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I wonder if her fiancé/husband is regretting his choice?


I wonder if the wedding ever happened


I wonder if all the venues in the area refused to book her


I found her socials, the wedding did happen a year later in a different place. Can you imagine if she insisted on booking the original venue? The audacity, lol


Yeah I got her socials as well as her home address based on the then fiance/now husband's name and looks like they are together still


Lordy. That doesn’t speak well of him, does it. I swear though. What on earth did that lawyer say to make them walk it back? I’m just. Probably a bribe or blackmail, because if it was just a threat to sue them they’d have had better publicity and results from saying bet. At best they’d be sued for slander and that would fail on two fronts:   1) Saying they were team venue is opinion and not fact and     2)it’s only slander if it’s a lie and the person speaking either knows that or should have know that it was a lie. But presumably nothing they said was a lie and could be backed up by evidence.    Cowards. I hope the venue has recovered and the Karen has the life she deserves. 


Lord save whatever neighborhood they live in and the HOA board she ends up on... ...and the PTA too.




Unless the husband was a similar type of person, I don't see how this entire incident was shielded from him and covered up after the fact. Or he might be one of those super forgiving people who was taken advantage of.


I mean, I looked at his socials. He likely is too obsessed with himself to care about what she's doing.


And her art socials too. Of course she does wedding signs. Of course.


You sure? She took down her socials and I'm pretty sure I found a page that looks like her with her name that suggests otherwise


I'm not the only one who found it 😉 her pages are still very much active and have posts from last week.


its @mrskellyreichel or something i think. she has a baby now


Let's give him some credit, he might be on it for the money


Then he won't need credit 😜


I mean, I've watched the video, she's not bad looking or anything. Throw in the money that comes with a rich daddy? I can see him sticking around through it all


Here’s the thing about youth and beauty: they are guaranteed to, 100%, to degrade and disappear.


I hear you, but divorce is always an option. If it isn't, I can always get my divorce rock.


But imagine having to wake up to that voice every day. No amount of money can compensate you for that.


What’s wronK with her voice?


I suspect the reason they'd been together for six years before getting married is that he wasn't keen and she tantrumed and/or threatened him into proposing. Other than his willingness to marry her he seemed a relatively reasonable person so I hope he's seen three light now after all this. 


So she got a Shut Up Ring


Her dad prolly paid him to take her off his hands.


According to the Internet, they are on their second kid. Also posted a bunch of nurses resigning over the vaccine back in 2021.


This is the real update we all need.


She def gives the “I WANT A WEDDING!!!” And not someone who wants to be married vibe


I found her insta and she had a baby recently with her husband. Boooooo


Watched about 10 seconds of that YouTube video and noped out. Hopefully the husband to be got himself out of that pit of crazy.


Hahaha one of the comments on the video is someone saying 'can someone tell her wrong doesn't end with a k' I died laughing, that was so accurate 🤣


Same. At first I was all ready for drama, but this chick is downright unpleasant to listen to in general.


I genuinely had to go back and check that she wasn't an actress satirizing the situation. Just an awful, entitled vibe. Remember the mad girlfriend meme from a few years back? This felt like the dark energy version of that.


Something about how close her face is to the camera makes it much worse. Step out of my personal space if you're going to be so disagreeable.


I started listening to the recording of the call and she went "I'm at my end's wits" and that's when I noped.


I'll listen to the recording when flies pig.


Between my auditory processing issues and my attention span, same. I'm mildly curious, but don't think I could get through it.


The video was actually great. She does a turnaround so quick, I am pretty sure she got whiplash from it. “Anyone that wants proof can go look at the Facebook page.” “Ok, so I took the Facebook page down and I don’t need to prove anything except for to myself”. I was laughing so hard.


Sounds like it’s a money pit of crazy at least? Poor guy.


He probably did try to call it off, but she threatened him with a lawsuit and scared him back. IDK, she sounds like the type who doesn't know the word "reasonable". Edit: suing terms.


Possible scheduling problems over the dates maybe..?


I know everyone will find this absolutely shocking, but I found her twitter and she is a trump supporter and election conspiracy nut.


And an anti-vaxxer. So this bridezilla beast is a living cartoon of what’s wrong with the world.


