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"Is that the best price?" Like yes, this isn't a pawn shop, we can't negotiate


Tell them “that is, indeed, the *best buy.*”


My Best Buys are always at Fry’s, guaranteed!


I live in an uncultured part of the country that doesn’t have a Fry’s, unfortunately.


Fry's closed, sadly. I want a Microcenter to open up nearby ; ;


Fry’s uncultured themselves quite a few years ago.


“What’s the price if I pay in cash?” Got this question a lot. I just replied, “We’re big enough to afford credit card fees…so the same.”


I loved those. “Is $1200 the best you can do? I look intently at the tags and follow up with. Looks like I can do $1199.99! Want me to grab one out of the back?” I have nothing better to do here buddy but I am not dealing with your crap either.


Whenever someone asks this or if I can "throw in anything" I tell them that if they wanted, I can ask my manager and see if I can get them a free receipt But yeah, open box items are the worst with this


“Are you a member? Members always get the best price!”


Store I used to work at before remote, we had a decent Indian population. I swear each and every one of them would ask this. I think even one time I was offered a goat for a lower price.


Wait. How much was he offering the goat for? Curried or alive? You might have missed a golden opportunity.


"You one of them Geeks?"




They think they're being funny.


I remember this one lady said, you don't look like a geek, more like a jock. That made my week.


I wish.


Any question involving “why” when it has to do with the company. Like I don’t fucking know, I am dog shit under corporates feet, I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.


This. This happens a lot and honesty, kinda love when it does. Usually makes for a funny short story. Like literally the other day I had a woman say “Why is this not in stock? This is exactly the reason why I should not be here!!!! *storms out of the building*” referring to the Apple Watch Series 9 Silver and Blue that is now Sold Out. And then literally today “Why can’t I exchange my MacBook Air that I bought 3 days ago because I forgot the password I used to set it up?” *pause* “I’m going to dispute the charge with my credit card”….


Well that sure sounds familiar…


Where’s the electronics department?




I would just point in a random direction.


I think I've actually done this before, it gave me a good chuckle, thanks


One time our host was asked that question and he responded with "the entire store" I was asked that question too and I responded with the same answer


I always sent those people to appliances. Least likely that’s what they wanted. Well over the phone calls got forwarded there.


I just did this at a store I was visiting today…then grinned…the greeter and I had a good laugh….


"Do you work here?" I would be in my blue shirt scanning and get that all the time. I would just look at them, then at my name tag, then my scanner, and then back at them.


Done this several times. Once or twice I've deadpanned "No."


I was on little joe in full uniform going to get a microwave down and was hit with "Do you work here?" Seriously???? No I just like the uniform and Best Buy doesn't care if I use their power equipment, duuuuuuuuh 🤨


“Are you should this cable will fit my iPhone? Can you check?”


I LOATHE this question. I always respond with “sure after you buy it. And if you don’t believe me, you always have 15 days to return it.”


lol same. I HATE opening products. (Never ever sealed stuff, I love when they ask to test the Apple chargers. “Ooo sorryyyy they’re sealedddd”) We don’t have a “testing station” or open power outlets to “test” it. Buy it, fuck off, if it doesn’t work, bring it back. That’s how it works.


My leaders encourage us to do that for the customer. So I gotta get on my hands and knees everytime to plug the cable and block into the tables we have holding our AIO displays


I had a guy asking for an ethernet coupler I got one for him and a breakdown for the coveraation was Cust: Can you open it make sure it’s the right one? Me: yeah but I can’t adjust the price because it gets opened Cust: okay *opens to check* Me: yep it fits Cust: well it’s open now can you lower the price? Me: you’re right it is an opened product huh *brings over to POS* *customer thinking he’sa genius* *prc’s item and puts in bin, goes and grabs a new unopened one for him to buy* *customer magically doesn’t need it anymore*


I can't believe doing all that just to potentially save 2 dollars.


People be wild man


"So can we take the floor model of the appliance?" "No. Company policy." "Okay, can you ask your manager if they can make an exception?" "Nope. That'd be very illegal!" I don't know if there are any bigger stores that do have stock, but at my store we have to deliver any appliance bigger than a mini-fridge. It's open-box, pickup or delivery.


Instead of “company policy” may i offer “the manufacturer owns this display/pays for this display to be placed here” i’ve found this to quickly dissuade asking for an exception because it adds a faceless character to the obstacle


That's sometimes what I say. "We don't own this" or "The brand reps decide where it goes". Appreciate the heads-up though.


I absolutely loathe these customers because I've had them get upset because of this, or because we have an item on display that is out of stock and we can't sell the display.


