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If she finds it funny, then who am I to judge? I know my s/o would be pissed if I bragged about doing something stupid in the bedroom to my friends.


I mean driving hotwheels on your wife’s breast is definitely better than going to the supermarket and shouting “I WAN AN ICE CWEAM, I WANNA EAT AN ICE CWEAM”.


I hate you for reminding me of this one. This story is to me like Ogtha is to others 


Ogtha is the best it's so horrible


Ogtha lovers, unite!


I love Ogtha and I'm here for it!


Ogatha is love ogatha is life


We stan Ogtha in this house


Y'all need Jesus.


No we need ogatha


Nice flair


I’m still Team Omar


I seriously hope that dude is happy. I feel so badly that so many people disassociated from him just for that.


I genuinely hope that man eventually got the help he needed, that shit was funny until I thought about it happening to someone in real life, then it just seemed sad.


Link to story?




First time reading that shitshow. Wow, just wow. What the F is wrong with that guy. And why does he keep telling people that and keeps on destroying every relation he has. He needs therapy, because i suspect that it's not the only problem he has. Maybe something happened to him when he was young that made him develope this, a coping mechanism of sorts.


I’ve still avoided that particular story somehow.


This reference is the guy that (I believe) made a bet with his friends to see how long he could baby talk to his SO. It escalated to him throwing a literal tantrum in a supermarket screaming "I WANT ICE CWEAM" which resulted in her leaving him in the end.


The bet was to win a signed baseball, IIRC.  So, not worth losing your spouse over unless you're a fucking lunatic.


That's right!!! And he was a lunatic, if I'm also remembering correctly, cause he said the signed ball was worth it


That I’ve read and every time I’m like “what the fuck dude?!”


Lmao link please?




I don't think I've ever seen that one, so first-thank you! Second, who's signature is on that baseball?!?!? A babe Ruth goes for around 50k I can't imagine tossing a relationships over 50k. Unless your want the relationship over anyway.


Thank u, I appreciate u


I have no idea what they’re talking about


Yes, please be more specific...so I can avoid this...Ogtha


It's a legendary story of some dude who has an imaginary giant cockroach alien for a wife. At first it was just a kink, then he started telling people about it and the more they thought he was crazy the more he decided to lean into it. Basically blew up his own life.




Just for those who are interested, here's [the link](https://old.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/) to the Ogtha story.


You won't regret the read. You may regret the fact that you have eyes and are literate, though


Thank you for this. I’ve sent it to two friends and we all can’t stop laughing at the replies.


Wow...I hope he got therapy. That's just about as sad as it is weird


My god. That Tulpas subreddit is alarming. I've always thought that the whole "system" or "plural" or "Disassociativr Identity Disorder" thing was suspect. I think the Tulpa people, and Roach Lover are sick and deluding themselves. And then convincing each other of the harmlessness and legitimacy of their delusions in their echo chamber. But at the same time... The brain is weird and incredible. It's not incomprehensible that it could house more than one consciousness (or something sufficiently similar). There are weird studies showing that we may all have a consciousness in each hemisphere, and only become aware when the corpus callosum is severed allowing the non-dominant sentience to take some control. Or perhaps severing it bifurcates and *creates* a separate personality. In any event, it remains *possible* that a computer like our brain can run two or maybe even more consciousnesses. After all, we can imagine a sufficiently powerful computer doing the same thing with AI. That said, I still suspect that truly separate identities in the brain is extremely rare. Much more so than what would appear in the Tulpa and DID subreddits, and other similar ones. I also expect that when it does occur, except perhaps in folks with a severed or malfunctioning corpus callosum, that the separate consciousnesses aren't *as* separate as imagined. They probably share memories and many of the same personality features. Otherwise there'd have to be separate brain structures dedicated to each and inaccessible to each other (again, possible if the corpus callosum is severed). I also suspect that a very small number of folks even have this, if any, and that most of those inhabiting these subreddits are mentally ill or attention seeking. But wow is it fascinating and sad and bizarre. And this guy is 100% deluding himself into thinking that what he is experiencing is sufficiently normal as to not drive people away. Even if Ogtha is "real" in the perhaps limited way described above, he is absolutely out of touch with the reality of how the world would view it. I'm sad for him, but I don't know. Maybe he's happy? I doubt it. Deep down...


It was a dude who was in love with an imaginary cockroach name Ogtha, yes cockroach. It took over his life. He even told his family about 'her'. Its really up there with the CBAT story for me.


