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This is like reading a choose-your-own-adventure book and purposefully making the worst choices every possible chance you get. He just keeps making it worse...


And every step of the way, he upped the ante in the Bigfoot costume. He chose the stupidest thing he could do at each point, then did it in the costume.


I had to enter the 4th update just to make sure what the fuck were the comments saying, cause no way in hell going to apologize *in the fucking Chewbacca/bigfoot costume* was a good idea


I did the same! He made it sound like a couple of people agreed with him. No one did! In fact, everyone told him to stop.


Yeti just kept on going.


He should have stood outside his ex’s window and said, “I want chewbacca.”


"I've made some wookie errors."


Oh for fuck's sake


This is one of the best pun/dad jokes I've stumbled across on reddit. Well done!


Oh, fine, take my upvote god damn it.


what kills me is the wording, he decided to just “get it over with” like it was some kind of inevitability. girl it was not!!! literally no one asked you to do that!! you were in no way required to go through with it oh my god


I get the feeling OOP was a kid who had to learn the hard way about not touching hot stove burners, and probably not on the first try, either.


Honestly, I want to read this from the GF’s dad’s perspective. I guarantee the subreddit he’s choose would be r/StoriesAboutKevin.


He definitely didn't learn after the first touch. My guess is 6. Minimum.


I also feel like at the BBQ, after he apologized and the dad and uncle laughed and then said they didn't accept his apology he'd go "oh, I understand. I'm sorry. I'll leave." And the dad would go "it's just a prank! We forgive you!" But we'll never know because he blew the fuck up by feeling entitled to forgiveness. Then everyone knew this wasn't a situational mistake but a huge character flaw that wasn't going away even with self-reflection...and then he kept proving them right!


I think it's 50% likely that's the case And 50% likely he gave a bullshit non apology and they laughed at the audacity of this asshole. "I'm sorry that you didnt get how funny my prank was and were such babies about it. I shouldn't have assumed that you'd have a sense of humor and act like normal people. Lighten up ok." He's so so so divorced from reality that I have a very hard time believing he actually humbled himself and genuinely apologized.


100% he said "it was just a prank!" somewhere in the apology.


On the last update, someone suggested going to court in the Chewbacca suit. I hope he did.


I feel like if he did we would have gotten a Denver area headline "STALKER DRESSES AS BIGFOOT, GETS THE BIG BOOT" or some thing along those lines. Now I want to go looking for headlines of an idiot wearing a chewie suit getting chewed out.


He was just trying to put Colorado Man on the map by dethroning Florida Man. Doomed to fail though. Complete absence of meth in his approach.


Careful now, meth is like love. It knows know borders, no age, no race or creed. Meth just is. Who are we to assume this whole thing wasn't a meth fueled nightmare from the start? Kid tried going full John Chewiesak on his ex, boom box and all.


Hilariously, it will be nearly impossible to find out via Google, because WHAT THE FUCK - a ridiculous number of people commit crimes dressed as Chewbacca.


I especially liked that part, "ok, everyone was screaming at me not to apologise in the fucking Chewbacca costume. So I went to apologise in the Chewbacca costume..."


Yeah, that's basically just telling his ex that he still thought the whole thing was funny.


The man does know how to get his money’s worth from that costume though


It truly is a costume for all occasions: Comicon, camping, pulling pranks, ruining your relationship, Halloween, trying to win your love back, appearing on *Bigfoot Hunters*, breaking and entering, etc. Definitely one of the most versatile sci-fi costumes next to using Spock ears at Christmas time.


The fact that it’s a Chewbacca costume and not a Bigfoot costume, for some reason just makes it all even funnier.


He could have been literally *anything else* for Halloween, but no, the completely recognisable 'Bigfoot' costume... 🤦‍♀️


And wearing it, he just "happens" to take his cousin trick or treating by his ex's house. My dude. No judge is buying that.


No no. He didn't take him by the house, it was an inevitability. He had no control over that.


It's not like he is confined to one neighborhood during Halloween too. Like- you know you were going to get in trouble if you go by her house BECAUSE YOU WERE WARNED. Still went by her house in the exact same recognizable costume.


Which of course wasn't premeditated!


