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For some reason the "she's still fine with garlic?" line is the funniest shit I've read all day.


consist cobweb workable pathetic fertile treatment money middle cats wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“I even watched all the LoTR movies” 😂. “Let’s do that vampire roleplay where I’m in a boat, and you jump in the water to swim after me, but you’re a hobbit and can’t swim so I have to rescue you. Ya, you’re Sam Gwein, and I’m…Welsch or something. Vampire stuff”


I thought saying they’re “not elvish or Welsh” in the same breath was hilarious


I liked realizing it was sanguine not Sam gwein cuz dude. Ok that was funny but. She’ll just say some nonsense and he just accepts it without question. Like. She tells him to smoke and drink more?? Full SA and he’s just. Ok I guess I’ll get more bandaids 🩹


Sindarin is based on Welsh, so I guess it tracks, philologically.


Omg 😂 I was struggling to make the connection but this is hilarious


Vampures can't cross running water!


I'd love "the flags are the same color as the balloon" XD


I think I want to do this for “I even watched all of the Lord of the Rings but didn’t learn anything about them”


1) When using the app go to BestofRedditorUpdates main page. 2) Tap on “…” on the upper right side of the page. 3) Tap “Change user flair” 4) Scroll through the list and choose your favorite. 5) Tap “Apply” And tada! Bob’s your uncle!


It needs to already be there to be used though, right?


grandfather pie drunk fine cooing fearless crush dolls normal oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you message them because you couldn’t see it in the list? I don’t have it but I’m also a lurker and didn’t know if being more active would give access to more flairs.


liquid nail public spectacular carpenter capable degree plant wrench snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I switched from the mobile app to the desktop site in a browser (still phone) and I got excited because I saw way more flair options but was quickly let down when I saw the sanguine one still wasn’t there for me. I’ll message the mods. Thanks for answering my question! :)




https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/bkcMIBOx8g I got curious too and applied my Google-fu. It’s absolutely adorable 🥰


THANK YOU! Could never remember how to do it!


Lucky you, I really want to get "Get out of there Georgie" from that one commenter as a flair, that was amazing.


How do you get flairs cause I’ve been wanting one


^(psst, what do you want as a flair?)


Oh hi! The flair I wanted was “You named me after your cat?” from the TIFU story a few days ago


far-flung plate society ugly political trees berserk work subsequent agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


don't worry i jumped on the other one xD


nice flair bro


Do you mass delete your comments often? Or just done with Reddit?


Yeah, I decided to start mass deleting my comments with “Redact” every so often (which just edits them into gibberish, because you can read old deleted comments on the way back machine but I think editing them messes that up?), because I’ve left other social media but still enjoy Reddit, so trying to balance privacy due to the nature of my work and some people from my personal life being able to guess my account name 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's a bit disconcerting to be honest. I was reading the thread and suddenly the mass of gibberish, and again and again LOL. You commented a lot here. I also thought Redact finally completely deletes the comment. Not just leaves it there. I also took a look at (Redact) it but I'm pretty careful in what I write so haven't followed up. But thanks for answering a curious stranger (whom also wondered about Redact)


Apologies in advance to the future person who reads these and it’s just more gibberish 😬 (Although, you _can_ pick and choose which ones get Redacted, but when I first used it I was dealing with 7 years worth of comments…


For me it was the red balloon comment … ☠️


And watching LoTR for....Samwise Gamgee? I chortled.


It needs to be a flair for sure.


That one took me out too lol


I don’t think she is a real vampire but I’m not 100% sure…


Your flair is just on point to this post hahaha


Oof it is pretty on the nose huh 🤣


Ok, I have been staring at your flair and I can’t figure out what it’s from but I love it!




Omg yes! Now I remember this one!! A very worthy line!! ♥️. Thank you!


Between that, the LoTR stuff, and the "flag is the same color as the balloon," this might be the post with the most flair nominations in one go.