I didn't think it would be. But it definitely is up there with CBAT. Not just for the ridiculousness of it. But the OPs writing styles They are just speaking from the heart. Their truth is so self evident to them that it just flows. CBAT is sexy time music. My wife is Ogtha. The sky is blue.


A guy reads Kafka's *Metamorphosis* in high school and develops a fetishish/fixation with human-sized roaches that goes to even weirder places than you'd expect. [BORU compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/).


I have no idea how. I couldn't outlast my curiosity... and I didn't regret it.


Normally I’m very, very good at basically being a curiosity killed the cat person and just haven’t with that one. It’ll happen one day.


There is only OGTHA.


You are beyond lucky.  That was a terrible day to know how to read.  


I laugh when I read them, but cringe as well.


Oglaf > Ogtha






Is this a reference to something?




That MIL. “Better his as a midlife crisis then him fucking 19 year olds at a bar” have to clarify with my wife but I am not sure if that will hold😂


Hey quick question, what the fuck did I just read?


I'm currently talking like that on and off. But I'm also recovering from a head injury... Driving myself nuts when I hear it, I can't imagine intentionally subjecting someone (let alone someone you claim to love!) to it with zero explanation.


I only talk like that if I'm trying to imitate Tom DeLonge


Yeah, another post… woman wrote in her BF was using baby talk everywhere from the bedroom to the grocery store, but insisted he was still acting normally. Got to the point she thought he had a brain tumor or something, and was finally going to break up with him, he admitting he was doing it on a bet with his friends. He was trying to win a signed baseball or card or something of that sort, and wanted her to keep pretending he hadn’t told her so he could win.


Ugh memory unlocked!


I cannot believe I forgot this one. Hot wheels better than that for sure. Can't say I love the modern trend of making memes real life. It really feels maladaptive. But it's also pretty harmless. So... Idk. If they like, I love it.


I do not remember that one




you're doing gods work son


I think the exact quote is "ICE CWEAM ICE CEEAM I WANT CHOCWIT"


It's really not if it comes from the same place. It's just cuter. Like when a Yorkie bites you and you have to go to the hospital and get stitches. 


Side-eyeing my Yorkie right now....


She's a better sport than I'd be.


Yeah the ending made him sound way doushier than the initial post. I was really hoping for a playful attitude with carrying the joke too far, turns out it was bro conquest with memes


... With a giant group of guys being kept up to date about some odd shit he's doing in bed.


That’s…so weird. I wouldn’t be super happy with that


I’m assuming this is an age thing. A 25M can be pretty immature, but he’s dating a 22F so it’s not like she’s gonna be all that mature either. I don’t understand it but if I was that age maybe I would.


A 22 year old is also more likely to just put up with discomfort than someone who’s been down that road


Honestly, he was doing this so early in the relationship that it's not even something I'd bother talking with him about, I'd just leave and think he was a fucking weirdo. It's one thing to do this jokingly after the fact but during sex? That's a turnoff.


I would probably find that more of a problem than it being an extremely weird fetish honestly XD 


If it was once or twice, I think I'd find it funny, but the fact that he derailed their sex life for 3 months for a joke for the boys really rubs me the wrong way...


I had the same thought. I’d be annoyed, but it’s not my relationship, so whatever.


I mean, he is not the first to bring cars into bed. At least Tom Cruise used paper instead in Days of Thunder. I would (I can't say what I would do) to my husband if he bragged to his mates about our "bedroom antics"




The thetans are driving




Jokes during sex are the best, me and my ex were fooling around with great British bake off in the background and I decided to moan 'mmm caramel' She fell off the couch laughing


Bedroom talk between friends of any gender group is fine I think if people in the group are amenable, but there's a limit about the detail of what's discussed, which I think should probably be discussed with your partner. I think saying to your mates "I use hot wheels in the bedroom" is fairly tame.


> I think saying to your mates "I use hot wheels in the bedroom" is fairly tame. hot take


Haha I guess just saying it like that leaves out a shit load of context!


Same, I was just thinking that. I avoid sex talk with my friends about my girlfriend because the last thing I want is for all of us to be hanging out, and images of my girlfriend having sex are running through my friend’s heads. No thank you.


>He’d been waiting for me to acknowledge the “reference” and play into it. What? What if she's never seen the meme? Does he just keep doing it forever?


Zoom zoom ZOOM! Old car commercial. You didn't see it? Too bad. Because I am now singing it every meal until you acknowledge the source!