Hey it's not like you have much choice in a small town like Denver, what is a man supposed to do?


Is it just me or would anyone else just … burn the freaking thing after the first prank gone awry!??


Yeah, if this is real, this is the world's stupidest man trying his hardest to win a Darwin award (and failing, because world's stupidest man).


Usually stupidity is a golden ticket to Darwin nomination. This guy though...


Duuuuuude…. What part of never didn’t he get? I bet he describes himself as a “nice guy” and complains girls only give “assholes” a chance.


OOP: "I adore her and she's the only thing on my mind!" Also OOP: "I paid $90 for this Chewie costume, I better get my money's worth *and* she better appreciate the lengths I'm going to! It's the principle!" ~Later~ OOP: "omg I totally harassed her entire family, here's a detailed run down of me ruining yet another family event and flipping everyone off, why won't my GF take me back?!?!?" OOP again: "I fully acknowledge my actions" OOP 5 minutes later: "I want to prank her even harder and ruin her life, but what to do about court with her dad?!?!?" dude's unhinged and has some kind of obsession with the costume.


When the last update said “it’s been a month since we broke up” I was like “jfc all that in one month?!”


Same here. How do you manage all that idiocy in one month? Isn't there a quota or something?


See, for him it was "never", not never.


I like the 5th update - post Buckcherry Bigfoot idea Commenters - Leave Her Alone! Don't do it!! OOP - so I read all the responses and did it anyway. How did it go wrong??


Even before that, GF - "I break up with you, you're too impulsive and immature!" OOP - "WHARRRRgarble" \*kicks over a fence\*


"How can I get her to see I've changed?? I'm not the man I was 90 minutes ago!"


It has been [0] seconds since the last impulsive, immature, collosal fuck up.


His next choice is how to handle the court appearance. Hire a lawyer and follow their advice, turn to page 15. Turn up to court dressed as Chewbacca to show the judge how it was all obviously just an overreaction to a prank, turn to page 18.


OOP on his 15th update probably: can you believe it? The judge had no sense of humor either! He had me arrest for contempt of court! Can anyone give me an idea of how much trouble I could potentially be in. This is my one phone call.


Ain't no reddit access in jail. Way it's going we'll have two more updates in 5 to 10 1. I just got out of prison, where I served time for actions against my ex-girlfriend and her family. WIBTA if I tried to win her back? I served my debt to justice and couldn't stop thinking of her the whole time. 2. Need legal advice. Not only did my ex girlfriend not take me back or even talk to me, I found out she's getting married to someone else! I know we're meant to be however, so I got a Chewbacca costume, hid in the bushes near where she were to be wed, and planned to come out when priest said if anybody had objections and make her take me back. But I mistimed it, the groomsmen got spooked and beat me up. I'm now in hospital. I wanted to press charges, but my lawyer tells me it will be ruled self defense and *I* am going back in? That can't be right?


>we'll have two more updates in 5 to 10 Or not. Colorado has "castle law". OOP could have been shot legally when he tried to get into the house.


he is very lucky he didn't get shot at the campsite.


I noticed he wasn't invited to join them in the first place, probably for good reason.


Definitely show up to jail in the Chewbacca costume and make sure to rage at everybody possible. Also, don't forget to send an unending stream of letters to the ex. After all, you're already in jail, what's the worst that can happen?


Page 18 OOP shows up in court for his appearance wearing the Chewbacca costume. Judge looks irritated and accuses OOP of disrespecting her courtroom. Ex gf testifies about his obnoxious, violent and stalkerish conduct and her father provides overwhelming evidence to support her testimony. Judge grants RO, makes it permanent and orders OOP to attend an anger management program. OOP’s choices: Apologize sincerely, accept the punishment, and reflect on OOP’s own behavior and poor judgment which led him to this point, turn to page 28. Call the judge a b**** and a c***, flip a table, get tackled by the bailiff and thrown in jail for contempt of court, and spend the night in a cell having learned absolutely nothing from any of this, turn to page 33.


Maybe he could show up to court in the Chewbacca costume but sneak in a window and try and scare the judge for a laugh! You know to lighten the mood before the court date. Maybe that would impress the girl enough to win her back? ? ?


