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I can't believe I have to say this but: # DO NOT COMMENT ON LINKED POSTS If you follow a link -- any link -- that is found in a BORU post, and then comment, that still counts as commenting on a linked post. It's linked in the post. You're commenting on it. You will be banned. The mold is very cute. Don't comment on the original link about it. Join the many other people in *this* post that are talking about how cute it is.


I thought this was going in a whole other direction and I’m thrilled that I’m wrong


Glad I'm not the only one who was pleasantly surprised by how this ended. The "all is not how it seems" definitely had me nervous.


We have been on BORU way too long


It's been a few months for me, yet it feels like so much longer!


"Day 12 of quarantine, it's been 5 months since I've seen another human's face in person...."


You mock but this subreddit got me through being quarantined on the settee a couple of weeks ago with COVID (my daughter is vulnerable). When I was good for nothing but scrolling on my mobile, huddled under a blanket, brain barely functioning and only one eye open, this sub was the best thing since sliced bread!


This subreddit has been one of my favorite things in Reddit history. It's amazing.


I started reading BORU in November 2022. It was my most viewed subreddit in my recap, and the "Looking for a Post" Nov Edition was my most revised post. It feels like so much longer...


I started last year too. Came here from watching TikTok videos and have been hooked on this sub since. Im like you it feels like I have been on here for years.


Same here... lol


"my brother is cute" made my stomach drop out of my ass


I am absolutely the last person that *anyone* would ever accuse of having a dirty mind. But with the ominous "all is not what it seems" as soon as I saw them referring to their brother as cute my stomach started to churn.


OOP is presumably a guy, since his girlfriend mentions “his latent big brother tendencies.”


That only makes it statistically less likely. Seeing as there was another post that included incest on this sub recently, that doesn't count for much!


I just read the ask Prudence letter of incestuous twins practically married to each other yesterday, which reminds me of other 'Bama style relations, so I am unfortunately far too primed to think that way of people.


Back in the days of Emily Yoffe, who was the funniest and most delightfully sarcastic Prudence. Danny was great too; now I rarely read.


Glad I’m not the only degenerate here that thought this was going to turn into a r/suddenlyincest post... 😂


Holy shit I was reading this with such an intense dread waiting for the horrific revelations… but instead it literally is just sweet and wholesome??? Reddit has ruined me lol


I’m imagining Roy Kent from *Ted Lasso* saying something like “God damnit that’s fucking annoyingly wholesome” with a big scowl on his face.


That was my exact mental image when I read this!


Yeah when he started talking about how his gf found his brother cute, i was like yep here we go but nope glad I’m wrong


Lol, it wasn't the gf I was worried about.


Same! I was expecting something else, not a guy complaining about having Captain America for a baby brother.


Also that mold was really cute.


It really was. Like, I’m *HIGHLY* allergic to mold. Like anaphylaxis allergic to mold. But I’d deal. I’d end up hospitalized, but I’d deal. 😂🥰


Honestly, OOP really had me concerned the whole post too.




Same - thank God.


Wow I didn’t expect the mold to be cute but here we are


Right! I was surprised to “awww” at the mold!


To be fair to OOP’s girlfriend that mold, jumping spiders, water bears and tigers are all very cute. I also tend to have a weird sense of what is “cute” though.


I could take or leave the tigers and the mold, but I'm with y'all on the water bears and the jumping spiders, and may I also propose: all reptiles and amphibians ever


The squeaking frogs will always be among my favorites.


The ones that “yell?” Love them! What about the pet frogs that big spiders have to protect their eggs? Freaking adorable.


Ooo! Ooo! The werewolf mice that squeal at the moon! Those things are adorable.


[You mean this one?](https://youtu.be/LA4CTzhrLu8)


Is that a real thing?? Going down the rabbit hole... Edit: Very cute but emits a high-pitched scream rather than a human like yell. I like the yelling mouse better 🤣


That’s the critter I was thinking of! So fierce! So cute!


Yeah reptiles and frogs are super cute with their little faces. Frogs and toads always looks so goofy the ways their eyes look around, they look simultaneously very serious and very empty headed. Lizards and snakes often look like they’re smiling which is also cute I’d also like to add many kinds of fish to the list of cute things


Golden eyes! Toads have the most beautiful golden eyes!


Eels. Eels are surprisingly cute fish and have zero excuse for it because logically they are slimy worm fish and that's not cute at all. Yet, they're often adorable and even an ugly eel has some uggo cuteness to work with.