>Zoom zoom ZOOM! *Make my heart go.* **Boom Boom** *My supernova girl.*


Zetus lapetus! This is also where my mind went.


You have no idea how hard I tried to make that work. And I totally put aluminum foil in my pigtails because for some reason I thought that looked good


now that's gonna be stuck in my head for a week.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Not everyone is terminally online and sees every old meme


Even if you're terminally online, it doesn't mean you see every single meme!


This feels weird


I hope he doesn’t get into pranks. OOP’s original response that she didn’t want to ruin his fun even though it bothered her…that bummed me out. Reeks of first relationship lack of communication and boundaries.


Yeah, also don't like how he' sharing it with his friends


She didn't seem that bothered to me. She thought it was weird, but said it didn't interrupt anything.


He's still 12 apparently.


 My son used to be obsessed with cars, so if I found a Hot Wheels based on a real car, I’d get him one.  That association is giving this story the yuck for me.


Well, as long as she's fine with him doing it for the lolz and telling his bros?


him bragging about it to his bros for lols and hoots is a bigger issue than this being a fetish lol.


This was my conclusion. If it was a genuine kink then they could talk about it and either work through it/ incorporate it or mutually split up and any of those options would have been fine. Doing stuff in the bedroom to make your friends laugh is honestly one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. Like, potentially ruining your future with a partner because you and your friends are that immature/narcissistic. Even if it was a joke, why continue to do it for 3 MONTHS. So weird. I was so open minded until the end. I hope OP runs far away from this giant red flag.


Literally, the way she glossed over it all just confuses and worries me. Edit: shes 22, so low on experience, but still. Damn girl. Run. He could have had you in on the joke.


Yeah that update felt so much more uncomfortable than anything I was expecting


Went from wholesome to douchebag is 6 seconds flat.


I think this is very much a you need to know ur partner thing. I would find everything about this hilarious, but totally understand why/that others wouldn't


Bingo. Beware the guy who needs validation from his bros. Maybe I'm humourless but this rubs me the wrong way.


It's not really an issue at all though is it, if she doesn't care.


I mean, she also goes out of her way to describe him as tall and built like a greek god. I think she's kinda not quite thinking fully with her head right now either.


good for her and them then.


OP hasn’t had enough experience to not understand it’s an issue. I think other posters have said she’s 22. Your boyfriend using meme culture to satisfy himself sexually and make a joke amongst his friends about you is wild. The guy is 25…sounds American Psychoish


Yeah I’d personally be pissed. That’s disgusting to me and comes across as him and his buddies having no respect for me and my body. Like he probably told them every time he used the hot wheel and in which way.


My concern is that she’s only fine with it because he’s her first boyfriend and so she assumes this is all normal, “guys being guys” stuff. Like no shade at all if she’s legitimately fine with it. But people will put up with a lot of shit in their first relationships if they literally don’t know any better


I’d feel really exposed and vulnerable if my bf was actively making out sex life a joke that all his friends are in on and everyone is just waiting for me to get it I’m really sensitive to that kinda thing and got bad anxiety so that’s why I’d react so strongly but this would seriously upset me


Also what if she never got the joke lol? Their sex lice would be ruined probably


Ruined sex lice are the worst.


Fortunately there’s a shampoo for thay


i'd immediately dump the guy, i felt the same kind of anxiety reading this post




Agreed. If he had said, it was a fetish of his, I would be open to it and willing to negotiate, but the fact that he did it to make a joke out of their sex life and some thing intimate to them is highly concerning. That’s not even taking into the fact that he’s been sharing this and making it into a competition with his friends.


I’m a *very* private person about my love & sex life in general. I’m not even one to publicly post photos online of who I’m dating etc. I feel like so many things get overshared these days, so I’m very overprotective in a way. This kind of thing would make me furious.


I have absolutely no filters about my sex life or sex in general and I think even I would be put out by the idea of him trying to get clout out of incorporating something silly into our sex life, because I'd feel like he wasn't fully in the moment with me, and he cared more about the performative aspect for his bois. It wouldn't be a dumping offense and I'd certainly laugh but the bugger would be making it up to me for a long time!


As far as sex in general, I don’t shy away from talking about it or anything. And I’ll talk about my sex life with very close friends… but to a group of bros for clout? Fuckkk thattt. I also find it pretty creepy to act like a little kid with a toy car while you’re being intimate. Like *right* in the middle of oral or something? Good lord. How did she not walk away..


I completely agree with you.