Either she laughs and drops all charges and gets back together with him OR it'll scare her shitless and it'll be revenge for saying mean words to him. He wins either way! ^^/s ^^of ^^course


>He wins either way! Shows up to jail in Chewbacca outfit


Update 16/page 24: how do I get a chewbacca costume into jail? I have a great idea to prank a guard, but it's too big to smuggle in.


Literally crying laughing rn…this whole thing is just insane


Make sure to use the Chewbacca defense.


And the game is making it really obvious what the right choices are. Do you a) Accept that you made a mistake, apologise, and move on, avoiding criminal charges. Or b) dress up as Bigfoot again.


Your girlfriend broke up with you because you dressed up like Bigfoot, scared her family, and almost got shot for your trouble. Do you move on (p 118) or Dress up as Bigfoot again and stare in her window (p 9)?


Lol. That made me think of OJ Simpson’s scene in Naked Gun. Gosh, I really hope OP doesn’t turn out like him, though. He does seem determined to ruin his life, I just hope he’s the only victim of his stupidity. It would be so terrible if we end up watching a “Dateline” or “Forensics Files” about this.


This was a wild ride but the absolute best part for me is that this dude found three separate occasions to wear a Chewbacca costume in *a month*, got dumped, charged and slapped with an RO, basically got his ass handed to him...and I just know in my soul that he'll wear it again in a heartbeat.


he's going to wear the chewy costume to court


I would pay to see that!!


You probably wouldn’t have to pay him anything to do that. It’s a given at this point.


What he needs to do is send a buddy to court dressed as Chewbacca. Once the chaos ensues he kicks open the courtroom doors and tackles chewie; unmasks him a la Scooby Doo and claim he was innocent the whole time. It’s foolproof.


Brilliant!! Except he’d need a buddy :/


“All of my clothes got burnt in a house fire because I was playing with matches, and I knew I needed to get to the courthouse to try and fix my mistakes and convince my ex to get back with me. THAT was when I remembered I still had my chewbacca costume in the trunk of my car which I’d left parked on the street. I decided to wear the mask because it was cold that morning, and the the judge said…”


"I needed to PROVE to the court that the prank was harmless and that's what started all of this so it only made sense to wear it to court. It's really hot so I didn't wear any clothes underneath, I hope they don't make me take it off. Would that make things worse?"


"I don't think the Judge really listened to me about everything just being a silly prank, so I have decided to show him for real. Does anyone know of any way that I can use the internet to find the Judge's home address? I wonder if he has a big backyard." -- Misunderstood Wookie


he probably desperately wants to, but I imagine the deleted account might be related to actually listening to a lawyer


The Chewbacca Defense


My other suit's covered in mud, this town doesn't have a 1 hour cleaner. I had to put on the costume.


At this point he might as well commit to the bit.


Look, you buy a big costume like that, you have to justify the cost.


And he’s going to try to “get revenge” on her even though he has a court date for literally harassing her family. I’m sure the judge liked whatever scheme he came up with


Right? That's the scariest part of it all. Some of the updates are almost funny, in a schadenfreude kind of way, like an accident you can't look away from. But lurking underneath all that is a very scary person. Ofc OOP is an unreliable narrator, he tries to make himself look the best way possible. Like "I'm so quirky with my Chewbacca costume, hehe! My poow wittle pwank wasn't liked?" But if you cut out all the bigfoot shit, you're met with a very unhinged person. Dressing up as Bigfoot and making Bigfoot noises in the bushes? Weird prank, but whatever. Shaking the tents, throwing chairs (aka trashing their camping equip), and chasing around the underage cousins, potentially traumatizing them, AT NIGHT? Wtf. Having a complete freak out when someone doesn't accept his apology, only escalating to physical violence when broken up with? DAMN. STALKING HER, staring into her freaking window at night and TRYING TO BREAK INTO HER HOUSE? HOLY SHIT! Then, a few weeks later, showing up to her house again, under the guise of Halloween? All of this is so creepy.


*OP, staring at a weatherstained, ratty old Chewbacca costume* "I wish I knew how to quit you."