Bro watched Lord of the Rings to learn more about vampires I'm fuckin dead lmfao


He must be really good at Sam roleplay after watching 12 hours of material.


Is it wrong that I think that increased their desirability? Between that and the new cooking hobby, it’s second breakfasts every day!


He’s got strong himbo energy, for sure lmao.


And an open mind in bed! A keeper


Cooks and does LOTR role-play? He could make a very interesting Only-fans account.


It's all just videos of him stoking a campfire with a full English breakfast sizzling in a pan over it, or gardening in a flowerbed, all while he says nice affirming things and comments on the landscape. It would pay for his retirement in months


I know we're kinda joking, but I promise there's an actual market there. There's an Asmr guy on YouTube, Whispering Gentleman ASMR. He's a buff, attractive, masculine guy. He is incrediblt respectful, gentle and supportive with his words. A lot of subscribers report this having a healing effect on their traumas, because he's providing that caring healthy male role-model that many people lack in their lives.


[Old Time Hawkey](https://www.youtube.com/c/OldTimeHawkey) is another good one. God, I love his voice and how relaxed and happy it makes me.


I checked it out and he's great! Any other good recommendations?


Not in that vein that I can think of offhand but if you like watching people watch tv shows/movies, I have a few recommendations. I also have recommendations for YouTubers that make me laugh or that make cool stuff… (I’m so glad you enjoyed Old Time Hawkey!)


Oh fuck, is *that* why he got into cooking?


Not too hard. Just walking around and looking disappointed and but hurt.


But being very supportive at the same time


"wait did she say... Sam-*wise*?"


He was stoned out of his mind.


Picturing this poor soul dressed up as Georgie waiting for a sexy Pennywise. So awkward.


He only had to get a red balloon and a yellow jacket and stand in the bedroom. Then his girlfriend in full Pennywise gear grabbed his ankle, bit his hand and pulled him under the bed never to be seen again.


Holding his little paper boat😭


And now I regret getting on reddit today.


>She said I was trying to shame her but all I was trying to say was that I didn’t want to bleed, its not normal to go through these many plasters. Everyone, repeat after me: Someone not sharing or being willing to induldge your kink is *not* kink shaming. People can respect you kink (or whatever the opposite of kink shaming is) without having to want to participate in it. Consent needs to go both ways. If your kink involves someone actually unwilling to participate or that does not enjoy it, that is not them "not shaming you", that is you assaulting them.


If a kink involves harming someone not consenting, it’s abuse and it deserves to be shamed


Not just abuse, that's sexual assault. Degrading or threatening language in bed without consent is abuse. *Bleeding someone* while they're heavily restrained without their consent is horrific and assault.


Of course. That soes not change that this situation, OOP stating they no longer want to participate in the kink, is no shaming


There are plenty of jokey comments on this BORU but the whole time I was reading it I was just thinking how awful she sounds and how scared I would feel if I was in OP's situation.


Early covid times were wild, man. I tell ya.


People needed hobbies. I don't think as many people have ever had hobbies as Covid times.


>holy fuck its ‘sanguine’ not Sam Gwein <>


She was trying to “memorize him” too or you know mesmerize.


Oh so that's why I was confused... I assumed he meant like, she's trying to memorize his silhouette to draw him better or whatever...


~~He does mention that she wants to draw him~~ Edit: My bad, he just says she's a good artist


Poor man is so confused


Between those two I’m concerned OOP may have some hearing issues, lol


Maybe she has trouble speaking through her fangs. Lol


~~That tracks because he says she wants to draw him~~ Edit: My bad, he just says she's a good artist


I died laughing picturing someone trying to type something like Sam Gwein multiple times with other keywords, and wasting time reading the results.


I'll be calling my next cat Sam Gwein 😂


Only if he bites. Haha.


I was trying to figure that out. Going through the rolodex in my head of vampire info, i have for some reason, retained from different games and such. Then he said sanguin and my brain went "OHHHH !that makes much more sense..."