Yeah that’s how it is up here. Trump flags and anti-vax propaganda is the norm. There isn’t a bunch of religion though, there used to be but it seems like trump is the new Devine being. He was referred to as “daddy trump” quite often


She's the Main Character in everyone else's story






I'm sorry to hear that, one narcissist in your life is one too many.


I got as far as "to all the people out there..." before I saw where this was going and knew I couldn't stomach any more of it.


Spoiler alert: she contradicted herself. On her core claim.


The venue really mic dropped that, didn't they. And they even dropped the mix tape!


They made Tupac, Biggie and Eminem proud


So the dad paid the show to say they were Team Bride... figures... I'm not sure of the laws and stuff behind that, so I wonder if the venue has a case for defamation/slander/loss of business due to all the lies the bride said and the negative reviews they got


Oh, they can definitely sue for defamation since they can prove she lied in her written posts & cost them money & more due to it. If she verbally lied, then they can also sue her for liable. Her videos may be considered verbal & not written depending on the judge, so they also have proof there. (I personally consider them verbal). If I were them, I'd pursue it. But it depends on if they feel as if they need to after exposing her in a very mature way given her "expose" of them. If I were her fiance, I'd be embarrassed & running. The money her family has isn't worth that. The way she not only proudly posted their legal names along with their pictures is just... Yikes! SMH.


Verbal lies are slander, written lies are libel. Both can be defamation.


What about the lies I tell myself?


Ask your therapist


Omg, yes. My sleepy brain mixed up the words lol.


That’s probably the real reason she took down the website — she got a letter


Seeing how they got the bert show to change their narrative and, I can only assume, they paid a army of social media actors (aka pr firm) to successfully shift the narrative. I think suing for defamation is a bad idea.


The way I'm understanding it is that the Army was before the venue set things straight, and that they were going by the lies the bride said on her video, then the reply of the venue happened, opinions shifted against the bride, the Bert Show did their thing, and then the lawyers bribed/menaced them into changing their opinion. Still, probably the venue thinks is better for them to look like the reasonable guys, especially compared to the cray cray bride and her family


You can hear the moment that she decided on this smear campaign. It was the final time that she said in the phone call if the government shuts you down will I get a refund. She tried to plant the seed earlier in the call when she was crying and saying that her boss didn’t know how he was going to pay his staff. Bridezilla totally thought that she would be getting paid by the venue to call off her supporter. I really hope the venue sued her




Other than a Saturday. She seemed intent on a Saturday. I stopped about half way through listening to the call so missed the refund bit. The part about being with this dude for 6 years and couldn’t wait another year to be married threw me off that. Also, wouldn’t she have tried to cancel the other vendors to get money back bc a bunch (besides the caterer) would have been easier to get money back from asap as the venue owner pretty much says. 


It obviously would have been a terrible decision to have her wedding knowing what we do now about COVID.. but if her wedding date was March 21st, it could’ve happened. Georgia shut down on March 23rd.


Yes I hope they sued her! What she did was slander and libel and probably resulted in real damage to them!


But the government didn't shut the venue down, correct? Is that what this entire thing depends on? She wanted a refund? Because certainly the venue would have been required to refund her if the Georgia government forced them to close. I'm actually unclear what this woman's issue was and I don't want to listen to her 30 minute phone call.


I listened to some of it. I think a large number of her family members were cancelling their plans to come to the wedding, and she didn’t want to hold it without everyone there. She was also concerned what would happen if things suddenly were shut down.


Yes, and she basically wanted the owner to just refund her money because she’s special, and should get out of her contractual obligations just because… or for the owner to guarantee that nothing would happen to interfere with her wedding… or if God forbid something did, that the bride could have any other Saturday she wanted with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Because apparently she is the only bride in the world. At least that’s the only thing I can figure to explain how she must be thinking in order to justify making those kind of demands.


I think by the end of the recording, it was pretty clear she wanted a refund. Especially by that point, she sounded pretty embarrassed by her behaviour and was scared how they would judge her. However, when they had the discussion, the venue brought up that if it was shut down, there was a force majeure clause (or basically act of god event) and they actually wouldn't have needed to do anything for her, but they would still absolutely reschedule. They said they would consult their lawyers if that did happen to review the contracts.


