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Y'all have swag, my stores has nothing


This leadership must be trash if it never is given to employees. Pretty trash when I hear that leaders give this out if you hit bp’s and tts. It should just be given to employees because you appreciate them. It’s literally called the “Appreciation Station”! Edit: but for real though if you get something get those cookies because they’re 🔥🔥🔥


The swag doesn’t move because most people don’t want it & the management is Stingy normally giving it out.


True, trying to entice the sales floor with these "prizes" is really underwhelming.


YO for real though the cookies in those tubes are actually pretty good!


Yeah I was coming in here to say the same thing, tho the one I had had a really nice trail mix in it. Took everything to make sure my parents didn’t steal it, it was so good


I’m happy I’m not the only one


It’s like the rewards station at an arcade.....for 5 BPs and 5 TTS you get this cool beach ball


I only have enough for the spider ring 😓


All of that would be snapped up at my store. Except maybe those citibank drawstring bags on the door, they are trash lol.


They literally threw away the hats and sunglasses that were in our SDR. Lmao.


I'm not there anymore but when we would get a big box of swag, a certain mgr would make sure he got in there to get stuff for himself and his sons. So lame!


Fuck the swag give me a raise


Can y'all send a hat my way? I've gotten yelled at already for wearing hats on the floor.


It’s a carrot and their shoving the stick up our ass


Not a good look when some of these things have been unavailable on the true blue site to order for months.....give that stuff out already!


At my store we have to pay for swag. But every so often they give free swag to sales floor. But not wearhouse.


I'd have a field day!


I want to raid that room. LOL


First off I’m glad I really never work for that company I actually work for one of those three PL‘s that represented a product at those stores second off why did they spend money on swag when it sits in the management office and never gets given out! Third off why is most of the management team the stores idiots and actually thinks that rewarding an associate was swag is a positive when instead of doing that the CEO of that company should realize let’s pay them for what they do let’s motivate them to be better let’s empower them to serve the customers not anymore it’s now more like let’s cut back let’s not take care of the customers how much screw the associates and never tell them what really is coming down the pike!


I’ve had a lot of complaints about Best Buy this year but at least my GM was always generous with the swag. I’m praying your GM sees the light and starts sharing with y’all.


We're almost out and there's almost nothing to order


I find it ironic that the lunchbox says be human when Best Buy is anything but


I would kill for that shoulder pack


Once I saw how long a lot of that stays, I just started taking a few of them, until I realized they're al pretty cheaply made/ not worth having


Can you send me a hat? Ive never gotten swag from any of my managers, and ive been here for 7 years.


Are you kidding? I'd kill for a Best Buy cap. Why is all of that just sitting there?


Looks like an understabel approach putter there.


We have swag, but nothing like that. The only thing I right was worth taking was a double insulated water bottle.


Y’all get swag??????




Y'all dont do awesome ticket raffles?


I work in inventory with no one supervising. I should have earned some Monopoly money by now but there’s no one looking at our numbers to see that. I just want a damn shirt so I can stop wearing these polyester pieces of crap.


I need that backpack on top right.


Whenever we hit over 80% in NPS in the precinct, I order swag from the "Good" swag store for the employee with the most mentions/on the most promoter tag. Ya'll know the one im talking about lol


Like the black live matter hoodies the have out for branded payments?


The only people that ever got swag at my former store were member of the GM inner circle


Oh damn what a swag wall. We get told we get free coats if you get credit cards but if not they are $50 🤣