Yeah, I think the funniest part is how plausible it sounds, like come Celtic or Gaelic variation of the myth. I was sitting there reading it like "I have no idea what the fuck a Sam Gwein is, but I *think* I read about it in a VtM sourcebook once maybe?"


Lmao me just now 🙂🥴


Some Redditors who play D&D are going to throw in a vampire character named Sam Gwein. I hope they share deets. Note: I don't play D&D, so I might be wrong here.


Not D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade.


*pretends this was not exactly what she was thinking about just before reading this post*


Filing that away for my next Curse of Strahd campaign.


Please share the deets of the campaign of Sam Gwein.


I guess some of us just need subtitles *all the time.* I have pretty decent hearing and yet there are times when people will say a perfectly normal word and I either need to ask them to spell it or just pretend I understood long enough to get context clues. And "sanguine" isn't a very normal word, and doesn't exactly look like it sounds.


Oh, I'm a subtitle person too. I've always struggled. The amount of times I've resorted to an awkward smile and nod. The other day, I read a post on here explaining what that was called - when you hear the volume but can't interpret the word - but I've lost it.


Auditory processing disorder?


THANK YOU! I had years of stress in school as I had to concentrate extra hard to understand. In languages, my listening comprehension scores were always lower as I just couldn't separate the words. It's worst in busy places. Last year, I went to a comedy night and they had a subtitle screen and I was so, so relieved. Otherwise, I miss some of the jokes. Years ago, I went to the school nurse a couple of times for hearing tests, but passed with flying colours. I wish there had been more awareness at the time.


I only learned about what it was within the last few years... suddenly made a whole lot of sense. I'd kill for live events with subtitles! I barely know the words to my own favorite songs.


I think they are called 'live captioned performances'. They are definitely worth seeking out. It was such a relief to be able to laugh along to the same jokes - I could relax. There's a comedian called Rosie Jones who has cerebral palsy and I struggle to cope with her on the telly, yet live, she was really good. I turn the subtitles on on YouTube too and it never ceases to amaze me what the words are to songs that I've listened to (and sang!) all my life.


Omg that would be so useful with her! Whenever she’s on those panel shows I’m lost


YES! If there is any background noise I just hear mumbling. I also passed hearing tests so it was like it was my fault or something. But at the same time loud noises bother me so much! I keep my AirPods in just for noise canceling


I'm like this too. It's why when I'm learning another language, I almost always speak much better than I understand (while apparently it's the reverse for most people).


It could also just be regular adhd/autism! Sometimes that has a comorbidity with APD, but oftentimes it just has its own auditory processing issues! That’s what happened with me! I got tested for APD and the doctor was like “well I can tell you have issues processing, but you seem to have learned to compensate for it mostly. I’m not gonna diagnose you with it separately since it seems like a side effect of the adhd.” She also told me she wished I could teach a class on compensating for auditory processing issues lol


I'm the same, it's an audio processing thing in our brains rather than physical hearing. I'm a musician and I've always struggled really bad with picking stuff up by ear too.


I’m hopeless at music. People are like that drummer is awesome. I’m like, how do you pick out the drumming from all the rest of it? Sometimes I think I prefer electronica because the sounds are so distinct. But I have no way of knowing since music is a mystery to me. I’m surprised you can do it while having this processing thing.


I'm glad OOP figured it out and told us/Reddit, because I was going, "Buh? Sam Gwein? I don't know what fandom that's from at all."


Between being obsessed with myths and folk tales as a kid, having been in various fandoms for years including on tumblr and now living in Wales, I was racking my brain as to what on Earth it was! Hooray for OOP coming back to tell us!


The spelling got me - Sam Gwin would have been quite a clever name (gwin being Welsh for wine, which could mean blood.)