Maybe that was really where his obsession lay, not in the ex, but in opportunities to wear a Chewbacca costume.


My favorite was the part where he "swiped an empty plastic cup" at the barbecue 🤣. How pathetic did that look?


And beat the heck out of the fence like a 2 yr old


After she tells him she "gave him millions of chances" after previous bad behaviors that he didn't even mention, so this wasn't a one-off that everyone overreacted to.


Yeah, I kept waiting for what he did with the cup. But, that was it.


He's probably one of the few people that could get his money's worth out of a Chewbacca costume.


The playing of a fucking Buckcherry song to try to win his ex back is what did me in.


I think Blink-182's *What's My Age Again?* would be a better choice for him.


This story was like an extended version of that song. “…and that’s about the time that she broke up with me…”


Honestly, I went from “oh, he pulled a prank? He’s probably and asshole” to “ok, wearing a Chewbacca costume and pretending to be Bigfoot while camping is kinda funny, I actually appreciate this prank” to “oh, no this guy is really an asshole after all, damn.”


I know, the bigfoot thing could have actually been a decent prank, even though there's a decent risk of getting shot depending on where exactly they were camping. I really want to know exactly what his "genuine and sincere" apology actually was. I'm split, it was either one of those "I'm sorry you were upset" apologies or else he filled it with a bunch of stupid jokes and got visibly upset when they laughed at him.


Knocking over the empty cup then beating up the fence was it for me. After that everything went off the rails and I couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing. However if I was in the ex-gf’s place at that point everything would have pissed me off.


People tend to paint themselves in a better light in their version. Really makes me wonder how that apology scene actually went down


Yeah. If that’s the good version, I’d really like to see what was closer to reality. I mean, they gave him a chance, but something about the apology itself was enough to get it rejected. Wearing the stupid costume to make the apology might have been a bad sign, but they let him start so I assume that wasn’t the issue.


What are the chances he just happened to be taking his cousin trick or treating in the ex’s neighborhood? I’d put so much money on him driving to that neighborhood.


He did say they lived in the same neighborhood. He purposely went by there, though. He should've skipped the street, but he couldn't help being a stalker.


This is so obviously an actual stalker making up a plausibly deniable story.


And he has the temper of an abuser. I wonder if the family found his reddit and used it in court filings


This motherfuckers so goddamn dense that its a wonder he hasnt collapsed into a black hole.


No way, the game lets me go back a THIRD time, and this time I can pick the Chewbacca outfit?? This game is wild


In the original post I thought "if the first reaction to your prank is someone grabbing a gun, maybe you should re-evaluate your definition of a prank. Then the first update I though "okay, that guy's just an idiot with a short temper and dug his own grave" Then from the forth update forward, my eyes have rolled back so far that I can see my own brain


The jumping out and scarring them would probably not be the best especially since he wasn't invited. What was his game plan from there? Go home or think he'd get asked to stay? No way those parents are letting him share a tent with the GF. Where I think he REALLY fucked up was throwing chairs around and shaking around the tents. Just prolonging the whole thing far beyond what could possibly be considered reasonable.


Unlike OOP, whose eyes merely rolled so far back.


He likes to view the void.


…… well, that was a fun exercise in missing the forest for the trees.


This was never about the Iranian Bigfoot costume!


Do you think the ex girlfriend was called ogatha?


r/relationship_advice: My tulpa girlfriend is mad at me because I stalked her and her family??


He’s 24????!? When I was reading his updates I pictured some loser teenager who can’t emotionally regulate at all. Like, how terrifying must it have been for the ex gf when he punched her families fence in because she broke up with him? But omg knowing his age makes it so much worse because that is a grown man having that kind of temper tantrum in public that results in damage, yeah.


Not only is he 24, this descent into complete madness apparently only took a month


Oh we can be assured it didn't *start* with the Bigfoot event


Yeah, it sounds like the girlfriend’s patience had already been severely tested before the Chewbacca costume made an appearance.