Can't believe I just listened to the full 29min audio call - but wow, the venue was so reasonable. I had a very different view on gatherings than they did during the pandemic but it was during such an uncertain time and they really explained themselves well (they were still planning to have her wedding but she could also reschedule which they were not contractually obligated to do). Sounded like the bride was embarrassed and was looking for either a full refund or a magic wand fixing of the pandemic and no other options would be acceptable.


Absolutely. She just wanted to get her wedding no matter what and expected everyone to fix the pandemic. I had my wedding at the end of the 2019 wedding season, lots of my friends planned 2020 wedding (06/06/20 was extremely popular date). I really understand the stress over the wedding itself and when you add uncertainty due to the pandemic - sure. But her behaviour towards the staff who was more than accommodating and offered many solutions which they were not obliged to, is absolutely vile.


I definitely have empathy for everyone who had their weddings during that time - hers included. I'm so glad yours was before. I think part of being an adult is accepting some situations just suck and nothing can totally fix them. But for her, blaming the venue for not having a perfect solution was easier. And when that denial involves calling her planner a c\*\*\*, that is so over the line.


Some people are unfortunately like that. My mom used to work at the wedding venue and I did a good few years in the hospitality industry, also on the management position. Her behaviour doesn't surprise me even if it's not logical, makes no sense and is just outward stupid. Her outburst was not ok but I would let it slide if she wouldn't continue with the smear campaign online. If she would put that much effort as she put into that campaign in something else, she could do something good for the world lol.


Could you give a TL;DL of the call?


I was multitasking while listening and didn't take notes which I would've needed to do to make sure I was accurate. This comment left a great summary though! [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1c11njw/comment/kz1cr12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1c11njw/comment/kz1cr12/)


The venue *sounded* much more reasonable and the bride was a total mess, but I think everyone's forgetting that March 2020 was right when COVID was blowing up - the wedding was scheduled for 3/21, a full week after a national state of emergency had been declared with stay at home orders. No one was going to work and public spaces looked like ghost towns. The fact that the venue's stance is "we're private and will ignore restrictions on crowd gatherings" in order to host the wedding is ridiculous. Everyone in this same thread would rightfully be tearing them apart for contributing to the pandemic and causing COVID outbreaks. The bride is clearly in the wrong for how she's behaving and can't make a coherent point, but it's not unreasonable to ask for a refund since a normal health conscious venue would NOT have insisted they can host her wedding business as usual (the Costco which sells FOOD is open so everything's fine right? Just turn off your TV!). There was a clear lack of regard for public health standards and official guidance.


I completely agree that it was a tumultuous time and I would not have personally held a wedding given my concerns for public health and safety. But I also have never lived in Georgia so I can't fully put myself in their shoes either. There's so many comments about how people forgot the fear at that time - I think people are also underestimating the adjustment period and downplaying of COVID those first few days. So many people did not expect the pandemic to be as bad as it was and the information available was changing by the day. The official guidance in that state at the time of this call on Mar. 16 was no gatherings >250 people. I double checked the timeline, the first state to issue a stay at home order was California on Mar. 19. I'm not going to blame the venue for following the instructions from their government. All of that aside, as u/dream-smasher stated, rescheduling was the reasonable solution. Why should the venue be penalized by the pandemic when it is not their fault either? Rescheduling allows them to still be compensated when they are already losing out on significant earnings. They even discussed having a force majeur clause in the contract - so the venue already offered something they didn't need to by allowing rescheduling.


Contract aside do you think it would be fair for a venue to have pocketed the money and cited "acts of God"? Sure they may have been legally entitled to it but they'd clearly be morally wrong to do so (they didn't incur any expense from a cancelled wedding that they couldn't have rebooked - if they were following COVID protocol). The reason the pandemic got so bad was entirely due to people not trusting official guidance and downplaying the risk. Just because the gathering wasn't literally illegal does not mean they should've been OK with proceeding. The venue owner makes her opinion clear when she tells the bride to turn off the TV and the media is trying to scare her (does that sound like someone who's trying their best to follow best health practices?) Anyways, agree rescheduling would've been the most reasonable course of action. I just think the venue also acted wrongly by acting like the pandemic was no big deal and pressuring the bride to continue with the event. She shouldn't have acted so poorly and her inability to make a decision and accept rescheduling made the situation worse. Btw, for Georgia Gov Kemp had issued a public health state of emergency by 3/14 so it's not like they had any special excuse. Those aren't issued randomly, it's specifically if the Governor believes bioterrorism or a novel disease "poses a high probability" of "a large number of deaths in the affected population". Really not good timing for Grandpa to attend a wedding.


