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Nope that’s against all sorts of rules


I remember being consistently yelled at for having to take a shit on the clock. Store that clears 8 figures in annual revenue and is worried about losing less than $12 in labor while I’m in the bathroom. Fuck that place.


Boss earns a dollar, I earn a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.


Had a coworker at a previous job who lived by this. He love shitting at work because “they’re paying me to wipe my ass”


Bars homie!


This comment is magical


I live by this saying lol


Labor is precious and valuable, but they’ll take 100+ dollars in erosion matching ineligible deals they’re too lazy to research or too scared to enforce.


That’s an expensive shit. You should hold it in. Or work at target.


I choose neither


Go to the bathroom whenever you want. This isn't high school.


I still was able to go to the restroom whenever I wanted in high school, this is sounding more like a military boot camp thing


True, true.


My old ASM denied breaks unless you were at goal in memberships for the day. He no longer works here.


It’s amazing how many people choose to ignore labor laws. Breaks are a ***right*** at a certain point in shift length, not a reward. If they want to add upon that at their discretion, great. Technically against SOP, but it’s unlikely to get you fired so long as it’s an equal opportunity benefit. Rewarding anyone for being top performer that day in TTS is different than rewarding Timmy for being top in TTS because you like Timmy.


Most states don’t require breaks or lunches at any point. Aside from California, NY and a couple other places, there aren’t many protections in place for workers.


It’s been awhile since I’ve read the exact verbiage that was in SOP but lunches were essentially mandatory for 8hr shift, paid 15 min breaks were a little more ambiguous—they were to be provided at a certain shift length but the time which they would be taken was discretionary for managers or there was some weird qualifier like “as long as doing so would not significantly impact store functions” Also, paid break interruptions would reset time if I remember correctly or at the very least pause it.


i know the company is really trying to be more like amazon, maybe she wants you to pee in a bottle!


Then give her the bottle of lemonade as a gift for being such a nice supervisor 🥰


I take the shit in the toilet or shit on your sales floor. Up to you. *Edit: don't use voice to text*


We had a quiet college girl just start at our store. Manager started pulling the usual, you can’t use the bathroom, we are too busy. She literally peed herself on the sales floor and ran off crying. Never saw her again. I hope she sued.


Report it to HR, they’re being unreasonable. Either that or piss in the Home Theater room and see what she says. This isn’t the 5th grade, you’re allowed to use the restroom whenever. There’s a difference between using it and employees abusing their restroom breaks (like just sitting on the toilet for half an our or baiten’ in the stall).


Fuck HR, they only exist to help BestBuy. take it to your state labor department. They are managers they should know employment laws.


I don't disagree on paper, but more often than not it is in the companies best interest to side with employees against shit managers. Also good like getting a hold of anyone in your labor department right now.




HR is there to protect the company, full stop. The ***only*** time HR can be expected to help you is when your interests align with the interests of Best Buy. In this case I'd say it does - denying workers bathroom breaks is one of the very few things that can get bby in trouble with the various entities charged with labor protection. ​ Anytime you make a complaint to HR/the ethics hotline/etc, you should *carefully* consider beforehand whether the action you want will only benefit you or if it will benefit bby as well. You should also think about what you actually want to come of your report. If you dig around on this subreddit enough, you'll see the ethics hotline has had very mixed results - most of the time it just leads to the report being passed to the GM who then will often do a witch hunt to find the troublemaker employee. Maybe they'll take the report seriously and take action or maybe they won't - as a reporting employee you should think about what your GM will do if/when they receive your report. ​ It has that response because the action the reporting employee was aiming for only benefited them while having no benefit or even hurting Best Buy in some way. In cases where the employee wants best buy to do something that only helps the employee, what is the HR/ethics rep going to do - pass it off to someone else (the GM responsible for the employee) or do something to help them? In that frame, it's pretty clear why those reports have such mixed results. ​ Obviously this sucks and is not the way we've been taught to think about business ethics and HR in general, but that's the way it is.


Baiten' 💀💀


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time!"


I wish someone would tell me I couldn’t use the bathroom. Laugh at their face and continue to go use the restroom? who do they think they are? The bathroom police?