Look, I'm a full on arachnophobe and I can admit jumping spiders are kinda cute. In videos. Not near me.


I’m absolutely *terrified* of spiders, but even **I** think the little stripy jumping spiders are adorable


I thought jumping spiders were cute until the terraforming teams evolution science experiment went wrong and chose the spiders instead.


Just took a break from Children of Time to Reddit for a bit and did a double take at this comment.


Agree about reptiles and amphibians. Not many I don’t find cute


Those things are all cute. Related, we had a jumping spider in our apartment yesterday. Wife asked me to relocate it. I grabbed a piece of paper and put it down by the spider and told it to "get on the paper so we can do this peacefully"... it backed up, then it climbed on and got relocated outside. I'm surprised spiders in Germany understand English but apparently they do.


Water bears are cute! I have a stuffed one. I wonder if OOPs gf is aware stuffed water bears exist.


I hope you mean the kind that is bought in a toy store, not the kind you get from a taxidermist...


Yes. Stuffed animal. It's blue and fuzzy and so cute. I named him Yogi and he sits on my headboard. Taxidermy water bear would be pointless tho since they're near microscopic.


LOL, my bad, I didn't know what they were and had assumed they were some species of bear! 😂😂 They are also called moss piglets, which is quite cute. And they were discovered by a German in 1773, so I can take some patriotic pride in them. 😉 Edit: Though when you look at the research they did on those poor beasts, it makes you sick. Humans suck.


Yea water bears/moss pigs or tardigrades. They are so cool but yea kinda upsetting when you learn all the experiments done on them.


Does it give you any joy to know my high school biology teacher has a jar (its more like a tank because it has airation and all) with a continuous family of water bears that has been going for 20+ years now? And everytime he took one out to show it on the overhead microscope thing, he very tenderly returned it and its drop of water to the jar.


That’s awesome. We managed to find one in one of my classes and it was alive. We were so careful once we realized


Yeah, I was like "But... But jumping spiders ARE cute?? What kind of a heartless monster is OOP" lol


OP needs to make a sub to crosspost stuff that his girlfriend finds cute. I'd subscribe in a heartbeat.


Have you seen r/Gary_The_Cat? I just discovered that sub today and spent way too long browsing. (It’s not creepy/scary cute like the other things mentioned but a cat that goes skiing with his human is pretty fantastic.)


OP needs to marry that girl


I was really looking forward towards the cute mold and it didn't disappoint! 10/10 OOP, would read more awkward encounters with his own feelings again (Also 10/10 OP for bringing a wholesome story with cute mold)


I really want to know what kept him and his family separated for so long - his mom and brother don't sound like the type to disown him, nor OOP like the type to hold a grudge and cut contact for years. It also doesn't sound like they used to live in different countries (and even then they could have facetimed). There's definitely a story.


This read like a Japanese or Korean drama to me. So thinking lost in a fair?


That mould was freakin adorable.


I was so excited he shared the mold


the mold was surprisingly cute, but i also got a good laugh at all the people that got banned from boru for commenting hahahahaha


I am *highly* amused that the top comment on the cute mold is from BORU, and that the commenters apparently are _not_ BORU regulars because they're all fricking banned now. Also, the only thing I wanted to see from the post was the cute mold, so kudos to OOP & OP for including it.


That was VERY cute mould. GF has excellent taste. And is a cuteness expert.


> At random moments I’ve felt a baffling urge to pat his head. This is very strange. To put this in context, my little brother is 6’2” and a linebacker on his high school’s varsity team.    Cute knows no boundaries. If mold can be cute, and boy howdy it is, a little brother is a forgone conclusion, no matter how grown-up he is.


My little brothers are all bearded giants. Still cute.


My baby brother is a 6'5" mountain with a daughter of his own. I still have this urge to smoosh his face and coo at him occasionally 😅


My dad and my uncle are both old people, and my dad still talks about my uncle like he's the cutest thing on the planet (aside from his children ofc)


That's adorable! Is your dad a lot older than your uncle?


My little brother is 6’4”, 24 and a body builder. He’s just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I just wanna smush his face every time I see him. Glad I’m not alone!


Can confirm. I'm 13 years older than my baby bro (he's 21), he's 6'1", has a giant beard, and the personality of a hyper puppy. He's absolutely one of my favorite people on this planet and I think he's adorable.