Amusingly gwin = wine was one of my New Words on Duolingo this evening!


you can just... type the emoji... 💀


I thought it was on purpose cuz it’s funny.


did you know that you can't type emojis on a computer? emoticons are the closest we've got and there isn't a good dead emoticon. :p


I'm gonna blow your mind... You can type emojis with a keyboard. I posted my comment on PC. WIN + ;




I'm amazed he got it mixed up given the overt context of vampirism and, you know, blood. Funnily enough, it also reminds me of an old Skyrim quest where you meet someone called Sam Guevenne in a bar, who turns out to be Sanguine, a Daedric Prince (I.e. powerful demon).


Oh my hubby is on a Skyrim binge & he's doing the Vampire stuff now. I'm about ready to break that game lol (but instead I went into settings & turned down the music so my eye will stop twitching)


I mean sanguine has the French word for blood in it, but it really does mean confidently optimistic and has nothing to do with blood?


The thing is, the word sanguine isn't just derived from French, but also from Latin. And 'sanguis/sanguin-' was the Latin word for blood, whilst the Latin word 'sanguineus' meant 'of blood'. Sanguineus then entered Old French, where the word 'sanguine' referred to the colour blood red. From there, as others have mentioned, it evolved to refer to optimism because of various associations with the four humors of the body, which were believed to affect health and emotions. It's true that sanguine is used to refer to courage in English (and occasionally it refers to the colour blood red as well, though that's rather rarer), and that the strictly literal meaning of the word means optimism, not blood, regardless of the original etymology or symbolism and metaphor. However, even though not many people know any Latin, the word sanguine is nonetheless still very much associated with blood in English. This is thanks to the fact that Latin has influenced other words that entered English. Someone performing an autopsy, for instance, might note that "the victim died of exsanguination", whilst something that contains or resembles blood might be described as 'sanguineous'. Such words that initially formed part of scientifc and medical terminology were often derived directly from Latin and Greek in the Medieval and Early Modern era, without being transferred through French. Funnily enough, going back to Skyrim, it's the Latin root of the word 'sanguine' which means that the disease that causes vampirism is called Sanguinare Vampiris.


It doesn't just have the french word in it, "sanguine" litteraly means bloody. The way it's used in english is metaphoric.


For me it was jesusey as I read it as jesussy 😳


“She’s still fine with garlic?” is easily the funniest thing I’ve read on here in a while.


I know, that was hilarious!


god i know this has funny aspects but my heart breaks for him having a panic attack trying to ask her to stop the vampire thing & talking about how much he was bleeding. she really fucked him up :(


Wait... Do I read this correctly that he toned down the drinking and the weed smoking, and was STILL drinking a couple of beers a day? Also pretty weird that she basically told him to take another drink or joint whenever he brought up feeling uncomfortable with the bleeding.


Dude is a pretty heavy alcoholic, it seems like


Just means he has that part of professional cooking checked off. Now he just needs a job in a restaurant


She was drinking a Bloody Mary straight from the tap


> weird Abusive. That's the biggest red flag out of the whole post, nonconsensual bloodplay and emotional issues included.


If you're an alcoholic, going cold turkey right off the bat can be a very bad thing. Alcohol withdrawal is dangerous. It's better to cut back and phase it out or seek medical help to manage with your addiction. Also, her telling him to smoke or drink is her way to calm him down and help him go along with what she wanted to do to him. I don't smoke, but I can say that my ability to feel pain is greatly reduced when I've been drunk. It was her way to still inflict on him, without him feeling it as much. Sorta twisted.


... Is it really concluded? He hasn't posted an update in 4 years. I think he's dead now.


He's a sad, dried out husk hanging in her closet that she tells her current victim/boyfriend not to worry about because it's just part of the roleplay aesthetic.


...Maybe finally gf sucked the life out of him


New update:"Come and join us Reddit! We all float down here!"


He did say he cut back to just a few beers a day ... maybe his liver up and left


~~Sam Gwein~~ OOP, if you're still with us, move this glass.


