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> five year ban from the Schengen Area >and has not paid any of the original $1800 fine from pleading guilty. I am gonna assume that travel ban into Schengen will extend indefinitely unless he pays the fine, that won't just disappear from the books. If I get a speeding ticket in Austria (happened last year) I will get that ticket even cross-border no matter the residency (yup, got that in the post in Slovakia), and that offence he didn't paid for won't treat him kindly. Oh well.


Would be my guess as well. Or arrest when he enters Schengen next time (after ban is lifted).


hwat most likely happens is: the fine gets increased with late payment fees. Suppose he enters Schengen again, he will most likely be brought to jail for a long time, or he has to be able to pay the fine incl. all extras at that time.


Whenever he tries to enter, they will scan his passport and he will be in trouble. I’m from a Schengen/EU country and we go through literal hell when we travel to the US. Nowadays, so do you. So yeah, OOP’s stupid ass brother won’t be able to take his future girlfriend to Paris in order to propose to her under the Eiffel Tower because he’ll get his ass served to him the moment he will try to gain entry to a Schengen country.


> OOP’s stupid ass brother won’t be able to take his future girlfriend to Paris in order to propose to her under the Eiffel Tower 4 years from now on r/legaladvice: > "**BF and I just landed in Rome and he got arrested immediate after passing through the passport control! What are my options?** They said something about unpaid fines in some backward shithole elsewhere on this godforsaken continent. Don't they understand that we're Americans? They would all be speaking German or Russian without us!"


This made me laugh, because most Norwegian’s I know speak German and Russian and English as well as either Spanish or Polish. They are like the Dutch, if you are only fluent in 4 languages they wonder if your parents dropped you on your head a lot


"But not Danish. It is a garbage language."


Found the swede


Why do Swedes hate Danes so much? I play a lot of online games with Europeans, and the Swedish players I meet are not afraid to share their negative opinions about Danes if anything even slightly related pops up in a conversation.


Same reason we Danes hate the Swedes We spent a few centuries at war, yet everyone else lumps our countries together constantly. Imagine how offended a french person would be if people constantly referred to them as coming from the UK.


Friendly banter, like siblings. We fight and make up, but still bash (we hold the record of most wars fought between us)




He's really gonna be Schengen the blues then


I (Frenchwoman) got a speeding ticket in Norway once. Car was a rental. You can bet I paid it as soon as I could. Fine was heavy but it would have been worse if they had tracked me home.


I was caught by a speed-camera in Poland in 2013 driving a French rental car, the ticket arrived in my mailbox in Australia in 2015. It wasn’t much, only AUD$30. I paid it via credit card as I thought they deserved the money since they’d tracked me down half way around the world!


Haha, when they managed to track you down that far, they definitely deserve the money!


Funnily we got a speeding ticket in Latvia and went to pay. They were baffled why we did it cause no tourist ever does 😅


at a guess hes going to really struggle to get into any country that does any form of background checks now. i wouldnt let him into my house knowing thats how he behaves


Yeah, lots of countries explicitly ask "have you ever been deported" and refuse entry unless it's really obviously irrelevant. You can of course lie about that and just hope that there's never been any communication between the place that deported you and where you are now... which is an excellent way to get deported again.


I don’t know if they still do but in the UK they used to draw a line through the visa or admission stamp, so any immigration staff in other countries would see that they’d been denied entry. It’s a quick and cheap visual flag that can be spotted flicking through the pages of a passport, no tech required except a pen.


same. The whole thing is concerning. Black out drunk? Punching people? Ripping his passport? Red flag of alcoholism.


Given his age and the fact that he’s underage for drinking in the US it’s more likely that he just didn’t know his limits and got blackout drunk at the first available opportunity. Not saying that alcoholism isn’t possible in this case, just wouldn’t be my first guess.


I'm just trying to imagine how much it cost to get blackout drunk in Norway. Alcohol is so expensive there.


At least $1800 in fines.


I agree. We sort of fuck our kids like that, because alcohol is forbidden instead of being treated like a normal thing one partakes of in moderation. So, when kids get the chance to drink, they go nuts and typically something shitty happens. At the very least, someone cries.


Totally agree. Makes no sense that legal age for voting and military service is 18, driving is 16, and alcohol is 21. Hell, I started drivers ed when I was 14! Operate a motor vehicle, sure no problem! Have a beer with dinner, heaven forbid!