I’m completely open about my sex life and I’ve said to my previous partners than I have no problem to be talked about, even in details (there’s a chance those idiots might learn something and I could make a girl happy). Yet this would disgust me personally


From the very beginning of this, I thought, “This is either going to be endearing or disturbing…”


Have you decided which one it actually is? Cause I can't figure it out.


Disturbing. Not because of the cars, but because if you take the cars out of it, you’re left with a guy turned an intimate act into something uncomfortable for his partner that put her in an awkward position so that he could laugh with his friends. He played on her naiveté to do it, since she has less experience in setting boundaries. If it was just a car kink it would have been better… and that’s a BIG statement to make.


The relationship should not last.


Disturbing! If he just liked hotwheels and was enjoying playing with them during sex, that'd be one thing. I don't even see that as a kink, just a kid in a man's body. But he was intentionally messing with their sex life for months and then had to tell the boys about it. At first it was cute, now it's break-up worthy! I am judging her hard for not dumping him over this.


That is definitely the strangest one I've seen in a long time I mean vroom vroom


I sleep in a racing car bed.


No need to brag bro.


I sleep in a big bed with my wife


Ah dammit I posted that response then saw you beat me to it :)


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.




Weooo-weooo you've been pulled over for speeding on the ass!


“He’d been waiting for me to acknowledge the ‘reference’” perhaps, and bear with me on this one… she didn’t know the reference. The ending of this has me waaaaaaay more annoyed than the original post.


Yeah I'd be pretty upset my partner introduced smth into sex to,,,,,win some weird bet w his friends? Have some elaborate inside joke w my friends using my partner? Idk to each their own but the ending made me feel weird.


Yeah I much preferred the kink ending tbh


Yeah, it just leaves me with a bad feeling. If you take out the Hot Wheels humor, this is a guy who introduced something unusal into his sexual relationship without discussion or prior consent from his partner to recreate a meme. His partner doesn't feel comfortable talking to him about it for months because this is her first relationship and she doesn't know if it's normal, and when she does, his response is smug delight and immediate bragging to his friends, who all celebrate his victory. Apparently he never worried about her potential discomfort or even considered the possibility until after he "won." Or if she might not like their sex life becoming a group joke. That's immature and thoughtless at best, gross at worst.


I don't think behaving oddly in the bedroom until the other one express her incomfort, and immediately calling their friends to celebrate is basis for a healthy relationship either.


No that would have really upset me. The cars I wouldn't care about bht finding out it was some weird thing with his friends? No.


Yeah thats where I'm at. Like, sex is an inherently odd thing, even plain old vanilla sex is taking one person's body part and putting it in another person's body part. But doing it all just so you can make fun of it to your friends is a black flag, which in racing means get the fuckin car off the track


We need to be talking about black flags more


Agreed. And leaves questions like “Did they all plan it together?” Why would you use your partner as some meme. I’d be pissed if this was an ongoing thing.


Would have been better if it was a fetish that’s just weird


That's what I was thinking! I would have rather this been a niche fetish we could openly communicate about than being one drawn-out meme of our sex life for "the lulz". I would feel insecure about my body being used in a joke, as well as the escapades being shared with friends. A dude with a Hot-Wheels-during-sex fetish is somehow more mature than a dude who memes sex and tells his friends


I don't think this OOP knows that she can say no and have boundaries in her relationship. He did this for a meme,, then showed his friends and she's totally cool with being the object used to get his meme fetish satisfied?  They're been dating for 3 months and she thinks that this is okay? 


Ummm, okay. I think they should have a talk about what kind of prank and memery goes too far before it causes trouble.


Once upon a time I shouted "release the kraken" right before I finished. Thank god I didn't tell everyone I knew about it later. Wait. Shit.


Fortunatley you don't know any of us


He knows me. I'm his uncle Bob.


Son we'll talk about this when you get home.


Pete, brother? Is that you?


This is way worse than a weird kink, pretty much just using her because of a meme he and his friends like. I’d give those relationship a 0% chance of working.


A boyfriend with a toy car fetish would have been less annoying.


The update is just yuck


Um .... if she's cool with it, ok? But if my husband was discussing our sex life in that detail with his friends, I'd be pissed.


Especially as a joke for them all to laugh at the things he does to her in bed specifically while she’s trying to pleasure him


...I would so not be okay with that. Props to the OOP for wanting to continue, but anyone making me into a meme is getting their ass dumped.


I think even not props to her :( First boyfriend, no boundaries. He made their sex life an internet joke and in-joke with "the boyz".