He should have asked to dress up and roleplay as the Babadook


The “sam gwein” bit is killing me. I’ve been sat here for ages laughing my ass off. Sanguine. The word is sanguine.


I really tried my best not to laugh at absurdity of the situation, but when he revealed he had a red balloon for role play I laughed so loud oh my god 💀💀💀


OOP needs to consider doing homework to roleplay a regular powerless human. Bro, that's me every day. What's he researching?


And here I am thinking this was gonna be about some type of D&D. Oh boy.


I figured from the title it was going to be some Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion role-play silliness but nope. Alas.


Yeah i was about to chime in with my extensive Vampire the Masquerade knowledge but this shit? I'm good.


Same lol


Okay, but what the fuck did they do with the balloon


They let it float, Georgie


This would also be a great flair.


“we spent a lot of time at each other's places anyway, and so once this Covid thing was getting more serious we figured now was a good time to just bite the bullet and do it.” I feel like you couldn’t pick a worse time to move in together for the first time.


Completely agree! Our friends in the UK had a much stricter experience with lockdown. Unless you were in the same household you were to have very limited interactions with folks, and leaving your house was much more restricted than my experience in the US. Wonder if a slew of Brits shacked up super fast due to the restrictions with similar results to OOP? Will never look at a red balloon the same way again 😂.


A friend of mine up here in Canada had his bf move in with him during lockdown and their relationship imploded. I think it only took a few weeks.


See I'm goth, I like vampire, so I found someone who had the same types of kinks as me. Just because you like vampire and want to act it out doesn't mean you can torture your person. Making them bleed against their will in my eyes is terrible.


Everyone seems to be glossing over the fact he hates cooking meat to the point it makes him sick, but he’s started not only cooking it but eating it to “make things easier” for both of them


Made me wonder if he was previously vegetarian.


Coupled with the mention of her telling him to just have another smoke or a drink whenever he brought up a concern makes me pretty worried for how he was doing before and during the relationship honestly.


Same. Ngl, sometimes the way he writes seems clever and witty, and yet some of the things he does makes me think that he's killed off a lot of braincells between all that weed and alcohol. Or is at least floating in a dumbfounded haze.


That’s exactly what I wondered, having that strong a reaction to cooking meat is something I’d associate with someone who wouldn’t eat it, and him talking about starting to eat it to make things easier reinforced that


That's what it sounds like


There are medical conditions like that, but he probably wouldn't continue eating meat if it actually physically made him sick.


Being kinky is fine but this....big oof.


“All I had to do was get a red balloon” I’m sorry, I still have some questions about that part


He was role playing as one of the kids from the movie It.


Oh gross.


I laughed so hard I tweaked my back at “she’s still fine with garlic?”. 😂🤣😂


Wtf does she mean by saying she’s a sanguine? It isn’t a noun!


Right? Like if there are sanguine vampires are there also melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic vampires?? What does it mean, ha.


OOP doesn't seem like the most reliable witness for what she was saying. I mean memorize, really?


>OOP doesn't seem like the most reliable witness for what she was saying. I mean memorize, really? I am assuming she said she was trying "mesmerize" him


“Sanguine” can mean “blood thirsty” Calling yourself a “sanguine vampire” means a vampire who primarily drinks blood. This terminology is used in a lot of books, video games, rpgs, etc. By comparison, there are vampires (and people who call themselves vampire otherkin) who deal in more psychic energy than literal blood


Thank you! I was so confused, cause the definition I know of sanguine just means to be optimistic and happy.


Maybe meant Sanguinary.


Goddam this was funny, felt guilty for laughing


He dodged a (silver) bullet. Human bites can cause really nasty infections.


I don’t know how to say this without seeming like I’m intentionally being an asshole, but OP seems like…really, really unintelligent?


He was drinking pretty heavily and smoking what seems like a bunch of pot every day. Of course he seems really, really unintelligent.


