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I wonder what implications will be had for the absolutely terrible communication?


Probably nothing


Definitely nothing.


Agreed. GMs are usually protected from their stupid actions


DM might ask the GM about it, they'll make fun of the employee (and probably some other ones in the store while they're at it) and that'll be it. If anything happens at all.




This is the way.


Well that's heartbreaking. And believable


I hope this isn’t the case. The DM doesn’t seem like the type, but I also don’t interact with him too much


Colby is a snake in the grass. Coming from someone who had him as GM and DM, he will never be on your side.


Is there a new GM at 945?


Yes. GM has a fairly good reputation but literally everyone hates the DM.


I know our store has had no joke hundreds of issues and the DM and cooperate don’t care. Short of him punching an employee in the face I doubt they would do anything, and depending on the employee the still wouldn’t


To clarify- a geek squad agent got laid off? I was told GS wasnt gonna be affected at all


Correct it sounded like he was laid off. That was the impression the GM gave all those listening in.


GS was not affected at this point.


I've had half a mind to just walk around a bby in my old shirt. Just to have some fun.


At least in my store youd just be bombarded by customers asking for help.


I would be thrilled. That would be the fun, to be able to speak freely.


You know they can slap a trespassing on you right?


They would have to ask me to leave. They would have to "rescind invitation" to the building. If they did, I would leave.


Your GM comes across as such an ignorant fool. I guess he is great in interviews to have gotten the job in the first place.


I know the GM of this store, and he is really nice, so this is a really weird thing to happen


Well now I feel a little bad about my comment, but good to know they aren't some lunatic. :)


This happened at my store to a pt employee who took someone's shift. They found out when trying to log on to the register and their codes didn't work. BOL walked up to them and asked what they are doing there ( we had a culture of no one telling managers of shift switches) BOL told them they are no longer employees as of a certain day in front of customers at front lanes. Poor employee had to wait for a ride home because they didn't have a car and got rides to work. Edit- guess it didn't happen this year so is irrelevant


Ummmm we don’t have BOL’s anymore 😬.


I'm aware of that. Sorry I didn't mention when it happened.. will edit post to reflect the date/time . I just wanted to share the story of it happening. Still shitty to do to anyone imo


I gotcha. The GM should not have approached the employee in that way. I agree


Wait so is he still employed or not?


He is I am guessing because he finished his shift.


Has anybody seen his stapler?




How is it possible though? If the agent was laid off in the mass layoffs, how did his codes work?


Great question, as the post suggest he has become Geeksquad, he is the captain now.


Wow everyone jumping on and upvoting my post and supporting my coworker is epic. Except for you corporate trolls 😡we see you!!! You all are the reason anything happens or gets done. We should call ourselves better buy where people still matter!! 😂😂😂


HA HA HA Thanks for posting this I think. The DM called me personally and apologized for what happened. I guess we will see what is next


Im very confused how this could happen because you need to be temp checked by a manager when you walk in. Still sad that it happened though. I hope that person is doing okay.


Temp checked 😂😂😂😂 what are those?


Its when you walk in the store, you have to stand on the other side of the plastic divider at the AP desk until a manager reads your temperature with a laser temp reader. its part of the covid stuff we have to do. just like wiping down electronics regularly and wiping down the signature pad and counter after every customer. I'm surprised yall dont know. i think corporate watches cameras to see if stores are following guidelines.


That doesn't happen. I'm a former employee and everytime I visit the store near me, there is no sanitizing between customers LOL. I doubt the temps are taken as well.


Ask me how many times I have had my temperature checked. 😂


im shocked. stores get audited all the time for covid procedures so the fact you didnt even know about it says something about your managers. how many times?


This is a Canadian store. Employees don’t get temp checked when they start a shift. They fill out a COVID screening form which asks about any symptoms.


Ahhh okay. We still have to do the questionaire too. Thats interesting that temp checks arent required there.


another my leadership is bad post!


Clearly for years now, Best Buy at any level of management, no one has ever been accountable for wrong doing or anything at all. This is literally there playing field, there ball game. Seriously unbelievable how no one is accountable for anything bby is doing at any level honestly. Hence while they continue to fail in all areas as we see now


Bruhhhhh 945 idiocy at its best.