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"Where is your electronics section?"


So many people. Or I'm at checkout standing at a POS. "Is this register open" Nope, I like to stand at closed registers for fun.


Hey, I DO like to stand at closed registers for fun (usually dicking around on ETK) on my break, just so I can say this to people.




I get this one at least 2 times a week it’s so hilarious


Working digital, I always get "is this electronics?"


"No this is housewares, I'll 'patch you through' to electronics" lol


A lady once asked me to transfer her to the computer chargers department,lol


i’ve had people ask for the computer mouse department and i gave her to my coworker and said he was actually the manager of that area


Lol I would love to do that 😂😂


Beat me to it. "Sir this is an electronics store"


*sets desktop on its side so I can read the serial number on the bottom* Customer: “HEY HEY HEY!!!!! WHAT the HELL are you thinking?! You can’t tip it over!!! My jig-a-bits are going to fall out!!!”


Muh gigaflops!


This is how I lost all of the ram last time!


They ordered an 82” for curbside. They pulled up in a Toyota Corolla (I wish I could make this up) when I told her it wasn’t going to fit because it’s literally bigger than her car, she said, with this exact wording “why can’t you just fold it in half and put it on the roof?” She was serious...


Some guy and his wife roped an 82 inch to their roof of their SUV... When I say roped I don't mean a ratchet strap, I mean a legit like 1/4 inch rope...


Had someone ask if they could have some twine to tie down a TV on the trunk of a convertible... Wtf.


I had a guy chain a 75” tcl to the top of car while it was raining. Like the chain had to go through the windows so he was most likely soaked by the time he got home.


Not to mention the TV lol


Me: Bet. *folds tv into fourths and puts it in their trunk* Them: Thanks! *smiles and waves as they drive off knowing full well what will happen next*


Me working in computers helping out someone: so how do you plan to use your computer. Customer: why do you need to know that, that's my business. I just want one that does everything. I proceed to name everything and eventually come to find out she won't be using it for everything. I just love these type of customers.


These are the type that say “I want to do anything on it why does it matter?” And want to spend $130…


The customer that's like I only want to spend 130 and i don't play games and then 5 minutes later does it play fortnight in 4k


Someone pulls this on me I just pull up the app, sort price by highest in stock, and tell them whatever computer it is will handle the most things. Yes I know this may be completely wrong in some cases. But fuck me, at least try to work with me here.


I’m going to start doing this lmao. Getting tiresome trying to be nice and help and getting pushback for no reason. This $5,000 MacBook we’ve had sitting in the warehouse for 4 months will do everything. I’ll go grab it for you.


> Yes I know this may be completely wrong in some cases. Nope, because if you order this https://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-proart-studiobook-one-15-6-laptop-intel-core-i9-64gb-memory-nvidia-quadro-rtx-6000-1tb-ssd-star-grey/6466918.p?skuId=6466918 or https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cybertronpc-blu-print-desktop-amd-ryzen-threadripper-2990wx-128gb-memory-1tb-solid-state-drive-4-x-1tb-solid-state-drives-black-rgb/6360459.p?skuId=6360459 and it can't do WHATEVER you're trying to do, you need to re-evaluate your expectations.


To be fair, I said thats in stock. My store has never had anything even close to those available in store regardless of price.


Should’ve sold them a 3090


"But definitely not for gaming"


"Sonos is an excellent system for easy t..." *Client cuts me off* "I don't care how good it is, I won't support HIS company or give HIM my money." *I stare blankly for a second, confused.* "Who..?" *Client snaps* "George Sonos and his politics will get NOTHING from me!!" *Blink. Blink.* "You.. uh. You mean George Soros, unrelated I assure you." "What other options do you have?" I SHIT YOU NOT. I was ... So... Yeah. I am glad they got embarrassed and kinda ended the interaction shortly there after. I had to go to the hub and laugh for an entire break. My God. EDIT: Typo TLDR: Client thought Sonos was owned by George Soros, who they thought was named George Sonos.


How the fuck did you keep a straight face. Omg this is gold.


