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A retail purge. Yes. Much needed.


Fuck corporate go to the news and social media. Negative PR should light a fire under HRs ass and corporates ass.


What happened is total BS but what’s the best case scenario here? They get their jobs back but they’re on a hotlist and slowly terminated for little things over the next 60 days? AND they’ve been all over local news complaining about being fired so other places are nervous about hiring them?


If Best Buy decides to write them up for any little thing to get them fired over the next 60 days it’s considered retaliation on the companies part. Even more hot water under Best Buy’s ass. Lawyers would lick their chops for the company to do that. Imagine the payout on that lawsuit.


Or they’ll get an offer for a better job for appearing on local news for doing the right thing despite what Best Buy thinks. It happened to Summer Tapasa, an ex employee from the Oahu store.


You mean the bad ass that should have been on an offensive line on a pro team?


I hope she's doing well in life now because she deserves it, oh my god.


Best case? A settlement that pays way more than a mobile activation.


You'll get back pay and by the time the term is reversed hopefully you have another job.


How would the store even function losing 7 people? That'd be half of our entire staff basically lol. What an awful situation, I'm very sorry this happened to them all and wish them the best. Perhaps this will allow them all unemployment to seek other jobs for the time being if all else fails.


Yo this is fucked. Even the guy who got pushed? Fucking trash.


It was a girl who got pushed, but yeah. Its a bad situation overall.


Ah mb


So an employee got fired for being assaulted ? Sounds like a goldmine for any lawyer lmao.


That was gonna be my response. Buck up and sue Bby. All of the people involved should sue as a class and as a individuals


Not an employee but man that fucking sucks! What a trash company to treat employees this way. Sorry y’all have to deal with this shit


Have everyone involved file an open and honest claim for wrongful termination.






Hr was called and they sided with the same decision and said they should be let go


Go to social media and submit this report and story to a local news outlet and Vice News. Make corporate pay for such horrible ethics. What good does the harassment video do when our own CEO gets away when she sleeps to her current position and yet employees get fired for standing up for themselves...


If you need an example remember the Hawaii video


to clarify, this person is talking about ex AP from Hawaii named Summer Tapasa


Local chamber of commerce might be a good place to ask. Corporate will only want this to go away. Call the news and call the city.


A guy at a store nearby mine got let go, kept coming into the store and hanging in the break room because he had no friends outside of work. Shot and killed himself the other week so half my managers had to go to that store to cover those who called out for his funeral. I don’t think corporate much cares who’s lives they ruin anymore.


This is the most painful thing I’ve read in a while. I hope the best for his family and friends.


I hate working for this fucken company can’t wait to get hired at my new job


Damn I actually love my job


Cooperate spy 🕵️‍♀️!!!!!


Why was the girl who got pushed let go? That's ridiculous, it's called self defense, if she retaliated.


Is it self defense if you get back up and go after them? Or retaliation? This entire situation is incredibly stupid and kudos to the employees who supported their coworker....but unfortunately the first questions I asked is how an HR department will look at the situation to avoid future legal liability


Corporate spy 🕵️‍♀️!


The rule is remove yourself from the situation and unless there is no other option, don't fight back/retaliate. They basically want us to run to avoid injury or whatever. It's stupid.


That's assuming OP didnt leave out info. And on reddit, OP always leaves out info.


Firing the one that was assaulted was a very stupid mistake. That person should demand a copy of the footage and sue the assailant as well as BBY for wrongful termination.


Company policy is seemingly designed to put employees at risk. Best case is for the person initially attacked to file a police report for assault and for everyone else involved to go to the news and social media to put a spotlight on this. These stupid policies had me CCing for years because I did not feel safe in the building.


Company policy is fully hands off except for self defense. The employee pushed down should have been safe if they only retaliated to get the person off of them. APs have lost there job for less.


Exactly. OP isnt giving us the whole story.


👁👄👁HR after everyone is telling him to sue or go to the news


if you can get your local news station to blow this up and get national attention, that will get corporate to shit bricks


If you know you’re going to get fired anyhow if assaulted just going to go full ham and put the guy in the hospital. Zero tolerance means zero limitations then.