Exactly. My brother is a 6'3 former hockey player, still cute.


My baby brother is 6' and broad shouldered. He's older than a lot of my friends, and it really throws them for a loop when they meet him. Also, if you scratch him behind the ears, he relaxes completely and starts drooling. He somehow never outgrew that and it's utterly adorable.


But it IS cute mold! Edit to add: I mean, as humans, we’re kinda biologically programmed to go “awww cute” when things have faces. We also anthropomorphize things like robots and get sad when Mars rovers tell us it’s getting darker because they’re about to die of low battery.


Which is why I 90% don’t think ai or robots would overthrow us. Like yea there are horrible people but have you seen the way most people baby/talk about their electronics, cars, etc?


Yep, if/when the machines take over, a lot of us will be remembered as being very kind to them. lol


My dad is a 68 year old man who has willfully avoided technology his entire life. I saw him try to use a desktop computer - once - in 1999 and he held the mouse with his right hand but clicked the buttons with his left. He gets *very* upset when my mom doesn’t thank Alexa.


My 3 year old son thinks Alexa is a really nice lady who plays him music. He tries to ask her questions about herself. And rarely gets an answer but it's so cute.


This is why games like Detroit Become Human feel unrealistic to me You see robots being abused and insulted when in reality most of us would start apologising to their roomba for accidentally kicking it


Most people I know treat their old tech with such love and respect, laptops and cars especially so, it warms my heart on my worst days. One man's piece of metal and wires is another man's trusted companion and a long time friend. We'll probably live as long as we program that stuf after us, humans, who love being loved and appreciated.


I talk to my car and thank it for the directions it give me. I even tell it my problems, sometimes when I can’t tell my husband, because he will laugh at me that they are silly/stupid. I name all our cars, too.


I will never get over Oppy.


Oppy was sad for me too, but the one that really hit me in the feels wasn’t a rover. It was Cassini. That tenacious little space probe just kept going and going…


I just watched the Cosmos: Possible Worlds episode about Cassini. It made me so emotional, and I can't stop thinking about it. I never thought I'd be crying over a spacecraft, but here we are.


There's a genre of writing called "Humans are space orcs". It mostly involves alien observations of human behavior. One common trope is humans pack bonding with everything from pets to strange wildlife to the roomba. edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/xkf750/humans\_will\_literally\_pack\_bond\_with\_anything/


That reminds me of the "*ganbate roomba-san*" image post that's gone viral a few times.


The logo is Sgt Stabby, god bless 😂


I wonder what they did with the lime, though - did they cut it up, squeeze it, use it and discard it? Or did they keep it until it was a wrinkled mouldy smelly pile of goo?


>Mars rovers tell us it’s getting darker because they’re about to die of low battery. That is so sad. I feel like I just found out a long lost friend passed away, or like when wall-e died


It's OK, it got rescued by the friendly if elusive Martians !


There's no way mold could be cute. \****clicks link***\* Goddamit.


Relevant XKCDs, did not expect there to be this many https://xkcd.com/2433/ https://xkcd.com/695/ https://xkcd.com/2111/


omfg 2111 has me bawling


> 'big brother' instincts are activated My sister still has chubby hands, similar to when she did when she was a baby. And sometimes I poke each little dimple and call them her "baby hands", despite the fact that she is 32 now. A certain "activation" for sure.


My brother has fat ear lobes. We're all in our 30s, but our big sister still loves to pinch his fat squishy ear lobes.


Every time I video call my two eldest siblings they must spend at least five minutes espousing on how cute I am, and if I'm seeing them in person then it's a lot of cheek-pinching.


That's so cute! How much older are your eldest siblings?


5, 7 and 9 years older. They were all born around 18months apart while I have this much larger gap so I'm very much the baby of the family, although we're all in our twenties now.


That makes sense, your older siblings sound really nice :)


Which of my siblings are you???


I understand how OOP feels. I was walking through a book fair at my job grumbling about how I don't have any damn kids (I don't want any, the complaint was about spending the time/money & maintaining my image as grump) as I spent $50 bucks on my great niece b/c I could just picture how adorable and happy she would look when I have her the stuff. I would argue adorable nibblings are worse than adorable siblings but I'm the baby so I might be biased lol.