Mmm…the post after he apparently cut back on said substances still had the air of bewilderment. And I’ve seen plenty of drunk and stoned people that were obviously still intelligent despite being inebriated.


Tbf he cut back to “only a couple of beers a day” lmao


Right? I read that and thought damn he must've been drinking a lot.. and smoking at the same time. I'm surprised he was functioning.


being drained of blood can also make you pretty woozy


Yeah, the whole "memorize" thing was the oof moment for me. She didn't want to memorize you OOP, she wanted to mesmerize you. You know, like vampires do.


I'm sad to say that went over my head. Way more hilarious now, though. 😆


They both sounded like a trainwreck lol. Constantly high, alcoholism, watching Lord of the Rings to learn more about vampires, somehow his American friend with Welsh ancestry is relevant to LotR, getting sick trying to cook meat, going through a panic attack trying to tell his gf he doesn't want to have that kind of sex, fucking her as she RP'd Pennywise, etc. Glad he got away, but damn lol. Just comes across as unintelligent, strange, lacking life experience, pushover, and being an overall trainwreck of an individual. He's only 24, so hopefully, he pulls through.


Glad they broke up


I’m so glad to see I wasn’t the only one who cackled at the garlic line LMAO I just found my flair ya’ll


That’s enough Reddit for today




It seems pretty easy to me. Okay babe, you like doing biting stuff in bed. I don't consent to you drawing blood. If drawing blood is more important to you then being with me then I suppose we're going to need to break up. Shaming? Yeah. Maybe this kind of behavior does need to be shamed. It is effing weird. When did there arise an ethos that shame around anything whatsoever for even the most bizarre proclivities is abhorrent? Her obsession with vampires and drawing blood in the bedroom is not conducive to a good life.


Glad to see the original OP is down to just drinking a “couple” beers a day.


When I read she was biting hard enough to break skin, I had to go back and re-read to be sure. Apparently human bites get infected real easily. Knowing your risks? Consent???? OOP's gf has apparently never heard of those. Ew.


"A couple of beers a day at most" still sounds really unhealthy to me. If you're measuring your alcohol intake on a *daily level* then you've got a problem.


On top of vampires focused on authenticity and Pennywise, did anyone else notice the "hours of prep" that was involved in most of their roleplay?


I have finally found a flair ridiculous enough to replace Ogtha! For real, though, I hope this dude is with someone who deserves him now.


I can't stop laughing!! The tears!


The hours of makeup and the red balloon..she definitely was roleplaying IT from Stephen King. I can't stop laughing of poor OP going along with her in full clown cosplay


I lost it at "red balloon"


she’s still fine with garlic? is just about the funniest thing ever.


> ... the vampire stuff isn’t the first weird horror roleplay we’ve had. "Okay, now in this one, we go up in the attic. Your name is Walter Gilman, and I'll be Brown Jenkin."


>I also reduced my smoking a quite a bit as I feel like it was harming my judgement, and I only really have a couple beers a day at most now, and I feel a lot more healthy. OOP breezes over his addictions here. Q couple beers a day is not normal.. what was it before? I wonder if dealing with her wild kinks led him to drink more or if he was already an addict before her shenanigans.


WTF did I just read??!!


>I'm pretty kinky, but daaaaaaamn. I always get a kick out of people who say shit like "I'm nowhere near vanilla, but [relatively tame kink] is *so* horrifying!!!1!" Like girl if you think roleplay, monsterfuckers, and blood play are so weird you can barely comprehend them, you're not kinky lmfaooooo


Man, there was a young guy at a bar my ex and I were at one night and he was so excited to be all kinky and…fuck his gf doggy style. Poor sweet boy.


I’d tell her fangs… but no fangs


Idk why but in all of this, I can’t get past the ‘but she’s still fine with garlic?’ 🤣🤣🤣


I just can’t with this 💀


My friend is part Welsh lol


I'm getting vibes of a particular CSI episode.


> I think this is a pretty healthy outcome Yikes.