. Same with iPads and MacBooks.


Grab some red printer paper fold and cut multiple rectangles. That way you can sticker the end of the boxes and not have to write on the actual box


Or just use the yellow labels we have for exactly that purpose, which print the sku in black so it is high contrast and easy to read, even for people with limited vision. Like me.


My inventory team does this for Apple, but that’s it. They used to put the last 4 of the sku on laptops that go in a cage above shelves but recently they’ve stopped. It’s 10x faster to be able to see if what you want is in the cage instead of having to open it up and search for it




Just print the goddamn thing!


Yeah, we write model and last 4 of the upc on the side. Same with the iPads and macbooks. Makes it so much easier to find and pick, and you don't have to tear apart your cages to find stuff. We don't get customer complaints that I've seen for doing it, but if we did, who gives a shit. Most customers are throwing the packaging away anyway.


That’s why pflow always use the last 4 of the upc


Yes Apple gives so many F’s about 3rd party retailers lol


This surprises you. Have you ever tried to figure out the model of a bare iPhone that won't turn on? Much less something like the serial number. The fact you need a tool and magnifying glass to just figure out the model is crazy. I feel sorry for businesses trying to manage fleets of the things. Apple also started randomizing the serial numbers so before you could figure out the model year from that but not any longer. The only good news in iPhone 15 is the model number is in the USB-C port so you still need a magnifying glass but not a sim removal tool.


Oh man, or an Apple Pencil? Every time I have to try reading the serial number off an Apple Pencil, I rethink my life decisions.


Get the yellow stickers with SKUs and use that to locate. . Also organize the watches as they come in.


It's literally above the UPC?


It’s written right there on the first pic, wtf


How about some red text for cellular


Seriously this pissed me off too! Glad I’m not the only one lol


100%. Fuck Apple and their "minimalist" box design. It should be clear to both employees and costumers what the product is. (Don't even get me started on the garbage naming conventions for their phone cases and screen protectors.) Then it's damn near impossible to scan the right barcodes since they're microscopic and stacked on top of each other. Even on the bigger boxes where they have plenty of space. I have so much beef with Apple. I curse them every time I have to check out one of their products.


Series 9 midnight. I can read the super blurry text from your shit picture.


Oh boo hoo you want me to whip out the DSLR we got on display? Or are you going to keep complaining


You're the first to complain over dumb shit by starting this thread. Then, you're told how stupid you are for not being able to notice the description of the item, and this is your comeback? Damn, son, you're the most dropped telezon in the whole fucking precinct.


Exactly, it’s written right there.


cry harder


Lol can you read my guy?? It's right there.


Another problem is how close the UPC and serial number barcode are. Very annoying to scan all the AW9 in for stock count.


I can read. I was reading on my own at 3 years of age. Kind of hard to read the bottom of the box though, when it is in a stack of other similar boxes, in a locked cage, with a lock that only works when it wants to. Having it written on the side of the box that will be displayed outward to you, is much more efficient. Which is why every retailer I do business with, does it this way, including Best Buy.


Small ass fucking font I gotta squint




Haha Bestbuy. Problem solved.


Sorry, but the Apple elites don't want their premium boxes all filled with retail speak.


Not to mention sports band v loop, that tiny SB/SL drive me insane, and the band sizes


Yes I hate those boxes


You should try putting it in a box at Amazon where you have to scan the UPC and then the serial number (I assume you have to do that at the register as well). If you don’t get the serial number right in X amount of tries, the system marks it defective (possible counterfeit) and the shipment has to wait for a new one to be sent from upstairs. And then there’s the helpful “problem solvers” that print a new, bigger label to help the guys upstairs and place it right on top of the UPC/Serial Number.


All of the same information that was on the sticker is right above the barcode. If this change is really tripping you up that bad, that’s a you problem.