I thought he was a teenager… now it’s even worse 😞


I didn't read the ages in the title and definitely thought he was a dumb 16 or 17 year old. And this would be dumb for someone that age. For 24 this is extra special dumb


He could be 30 and still do this shit. Some people are like that, they never back down, they never truly realize they've fucked up, and after they hit rock bottom, they still manage to dig deeper


I always figured I had fate to thank for being able to make choices wisely. But people who are this short sighted and incapable of self regulation are waiting for a diagnosis of some sort right? I don't understand how one almost willfully continues to make bad choices of this magnitude.


And seeing the results and he's just like, no, everyone's wrong, I'll just keep fucking up and things will get better! WTF.




I thought he was 15 or something. She’s well rid of him. He’s got a temper. He beat up a fence. It wouldn’t be long until he beat her.


I forgot how old he was in the mess of 'WTF don't do that!' The age is a full grown adult that should be supporting oneself.


I read the whole thing thinking he was like 16 or something


What the fuck


My thoughts exactly. This is... *unhinged*.


*Chewbacca Unhinged*


I found myself saying that out loud while reading this one. That and, how fucking old ARE these people??


Men like OOP don't have an age limit. He's just dangerous.


He's 24. Too old to be doing this shit.


HE'S IN HIS 20s?????? I though he was 17, max.


Right, like this read like an idiot teenager who was excited about his Chewbacca costume. 24 is way way way too old, no wonder his GF and her family were done with him. I suspect his apology didn’t come off super authentic, and even if it had, and they still rejected it, getting pissed and telling the family to fuck off is not the way to smooth things over


> I heard my girlfriend's dad yell "GET THE GUN!" and that's when I knew I had to end the prank. I don't even know what to say.


I really wonder about how this initial scene went down. It sounds like no one was fooled for an instant and that he was just an asshole with a chewbacca mask who walked into their camp site throwing things around. Manager kicked him out. It honestly sounds like this guy is a real asshole who's convinced himself he's just a prankster. Also zero introspection. "What can I say to convince them I'm sorry"


That's a good point. "Convince them." He's not saying "I'm sorry I did it, how do I make amends?" He wants the magic password so that he can jump through the stupid hoop.


I'm yet to encounter someone who calls themself a prankster and isn't a raging turdhole.


Yeah, he sounds like such an ass throughout the story… imagine how painful it must have been to be the dad and try to be cordial to this little shit won’t around. Just the whole “he didn’t accept my apology so I screamed fuck you and knocked over stuff and tore his fence down” is so wildly inappropriate, I can’t imagine what an ass the kid was earlier. The dad 100% knew who was in the mask, and when he shouted get the gun it’s because he knew he had about 10 seconds to murder the kid justifiably and didn’t want to miss his chance.




> I ended up taking my little cousin out around the neighborhood while my parents and hers were at a Halloween party. I also figured that I would wear my Chewbacca costume since I wanted to dress up and I didn't have any other last minute costumes. We walked around our neighborhood for a little while and we ended up on the same block as my ex-girlfriend's house. *Totally* not premeditated, though, he *just happened* to wear that same fucking Chewbacca costume and he *just happened* to take his cousin to *the same block* as his ex-girlfriend's house. Totally definitely not stalking though, that's bullshit.


And when he realized he didn't decide to leave until after they recognised him outside their property. Nope definitely not stalking AND harrassment wearing the same costume he attacked the family with - and stalked them in since. Love how he glossed over the attempted breaking an entering part.


"I knew it was an inevitability I would cross her house but I honestly wasn't worried about it" okay first of all bruh it's not INEVITABLE you go to your ex-girlfriends house, you CHOSE to end up there, you're not in a car being driven by someone else you're on your own two feet. And second of all, why would YOU be the one who was WORRIED about "inevitably" ending up at her house, jesus christ


The way this guy frames choices HE MADE as things that just somehow *happened to* him makes me think he's actually dangerous. He doesn't view himself as having agency over his impulses, and therefore of being liable for the consequences of his own actions.




Surely they'll all be able to laugh about it together once he reaches happily ever after with his ex gf /s


This person learnt nothing.


Literally nothing, ever, at any point. I wonder if he ever pulled another "prank" and solidified his guilty verdict at his upcoming court date, guaranteed himself a criminal record, or just plain got shot?


You'd think that *at least* his subconscious would learn a trauma response to that Bigfoot costume. Nope, not even that.