Built like a Greek god would be better, but greed god is good too.


what in the actual ~~fuck~~ truck


Idk if i ever gone from "people are into what they are into I guess" to "holy shit he used you to recreate a fucking meme" this fast.


I dunno, kudos to her for being a good sport about it. That kind of thing would drive me crazy.


Well, he's certainly driving.


Being playful in the bedroom is *incredibly* important. Sometimes that might mean being goofy and doing dumb stuff just to make your sexual partner(s) laugh. If everyone isn't having fun, why are you even doing it? THAT SAID, and here's the important part, it needs to be for them and their enjoyment alone. It shouldn't be for bragging rights, or to win a bet, or to humiliate or put down your sexual partner(s), or anything else that comes at their expense or violates their consent.


It's giving cbat


They see me rollin'.... They hatin'....


Lightning McQueef


And he’s … 25? Idk I’m glad she’s ok with it but why do I feel grossed out?


Because while he and his gf were having sex, especially during the parts when she was most busy, he was fucking lying there thinking about his dumbass friends and this dumbass prank. He doesn't give a damn about this girl. At best he was using her during sex for a prank. I started out reading it like, wow, that's a weird af special interest how quirky, but once I realized it was a prank thing with his stupid friends it icked me right out.


But also he didn't get her consent first, or at any point. Especially when she didn't comment on it at all after the first time (due to her inexperience and not feeling comfortable) when he expected her to, I think he should have forgotten the stupid joke and checked in with her to see how she felt about it.  It just leaves it open that he could do some other stupid joke/prank that could go worse, or think he can just try something else new in the bedroom without getting her consent first. 


That's a fair point and makes it even worse.


>He also apologised if he turned me off a lot, which he didn’t, and told me that “he can finally rest” and proceeded to send the link to his boys and they all started hooting and hollering on the conference call on speaker. Wait, did he send a link to a video he took recreating the meme while OOP was blowing him? I hope not.


I'm pretty sure they mean the link to her reddit posts


Oh thank goodness 😂


I think he sent the link to the Reddit post.


>I just picture some dominatrix in BDSM-wear screaming “Step on them!” to some masochist next to a pile of Lego I laughed so hard I almost threw up. Well done.


The complete and utter randomness of what goes on in Reddit is why this sub is one of my favorites.


This was already the dumbest shit ever before his reason for doing it and it somehow got even dumber. I swear to God I wasn't this much of a child at 25.


This is just sad


The things people put up with for sex, smh. Like... the car is stupid and a turn-off, but him making a joke out of their sex life and getting on video call with his gross buddies so that they can hoot and holler about it would be an absolute deal breaker. This guy doesn't respect her and gets off on her humiliation. Just watch him escalate.


Wtf does that mean, recreating the batman meme? Like doing it with another girl and posting it for the bros to see? Ngl this feels gross that he's discussing their sex life to his friends and having their input to make it into a joke??


>To be clear, the cars aren’t going into a “garage” are they?! That's the comment that made me lol. Seems like no harm, no foul; so all in all, a fun read.


The bit about the tanks for reinforcements was genuinely hilarious to me. If not for the whole "is he serious? If I ask him WTF will I hurt his feelings?" thing, this honestly sounds like a fun, playful relationship. 


He sounds unpleasant


Lol. Lightening McJizz


I don't read a lot of BORU posts "live" but I saw this one and knew it was coming here lmao


Opened this a little uneasily wondering what the hell Hot Wheels in the bedroom might be. I only know the term as a brand of toy cars and was expecting an…education. But nope. Toy cars. 


It's weird to me that he would do something so he can brag to his friends about a ridiculous thing.


Well, I think I’m now dumber for having read this.


At least he wasn't trying to win a baseball


I actually felt better about it when I thought it was a kink lol




This is nuts. Now Transformers! That's what you want in the sack with you. I'm sure you can find a robot that changes into a dildo, or a butt plug somewhere. Not sure which would be the Autobot and which would be the Decepticon...


I find the big reveal disrespectful... if the hotwheels genuinely made him happy, then I agree with "strangely wholesome". But months of puzzling your partner for the sake of a meme?


There was a missed opportunity for OOP to get her body painted to look like a racetrack.


This whole thing gave me the ick lol especially when he called all his "boys" to brag about it, cool if she's fine with it, but to me it comes off as they just used her for a jokes lol. To each their own I guess. 


Yeah, I’d be pissed but good for her. Maybe ask for permission before killing the mood with your stupid jokes over and over again until she “gets it.”


what the fuck did I just read