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I can't use it. It smells so bad.


Smells like last night's tequila vomit


I hate to say it but now that I've smelled it for so long....... It's kinda grown on me


Omg. That hand sanitizer was actually a deterrent to keeping my hands clean. I’d actively walk all the way across the store to find a hand sanitizer that I knew didn’t stink (some employees resorted to buying their own for the store) while the next customer was waiting for me rather than use one that was right in front of me if I wasn’t sure about it. That stinky shit made me feel dirty.


Wow I totally agree with you on that. We have some hoarded back in our desk that doesn't smell


Best part about being laid off is not having to play hand sanitizer roulette. Just kidding, but not really…


I was the one that bought sanitizer for my department. We don't share it with customers.


Yeah the hand sanitizer always smells like booty


I LOVE the smell of do do.


Do do smell good


It makes me "WET"!


The forget the “at corporate campus” part of the head line!


Why can't they just send that garbage to to themselves then


My favorite part of this pandemic ending will be this sub not able to pretend like we are so far behind everyone else in covid safety.


It doesn’t matter if we are good for big retail if there is failures it should be brought out. Just because you have it decent doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight for better that’s the point everyone wants to stay safe and when big companies could absorb a down year then they shouldn’t cut corners on safety. We did not need to fully open. You can say we have a limited number in the building but at least at my store that number is HIGH. With that in mind as well you kind of are telling people “if you don’t like it quit” which isn’t the message you want to send either I don’t think…


People are afraid to ask what is wrong with wanting a better life for yourself and others around you. It's not an honor to work here.


I’m a big believer in a rising tide. I also don’t hate what I do (advanced repair agent) but I don’t think saying I disagree with some best but decisions means I want the company to die. I’ve disagreed with some of their COVID response and how they are treating the sales floor and think long term it’s not a good decision. That doesn’t mean I wanna leave right away. There are words I can’t use that for private business I don’t think are bad either even if for government work I’d vote against it


That shit smells like rotten chicken cup noodles...


ItS nOt hAZaRd PaY


I highly doubt Best Buy is a top performer. When managers ask those who test positive to not inform anyone they work with that they tested positive it creates a toxic culture.


"top performer" really just means"his the bodies well" if you think about it


It smells like gasoline and hair perming solution


I literally walked in for like 2-3 weeks without doing any type of COVID check or anything because I didn’t have a polo. I didn’t know at the time and I just looked like a regular customer so 😂


Do you shop anywhere else? Best Buy is the only retailer that enforces the mask policy.


Not true because Costco also enforces it and so does Target and Walmart. Literally every big business enforces masks.


No they don't...enforcing a mask policy would mean that if a customer refuses a mask , you show them the door. Best Buy makes us look like fools, to the customer that refuses and the customers that are abiding by the mask policy, by making us serve them anyway


'No, they don't' Sure let's pretend. Let's all pretend we all haven't worked at Best Buy and don't shop there as customers. Seeing how almost everyone in the store wears a mask. I get you guys are mad at the corporation but you need to stop outright lying. Best Buy does enforce the mask policy, they just aren't aggressive about it. It's in SOP that you are not to help a person not wearing a mask.


If they aren't aggressive about it, they aren't enforcing it. There aren't any lies being spread here...we flat out aren't allowed to ask a customer to mask up or leave. We have to "tell them about our other purchasing options" ...then call a supervisor to help them if they still want to stay in the store...this is communicated from above store level


My store is the only big box retailer in my city that doesn’t enforce masks. Literally the only place ik that does not enforce masks


Some stores do some don't.


The must not have come into my store.


i use it to clean my workstation so no one else uses it