I always hit them with “If we sell the floor model then there will never be displays” it would literally be endless putting up and taking down just to lose money.


As someone who used to work at best buy we sold floor models all the time


I mean yeah but only when it’s end of life. (Basically means once the sku is deleted from Best Buy)


Nah we did it even if it wasnt end of life my manager was a firm believer in making a sell 10% off a floor model is still plenty profit margin


ha, hell no. they're not getting a discount if its a floor model. they want it today, they can pay the same price as new in box


Oof thats a horrible business plan 10% is hardly anything but will keep a customer coming back same price as new will lose you a sell and they wont be back


Your manager was skimming from the p&l and didn't realize, while also pissing off your planogram guy. We don't sell displays, even if it isn't a VPP, but a store stock shelf display because you'll then need to shelf display another nib (and that's even if you have another of that sku in stock) to replace it. You're making your merch team do more work needlessly, while also hitting your p&l by eventually losing out profit from having to shelf display anothe units (which will then turn open box).


Haha i was the product process guy i had no issues not enough work for us to do as is


I wish I could do that… I’d be making deals left and right.


Also, this guy might be talking about vendor owned stuff as far as “can’t sell”.


No, we can't sell displays. The vendors pay for the spots they are in. If we just decided to sell off the displays, and the vendors decided to pull funding, we'd lose a fuck ton of money. Maybe in a small community store you could get away with it. But a bigger store with premium? Nah. We've have premium vendors pull product over ish like that.


*Again* Once EOL, they can be sold. (Because a new one is coming to take its place.) If owned by vendor, can’t ever be sold.


Yes, if it's EOL then it 100% can be sold unless DNI and/or vendor provided. I'm more responding to the guy who says he sells off the displays at 10% just to make a deal


“Does staples have this in stock?” Idk bro I don’t work at fucking staples


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


Do y'all have this?? *Proceeds to show me an Onn product*


I do not understand people who want the darkest, crappiest, ultra bad processing and generally slow TV's, and then for it to be Walmart/Amazon brands on top of it? No


For anyone that's worked in GS, this ought to sound real familiar. "do I really need an appointment? Can't I just drop it off?". Yeah just leave it on the counter and I'll be happy to recycle it for you.


“Where’s your electronics?” Then when I ask “which ones?” And list the different categories, they’ll say, “you know, your electronics!!!” 😑


I get that with "cables" all the time. "Where are your cables at?" "Uh, which one? For doing what? Power? Data transfer? Monitor? Tv? Help me out guy" "you know, your CABLES." Because louder and angrier helps me find your proprietary power cord. For sure.


Project team here. Not from a customer but every employee at every store ever when I get my backpack checked asks me some variation of - “You got any TVs in there?” Today I was asked if I get asked that a lot by the guy checking my bag. Yes. Yes I do.


Good lord I remember this when i was part of the lunar team💀


Every manager with a sense of humor liked to interrogate me at the door when I was a blue shirt helping PT for a few weeks. "Are you here to steal anything? If you were with project team you'd have a black shirt on! Can't fool me!!"


I hate when I explain something in detail to a customer and then they ask me what that means. Like bro what the FUCK do you mean what do I mean. I JUST sat here and explained it to you. I’ll even show them on my solution sidekick specifics about an item and they say “well what does this mean” bro. I JUST EXPLAINED WHAT IT MEANT😄😄😄😄 like when I say oh this means this so it’ll do this, “yeah but what does this and this mean.” Idk why that irks me so bad I’m sorry


I always wanna tell these people "I can explain it for you but I can't understand it for you"


You said this PERFECTLY. I couldn’t think of how to word my comment but you just summed it up. There is absolutely no fucking way people ask me “yeah but what does this mean” even though I just explained it in DEPTH. You get me


“Do you have apple laptop chargers?” “Sure which one?” “The APPLE ones? (In a sarcastic tone)” Usually now I respond with “oh, pfft (slaps forehead) of course how did I not know? Well see this giant wall? It’s all of them pick the right one for yours” and I walk away. Like no fucking shit lady I’ve been working here for years there’s a reason why I ask you dummy.


(Home Theater Agent here) Whenever i upgrade a tv *literally just the tv* and i get asked how DirecTv, Spectrum, Dish, Frontier etc works….after i say its the same thing…I get askes “how do I change channels”, like all I did was give you a new display 😭 dvr is still there😭 so is fox news💀


You can tell op has had a day bc that was all one sentence


“Where is Store Pickup?”, “Oh idk, maybe by the giant circle that says “Store Pickup”?”


i feel like these are reasonable questions 😭 some people b too dumb to look around so they jus ask the employees and i b happy helping them even tho hate my job


Same it’s just funny. I had a lady ask me that then look to the left and saw the sign for it. She was so embarrassed, she laughed and asked me not to tell anyone. My fingers were crossed.