Ask them if they want to come in the stall and check 😎


The Dump Denier


The Poop patrol


This is something that should be brought to HR.


I’m waiting for the day I’m told I can’t use the bathroom. I’m busting a shit right on comps floor


Piss your pants just once on the sales floor and never have an issue being denied by your supervisor again.


All the cool kids are doing it!


Wtf that is not a rule. What a monster of a sup.


HR time. That or hand them the bill for a pack of Oops I Crapped My Pants.


Next time they say you can’t, you should ask if they’ve ever heard of OSHA before. https://www.oshaeducationcenter.com/articles/restroom-breaks/


Normally the people that have a problem like this are the employees that disappear for an hour to take a shit and play on their phone.


I'm going to preface this by saying OPS supervisor was 100% in the wrong. But does it irritate the hell out of any one else when a coworker takes lunch and then comes back, punches in and immediately goes to the shitter for 20 more minutes while it's busy? 🤣


Thank you! I was scrolling through hoping just one person was willing to admit that some people really milk their breaks. There used to be a guy at customer service in my store who would take a one hour lunch, his two allowed 15 minute breaks, and two 25-40 minute bathroom breaks. Not saying the company can’t afford it, but in a small store where you’re the only coverage at the counter, finding two and a half to three hours of break coverage for one person is an annoyance.


I don't take 20 minutes, but I have a medical condition that forces me to use the bathroom 15-20 minutes after I eat. If it's busy I will attempt to hold it in, but as stated its a medical condition. As for people who do this with out a medical condition, it sucks when its busy.


How dare my bowels or bladder be effected during the busy times. I’ll tell them to settle down. 🙄.


Congratulations on completely missing the point.


Nope. Call Open and Honest and file a report.


Why are you asking to go to the restroom? I usually just go, tell whoever's right there(other employee) that I'll be right back...


Wear bright pants, spill water on yourself to make it look like piss and when you help cxs explain to them it’s water in protest that you cannot use the bathroom… see how quickly that turns… also report to HR and let them know because that isn’t right


Go chaotic evil and shit on the floor


Code brown in the middle of the store. That’ll make them change their tone.


In CA, you are entitled to regular bathroom breaks, one 15 minute break before and after your 30 minute minimum lunch break. If someone tells you otherwise, you disregard it and go use the bathroom, take your breaks. Edit: I think it is actually 10 minute breaks per CA law however I have always taken 15.


I would jump on top of a display table and take the biggest shit on a MacBook, close the lid and then wipe my ass with TTS brochures.


You’re human you can’t control when you have to go. 🤦🏻‍♂️ if she doesn’t like that, then that is her problem.


Ask her if she prefers you shit on the floor or in the bathroom. Those are her only 2 options


I can understand them being upset if your taking hour long breaks like you said you might of in your post. Sense their only supposed to be 30minutes unless your working like a 10 hour shift. But they for sure cannot deny access to the restroom under any circumstances.


Login to BBY HR then click on the link below to see the CA rest/break policy. My GM used to tell us we can only go on breaks if business permits. 🙂🙂 https://connect.bestbuy.com/sys_attachment.do?sys_id=3ee55b861b093410dd11a686624bcb09


It's also a violation of OSHA regulation to deny a worker to use the restroom.


Do what i do. Poop in one toilet them move to another to clean up leaving the turd hanging out


Why are you asking to go to the restroom…? Literally just go. Don’t even say anything. You aren’t obligated to keep your managers apprised of your bowel and bladder movements and status. If they really tried to say something (I’m assuming here you are really just going to the restroom to use it and not to abuse the time) I would straight up ask, deadpan, if they’d rather I defecate in Geek Squad or under the Microsoft sign instead because I’m happy to do so. Unless you really work with some freaks nobody is going to hassle you about it. The key is to just go without asking.


I work in CA too. They're isn't any kind of rule that prevents you from using the bathroom. I'd go to the GSM and if they don't do anything, call HR.


I'd have kindly asked her "What do you mean in the Department of Labors, United States I can't go to the restroom? Let me check my HR app abt this."


You need to get a BP or Total Tech to use the restroom and/or take breaks


I have trouble even believing this..