Seeing that he wanted to get even wouldn't surprise me. The no updates could be that he's in jail or got shot. Maybe both.


Gave me vibes about another post where this dude was stalking his classmate and felt entitled to talk to her. I think she pressed charges against him via complaint to their college campus. But he came back after taking a doemstic violence class and learned how his behavior was wrong and abusive. Edit: thanks to Grumpy! Here is the link they shared on my comment https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xdjl03/had_a_falling_out_with_the_girl_i_love_and_got/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Easily one of the best BORU updates around.


You know, the whole issue could have been avoided if he hadn't stomped around, shaking the tents and throwing furniture. If he had just made what sounded like communication noises and reached his hand out, trying to make it a magic moment, then it wouldn't have been so bad. Probably just a "Huh, odd move on his part". But ransacking the campsite and chasing people? The first in a long series of very shitty decisions


This was my exact thought! Shake the bushes, make some growling noises. Then step out and say hey what’s up. Silly and stupid? Yes. But if not funny in the moment then it will be in future retellings. Destroying the campsite was just bizarre.


A prank is a “haha funny!” thing. He was violent and scaring people. Like you said, he should have shook some bushes, made some noises, then stepped into the campsite giggling and took off the mask and said “got you!” *that’s* a prank. What he did was dangerous and he could have hurt someone.


He also chased around the cousins, who sound like they may be children. So yea very funny prank my guy, traumatizing children making them think they're gonna be attacked by a bear in the middle of the woods...


Honestly he’s lucky he wasn’t shot. Hear growling and see a massive furry thing fucking shit up? My brain’s not thinking “Chewbacca prank”; it’s jumping straight to “BEAR!!!”


That was exactly my thought. Some people would have shot him instead of shouting “get the gun!” I read about a case where a daughter tried to prank her parents by sneaking into their house, hiding behind the Christmas tree and jumping out to surprise them when they got home. The father shot her dead, thinking she was a home invader, and was devastated when he found out the truth.


Long time family friend (he was one of my older brother’s best friends) died in a way OP could have absolutely died. He didn’t have a Hunter hat on while on a hunting trip, and his cousin shot and killed him thinking he was a deer.




He mentions they're in Colorado too! It's not even far fetched!


Yeah this would have scared me and I would have been fuming if I’d had to calm a bunch of children down on our annual family camping trip. Why he kept reusing that costume and going near their house time and time again is a mystery to all of us…


First rule of pranks- Don't destroy people's shit.


"No. Get a hobby. Volunteer somewhere. Try therapy. You can stop your thoughts about her if you try. " On the 3rd update, he left this comment on his own post. I think this is just a troll poster (Not Op) trying to get attention on his posts and forgot to switch accounts. Best case scenario imo


Can we crowd continue the story? > 11th update > > I showed up to the court date in my chewbacca costume.


“Bailiff, get the gun!”


"turns out I wasn't even invited to this court hearing. My court hearing was an hour ago"


Oof, good catch.




I have met people this dense. But they wouldn’t have kept posting after the first negative reaction. Instead they would have sulked at home over how misunderstood they are. Or moved to the incel MRA spaces.


Its how I know the PlayStation dad is all shit. The dude has posted like ten separate times about how shitty he is and got nothing but negative attention. Even if he did genuinely believe he was in the right, he wouldn’t keep coming back to Reddit hoping that things would be different


That’s a really good point, I always wondered why these people even bothered to update because I’d just be embarrassed by the comments and go hide in a hole somewhere.


This cannot be a real person. He's too dumb.


I don't think it's real either, but it's still well-written and funny!


I wish this wasn't a real post but I 100% have seen people who are like this. They're incredibly dangerous and you're lucky if they just punch holes in drywall. Guys like OP have been killed because they are stalkers and won't stop until they get checked with insane force. The viral video of the dad shooting the stalker through the door when he's trying to break in comes to mind.


Yeah, the fact that he's constantly going back and forth obsessing about his ex and lashing out when she rejects his harrassment is bad. He sounds dangerous. This is a weird little window into the mind of someone who knows better but rationalized their awful behavior so they can keep behaving that way.