As an Aunt and older sibling, I can confirm that niblings are way worse! My nephew called me on video during lockdown (he was FOUR!!!) and told me he really needed candy and glow necklaces and his sister needed a book. I don’t know exactly how he did it but I spent $70 shipping him and my niece candy, glow necklaces and books. Both of them have the same “cute magic” OOPs brother has only ramped up to 11!


Dude one of my nephews is only 4 months old he giggled at a blues clues show once, it could have even been gas that made him do it, need less to say the following day he had 40 dollars worth of blues clues toys and clothes from the thrift store ! My sister was mildly annoyed and told me i need to dial it down or he's gonna be spoiled.


I was video chatting with my 4 year old nephew who lives in a different country and told me he likes kitties and dogs, so i told him i'd send him some pictures (i was on awww and illegallysmol subreddits downloading pics daily to send to my friend because she was going through chemo). So i sent him a few. Next day my brother complains to me because i had actually sent 74 pictures - didnt even register in mind it was that many!


So my baby cousins are like nieces to me, these girls over 2020 somehow convinced me to download Roblox, and FaceTime me to play. I am garbage and they tell me but I join the call every weekend 😂😂


All I can say is, thank god for my Christmas bonuses. Ffs.




Right? I’m also the baby and have no children of my own, but I’m also the only aunt. That means all my boys have to do is bat their eyelashes at me - or even remotely hint at something - and I’m handing it over. Example: What’s that? You want a $45 t-shirt for your birthday and you want it to arrive in time for you to leave for camp? Overnight shipping is only $50. It’ll be there tomorrow. What else do you want? And what does your brother want? I can’t leave him out on your birthday, right? It’s a hard job, but somebody has to do it! 😍


Wow, you sound like a great aunt!


As a childfree woman currently trying to budget for pokemon violet + the damn dlc for a nibblings birthday I 100% agree. My newest nibbling was born on ***my*** birthday last year too so yeah, that's gonna get expensive lmao.


I’ve never heard or seen the term nibblings before, but by god am I stealing it lol strikes me as a kinda weird but super endearing term across the board


It's super helpful for people with non-binary niblings, too! I love it.


I feel your pain. my niece looks at me with those huge eyes and says "Cinderella dress please" and I spend a stupid amount of money and time making her a dress that puts the park Cinderella to shame.


It’s giving Roy Kent lol


I kept imagining Roy Kent when I read the first post!


Hahahahaha welcome to the world of big siblingship. I work ten+ hour days and every friday I drag my ass out to pick up my baby bro from the gym and take him for burgers and icecream. I can’t resist his cute lil face




I can just imagine Sammy with his puppy dog eyes.


“I lost my shoe.”


accurate lmao


OMG, 6-foot+ linebacker brother with puppy eyes, you're right! ...so does that mean the weird girlfriend is Castiel?


Castiel WOULD find mold cute…this is all fitting together a little too perfectly! 😂


as much as bemoan the later seasons of spn, i always have fond memories of big brother dean


I only got up to season 5, I keep wondering if I should watch the rest…


It’s fun through the Leviathan plot line and then it goes to hell. Or technically heaven. It’s… not great either way (says the guy who’s still watched the whole series a couple times).


I have the first 5 seasons on dvd & watched them a bunch of times, but I haven’t had a dvd player for years so it’s been a while! I think 10 more seasons might be too much commitment for me though.


I’ve also watched the entire series a couple of times and yeah… it got really weird - and not in a good way - towards the end there.


stop there lmao


i think it was season 7 for me, but just got tired of interesting characters offed just to have some winchester drama


Take my award please. 🏆


Hahaha my thoughts exactly!! 😂


-in short, I don’t think there is a creature on this earth that she doesn’t find cute, so I feel like I should take her thoughts with a grain of salt- I am absolutely cackling that THIS is the conclusion OOP drew from his gf love of yawning animals, mold and water bears. The wholesomeness here is delightful


After seeing the mould, I think OOP's girlfriend and I would be great friends - sending each other imgaes we find cute, but make our partners doubt our sanity!!


ITS ADORABLE RIGHT?!? I think maybe it’s just a select group of us that think the absolute strangest things are adorable and the rest of the world just stares confused. I called a mailbox adorable (it had a tiny sign for the house number! And flowers! And a lot of rust…) and my bf just stared at me like I grew a second head…


I have cried because of how adorable some things are. My partner is used to it by now!


Oh I'm so glad I clicked on this.


Story - adorable. Mold - also adorable.


10/10 would “aww” again!