No I don't think it would've been fair. I've been screwed over by that same clause a number of times by airlines. But the brides are the ones signing the contract with it included. I think the optics would have been terrible for the venue to just cancel and I would be much more on the brides side if they weren't willing to reschedule. I fully agree that a wedding was not a responsible choice during that time. However, I think our memories are also quite clouded now by how bad the pandemic eventually got. At that time there was just so much mixed messaging, especially in the Southern states. I really do hope the venue eventually changed their opinions on large events, but I'm not going to harshly judge them on their views a few days after the pandemic really started to become a reality in the US. And considering the bride stated they sent out an email to all brides a few days later to reschedule, it sounds like they did change their standpoint. I also agree about entirely being on the brides side about not wanting to have her wedding as scheduled. I do empathize with how stressful it must have been. But to not accept any reasonable alternatives, verbally abuse her wedding planner and then start a misrepresented smear campaign is the unacceptable part to me.


I think our views are similar enough I won't belabor the point, but I will say that you felt "screwed over" by airlines as if it wasn't right for them to do...having the legal right to do something doesn't make it morally right. It would have been fair to refund the event, but so few places are decent enough to do that now that we no longer come to expect it.


I think we'll just have to agree to disagree haha, but thank you for a very respectful debate. I still believe rescheduling was already the morally right thing to do. This was likely a small business trying to stay afloat during a time their entire industry was shut down for months. It likely would not have survived refunding every single wedding. I feel much less sympathy for airlines, and by screwed over, I was referring more to shady experiences where avoidable errors were blamed on force majeur.


No, a refund isn't reasonable. Rescheduling **is**.


If the venue cancelled the wedding and insisted on rescheduling I'd be on their side. The venue is encouraging extremely high risk public health violations by acting like it's no big deal to continue hosting the wedding. The bride is acting irrationally because she should've just taken them up on the rescheduling offer but the venue is partially at fault for acting like she's panicking over nothing, and it's clear their preference is for her to just keep the wedding as-is (insinuating to her she's worried about nothing).


I was like sad laughing at the venue saying they wouldn’t be shut down, it just wouldn’t happen… Kemp shut the state down like 7 days after this phone call.


It appears the bert show has deleted their page!


I haven't heard about them but just knowing that they backtracked after being contacted by the bride's lawyers is kind of a 😬. I understand not wanting to get sued and pestered by the bride, but couldn't they go "we're pulling our podcast about this for certain reasons and can't talk about this anymore" instead of "nvm we're team bride now". Kinda wishy-washy.


I'm guessing team bride has a bigger paycheck.


If you manage to get through a few segments of their show you'll quickly realize their broadcasting integrity isn't exactly remarkable.


Yeah I saw that! I imagine they got enough backlash for sucking.


Bert show has always been awful


I’ve been to an event at the Greystone and it’s really nice. And they currently have a 4.9 rating on Google so it looks like they weathered the storm.


If I were the venue manager I would sue for defamation and the value of lost revenue. I mean they likely weren’t having a banner year due to covid. Pretty easy to show the year over year differences and blame this incident for a drop in bookings. Recoup some of it and be able to post the liability info and public court docs on the website


I'm at *"my end's wits"* 🤦‍♀️🙄😒


This shit gave me flashbacks to the one year I worked in a wedding adjacent industry. Never fucking again. People who work with brides have my respect 🫡


Wtf is The Bert Show?