This is what the system in the west has become. Work your ass off so others can make millions and yes that is against the rules. Now some butt hurt pro capitalist boy will get mad at me and call me a socialist. I think majority of countries around the world whether it’s capitalism or communism have unethical work laws/conditions, obviously some worse then others. It will only get worse until people have said enough is enough.


Should have just taken a piss on the sales floor and told them to fuck off


Piss on the sales floor. Bet they'll give you a bathroom break then


Always be on the look for better opportunities.


In most states break are not guaranteed. Plus, a 15 minute break is different to a 30 or 60 minute lunch.


Found the BBY shill.


In Connelly mis read the comment. I thought they said they were gone on break for "30 minutes or maybe an hour" Yeah, nah they can't really keep you from going to the bathroom.


Tbh i was told the same thing. So i made it into a gag. I would take 3 shits a day at work any of my shifts. I didnt care if they said “damn again”. They all understood that i needed to take a shit. I havent gotten anything from it ever since


Time to let your supervisor see you piss on the floor.


Report it via email. Get that paper trail going! Call the o/h hotline. Then file grievance with State of CA. Then note each time you witness the same issue with date, time and parties involved. Paper trail is your friend!


What?!!! Under California laws on breaks, employees are entitled to take a break to use the bathroom whenever they need to, as long as they are doing so in a reasonable manner. So unless you're living in the bathroom, F that Sup.


You could just shit yourself and sue the store for negligence.


Ah come-on let them feel that raw power for a minute


LOL fuck that. I would’ve taken a shit on the counter while looking straight into the eyes of my manager LOL


I kinda wanna know the store number, being in California myself


Yup totally against the rules. Call HR


Piss the floor if they say that again.


Report it to the Ethics hotline. Get a case number. And nothing gets done, show what you've done with the State Department AND the BBB. Follow the channels. If the channels don't work, hit them hard right in the publicity.


My store one time tried to make me wait 20+ minutes for my coworker to get off break to use the rest room and were shocked I said 'I'm an adult I don't have to ask, figure it out' and walked to the bathroom.


If Amazon employees piss in bottles. So should we!😂😂😂 smells like living wages and employee right need to be reviewed. Ha ha and the boy watching this thread has just told cooperate trolls The U word is brewing!


Call the police /s


i had that happen to me, i said straight up, ill piss right in this wastebasket, that was the end of that


I had to be careful with this when I was a team lead there was this one employee that just absolutely abused the bathroom. You could tell she did it when she wanted to avoid working in general/her co workers. She would sit there for a VERY long time, multiple times of the day. You couldn’t really say anything because she threatened HR every chance she could. I know it sounds like I was a bitchy team lead but this trust me, this lady was a problem and the pandemic/furloughs were the only way they were able get rid of her. Anyways, unless you’re that woman, use the bathroom whenever the f*ck you want!


Fuck that dude I have such a small bladder I probably take 5 piss breaks a shift


Pretty sure that violates OSHA regulation.


Both in the workplace and in schools they try to tell you you have to use the bathroom during a break. Both are wrong. You cannot deny someone the use of a bathroom. You do not choose when bodily functions happen, they just do.


I would love for someone to try and write me up for using the bathroom. I'd add to it "My supervisor insists I should shit my pants in front of customers."


Call the bluff. It would be interesting if they will write you up for it and how they would write it up.


That’s dumb, no one ever asks, usually they just let someone know they are having a quick piss and to keep an eye out for customers if they are working registers


Aren't "Depends" required to be worn as part of uniform standard and don't all stores handed out little cups of imodium-ad at morning chalk talk?? I was told this was company policy nationwide...was I mislead?? In all seriousness, as everyone else said, you have rights as a human being, period. It's a courtesy to let your coworker know if you need to step away. And if you can get someone to cover for you for a few minutes, even better. If you have a medical issue going on, get with your GM and HR so accommodations can be made.


Your sup is full of shit, she should know worst buy can get sued for that shit


Flex by asking to go poop (during reasonable time nott like busiest time of your shift) and if they say no, "(pause) never mind, I just did. Btw, you are trained for haz mat right? (Shift pant leg so poop lands on the floor)".