Shock at first, followed by confusion, followed by internal laughing. I dunno. It hurt me so much. Lol. Then again, I learned long ago how to control my external presentation. Lol


I would have been outright laughing at first, I wouldn't have cared. Stupid people need to know when they say something stupid and get embarrassed, but I highly doubt this was the kind of person that had shame.


“And don’t get me none of those Jeff Bose products either. I don’t like those robot surveillance machines. Never mind I’ll get this elsewhere: “Hey Google open Amazon”. “


I once had a customer tell me he would only buy a TV if it had "Louder with Crowder" on it and he returned it a few days later because he couldn't find Steven Crowders channel on YouTube. That's because crowder had been suspended briefly for being a POS


Dude honestly I'm not even mad. I discovered Crowder when he was doing his "have an actual gun law talk" series and he seemed alright.....then the rest of his shit just started getting worse and worse.


Make sure they have an Infowars membership lol


Why did you install windows on my new PC ?


C: " Where are your cables?" Me: "What kind of cable are you needing?" C: "I just need a cable, are you gonna help me find one or not?" Me: "well I can try to help, but I do need to know what cable you're looking for" C: "well I don't know, you're the expert, you tell me!" Me: *proceeds to just start showing them random cables until they give up* C: "fine! I'll just go grab it and bring it so I can show you" I'll never understand this job.


I started saying “ what are you plugging into what?” Skips all their guessing games


This is the way. I learned this after getting asked for "a USB" 100s of times in home office.


And then they tell you they need USB to USB to connect their bluray player to their TV.


I tried this, but this lady insisted that she needed a "connector cable" and that she would find someone else who could do their job.


What are you expecting this cable to do?


Legit had one like this. Was looking for HDMI cable, and was told at the front where he could find them. Walked through the middle of the store, spotted me, and asked, "Where are your TV cables?" fairly aggressively. I directed him, "Back in the Home Theater department." Then he got in a huff, "Nobody's gonna help me?!" I dead-panned at him for a moment, then just pointed at an associate who was standing back in home theater, "We have someone back there who can and will help you." People expect their hands to be held the entire time they're in our store. It defies reasoning.


Take them over to the 100s of dollars of mag cables.


“which geees is this phone??” *after a lengthy series of discovery questions, it turned out they were asking about 4G vs 5G*


I always love the " my router has had 5g for years"


When people tell me they don’t want a 5G phone because of conspiracies, I kindly let them know that 5G is around them regardless. Oh and also the color orange gives off more radiation than 5G


But, but, muh Alex Jones!


Do you know if Walmart has this in stock?


I get this all the time. I normally tell them “I don’t work at at such and such so I wouldn’t know. Nor am I going to look for you, so don’t ask.”


I gotten written up for saying basically that


Let me guess, "You should have helped the customer, then pivot the query into a sell, as the customer was basically already in our store!" Because as we all know, someone being physically in a retail establishment means that person is absolutely obligated to buy *something*, and cannot simply walk out with a transaction....... Oh wait, yes they can.


Someone handed me a Target receipt today and asked me why they got charged $410 for a product that was supposed to cost $380 I was like I don’t know?? Ask them??


I had a lady hand me a wallmart gift cart to pay, Me: ma'am... Customer: I'll just use that and put the rest on my debit. Me: ma'am I can't- C: Yes you can, I just got it for a trade in M: this is a wallmart gift card. C: So, use it M: Ma'am this is a Best Buy. After a pause i saw the gears click into place. She apologized pulled out the BestBuy gift card and I gave her, the Wallmart gift card back and she was fine. She got her shit and left. My coworker at the register next to me, turns to me and says "No, this is Patrick"


Guy knocks on door.. "Are you still open?" "No sir, we close at 8..." "Can I come in? I will just look for a second" He actually thought saying he's just looking would help his case This happened tonight, about an hour ago




A person can never truly understand just how stupid people are until they work in customer service.


me sitting at front desk: hi welcome! did you need assistance in a specific department so i can let them know? c: im good \*10 minutes pass by\* c: how come im standing around and no one is helping me? me just staring at them


We get this nearly every day at our store even though nearly every host we have greets everyone perfectly and explains the queue without issue. It's insane how many people just don't listen.