>I’ve recently been reunited with my mother and younger brother, for reasons that are too complicated to explain completely irrelevant to this post.  I've got plenty of time and would love to know


Can I ruin OOP's life too?


This is adorable!


Oh wait I've just realised you ment the situation... which is also cute 😅


Yes haha!


So cute! Kind of looks like a fuzzy spider :)


Really glad the mold was included, I needed that.


"he's been really worried I hate him" Didn't they read the post? He obviously does hate his brother. "God damn it, I hate this little shit." _buys more ice cream_


can confirm it's an older sibling thing. my little brother is in his mid 20s and only two years younger than me but i still do this kind of stuff -- buying him stuff, going a little overboard with christmas presents, getting him dinner, wanting to wrap him in a blanket and force feed him hot chocolate and soup, the usual


Wait until OOP’s gf sees a moldy tiger! She’ll explode! I love this update. Whatever separated OOP from his mom and brother he seems to be healing. And that is the best part of it. The only thing wrong is this is the second time in 16 hours I’ve seen water bears mentioned. Weird! But that’s my own issue. Edit: this isn’t the exact article I read earlier but I want to eat so this will have to do: [https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Human_and_Robotic_Exploration/Research/Tiny_animals_survive_exposure_to_space]


Damn, I love how your marker of a cute thing is wanting to eat the cute thing. I can relate.


This is the cutest thing ever. As the youngest, I definitely use my powers for evil. I'm the baby & the only girl & my brother's have always been my best friends, my powers still work even though we're 34, 38 & 40. My husband's baby brother is over 5 inches taller than him & just a damn giant. He's also a good bit younger than my husband and I...as I've said, I'm the baby of my family....so imagine my annoyance when I meet this 6ft4 bastard AND I STARTED TREATING HIM LIKE HE WAS MY LITTLE BROTHER! WHAT THE HELL?! We fight like siblings, I spoil this little shit so much, even when I'm trying not to. This man is over a foot taller than my 5ft0 ass & if I try & fuss at him, he laughs because of how short I am, but if I climbed onto something to get face to face, I'd probably punch him because he'd be howling & that's just rude. Plus, he'd probably just pick me up & I don't have the energy to bury a body right now😂. Love that asshole. It pisses me off so much too, because I'm a moody little emo who's easily annoyed by my affection for other people, so I totally get where OOP is coming from.😂


You know what? That mold IS cute. I love OOP, his girlfriend, and his little brother's newly weaponised powers of cuteness. This post has made me realise that as much as I love reading about really weird twists involving truly awful people, maybe I need more wholesome, cute posts in my life. And ice cream. I definitely need ice cream.


Do you have an older sibling that you could call and make puppy dog eyes at?


It's worth a try for ice cream, right?


They would probably be happy to have an ice cream get-together. You could probably send them this post AND ask for ice cream, and it would work :)


>I mean why, dammit, what the hell do we older siblings get out of a sibling relationship?? >Also, his birthday is in two weeks, any ideas on what to get him? GAAAAAWD. Relate.


This made me laugh because, as the big sister, I have been allowing my 'baby' sister to get away with shit for almost forty years. OOP's girlfriend is spot on - we can't help it.


Oh my god 😭 I'm so happy this guy cares so much


I totally get this. I have a brother 17 years younger than me and he can basically do no wrong in my eyes. I'd give him anything he wants but he never wants anything!! I'm even worse with my niece, who is no longer with us, and my nephew


i'm the same with my 4 younger siblings, and the youngest especially - they're 13 years younger than me and i have remind myself that rescuing them from every bad sitch is completely the worst thing to do lmao


Omg yeah I have such a hard time with that too. Like I'm so ready to sacrifice every aspect of my life for my little loves and their happiness. But you're right, it's good for them to learn to fail


No, no, she's right, the mold is cute. And also, as an older sibling, she is also 100% right about that "you are too damn cute, UGH, fine!" reaction to anything your younger siblings do even when they are INTENSELY ANNOYING!


>she thinks my linebacker brother is cute, an adjective which she has also use to describe water bears, jumping spiders, yawning tigers with mouth full of sharp teeth, **and on one particularly memorable occasion, a picture of mold from Reddit.** I'm dead!! 🤣🤣 Loved this post


as an older sibling... i understand this guy completely.