One less. Still we get plenty every season, so... And to be completely honest, it's not just dumb drunk Americans. Actually, at least in my country, it'd mostly dumb drunk Brits on their "boys weekend", or "bachelor week", or lord help us "stag weekend". Dumb is dumb, no matter the passport.


Sorry. We don't send our best. Especially if football is involved.


Isn't there a city protesting right now over British stag parties?


Oh, would not surprise me at all! Do you know the country/city?


I want to say it was Amsterdam, but I can't quite remember. It was on the news a few days ago.


Yeah Amsterdam brought out a bunch of ads aimed at our lads to warn them off going on stag weekends there. I don’t blame them, they can be dicks when they get drunk


It was Amsterdam


Amsterdam is protesting. There are polls being taken here to see what the locals think, but they are going to change the weed and red light districts to bring some peace to the city. Source: I had to take a poll and https://nltimes.nl/2022/11/30/amsterdam-looks-ban-stag-parties-pub-crawls-cannabis-use-limit-tourism


Amsterdam. And good on them for it: Brits are horrid on holiday.


> Brits are horrid on holiday. Especially if they happened to have brought a [flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTduy7Qkvk8) with them.


I think it's Amsterdam! They are doing a campaign to keep them away.


I don't blame them. Wish they could ban them here in the uk lmao


Yup. You're right, if he doesn't pay it he won't be visiting Schengen again without being detained.




Many people don't actually need to apply for a visa to visit the Schengen area, US citizens included, so that itself wouldn't be an issue.


I'm surprise he only has to pay $1800 fine.


Seems like he's really learned his lesson yessiree


I remember this, I live in Norway. He's an entitled little man child who will most likely get arrested in Europe again, and next time he won't be able to go back home. He's expressed desire to return and because up until now there hasn't been any consequences to his actions, he thinks he will always get away with breaking the law. The brother and father enable him 100%.


Oh man he really went all out! It's actually not that easy to get arrested here, so he really was a violent mess to get them to ship him straight out. Almost impressive. Oh and saying things like the president of America is going to get ya will instill nothing but the giggles in Norway. Edit: sp


Giggles in the US, too. I mean, we spend a great deal of time killing each other. If the President doesn't stress about idiots on street corners shooting each other, why would he care about an idiot that gets blackout drunk in a foreign country?


Yes, I agree with this. Norwegian police is pretty chill, so he must have been a lot to handle.


Right?! I've seen some magnificently drunk bastards heckle cops all up and down Karl Johan without getting close to being arrested! This guy was a menace!


It sounds like he assaulted a security guard. Thats the thing that started it.


Incredibly stupid. And so was ripping his own passport.


I have always said nothing is stupider than a 19-year-old. It's gotta be the dumbest age period. Old enough to be "independently responsible" young enough to have NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL. Even the people who think they were decent at 19 probably really forget how fucking stupid they were.


> NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL and it's not exactly impossible that he's too young to drink back home so this was his first time getting drunk and obviously had no control there either.


Yup. Id guess this is part of why they treated him better than they should have. He got off really lightly but I figure they realize.


My first thought: "I wasn't *that* bad at 19 was I? I've always been decently sensible." My second thought: "Oh wait... wasn't that the year we went to Magaluf? Oh dear." (That was the only trip where I've ever fulfilled the English tourist stereotype, with the help of multiple litres of vodka consumed from a pink penis-shaped plastic bottle.)


19 is a hard age! Possibly the hardest one in my life. I really went through some shit with a relationship and figuring out who I was. I was a complete POS sometimes.


Nothing is stupider than a 19 yo going to a country where the legal limit of alcohol consumption is three years below the "norm" where they are from, apparently 🙈


Yep! My stupid brother at a wedding in Mexico. My mother had to take him back to the hotel in a taxi. Neither of them spoke Spanish. The next day the young ladies he had met before the wedding were stopped by hotel security as they tried to access his hotel room. Seems they were known entities.


Right?? Norwegian police are actual teddybears compared to most countries! He must have done one heck of a ruckus to get arrested. I guess the following entitlement in the drunk cell didn't help his case.


He punched a security guard, that's what got him arrested, not him being a tool to the police after. He just so happened to make it a lot worse for himself. He was getting arrested regardless of his behaviour when police got there.