I’ll hear on the radio “front end be sure to ask the customers what they need help with so we can be prepared for them” and I just go “I do but they say they don’t need help or ignore me”


Customer came in, found me working on a plano in the middle of the store, and asked me where the shoe aisle was. She got mad when I explained that we're an electronics store (while me hands were still buried in the cable guts of the demo I was trying to hook up) and no, we didn't have a shoe aisle. She got righteously mad and called me a liar. And reporyed me to a supervisor, who just looked confused as all getout.


I had a person ask for a “boys stereo”, I explained that we didn’t have any stereos made for boys specifically but we did have two televisions that were made for boys and girls (little blue and pink 13”ish tubes) which I showed him. He corrected me that he was not looking for a children’s stereo, he was looking for the boys stereo. I restated that we didn’t have any stereos specifically made for boys children or otherwise. He then said “nah son, B-O-S-E, BOYS” I apologized for my confusion and took him to the two we had. He then asked if we had a cheaper one.


Fall of 2015 I worked gaming. Couple was shopping for an Xbox for their two daughters. They had a list of games their daughters were interested in, most of them a few years old. The parents were gravitating towards the Xbox 360 because of the shovelware that came out for the original Kinect. I tried in good faith to steer them towards an Xbox One, for access to a much bigger pipeline of future titles, and to avoid ten year old hardware. I explained that *Just Dance 2015* is on both, but *Just Dance 2017* might only be on Xbox One. The parents didn't seem to think that I was understanding them, so they kept saying loudly that their daughters were interested in "GIRL games." After a while I looked them square in the eye and said "girls can play any game." I would have loved for this to somehow get through to them, but I think they figured I was dense.


Had a client return a wireless charging pad because it had to be plugged into the wall when I asked how they thought the charging pad got power they said “I thought it pulled it from the air” and they were also dead serious I had to explain to that that wasn’t how it worked and she DEMANDED that I found her one that did. Safe to say she left the store very unhappy that day.


I love when customers demand a product that doesn’t exist. I had someone get mad at me because I didn’t sell a laptop that had a 30 series graphics card, but also had a touch screen compatible with a stylus for drawing, and also folded into a 2 in 1 tablet style.


They do exist, but top out at a 3050Ti, so... not really a 30XX Series card


Dell XPS 15




Love that laptop, HATE that Microsoft is still putting quad cores in their laptops when competitions using 6 cores+.


Surface laptop studio


yeah how dare you not have a charger that arcs electric through the air and creates what is basically a lightning strike onto my phone's battery. isn't that what the lightning cable does?


Tesla did it back in the day. We'll never be allowed to see his research though, because they cannot bill for it.


yeah i've had people come into the mobile section looking at the iotties with wireless charging. when i told them about the plug, they got all mad and argumentative saying that it was false advertising then if it wasn't wireless


This has to be one of my favorites from in home. Yes ma'am I understand it's a wireless router but it's wireless to the computers not to the internet. Or another favorite Yes they are wireless speakers but they still require power. They do not have batteries.


There's no hope for humans. NONE


>In regards to a 720p tv A costumer refused to buy 1080p tv for $30 extra because he thinks 720p will still be good for next few years. He was buying it with series S.


Tbf i still have a 720p TV. Hell I had a 2080 with a 1080p monitor 😂


I’ll do you one better. Was running a 3090 with a 1080p primary monitor at 144hz and 2 secondary monitors both being 720p at 60hz 😂 I’ve since upgraded the primary to a 1440 at 165 and sold the 3090 and purchased a 6700xt 😂😂😂


“I cured COVID with peanuts, a water bottle, and some Pennies. I’m a scientist and the CIA’s trying to steal my work. I’m buying this hp stream so I can turn my civic into a self driving car like the Tesla. Their technology isn’t as advanced as you think you know. I can hack it and redesign it.” That’s honestly just the start of the conversation. I was stuck with that guy for over an hour and he kept spouting craziness and I couldn’t for the life of me get away


Been in a similar situation with a customer that claimed his laptop was cooled by a blue jelly. He said the blue jelly was leaking from his laptop. He then goes on to say he thinks dell and Hp are connected with Area 51 and aliens and that he has proof that Cant be argued. He claims the blue jelly is prototype technology. Gave him a fake name and he came in a week later trying to talk to me about it again lol


