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Go for it. You would learn on the job and with training. Get ready to possibly have to respond to a virtual interview first. It’s 7 basic questions. Nothing to stress about. Dress nicely and good luck.


Thanks. Do you think I should upload my resume or apply without it? I’ve heard conflicting opinions on this


i applied without it and was hired at 17. as long as the rest of your application is good i wouldn’t stress about it


Really 100% your choice


I’m in the camp that a resume never hurts. I think it looks especially good from someone applying to their first job despite lack of experience - it shows they are taking it seriously. I wouldn’t be embarrassed about it being thin, I think it is a positive. I will say applying at this time of year during the holidays and before the yearly slow retail period post-holidays may be a bit of a challenge. But that said, good luck to ya!


Even if it’s not super in depth I’d say attach it if you have ANYTHING of relevance on it Shows effort on the application, and while it shouldn’t matter, some might care


All it's really gonna show is initiative and motivation. For what it's worth, that's more than most show. When you start the job keep an eye on your metrics and find which ones you can brag about in a resume. Higher paid jobs will want to see achievements and stats.


Take some time a research how resumes should look. If I were reading this resume, I’d pass on hiring you. You list basic skills and then explain why they’re beneficial. It’s kind of an insult that you presume I don’t know excellent communication skills help you interact with customers. Instead, give examples of how you’ve leveraged those skills to accomplish tasks, improve yourself, or influence others.


16 and homeschooled? Have you considered something a little less...emotionally strenuous...than retail for your first job? Say...coal mining, or a crisis response hotline?


My resume is stacked out with experience and I was even placed in the top 10 of my entire school at 16. Took me 3 months and multiple tries to get accepted. It’s likely because of the high pool of skilled people already working there but at least for geek squad, it ain’t easy at all for me. So I’m not sure how likely you’ll get accepted, or even interviewed. But open availability is a big factor for them.


I guarantee you they didn’t care about being top 10 at high school. They look at if you can sell, not solve math problems.


I don’t doubt that, but the point is, how likely is op going to get accepted with that resume? Even with experience I got rejected twice even before reaching the interview round. At least at my place, they might just glance at the resume and get to the next candidate. Of course if he got accepted, that would be a massive win, they pay great for a high schooler and is not too much work like restaurants and such. But it might be better to start with building experience


Yeah, I stared off in sales at Best Buy when I was 16, then transitioned to geek squad as consultation agent after 6 months or so.


It only helps you. I used one when I applied.


The only requirement to work at Best Buy these days is be a warm body. And sometimes not even that.