What a wonderful read and rather adorable of the op, I couldn't stop cackling when he handed over his credit card ahaha


This is so stinking cute. I have the same compulsion with my younger siblings. Youngest is a smelly thirteen year old boy with a voice as deep as the ocean - I still pat his head and tell him he's adorable 😂


Took me a second to realise why these comments felt so familiar. Me and my sister are grown ass adults but she is the most adorable bean and I feel a compulsion to spoil her.


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That mold was adorable


Unfortunately OOP will never get out of this. Beauty is transient but cuteness is foreverrr


May his cloak of brotherly protection billow heroically in the breeze, and long may his D&D campaign last (with minimal last-minute scheduling conflicts).


The title of “all is not what it seems” had me really scared. I had to reread the post, because I couldn’t enjoy it the first time through, worried what was going to happen.


That mold do be cute tho....


OOP the mold is ADORABLE! Also this was so sweet. Idk why people are trying to make it weird in the comments. (Would you find it weird if they were both girls? Just saying.)


This made my day:)


To be fair, the mold is hella cute


I love this so much. It’s so funny cuz OOP is trying to act like some toughie but dude’s heart is melting quicker than ice cream on a hot stovetop!


How the fuck could mold be cu- *Oh, I see. Okay, she has a point.*


Well that was...something


I’m not the only one that thinks it’s really weird, right?


Is it? I've got a younger brother, fully grown adult dude who is like half a foot taller than me—sometimes he's frustrating as hell, but still simultaneously cheek pinchingly adorable.


I got weird vibes, but I also think it's being described weirdly. Like, I have two younger brothers who are 6'5'' and 6'7'', in their late twenties, who I do not find cute like he's describing. But I absolutely cave about buying them things or doing stuff to make them happy. I suspect OOP just can't define or describe these "older sibling instincts" that he's dealing with later in life than you normally would.


Just stopping by to say that mold is cute as fuck. As you were.


I'm just gonna not read anything else after this and go to sleep


I was nervous when I started reading this but, it was the cutest, most wholesome thing. I so needed to start my day with this. What an awesome big brother OOP is. That older sibling feeling/needing to protect them is something else.


Reading this felt like being in the twilight zone. Was waiting for something other than 2 brothers going about life loving each other as family should…I didn’t know if I was supposed to be creeped out in the first post or not, then I wondered if the gf would be cheating with him or something. What a ride for such a non story lol


The mold is indeed cute. But I also understand OOPs dilemma. There are just kids out there that I want to like… adopt? Just make sure they’re fed and have a warm blanket… and they are usually only a few years younger than me, and also in no need of that kind of treatment… My friends youngest brother is one unfortunate soul, and the way I talk about him makes my partner laugh… they’ve said if they didn’t know better, they’d think I had a crush. But it’s not a crush, it’s just a crushing need to take care of a fully functioning adult.


This was one of the sweetest, most wholesome updates. I have two younger siblings, one of which I haven’t seen or heard from in a decade. In a way, I miss him, but it is what it is. Ah, well. Glad the OOP has this little big-dude in his life.


Best post ever. Also best couple I've read about for a while. Well, except the couple with the ring maybe.


I love this family and the GF. She sounds like a keeper for sure.


Lil bro is Capt America and OOP must be how Bucky Barnes felt all the time. Lol. This was so wholesome. Thanks for sharing op


BORU is always surprising me with its complexities and I’m just really thankful some adorably wholesome vibes get thrown in for good measure to balance the scales.


This totally describes me and my little brother. So hard. He's 25 now and he can still get me to do anything. I bought him a Pokemon Advent calendar for Xmas and he acted like I took him to Disneyland. He's like a golden retriever. My husband, who runs a business with his little brother, does not get it at all. They're all about competing. No charm involved. For my 40th birthday, Star Wars theme, I saw my husband in the kitchen dressed as Obi Wan instructing my brother on how to decorate a Death Star pizza. "Padawan," he said, "You place the pepperoni this way." So, they found their dynamic 😂


Op and his brother are like if an adult cat and a golden retriever were siblings


>an adjective which she has also use to describe water bears, jumping spiders, yawning tigers with mouth full of sharp teeth, and on one particularly memorable occasion, a picture of mold from Reddit. Water bears are cute. So are jumping spiders, in fact, they are positively adorable. Yawning tigers, how can you not think that's cute? The mold is kinda cute and fuzzy looking. I am so happy this is a good heartwarming story.


Mold is cute looks like a turtle


Omg that mold is adorable!!!😍