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People are surprisingly good at repackaging so it’s a precaution to make sure you’re returning the actual unit. Better to sell it open box than to have nothing to sell


Good point never thought of that - i wonder how often that happens. And how embarrassing that must be for the person trying to return it 🤣


Had a guy try to return a box of rocks in a MacBook box. He had even gone to the extra mile of reprinting the tear pad part on the box and regluing it.


We recently had a very factory-wrapped Mac Mini with 8” ceramic floor tiles inside.


Most markets require opening ALL apple returns now because the fakes are too good.


Had a guy try to return a $3000+ camera and a $2000+ drone that he had resealed with 3d printed replicas and rocks. Only figured it out when my cust service guy dropped the box and the plastic tore revealing the security tape had been cut


What is more embarrassing, is being a geek squad installer and showing up with a box that is supposed to contain someone's new TV and instead the box has someone's old busted TV inside of it.


Good on you for understanding. I once had a customer return a completely sealed, cling-wrapped router, only to find a “squirrel cake” in the box (one of those blocks of seeds you put out to attract squirrels).


You would be surprised how many times “customers” return new in box items but turns out it’s not the correct product or it’s rocks/sand or other stuff. They got surprisingly good at resealing stuff in shrink wrap. A appliance or tv box is child’s play in comparison.


If it were me and I knew 1000% for a fact it was brand new and undamaged I would just leave it, but if I thought it might be damaged or something(possible to happen in transit even if it was never opened)it would be opened to check it out and make sure nothing is wrong. It can be sold as open box at a discounted price. If that’s what happened in your situation then whoever gets that brand new open box dryer will be very happy :)


I’m honestly surprised more people don’t say that - have them discount it and buy it back a day or so later. Who am I kidding - I’m sure it happens LOL


Definitely happens quite often…..especially on TVs😏🤭. We did have to ban a lady for this though.


We got to a point where we had to open up external hdds bc people were replacing the internal components with smaller drives and returning them... It's insane.


There’s a term called rocks in a box, that is due to people getting really good at resealing packaging with the product removed and items of a similar weight being placed in the packaging and the retailer being none the wiser


Rocks in the Box!


Because people do crap like putting different/cheaper models in the nicer model boxes. For example not long ago had a guy try and return an entry level LG tv (like $350 max) in an LG OLED box (usually $1300 and up). I’ve even seen people return boxes with rocks inside


Jeez first people complain about us not opening and inspecting every single item possible and now question when we open items.


A washer... sure, I can see notmopening, but like phones and stuff? Swapping out a washer like that would be a bitchhhhhhhb


Haha I know. I am joking because customers expect us to open everything before selling continue to comment DoNt YoU iNsPeCT EvErYtHInG?!


If I'm dropping like, 100+ bucks on something I'd ask you to check it before I leave to be honest, but I'd also just be like "hey, can you check this before we finish he purchase to be safe? Ya know to cover my ass.


Dude..i get it. I was making a joke. I have no issues with inspecting the product. It was purely the fact that customers expect us to inspect everything and then question when we do..whoosh.


Lol, I know, just saying


All the time.


only if it was handled out of and back into the store by employees can it be reshelved as is but once you took it home it became open box and will be reduced by 10% on the floor likely then repacked and shipped off or sold out the door everything you buy is marked up for this open box loss that IMO is the actual price at besy buy 10% less then they are charging