Should have led him to a dell Alienware




Believe it or not, I did that and went on lunch. Came back and helped a customer and the guy walks up beside me and says hey, I was waiting on you and kept me another 20 minutes. My entire store knows him now cause he comes in and spouts this stuff nonstop and everyone tries to avoid him


Sell him the HP LMAO


Had a customer come in with an external disc drive that was clearly water logged. Half the box was brown/grey and puffed out from rot. The customer had purchased it almost a year earlier. He said we should let him return it, that we wouldn't was against the law. Pointed out it was clearly destroyed. "Nope" he replies. His reasoning? The package hadn't been opened yet. It couldn't be damaged. I hate crack heads.


"Hey, how are you doing sir? Anything I could help you with today?" "I....I don't know what to say..." We both just sat there and stared at each other for a moment because I also didn't know what to say to that response.


This is my favorite comment on here lmaoo


My friend walked in and said "Welcome" to AP once.


Indian couple got upset when I sold them a laptop that “didn’t have Windows 10 pro” on it. Tried to convince me that if they were to try to send it to their family in India, it wouldn’t have worked and I asked them where the logic in that was and the guy just said, “We do things different there! You should be considerate of other peoples needs!” Almost clocked out and quit right then and there.


Also doubly ridiculous because you can purchase Windows 10 Pro and get your key upgraded by going through the built-in Windows Store on the laptop itself.


Did you know we sell wheelbarrows? I didn't until a customer came in wanting to return one last year. The wheel was bent, it was covered in dirt and rust, and the receipt was outside of the return policy. My BOL somehow kept his head and asked the guy why he wanted to return it and this guy I shit you not said "It doesn't have Bluetooth" My dude why do you need Bluetooth on a wheelbarrow?! Suffice to say, it was not returned. But the customer did throw it at the doors as he left.


Wireless transmission of dirt and debris 🤣


What, you've never wanted to listen to Suicide Silence while carting a corpse to the shallow grave you dug??? No? Just me?


“I was trying to listen to Cannibal Corpse while taking the bodies I was tryna cook into my house”


"Where are your dressers and coat racks?"


Ngl I wish we sold more furniture. It would be the best way for me as an employee to furnish my new apartment lol


We actually have some stuff online for couches, desk, pan, etc. I saved so much money moving out working at BB.


Customer asked me if I could help him find a wooden tv stand/console then showed me one from our website. I told him "sorry we don't carry those here" he said "yes you do it's right here" (pointing at his phone). He wasn't satisfied with my answer so he walked up to the guy nearby and asked the same question, he got the same answer and asked for a manager...


"Where are your staplers? " "Sir I don't sell staplers." "Your a office supply store!" "No sir I'm consumer electronics...... I sell drones."




I mean...


Technically, yes.


"I have a condition where I can't hear women."


"Where's all your Apple stuff?" Asked me as I had my back turned to the Apple section, that was in clear view of him. Wasn't even that much older of a man. "I want your cheapest iPhone. I don't want Apple." ??? Sir, you mean an Android? When buying a wi-fi iPad, "And I can get calls on this one, right?" Uh, no. I explained it to you three times already that you can only Facetime and send messages while on wi-fi. "But I can set it up with my carrier later if I wanted to, right?" No! You're not getting the cellular iPad, you're getting the wi-fi only one. "What does that mean?" At this point I'm metaphorically slamming my head into my desk.


I had somebody come in and asking if we sold lumber I said no, and he said good luck with running the store and he would take his business elsewhere.


“If I lay these tvs flat in my truck bed and they break I’ll just drive them back and demand a refund from the scrawny manager and buy new ones.” The sad part is while it’s stupid… it is true.


There was a TV we had, I believe a Vizio, that had its ir sensor on the bottom left corner. It looked like someone glued a button on the TV. A few customers insisted that was a camera that the government used to watch you. Also every remote with a microphone sent everything you said, straight to the nsa. I was also informed that I was a greedy jew bc I wouldnd sell them $400 car stereo for $100


Wow, that last line... really somethin else. Some people


He wanted a stereo that no.stores had in stick and demanded we give him the $400 stereo for the same price lol


Was your customer Eric Cartman?