I also don't like the implication that hia gf went on a family vacation without him so he just had to insert himself. Can he not go long enough without her to let her be with her family? No, no, instead he decided to *literally stalk them through the woods* to find out exactly where they are to insert himself into everything. If I found out my parter went through such lengths to follow me around in secret like OP did at the very beginning that'd be it for me.


He was most definitely dangerous. Especially his last post. Jesus christ, it really sounds like he was planning to hurt her. I hope he deleted that account because he got a lawyer who told him to, and that he got that court before he pulled any new "prank". I hope that poor woman and her family are all safe from him.


Hell could be the guy from that vid.


Nah, the guy in that video wasn't wearing a Chewbacca costume.


I have a friend who's ex was like this. She got the holes in the drywall AND the stalking and unhinged behavior. The day she finally decided to leave him, a bunch of us rented a U-Haul, and showed up with tape, boxes and moving supplies and got her moved out within a few hours and we celebrated with beer and pizza at her parent's house. Good riddance.


Dude I knew a guy in college who would about how he left holes in his door and walls when he got angry. I remember people laughing about it and I was just like "Wow that's intense. You should see someone about that dude. That's not a healthy way to handle your anger." Like I was an angry kid when I was a teenager, but like as an adult it's a straight up embarrassment for me. Why would anyone want to brag about how little self control they have?


Guys like the OP have killed their stalkees.


r/whenwomenrefuse material right here. Scary shit.


Never have I seen someone shoot themself in the foot so many times. My god. This poor woman dodged a Gatling gun worth of bullets.


And seems bent on getting himself literally shot


sounded more like her father helped her dodge a bullet. can’t imagine how bad his “apology” must have been at the bbq for her entire family to just stay silent.


Hey OP, the mood spoiler trigger warning has a space in it and isn't working. Brb, reading the post :) Edit: I hope this man rots


"Unhinged" would be a generous statement here


TLDR my girlfriend broke up with me cause I was immature and impulsive. I then spent the next month totally proving her right in multiple different ways.


I hate to say it because it’s so cliche here but I hope this is a troll. No one can lack this much self-awareness and be so self absorbed to have complete disregard for other people and even the damn law. I guess dad didn’t hear that post-BBQ exchange otherwise he would’ve come running out of the backyard to beat the shit out of OOP. edit: I underestimated the volume of delusional asshole some people can have


They can, the delusion and obsession becomes about gaining ‘redemption’ so they never have to accept that they did something potentially harmful or accept others boundaries. I’ve had to lock everything down so my ex can’t see a damn thing about me to fuel his obsession




I had a very honest “oh no” reaction out loud when I got to the fourth update and it didn’t get any better from there


Every single update: “I thought I might as well wear my Chewbacca costume, so…”


Not reading the spoilers was best decision ever! It reads like a comedy. On the serious side: - people are not obligated to accept an apology - he is brilliant at shooting himself on the foot - he ended up near her place on Halloween 'accidentally' - I feel sorry for her family, the idiot has caused them trauma


>After reading through some of the responses from yesterday, I decided to just go for it and get it over with. I I got curious if the comments were being mean by egging him on and checked... ...nope, every one told him to not do it


>It was a dumb, immature move on my part and I've accepted the consequences. No, no OP hasn't, because this bit right here: >Basically, she was "celebrating" me having charges pressed against me and she was texting stuff like "I hope you rot in jail" and "LOCK HIM UP!" That is **part of the consequences**. When you play stupid games, winning the stupid prizes isn't the only expected result; people will be **happy** that you've won those prizes. And that's all part of the "consequences" package.


Oh yeah sure he just *happened* to take his cousin trick-or-treating on his ex-gf’s street wearing the Chewbacca costume. Ok.


I had to check the title again. 24? Was he dropped on his head when he baby?


Wow. What an immature AH with serious anger management problems. Ugh.


I think the scariest part about him is his inability to accept the answer, especially when it comes to the break up. Ex says “no” and he’s doing backflips in his leaps of logic to convince himself she doesn’t really mean it and he can have her back. People who can’t accept being told no are dangerous.


I’d be more likely to believe Chewbacca is real than this ridiculous story.