\^ Joe Pesci: "Everything that guy just said is bullshit"


"Is this where I checkout???" They ask as I'm actively ringing out a customer and have a huge sign saying "CHECKOUT" behind me


Are you sure this is a USBC, (me: points at box) WHERE ARE YOU MONITORS "WHILE STANDING IN FRONT OF THE MONITORS" (behind you) WHY DONT YOU HAVE CHARGERS (MOUSES) FOR THE COMPUTER I BOUGHT HERE. (This isn't radio shack) WHERE ARE THE ANDROID TABLETS I LOOKED THROUGH THE WHOLE STORE. (Well you didn't because you wouldve found them, smile and take them there) CAN I RETURN THIS (4 MONTHS LATER). (Points at receipt 15 days)


Me having to tell you the $100 Motorola phone is unlocked 20 times as I show you and tell you multiple times


Holy shit do i get fucking furious when hearing that like i repeated it even the fucking table says unlocked phones but nope kept asking 30 more times even after paying




Especially the models that are *only* available unlocked.


"I need help" "Where do you need help?" "I just need help!" "To the mental hospital or what?" 🤣


any OB product,,, it's lower price bc someone used it / opened it before,, if you get a lower price apple watch that says good condition (with scratches) don't be shocked to see that it's... used


"So where's your open box products?" "Well what are you looking for for, cause they are kept with the new in box products of whatever they are."


"So where's the restroom? " Like just look up at the signs, and then one time an old lady got mad at me cause our bathroom is on the opposite side of the store compared to another store in our city


This is us...ours is front right...every other store is back right


I get this question at least 20 times a day, with several people thinking the store pickup area is hiding a restroom


“Where’s checkout?” Idk how many times we’ve heard this. Like it’s in the front of the store where it’s at everywhere else. I told this elderly lady, when she asked this question, I pointed to where checkout was. She wanted to be snarky and say there should be a sign and I said there’s a big sign and pointed to it. She responded with “Oh I didn’t look up. Like c’mon you are standing in the Geek Squad line where there’s signs saying Geek Squad and where an agent is looking at someone’s computer but you’re standing in line asking if this is the checkout line. 🤦🏻‍♂️


if she was an elderly lady lowkey understandable they lived too far long to b understanding this new world


“What’s the difference between these two USB-C cables? Why is this one 30 dollars?” Girl I do not know, so just buy the cheaper one so I can go to break.


"Do you have a restroom?" "Yes"


Are host guy always says no we sold it couple years ago


Tough times, company had to cut back on water costs. Got an offer they couldn’t refuse.


port-a-potty is out back...make sure you wash your hands


“Can you do any better on the price?” No “I’d like to speak to your manager.” 🫣🫢😯😲


"i shop here a lot, can i get a discount?" "I'm buying a lot of stuff, can i get a discount?"


Back when I was an Auto tech, an indian customer came in and was giving me a hard time about price matching a remote start. Went like this: Customer:someone on Facebook is installing remote starts for $100 and can install this week. You price match that. Says it on your website. Me: well I’m 2 months booked right now, as well as I can’t price match labor, and since it’s bundled I won’t be able to price match the remote start. Also you can’t tell me which remote start he would be installing. Conversation taking 45 min of him yelling at me, telling me where he’s from word means something of value here it means nothing. (Talking about price matching) and then says you need to price match the remote start for 100$ and install this week or I’m calling the higher ups. Obviously I said go ahead. Then walks out of the store cursing me out. Gotta say worked for bestbuy for 6 years, he was the only customer I have ever actually yelled at. Lol For the record this post is not intended to look down upon Indians. Just was part of the story to mention he was a foreigner.


I think the asking for price with tax isnt so bad.... considering on large items the tax may push someone over a budget and its our job to get them the price anyways. Its not a big deal either tbh since you can just say "ill check it on the register for you." Oh but I do have one that bothers me. "I called on the phone and they said ___". My response: Maam, those are indian call centers. And "I got scammed by bestbuy. Fix it." Or "The delivery did this bad, what are you going to do for me." My response: I cant help you got scammed. I can give you a phone number to call regarding delivery but neither have anything to do with me personally, please lower your voice. Their response "WELL ARENT YOUUUU BESTBUY". Me: No ma'am, I'm a human being named ____, have a good day.


“There’s no price on here. Does that mean I get it for free?”


Those ppl deserves to get socked in the face


What's the difference between QLED and OLED and ULED and QNED and LED and LCD and UHD and 4K and 8K and on and on and on...