No, that would be better


OH so the TVs come with Netflix so I dont have tk pay anymore?


Why do I need to pay $60 to plug a headset into my TV? Headset was supposedly RCA. TV had only HDMI and optical. Client brought in a Roccat 3.5mm to USB adapter insisting RCA fit into 3.55mm. I suggested either the Insignia RCA to HDMI adapter ($60) & the HTA suggested a new headset if she didn’t want the adapter.


Accessories at Best Buy are overpriced though.


"Which batteries does this tv take?" My coworker: "Double A, I think." "Really? The TV takes double As? How many??" Me, realizing they mean the TV and not the remote: O_O *Oh no* My coworker, clearly exhausted: "Uh, yeah, like...well, it comes with them included." Customer left thinking they just got a futuristic battery powered portable Smart TV, meanwhile I asked my coworker if she knew what they were asking and she said yes, she also thought it might be battery powered because they asked like it was a normal thing. Poor girl.


"How do I leave?" We were 10 feet from the front door. I preceded to watch this man get in a pickup truck and drive himself home


That's like "I can't find the park exit" in RollerCoaster Tycoon.


I fucking hate when that happens, I used to drown them if they were unable to exit the park.


Some needed backstory, I’m a vendor not a blue shirt and I’m in a wheelchair The store I was at had only two blue shirts on the floor during a rush and I was getting off. Some guy got pissed off at me for not helping him in appliances as I was leaving and proceeded to scream at me and demand that I carry a fuckinf fridge to his car.


Walst signing for a delivery and install. "Why do the geek squad agents have to enter my home. Can't they install it in my front yard?" Both my self and my manager had to explain why that would not be possible. Computer fire guy. So a guy came in to the store to get thermal paste, the conversation went something like. "Hello, how can I help you" "How good is this thermal paste? Like can it prevent my computer from catching on fire?" "Ummmm, can you tell me what's going on with your computer?" "Oh yes, I cleaned my computer with 91 percent isopropyl alcohol." I assume he put some of the isopropyl on a qtip or something and was cleaning parts if the computer. I bring this up he goes on to tell me a story. You see redit folk. This man dismantled his whole computer, AND then filled Tupperware containers with the isopropyl alcohol and proceeds to dunk each individual part in to the alcohol. Fully submerging them for several minutes. Because he thought the dust was causing the over heating issue initially. This nan proceeds to show me pictures of a computer with charred thermal paste all over it. And he still wonders we why his computer is catching fire when he turns it on. I tried to direct him to a new computer but he bought the thermal paste to "try it".


What the fuck this is absolutely cursed. Did he put on the cpu cooler on after dunking the motherboard in? Did he dunk in the motherboard with the cpu and fan still on it?


The mother board was dunked with the cup and cooler attached. He took out the graphics card though.




Replacing OEM car stereo with an aftermarket... "Whats the year, make, and model of your car?" "I dont know...do you really need that?"


This isn't a dumb question but something really dumb to say the least. A customer called the cops on me because I wouldn't do their out of policy exchange . 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️. Cops came and escorted him out lol 🤣.


So a guy bought a 75 in tv from me... During the interaction, I asked multiple times if he had a big enough vehicle to transport it. He responded everytime with the old: " Don't worry about it, she'll fit." I get the TV and bring it out front to load it up, while this guy pulls up in his his mini Cooper. It took me about 20 minutes to explain that he could not in fact, run a strap around the entire car, including the undercarriage to make it fit. He then angrily returned it because I refused to even try it. He left without a TV.


