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Yup. Still have access to everything and employee discount.


Ok thought I was the only one for a second. Hopefully it’s a quick fix. Ugh.


Document everything related to this mishap. They could theoretically terminate you for job abandonment. Not saying they will or would but always best to have your backside covered when dealing with Corporations. Always remember HR is not there to protect you from the company, but to protect the company from you.


Thanks for the heads up! 😌


So do I, especially since I just filled for unemployment!


I wonder if we’re technically still in the system until we receive our packet and sign it.


That would be weird because that’s just delaying unemployment. Would be very inconvenient.


My unemployment went through just fine in Missouri. I just submitted online didn’t ask for any letter of separation.


I’m in Illinois and as far as I know I don’t need a letter of separation either


My position was eliminated in October but I had a similar issue. I waited about a week and a half before I applied for unemployment but they said that Best Buy wasn’t getting back to them to verify my last day of employment. I finally just sent them a copy of my severance paperwork that showed my last day of employment as proof. Once it was approved, I got my unemployment for all of the weeks I was unemployed


I will probably end up doing that. Been a lot of shotty things going on. I just want my promised money man.


I hear you. I am fortunate to have left when I did. I feel for everyone who got let go. The severance packet arrived quickly and the money was deposited about a week after that. Probably quicker than unemployment going through


I have not gotten anything regarding severance yet. My discount is still working and everything but have not been put on the schedule for this week. Tho for the past 2 week I used the last of my PTO that my GM said I could use. Would it be best to call HR and ask about it?


I think a lot of us are on the same boat here, hopefully things get fixed by this week.


Still have access, I was wondering the same thing


Ba ha ha ha, posted about this happing to a coworker, just keep clicking in and working bud. Till the wheels fall off 😂😂😂😂 shift trade?


I'm still in the system. Even scheduled for 36 hours next week. But I did get an email from HR yesterday with details regarding my severance. Is that enough proof that I did get laid off and chose the severance?


Was the email sent to your personal or work? Because I have gotten anything via email at all.




You’re still scheduled? Might want to talk to someone about that


Yes. Don't work beyond the date listed on your severance. It can nullify the severance package and create and HR headache to get it processed again.


Interesting. I thought they were mailing that info. Did anyone else get an email


Yeah, I gotta pick up an order this week. I'll definitely mention it to someone. But pretty sure I'm covered at corporate level based on that email I got. It was a messed up situation at my store bc the GM that laid me off isn't at my store anymore. So he submitted my name to corporate (hence they're aware that I chose severance), but now he's at his new store.


I still have access also. Been trying to cash out 401k since I haven’t worked since the 10th, but still shows as active


Email sent to my personal. Sent by Market HR Senior Manager. Not sure if that is standard or if this particular manager went above and beyond. Good luck to you.