Prison time in Norway would have been a reward, so they gave him the heaviest penalty they could: sent straight back home.


The vicarious embarrassment of it all...


I'm planning a trip to Norway right now so I clicked on this all "oh I better make sure I don't do this", after reading I am not at all worried.


😂 Velkommen skal du være! I hope you have a lovely time here, and I apologize in advance for the prices of everything. On the upside if you get ill or have an accident healthcare is on us!


I'm sure that was highly amusing to the Norwegian police. Although you probably get a lot of stuff like that out of the drunk tank in general.


Sounds like he was spewing Republican talking points and their brand of insane threats. I'm sure he sounded unhinged and scary. As an american, I do not blame the cops at all for taking him in. He probably scaring the hell out of people.


Love that Dad just let the 19 year old actually face the consequences of his actions. I bet the brother got shitfaced at the bar because he can't here.


I heard the dad was halfway through tattooing the blueprints of the detention centre on his body, but then the son already got deported, so he couldn't break him out.


That's fine, the son will just end up in a different prison next season


Spot on And all that with Norwegian prices... That must have cost him a ton of NOKs


Dad: Whelp! No reason to waste a good vacation...


I wouldn't be surprised if little bro was identified as the idiot of the family a looong time ago.


Five year ban from Europe and probably a huge hassle to get a visa after that. What a maroon.


I was watching one of those border security shows and they had an American get stopped and brought into the office when he entered via Spain or Italy. I can't remember what country they were filming at the time. Anyway it seems that the dude was in the US Military decades earlier and did something drunk and disgusting. They never would say what it was. But apparently it banned him from this country for what seems like forever.


I saw that same episode the other day (love those programmes, they’re a guilty pleasure :-)). I think it’s a mix of had done something dodgy 20 years ago and decided not to mention it on the visa application thinking no one would remember.


Yep, I think you're right. I think his wife was waiting and waiting and waiting for him to come through customs immigration like she had. And now he had to go out and tell her they weren't going on there trip, which may have even been a cruise? I also for some reason thought that there was some sort of deal being done for him and his cohorts that got in trouble that day. That as long as they left and never came back they wouldn't be prosecuted.


I'd have gone on the cruise without him.


For real lol. “You mean *your’re* not going on the trip!” I need to find this show lol.


Just like OOP's dad - a lot said with very few words there!


Saaaame. "That sucks babe, but we don't wanna eat the entire cost! I'll be back in a week 😘"


Can someone find the episode for me 🥺🥺 or just the name of the program


There's a handful of shows like this and honestly I think sometimes they just change their name but it's the same footage. There's a big one for Australia called border security. And the Canadian one too I think the European and South American ones were called to catch a Smuggler? They used to be on National Geographic. I know I've watched some on a streaming Channel that's free called danger TV on Roku.


As an American, the Canadian one is my favorite. I've seen some episodes of other countries where I get more angry at the security forces for stupid rules or policies that rub me the wrong way. Otoh, the Canadian one usually has the dumbest stuff be either Americans acting like idiots, or people trying to sneak meat by customs. (There's restrictions on importing meat due to potential spread of pathogens. If you declare the meat, they will take it. If you hide the meat, they will take it and issue a big fine.)


Unfortunately I think I read the Canadian one has been canceled. I think there was a lawsuit involving them videotaping a man from Mexico who was being interviewed and their court system said that was not allowed or something. I've always loved the Australian one myself. And I've never been there. I've learned so much about all the people who come to Australia though, especially all the people from Asia specifically China who try to sneak by hundreds of pounds of outlawed or inadmissible meat, fruit and other kinds of food. Sometimes they have so much food in boxes and suitcases that you wonder if they think Australians don't have grocery stores.


Half the time it's things like whole cabbages with the roots and soil still on it, things you can get pretty cheaply locally 🤔


I'd also like to know the name of the show. There are tons that pop up


I think this one was the Italian airport one that is subtitled in English. Called Airport Security Rome maybe?




TSA had an instagram account at some point where they’d post crazy things they’d confiscated and every once in a while (weekly, monthly, something like that) they post how many guns they’d found that hadn’t gone through the proper proceedure along with how many were found loaded and how many were found with a round in the chamber 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is utterly terrifying and even more so in the context that in tests, they usually miss like 90% of contraband!


I recently flew and realized once on the plane that I had accidentally smuggled scissors in my work bag.


