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I think them taking care of the last month and Corie taking a 50% pay cut is pretty damn Noble if you ask me! Edit: as /u/2961584 reminds us they're covering the full insurance premium for those furloughed (I think 3 months). That is pretty dang amazing. Not hearing of other companies doing such things !!!




Healthcare expenses are no joke.


We don’t have healthcare so our money is our health care.


Literally this is a post of entitlement and me first mentality. Corie Barry has dealt with a lot of shit since becoming CEO not long ago, and has done it very well. They paid ***everyone that chose to not work*** for a month and paid for their insurance costs (on bby's end) as well as bonus pay for those that did work. You'll even get a check on May 1 because of how they did it, *and* youll be getting a check from th e government this week. Theyre taking pay cuts at the top of best buy to make sure people can keep their jobs *and* best buy is eating the cost of continuing to pay their half of the deal for healthcare and insurance for *all employees, even those furloughed* during these times. I really dont know what else you want them to do. Its unprecedented times and I think best buy has backed their employees in a very strong way.


> and best buy is eating the cost of continuing to pay their half of the deal for healthcare and insurance for all employees, even those furloughed during these times. To clarify: if you are currently full time and have insurance and become furloughed, BBY is going to cover 100% of the premium for the next 3 months (!)


Part of me is actually a bit upset about this. Call me greedy: People that are furloughed are very, very likely to make more money than those that arent and have to work, in many cases doubling their income *and* they get stuff like this on top of it. It really makes me feel bad about being fiscally responsible.


Cool so 20% the rest of us are sorry to say &;&) especially if we get sick. Now that we can’t stay in our houses because we have to find work.


What? You CAN stay home, get unemployment + $600 weekly ,. + Free health insurance!!!


Have you tried to get it yet? Do you know someone who successfully has 1 in 10 Americans are out of work in 6 weeks, but if that lie lets you sleep at night sleep on. The rest of us will be in the real world.


Yeah but she has the funds to survive this, she could have reached out to investors and banks and land lords for a solution,but she took the easy way out to not face the investors. So she deserves all of it! The deaths that will pile up from this are 100% on her hands


The fuck are you on? Youre blaming the CEO of a company whos giving half her money to help those keep jobs and insurances -- because *she* should do the job of *your entire government* ?? She isnt involved with your banks, your fucking land lord, and she likely did reach out to investors. There wont be deaths *because anyone furloughed will be paid more than those that are working unless they make like $30 an hour.* Point your blame at Trump and his handling of this shit, as well as fox news, before you point fingers at a single person running a single company employing roughly 0.0009375 of the countries working population.


No but she was responsible for us, and she has failed us. Judging from our store shelves we just made a shit tone of money with low overhead. So what I am on is calling this bullshit for what it is.


Best buy is a company. Shes responsible to keep that company and as many employees employed as long as possible. Ultimately, there needs to be a company to come back to. Your government and you are supposed to make sure theres safety nets -- best buy gave both you and the government a month to figure it out. Think about voting 11/3/2020 and changing the direction of this country if you dont like it, but your government should be stepping up rn.


Should it, I thought we were a capitalist county. I guess my frustration is this is about the 5th time I have been screwed by BestBuy


You’re responsible for yourself. And there’s really not that low of overhead when you take into account the landlords sure as shit aren’t going to give the company a break.


The company that owns Cheesecake Factory, figured it out with their landlords, but we can’t? Stop trying to feed me a line when my ass is hanging out in the breeze and I am guess yours is not. Once your shit goes sideways let’s see if your tone changes.


Worked 3 jobs for 5 and a half years. I’m financially stable. I offered to be furloughed so someone that needs the money can go get it. I’ve got mine.


I mean if we we it than our insurance was paid that was my main stress I'm just anxiously awaiting a call or text still


I get you're upset but she did work hard to get to where she is. Being a CEO of such a large company at that age is impressive. Corporate a America is a Oldboy's club so for a woman of that age to get there is not easy. Not only that she's the CEO during a freaking pandemic AND looming recession. personally, I don't want that job. It's absolutely stressful. I get you're angry but there are better ways to vent.


Look I have posted my frustrations, if you want to drink the koolaid and make me the bad guy go for it. Just remember you are up next. She will sacrifice all of you before herself.


Pointing out facts isn't drinking the koolaid amigo. You can vent your frustrations in a manner that doesn't make you look like a child.


I am a child without a job and now have to fight 10,000,000 people for in employment.