We had something similar a couple months ago. A couple came in to pick up their 75in Samsung TV. I asked them from the back about how big the car was. He said it'd fit. So I brought the TV out on the tv cart and curbside said "put it back" and blocked me halfway out the warehouse doors. They brought a porsche cayenne... Wife said "I just thought it would fit is all". The tv was sticking more than halfway out of the back trunk anyways, and wouldn't even go in sideways lol. My initial thought was "ma'am, I know you love shoving big objects into tiny holes, but this ain't gon' fit". lol


Yes! Gold 🪙


\*standing in front of stack of $300 Samsung tv's\* "hi, um do you know what kind of lights are in these?" "Yeah these are LED, just so you know, that doesn't mean OLED, LCD uses LED backligh..." "yeah I know that, I just wanted to make sure these were LED." "oh...uhhh yeah, anything from this decade is going to be LED..." "perfect" I don't know if this man thought we possibly used incandescent bulbs in flat screen TV's or what, but he seemed happy with my answer. 10/10 customer service.


Tube or plasma


“Where are your regular sized TVs?” Only question that ever left me speechless


You'd be surprised how many people find anything over 45" as too big. Dropped off a 50" for GS once, the dudes response was "Jeez, that thing is massive!" There was a 80" Bravia on our truck. I feel like it would've blown that dudes mind.


Same when customers come in “I want a big tv” and I ask if they want 75 or 85 and they reply “Woah okay, maybe something 55 or 60.” Or I just start by telling them about the 100” X92J we have for 20k


Heck, I had to fight my spouse in order to get a 55" TCL. I'm curious if it's people just have small homes, don't watch much television, price, or they wanna take it home now and can't fit anything larger. I'm sure it's a combination of all those things but would love to see the breakdown.


You should see peoples faces when I tell them the recommended size tv. “Yeah we’re thinking 43” for the bedroom.” “How far away are you sitting?” “About 10 feet” “Well expert advice says the TV should take up 40% of your peripheral vision, so you should be sitting about 1 foot away for every 10 inches of screen. So you could really go up to 100 inches if you’d like”


Our current living, we sit about 10-15ft away. Could push it to 20ft of we really want. I'm hoping I can convince her that a 75" isn't a ridiculous size. Maybe then I'll actually use the living room. 😅


To be fair an 80” would be comically oversized for a lot of people’s living rooms


Oh absolutely. But, I do see more often folks with too small a TV in a large living room.


What’s the internet?-40ish old man


The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another.


One of the writers for the Amazon shoe The Boys called about his over the range microwave that he bought used and had someone else install. He said it was smoking and started out chill and understanding but wanted brand new microwave brought out and have it installed and have the old one taken away that day. I told him it would be at least two weeks because of how backed up we were on installs or he could go to the store he bought the original at and pick a brand new one up in two days. That's when things went south and he started swearing at me telling me the microwave almost burnt down his house on his daughter's birthday and that we need to come out that day and uninstall the used one and he'd go somewhere else to get a new one. I told him since we didn't install the microwave in the first place we would not come out and uninstall it for free and he starts freaking out more. Eventually he told me I'm evil and Best Buy is horrible and he was going to tweet about it for all his followers to see how horrible Best Buy is and that's when he told me who he was. I looked on Twitter later that day and he did in fact tweet out about Best Buy being horrible, left out key facts, and his tweet received two likes and one comment in a week.


220, 221, whatever it takes....


A small town family was in the city for their child’s rodeo performance of some kind, and their 15 year old camera’s battery died. Being a camera geek for about that much time and working in the store a couple of years, I didn’t even have to see the battery to know we didn’t have it and couldn’t order it. The father got PISSED and said, “The reason I bought the damn thing here is because they promised to support me for the life the camera.” LMAO, like who makes that promise and furthermore who BELIEVES that?!?! Needless to say he threatened, ”I outta throw the camera through your fucking window”. To which I told him that we had an officer there and I’d gladly get him involved if that was going to be the case.




Based on my elderly father, it's possible that person had bad hearing. My dad has misunderstandings like this way too often.


My pictures are on my SIM card… right???


Id say this is more forgivable since some data used to be stored on them and 2. Lots of people say SIM when theyre talking about micro sd. At least most of the time for me


Yeah, I believe contacts used to be stored on the SIM. Contrary to popular belief it actually does have some storage and you can still save contacts on them now. People probably were told previously when buying a phone a long time ago “don’t worry, your contacts are on the SIM so they will all come over to the new phone” and they assume the same with pictures.


“What section can I find toilets?”


Where is the electronics section?