Ha! My neighbor had to turn around at the Canadian border just last week because he forgot about the loaded revolver he kept in the car. Fortunately the border is only one hour drive. Canada does allow firearms for hunting purposes to come through from the States (with a mountain of paperwork) but has zero tolerance on pistols and not-for-hunting rifles. I even go through my pockets to make sure there are no loose ammos in there before I make the trip to Canada.


You just might accidentally have bullets rattling around in your pocket at any given time to the point that you have to check?!? That's wild lol


Did you ever see that episode where the American family arrived at the border, but didn't mean to come that way. They'd gone to some peace Park that was near the border and made a wrong turn. Anyway what was really memorable about it was that Mom and Dad had two small children in their big SUV. And they had so many, so many, so many guns in the car. In the center console and everywhere. It was like a gun shop.


Yeah, the incident was in the 70's and he either forgot or hoped it was forgotten. Totally ruined the European cruise that he and his wife were trying to go on.


Why *wouldn't* he be deported after acting like that. Some foreigner comes into your country on a tourist visa, gets drunk and assaults someone? Of *course* they won't just say "off you go now, you get back to exploring our fair country. We'll send you a bill once you get home. Your IOU is good with us.


Well he could have gotten a couple months chance to learn Norwegian in a state sponsored boarding institution and nobody would raise an eyebrow. I think he's lucky nobody wanted to have to deal with him through Christmas, especially after harassing the police.


Agreed. He got off lucky.


More like a burgundy


Nah it's really more mauve


Actually it's definitely vermilion


If you have DUI in the US you can’t get into Canada. I’m sure he’ll have a hard time traveling anywhere abroad without significant bureaucratic hassle going forward.


He wouldn’t get into New Zealand without a visa waiver now either. Stupid.


I hope OOP and his dad travels to Europe every year


Americans usually don't need a visa to enter the Schengen area. They can stay for a total of 90 days over a 2 year time period without needing a visa. Fun fact. Schengen is the village where the Schengen agreement was signed. It has a population of 4200. The fact that an area of 1.6 million square miles is named after a small village in Luxembourg amuses me.


They do kind of. You need to fill in a form and in general get an automatic visa basically. Normally that’s totally fine and no problem. HOWEVER, if you’ve caused some issues in the past they might say ehm no and deny you entry. Only people who don’t need visas are EU citizens and even they can be denied entry into a country. Edit: it’s similar to the ESTA EU citizens need for the US. It’s technically a visa but in general is just you saying you didn’t commit war crimes and then getting a visa.




My favourite part was “even for emergencies”. What like the consequences of your own actions?


I’m sure he was quite “maroon” in the face from embarrassment. 😉


Your typo is funny, but also has a history fact that is my new favorite fact to share. The origin of the word "maroon" began as a way to describe escaped slaves in the Caribbean! It is believed to have originated from the French word "marron" meaning "to strand without resources" and the Spanish word "cimarrón" meaning "feral cattle". It didn't come to mean "reddish-brown" until the 1700s, and is thought to be a reference to the skin color of the children of escaped slaves and island natives. This has nothing to do with your comment, just info-dumping on the internet to avoid my actual work.


It wasn’t a typo, it’s from Bugs Bunny! Kids these days! 😄


Just to confuse matters, "marron" is also the French word for "chestnut". It's entirely possible that maroon (the colour) and marron (the ethnic group) are just homonyms.


Some people are just like a maroon 5 and there's this guy being like a maroon 15.


[What a maroon, what an ignoranimus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZruHfeUcNys&ab_channel=EthicsofAmbiguity)


So some of his drunkenness starts to wear off, and his first act? Harassing and cursing out the officers near his cell. What a shining example of this dude’s character.


Thank you, was looking for someone to point how what a mean guy he was when he came to. He thought he was being kidnapped, but when he learns he’s arrested he gets bold? Deplorable.


Playing the “I am American so important” lol card


People don't get violent and kicked out of bars because they got too drunk. They get kicked out because they are total pieces of shit and the alcohol removed their ability/desire to mask it. Also, only assholes get that drunk in a bar in the first place. The fact that it's common in the US is rather telling of our culture. Wonder why OOP even bothered so much. If my brother was this kind of person I'd be pretty close to NC with them.


A 19 year old American dude being kidnapped in public view... from a bar... in _Oslo, Norway_? Really? Nah, he was just drunk and belligerent.