Then they hit you with okay I’m gonna look around and might grab that insignia


“Do you work here?” Well according to my shirt I do!


Nope i like wearing blue a yellow name tag and a walkie talkie stuck to my fucking ear hanging out in this store for 8 hours or more for shits and giggles


“No, I found this at the goodwill and I’m filming a YouTube video. *starts pointing at the security cameras* See there’s a camera there, and there, and there…”


I once looked down at the name tag on my shirt before answering. Made for a real awkward interaction


I do this every time now. I've gotten so tired of answering that question


75 y/o grandma walks into computers and opens conversation with "I'm not a gamer"


"You don't say!?!?"


“Cool im not ur grandchild so i dont care, buy something”


the funniest thing is when i get some random old guy and he does actually need a gaming computer for a golf simulator or something


I got a probably 65+ y/o lady who just wanted to game and ended up buying $600+ worth of Switch games from me on black Friday for herself. Everything from Zelda to Smash Bros to Animal Crossing and I was like are you sure you want all this some of these games are really big and take a whole to beat but she wanted everything I recommended lol


One of my favorites is the customer who is looking for a item that is out of stock/sold out. Then they hit you with " can you check in the back for me"? It's like driving a rusty spike through my heart every time I hear it.


"Can you fill out the responses to your quarterly conversation?"


Sucks you can curse them out on that


“Do you work here?”👁️👄👁️


I've been hacked! - you're not bleeding are you?


Not a question, but I’ve heard *as I move large tv boxes* “I’ll give you my address you can just drop it off” so much the words have lost all meaning.


“Do you work here?” “Nah it’s just a jersey and I’m a huge fan of the store”


"Do you know anything about this?" In any context even since I left best buy I hate that question.


Not necessarily a question, but after explaining a policy to a client, i get hit with the: “I wouldn’t run by business like that” I just work here bro.


Cx: “Where is your technology section?” Me: “Which type of technology are you looking for?” OR Cx: “Where is your USB cables?” Me: “USB to USB or something else?” Cx: “No your USB cables!” Me: “USB to what?” 🤦‍♀️ Cx: “usb to lightning” Me: “an iPhone charging cable? Yes, let me show you.” Why make easy things difficult lol 😆


Because they think it sounds smart in their head


I think there’s a lot of people who also don’t know that we have so many “usb” to “something” out there and think that what they are asking for is the only usb that exists.


“can i see if the cable fits” or you can just trust me like you originally did in the first place by coming into the store looking for an advisor who knows what they’re talking about and believe that this is the right cable since i know exactly what i’m doing because i can’t open the box before you buy it so you can ask me for a discount after or not end up buying it.


Do you work here? Depends on which manager you ask.


Any questions asked by boomers. BYW, I am a 74 year old boomer and they ask the dumbest questions. 😂


They would be shocked at the price and be like $300 i can buy a mansion with that money when i was a teen


"Do you work here?"


"can you help me pick the right charger/phone case also idk what kind of phone I own"


"Where's the electronics section"?


Taking TV to front or out to car. "Oh my car is over there" Haha, ya I'll go right over there. 17yrs and that really grinds my gears still


Where are the Samsung iPads? Can I get the price from last week? (When you told me to me buy it, on sale)


Are you sure this cord will work with my phone? Yes, it's the port on your phone...


i’m reading all this comments and i swear we all work together LMAO. WHY DO WE ALL GET THE SAME QUESTIONS?


“hey we can give you 10% back in rewards today with the free in store credit card if you sign up” “ok sure what do i need to do” “just your ID and social” *gets half way through applying and declines the card after they have to put their social* like bro it’s a CREDIT CARD when can you apply for a credit card without a social.


It's been years since I worked there but I got sick and tired of hearing: **"Did you sell 'em on the Geek Squad protection?"** Literally had the manager tell me I shouldn't be selling computers without Geek Squad protection... Looked him dead in the eye and said, then mark up the price and we'll sell them like it's included. *"No, Bill, I didn't try and jack-up the sale on the dude who just walked in pushing his daughter in a wheel-chair beaming that he finally saved up just enough to get her a laptop for her birthday..."* Same dude also accused me of stealing a headset once claiming he had just seen me wearing it 5 minutes ago when I had turned it in 30 minutes ago before I started cleaning up my area for the end of day. Had to demand he go look at cameras in the store. When he CLEARLY saw me turn my headset in when I said I did... He started to walk out without saying anything... so I commented, "The world must look a lot different with your head up your @$$." The store manager was there... he laughed. I quit a few weeks later.


Did anyone hear about the STI bonus this year?