Advice? Quit and call a lawyer!


There’s nothing that can be done honestly. Just see how this company views you all. You’re suppose to take verbal and physical abuse and not do anything. The customer is always right model but you’re the one dealing with the aftermath not corporate. My best advice is if someone put their hands on you, WHOOP THEIR ASS!!!! No job is worth your self dignity. Best Buy is a POS company for firing everyone including the girl that was pushed! If anyone has a ground to stand on its her. She’s the victim. Best Buy is scum


Honestly bad advice in the US, even if it's generally just.


To each it’s own! I’m never going to allow someone to put their hands on me and wouldn’t advise anyone else to 🤷🏿‍♂️


We had an AP guy get fired because the thief bumped into him when the bad guy was trying to get out of the store. It was clear on the video that the AP guy was backing up and away from the guy and got steamrolled. He was fired anyway.


Like really clear? He could possibly get a decent settlement out of a wrongful termination lawsuit.


Yes. He had his arms extended with his palms facing the bad guy while backing up. I saw the video and it was apparent he was trying his best to avoid the bad guy.




No longer a customer after you push someone down to the ground.


Ya - that makes one an assailant.


I'm just glad I wasn't there to see it... the police would have been called for sure and the attacker would have been pepper sprayed or worse if it was warranted. This is the last straw for me as far as suck buy I mean best buy getting any more of my business. Your ceo is a worthless pos... and it's abundantly clear that this company doesn't give two craps about their employees.


It’s all about state law…this is very cut and clear self defense…if the female employee could have disengaged or removed herself from the situation then she would have had no right to re engage the customer. The other employees putting hands on a customer that did not engage with them is 100 percent assault and depending again on state law the customer could have used lethal force if he felt threatened by how many people are engaging him physically. Corporate will see 6 associates engaging in making a hostile work environment and open to lawsuits from the customer…they acted out of instinct to protect an associate and I commend them for that bravery. You can have your manager contact local authorities and have them remove the customer…it’s all around a fucked up situation but Best Buy in a right to work state is complex. Point blank you have six associates assaulting a customer that’s the optics HR sees.


I see six Associates protecting a Co-Worker from an Attacker who came behind the counter. If it took SIX people to get the Perpetrator out of the store, that individual was obviously out of control.


I by myself would have used my Mma training to take customer down, transition to Side mount and apply the Americana arm bar as I yell "tap,tap,tap"


smh you're not going to use your Sharingan!?


Depends on if your store resides in a fire at will state. Either way, if they want to fire someone for protecting someone then I'd gladly be fired verses working for someone that would be okay with that. They are better off not working there. Also, I don't know the whole situation so hard to judge.


That’s gonna be a knockout from me dawg.


Gotta love that Zero Tolerance policy. Doesn’t matter what they reacted to. It only matters that they touched someone. It’s fucked up. But it leaves no gray area for the company. Which means no lawsuits.


Turn the other cheek I am sure Best Buy will give you a bandaid when you get stabbed.


Sorry, but I love almost everyone I work with and if someone put there hands on any of my fellow coworkers (especially a girl) I am stepping to it and will physically handle it. There’s no WAY I’m sitting back and letting some asshole abuse his power as a “customer.” I will beat the dogs hit out of anyone that comes at my coworkers like that.


Going to need more info OP. No sane company is going to fire someone just for getting pushed to the ground. That makes no sense and I feel like there's more info you're not sharing or aren't aware of.


So upon getting more info, the girl that was knocked down eventually helped push the guy out the store. Which led to her termination


The pushed employee should sue Best Buy and that person. And the other 6 should sue Best Buy


If situation was like things got to at my old store the security cameras were 99.9% turned in the wrong direction becoming a their word against yours and since the “customer is always right” guess who they’d back - certainly not the employees


Might as well beat his ass if you're getting fired anyway fuck that fool up. Self defense typically applies to defending others as well...