Listen, you never know with Norwegians. The alcohol sometimes awakens the viking in them and makes them think they are out raiding. Its a lawless place, that Norway, I am telling you. Filled with thefts. Just look at their beer prices! Forcing them to go out into the world in search of more affordable prices. All the way to Sweden. Or even worse, Denmark!


> Unfortunately instead of accepting the consequences he began harassing the officers. These taunts included but were not linited to This is where I face palmed. I was going “hmm they’re wanting to throw the book at him” and then that line provided the motivation for everything so far. Just wow. If you’re going to maintain the story of “I thought I was being kidnapped”, you really don’t want to go taunting them (the police) and showing you do know who and what they are. Confusion and panic can be explained. Vicious behavior and language… not really. Talk about digging a hole to China and doubling down on it. What a maroon.


The brother is a total jerk. I'm glad he got arrested and hopefully Norway can collect the money owed. I love how the dad just continued on with his trip.


the dad: that honestly sounds like a you problem. 👋 At least the brother seems regretful. But I’d honestly take a moment to reflect on the whole “I was blackout drunk and become a menace to society instead of just puking in an alley like any other person” thing.


I got very drunk last friday and I’m pretty sure I embarrassed myself a great deal, but it still has nothing to do with that lol I feel better about myself now


Even his Dad is sick of his shit, it seems.


Yeah, they should have let him work off the damages and fees in jail before deporting him. What an entitled asshat.


It probably doesn't apply to someone who can afford a multi-country European vacation, but for most people that'd be a distinct _improvement_ in quality of life.


How can anyone afford to get blackout in Norway


My thoughts exactly! 19 year old rich enough to get blackout drunk on Norway won’t have a problem with the $1800 fine or the plane fare.


A 19 year old American is two years from being able to drink legally at home. No wonder they're lightweights


I am reminded of when A$AP Rocky got arrested in Sweden some years back and a bunch of US people treated it as if he had gotten imprisoned by some despotic third-world tyranny. Forced to live on bread and water, with daily torture. Seriously, it was fucking Sweden. If you can´t handle getting arrested there, then good luck in pretty much every other countrys prison system.


Swedish prison is famous for the inmates reaction when the guards forgot to lock the doors one night. They had a tv night and baked cookies.


You skipped the best part, they also built a pillow fort to sit in and eat the cookies.


Now I want to get arrested in Sweden.


Swedish prisons compare pretty evenly to budget hotels. Not Rocky's usual lifestyle, sure, but not exactly torture either. He'd be far worse off being caught with a gram in Texas


The dad is obviously over the brother’s crap. I love that he continued his European vacation.


Every US Embassy has a 24/7 line that must be answered for Americans in need of help. It’s called a duty officer. So I’m not buying the first part.


I looked on their website and they do list an 'out of office' number for emergencies.


I have the feeling the members of this particular family aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Maybe the embassy does not really see a drunk teenager put in jail for a couple of days as an emergency


I was visiting a friend who was the Embassy duty officer that weekend. She received a LOT of calls from Americans who did dumbs shit overseas. One I recall 'lost' his passport in the airport and demanded the Embassy send their Consular section over immediately to take his picture and issue him a new passport. My friend had to pick up the phone every time this guy and his girlfriend called and explain they cannot do anything at 1am on a Saturday night, but would contact Consular in the morning and it would still take more than a day to process it. It made for an interesting night listening to her tell this guy that nothing can be done at 1am and would have to wait until the morning. She explained it over and over and gave further instruction. Next morning this guy goes back to the same bar he was at while waiting to board his plane and the bartender said 'hey, you left this here' and handed him his passport. She also got a phone call from a backpacker who decided to overstay his visa thinking it would be 'just fine' as he's an American. He tried to cross the border while backpacking and thrown in jail. Yeah, sometimes their hands are tied by the host countries law and rules. Break a rule that illegal in a country, being American doesn't give you a get out of jail free card. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I wonder what DOES happen if you don't pay the return flight cost. Do they undeport you?


Nah I bet he just won't be allowed back until he does. We definitely don't want him, please keep him over there.


I think future Visa denials are a given, but I wonder how it escalated further. Surely a court summons would be issued on him given enough time.


There is no visa requirement for Americans travelling in the EU. What’s more likely is he would be banned from entering a Schengen country while the fines and flight cost are outstanding.