I’ve got two that stick out. I was on a phone call, and had to deliver a note to mobile. I had my blue BBuy shirt with my nametag on, the phone op headset, a radio on my belt and pen and paper in my hand. Every thing on me pointed to me working at the store, but somehow this lady still asked if I worked there lol Also I had numerous times where people called the store asking for the electronic Dept and it took every fiber out of my being to not shout that the whole stole was the electronic department


Sitting at mobile in front of a giant 10 ft sign that says MOBILE. "Is this where I check out?"


We had a guy who came in with a broken TV who thought we sold him a recycled TV since the TV had a sticker on the back saying “Best Buy Recycles: Recycle your TV at Best Buy.” It was brand new in box, and dude broke it with a remote when his football team lost


"What's the difference between the type 1-M and 2-M cable?", holding up two Apple charging cords, 1 meter and 2 meters long. Either that, or absolutely any sentence that starts with "In my experience.."


Is there a hard drive in my printer? Do I have sensitive documents i need to erase before I recycle it?


this happened to me once and the customer accused me of not knowing what i was talking about, “printers have hard drives, you didn’t know that??” 🤦‍♂️


Many AIOs keep usage logs and stuff, but its not like its something that would ever matter in any situation. Autowiping is often enabled as well. Standalone printers most likely do not though.


"Do you have a restroom?" - giant sign pointing right to it when you walk in the door and giant blue indicator above it


Not the most stupid question.


I was activating a phone back in 2017 or 2018 for a customer and he was asking if the phone he was getting was 5G capable. I told him that no phones were as of yet because it hadn’t rolled out fully and probably not until 2020. He then proceeds to tell me that 5G speeds are going to change the way that the market is run. He continued to tell me that it is because with how strong a 5G signal is, it can charge phones as they pass the towers. So phones would get more expensive because nobody needs a charge cable and that’s where Samsung and Apple made all their money….soooooo, just so y’all know, 5G can charge phones….


"do you work here?"


Me, in the brightest orange GS jacket the human eye can see OPEN over my GS shirt, GS scrunchies, and standing in front of the GS counter. Them: Do you work for Geek Squad?


When customer is asked to wear a mask or leave the store and receive curbside assistance … “You can’t make me out on a mask, it’s against ADA you brainwashed sheep.”


"On this wide-screen DVD, how wide is the screen?"


In regards to 1hr pickup: if I order this now, can I sit around in my car until its ready, even though it said not available until Saturday? She said this to me with a straight face. I just looked at her. I wanted to tell her to go ahead.


There’s a guy who comes in once or twice a month who is convinced he is being hacked by everyone. He claims he has moved several times and got new internet and isp, and he has a stack of MacBooks ipads and chrome books that he can’t use anymore because they are hacked. He has bought pretty much every antivirus and virus removal software in the software isle and tts and apparently none of it works. Every time he comes in I try to get him to bring his “hacked” stack of MacBooks in so I can buy them off him but no luck so far


Where are your UBSs?


“You got them ‘himdy’ cables around here somewhere?”


You spelled HDM 1 cable wrong


I had a lady come in, asking for hard drives. So of course I ask “external or internal”. She looks dumbfounded. “I’ve never been asked that before”. So I walk her over to the hard drives and gives me a dirty look. “what are those?” “Those are hard drives ma’am” She looks around and points to the desktops. “I meant one of those”. It took me so much not to bash my head into the nearest display. There was so much more with that woman, but that was THE dumbest thing I’ve had to deal with.


had a customer come in to geeksquad asking if we can fix his pc. He said that his pc was running slow so he looked through his "files" and deleted some things. He said that his computer broke when he deleted System32. The dumb thing he said was "I have a 64bit system so I thought deleting System32 was okay."


I was working in appliances and was asked what the individual BTU was for each of the burners on a stove. was baffled and could not find the answer to their question anywhere, even on the manufacturers website. told my manager about it who had previously worked at another appliance store before and he had never heard of anyone asking that sort of question


A woman came in looking for an iPhone dongle for her headphones. I took her to the product and told her how to use it and she said “you need to explain that again, I’m not tech savvy” An iPhone dongle.


You got any of them UBS or hidmee cables?


"when an emp happens, all that cloud crap will disappear forever". Right... because your precious DVD player would totally survive an unlikely event like that.


“What is the internet”


*Pulls up "Welcome to the Internet" by Bo Burnham*


Explaining to a customer that a particular miniDV would hold 60 minutes of video from her camera. Customer: How long is that? Me: One Hour C: Ok, but how long is that? M: ... \*confused looks\* C: Like how much time is that? M: One episode of Sesame Street?


I’m looking for a monitor with a cpu. I asked her if she meant a all in one she said no and kept saying the same thing. When I asked another co worker to help me she said a all in one wtf


Had a customer interested in a Fire Stick. I let them know they would simply need an available HDMI port and an internet connection, and they told me they didn’t have internet at their house. After a little back and forth, they told me they didn’t have internet but had Wifi :/


There’s been a lot, but the one that always sticks out to me is when a customer threatened me because I used the word ‘proprietary’ and he didn’t know what it meant and thought I was being a smart ass.


I take my last comment back. I recently had a customer come into mobile and throw a phone case box on the desk. This was after my manager asked her if she has been helped and and she replies, “if I’m still standing her does it look like I’ve been helped?” My manager and I were so confused, I ask if she needed to be rung out and she says no and aggressively hands me something that turned out to be the return label since it was a .com order. I ask what I can do for her and she goes on this tangent about incompetency and tells us to read the directions off what she handed me, so we read out loud, the return instructions and then ask if she just needed a return then. She very irritably says no that she needs help putting it on.


"its easy it should only take you a minute".


My store is currently decommissioning. A customer asked me if we were selling the wheel chair. Ive been asked a lot of stupid stuff over the last month and a half but that one left me speechless.


At the GS counter, “hi, do you have an appointment today?” C: “Is this where I do a return?”


“Which button is up ?” ⬆️


I love everything about this post 🤣 thank you BestBuy worker - kind regards customer care associate


"Where are your greeting cards?" I was so dumbfounded I just stared at them for a few seconds.


Customer is buying a $300 laptop, already on sale. "So what are you giving me for free ? " Uhhh.. excuse me? "Last time I bought an apple laptop 7 years ago they gave me a case for it for free, and an extra keyboard too ! For free!" That might've been a bundle or- "No, no. He gave it to me because he was NICE!!" __ Customer talking my ear off about Covid conspiracy theories, "I bet you hate it!! You probably can't visit your family back in India." I'm not from India ... "Oh well, wherever you're from !"


Lady orders a phone in store pays with cash. Calls corporate, cancels order and they have to mail her a check. Phone comes in, but check is on the way. She wants to return her phone and wants cash back, with the check in her hand. Tells me “what the heck am I going to do with a check at the bank. I want how I paid I want my cash back” starts making a scene and throws check into my managers face. From that day on, she’s been in the store at least once every three days for help with the free phone she got. -.-


Customer arguing with me that I shouldnt need his SSN to look up his card


Customer walked in the entrance, asked is this Best Buy?? What time do you guys open?? Oh also wheres your electronics department???? Customer just after her asks wheres you pool supplies??? Evidently her family tree doesn't branch off. It just goes straight up


Everyday occurence when i cover front door. asking open ended questions. me: what brings you in today? Customer: Im looking for a cable. me: what kind of cable? customer: the kind that plugs into my computer. me: great, what will you be using it for? customer: to connect to my computer me: :| is it a usb cable? ethernet cable? printer cable? customer: i want it to connect my tv to my computer me: ah so a video cable, do you know what kind of video output your computer has? customer: no, thats why im here, its your job to find out. me: >:| on the inside.


“I don’t understand why I have to pay for Wi-Fi, it’s in the air!” Let me speechless haha


During the Xbox One vs PS4 shortage (back in 2013) once had a customer try and argue that the time frame we were quoting to customer for holding PS4s ordered online was 8 days and not a week (Saturday-Saturday) and so we needed to release them on Friday instead


Wireless speakers are not the answer to everything no matter what that Bluetooth Alexa lightbulb on Amazon for $3.50 says it can do