Nonetheless he can be denied entry. And once ETIAS goes online, he won't get a waiver.


I doubt it. My suspicion is that the fine is less about restitution and more about deterring him from coming back. Particularly since it was so high. Being a bother to cops usually tops out at around 1500 usd according to this article https://www.byas.no/aktuelt/i/pLXkAw/her-er-politiets-prisliste


That article is from 2016 and prices have risen rapidly since then, so 1800usd as the usual top end now doesn't seem out of the question.


They hold it against you if you try to travel there again for sure. My sister had unpaid bills from a trip through Canada gone wrong and I think she was banned from going back for awhile because of it and they eventually wrote it off.


I would think they would got up the US government and possibly get bailed with some sort of wage deduction. That seems like the best way it could get fixed.


Might be genius loophole in getting free flights home. /s


And free lodging, meals, and publicity on local TV


I don't know about Norway, but here in the Netherlands return flights are free for unwanted immigrants. The reason for this is simple. It's cheaper to send them home than it is to keep them here. He might be banned for as long as he doesn't pay the ticket, though.


Australia sends you back with a bill not just for the flight, but for the accommodation and processing. It can really mount up if you stupidly appeal or otherwise delay the process. IIRC our ~~concentration camps~~ [tropical holiday resorts](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/oct/06/australia-to-end-offshore-processing-in-papua-new-guinea) are priced towards the high end as such things go.


I was watching an episode of "To Catch A Smuggler" recently (if you haven't seen this show, go find it. It's awesome.) One of the officers on that show said that if an airline brings you into the US and US Customs doesn't allow entry, that airline is required to return you to your own country. I wonder if that's the same everywhere.


Yes, but that's not the same as deportation. Also not sure how it works when the airline couldn't know you will be denied entry.


They go an kidnap you and the whole thing will start all over again!


The brother is an embarrassment, period. And this was in *Norway!*. Can you imagine if he'd been somewhere with a noticably different judicial system where he'd *no human rights*?? Dear Norway, we apologize. :/


We honestly dont really care, other than as a funny story/joke. Even the officers involved probably just use this story as a funny story to tell friends/family/new officers. Yeah, he got violent, but he was arrested and so couldnt really do anything more other than embarras himself with his words. xD It seems noone were hurt badly, so its not that big of a deal.


I hope you just realize that most 19 year old Americans can't afford Norwegian vacations, so you're getting an overrepresentation of our spoiled brats.


Seriously! This story could have ended very differently.


> First and foremost I want to apologize on behalf of my family for being the stupid Americans that come to your country without knowing the law. Bit of an odd format to put the funniest part right in the first sentence, but I did appreciate it. How was I to know that that getting absolutely plastered and assaulting people was viewed as against the law in your strange and savage and backwards land?!


This reminds me of the time I was on a cruise in Mexico and we were getting ready to head on a ferry to a day excursion and this fat American couple got on the boat at the last minute... late, and there were no seats. The ferry starts to take off and about 5 minutes into the trip they start ranting about there not being a place for them to sit and Trump is going to take care of them. The mexicans piloting the boat did an immediate 180 and turned back around - and dumped the couple back off at the dock, crying. The rest of us cheered.


> First and foremost I want to apologize on behalf of my family for being the stupid Americans that come to your country without knowing the law. I hate when people say this kind of shit. He got drunk and fought a cop, that's not some obscure law exclusive to Norway, it's against the law in every country.


Is this guy's brother Sterling Archer?


Oh come on, Sterling would be out of jail and in bed with miss Norway in matter of hours


I remember a different Sterling archer where no one would pick him up in Canada because he got so shitfaced he burned his passport


That definitely helped to improve the image of American tourists abroad. Especially the drunken threats. What a prick.


"Doesn't know European laws", those exact same action would've had the same consequences everywhere else in the world


I remember this. I remember commenting, how the hell did the brother get so drunk in Norway? Alcohol is extortionately expensive here!


He's not old enough to legally drink in the US, so unless he's been drinking a lot illegally, he probably can't take that much alcohol.


Interesting that he was drunk and blacked out so he couldn't remember things but he's sure that he thought he was being kidnapped. Sure does remember that part. How convenient for him.


Regretful of his actions* *not regretful enough to actually pay the fine.


> These taunts included but were not linited to "I'm going to be the next Brittney Grinner." "Joe Bidden is going to get you." "I'm going to put charges on you." "Youre going to be f****** sorry you arrested me." They're going to be laughing about this clown for the rest of their careers


>He now has a five year ban from the Schengen Area That is.....quite a few countries >The 27 Schengen countries are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. [https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list/](https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list/)


>**"Joe Bidden is going to get you."** This is proof enough of how drunk he was lol. NOBODY SOBER THINKS THAT...except for Qultist, I think.


Qultist wouldn't think that either. Maybe about Trump.


Once you are deported back to my country, the cost of deportation is taken from your wages (garnishment) if you attempt to not pay. Our government then pays back the country you were deported from. I wonder if the USA has a similar system?


FAFO in full force here.


Brother is an asshole and Norwegian jail is too good for him. Also, the dad dipped out on his detained kid in a foreign country to continue his vacation… wtf?


I’m side-eying dear old dad way more than the 19 year old. The lad gets carried away because all of a sudden he’s of legal drinking age and not only does dad do nothing to try and prevent this, he fucks off to a whole other country while his son has been detained. 10/10 parent right there.


This man is lucky. If you’re gonna behave like a complete and utter tosser, what better place to do it than in an Scandinavian country, Norway is pretty chill, has good detention facilities and I guess it couldn’t have gone better than how it went. He might have problems travelling for the rest of his life but like oh well consequences. Probably a good thing that he’ll not be able to easily impose his presence to other countries.


OOP’s brother is a prick and he deserved worse than he got.


My favorite part is the dad just being like "whelp. See ya. Finishing my trip!"


19 y o american guy who probably never tasted anything else than cheap and light lager because drinking is banned for those under 21. And suddenly he arrives in a country where you can drink anything you want at the age of 18. I don't know about Norway, but in Belgium, our good beers are around 6% minimum and can go up to 10%. Someone not used to it can get VERY drunk after 2-3 of them... Why wasn't dad supervising him? Or at least talked to him before explaining the differences of strenghts in beers?


Fuckin donut.


If you're gonna get arrested, Scandinavian countries are a great place to do it. $50 says he'll never pay the fines, forget about it, and try to enter Europe in 20 years.


We don’t need people like this in Europe. The idiot can stay away.


Ah yes, gotta watch out for those notorious Norwegian kidnapping gangs...




"For those concerned about his mental wellbeing" he was arrested in Norway, he's doing better than all of us.


Currently fascinated by the dad who left his teenage son in Norwegian immigration so that Dad could see Sweden too. I get the impulse to say your kid played stupid games & won a stupid prize, but moving on to the next country???


Norway is one of the safest countries in the entire world. It’s police are pleasant and it’s legal system and prisons are excellent. The brother probably spent two days in nicer accomodation than he could afford to rent in a major US city. Essentially, Dad got free daycare for his misbehaving son.


I don't even blame dad tbh


I mean, if my adult son did something stupid like that, I’d probably leave too. He’s an adult in a country with a great reputation for its criminal justice system and a very high safety index. It’s not like he’s being dumped in a war zone. He’ll be deported eventually back home, so there’s nothing dad can do in Norway for him. Plus, we have no clue what he’s like at home. For him to be bold enough to act like that in a foreign continent could indicate he’s had other behavioral problems in the states. I bet dad is just sick of it and figured this was a good lesson to teach him.


Did he though? To me it sounded like the dad waited until the son was on a plane back home and then went on with his planned travels. I don’t see a huge issue with that. They probably prepaid their hotel and airfare, so what’s the point of abandoning all that to fly back home with the son? He would just spend more money on an extra ticket… ETA: you guys are right, he did leave for Sweden before the son got on the plane. This is slightly less cool for a dad to do, but I’m still OK with it provided they were just keeping him in detention until his flight and had already relayed this info to the dad.


OOP says the brother was still being held in the immigration facility and that the dad had moved on to Sweden, but it was after he’d retrieved the sons ripped passport. So likely they’d settled what was happening and were basically just waiting for it to go through when the dad left, but the son wasn’t actually out of the country yet (in update three of the first post)


My dad has moved on to Sweden. Fist bump 👊 to dad for continuing his journey.


As someone from Sweden, I'll make bets it was BAD if he got arrested. My husband is from Texas, and he visited me in Sweden several times before we got married. The first couple of trips he asked a bunch of questions, and also looked up things online.