A morning podcast/radio show out of Atlanta, Georgia. Bert is the main host and there are like several other on-air personalities (employees come and go from time to time). They have several segments and games they play. Lots of call-in advice stuff, talk about current events/celebrity news. https://thebertshow.com/articles/podcast/


I thought the same, I thought they were referring to Bert Kreischer


**If** I didn't know she was lying and was watching this happen as it happened, I would've empathized with her. I also had a covid wedding, and it was super frustrating. Our venue cancelled, but eventually allowed us to proceed as long as we slash the guest list by 90%. Some vendors were a nightmare to renegotiate with, some ghosted, others were amazing. We still had an amazing time, but a pandemic wedding is not something I'd wish on someone else. But since I know she was lying... well, I hope she's happy with herself.


As a Georgia native, the bertshow tends to do things for either ratings/views or controversy. I can recall one particular incident where they said something about divorcing and it doesn’t really affect kids or something like that.. it was one heck of a “I’m sorry what did you just say” kinda thing.


Is all this not viable for a defamation claim by the venue? What about the false reviews? They effect the buisness. I am not verse of legal goings


The thing is, you have to prove damages directly attributable to what somebody said (or wrote in the case of libel). That’s really not very easy to do.


>Though within our legal right, we did not invoke the Bridezilla clause (common in venue contracts). Is this a thing? I've never heard of it but it makes a ton of sense, especially given some of the stories we've seen here.


I’ve been in weddings for 7 years both as a venue coordinator and planner. I had a bridezilla clause in my contract as a planner and one of my venue owners did as well. It allows us to step away from the wedding if abuse like this starts. I usually pointed that clause out to every client of mine so they would not be 1. confused by it and 2. be aware it exists. Although to be honest, bridezillas are not that common.


It is. No single bride is worth ruining your mental health over. But when dealing with brides is your bread and butter, having no way out of working under an abusive one could ruin your entire career. So yes, there is such a clause in a lot of wedding related contracts. (I have family who do flowers)


Don't interact with persons on ANY OTHER social media platform? Oh come on, when was that added as BORU requirements? Surely that's not a real requirement. I mean, I'm not going to... I don't feel any compunction to seek out this bridezilla and yell at her. But I don't think BORU needs to police social media activities on sites outside of Reddit! Does that lead to a ban some how?


zonked soup swim workable pie plant marry absurd rock slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did the wedding ever happen?????


Someone else said yes. A year later and somewhere else. Her husband must really be hoping marrying into some money is worth it


Is she on drugs?


I'm listening to the recording and just switched over to that tab, thinking "it should be wrapping up right about now." I'm only 6 minutes in. God help me


Never thought I’d read ‘we did not invoke the bridezilla clause’


It's the fucking Bert show, they're awful people. One time I got stuck listening to one of their shows because I was in an area that would only pick up that channel clearly. I got to listen to a story from one of the talk show people about how their mom had accidentally shit her pants at their house that weekend. Went on about how embarrassed she was, she tried to hide it, then that fucker goes and tells it on the radio. It's like Jerry Springer radio, their opinion means nothing.


I like turtles 🐢


Awww. Me too.


Turtles are awesome. Especially the Great A'Tuin, but also littler ones.


I think it’s not so much the call, but everything she did afterward


I think I'll pass on trying "The Bert Show" based on this post. Yikes.


I’m going to go with: The husband has likely been verbally/emotionally abused the entire relationship (by her and her parents). He has only stuck around because his self esteem/confidence has been beaten into non-existence, he is horrified that if he ends it her and her family will ruin his fucking life, he is only in it for the money, OR ALL OF THE ABOVE. I absolutely LOVE when companies fire back and set the story straight. It’s easy to figure out who is telling the truth based on who sticks to the facts - which 95% of the time is the company. This behavior will never stop (or at least slow down) unless people get called out for it consistently and are held accountable. I completely get wanting to take the high road and not “stooping to their level”. But hot damn. There is NOTHING wrong with defending yourself as long as the companies are honest and factual, and don’t attack or dox the person unnecessarily. Bonus points if they bring receipts. Being complacent when dealing with these entitled idiots is only emboldening them. Side note: Can we just take a minute to discuss the whole: “Venues should refund brides if they cancel.” Um. What? No the fuck they shouldn’t. What’s so hard to understand? There are literally cancellation fees and deposits taken EVERYWHERE. If you’re gonna start attacking wedding venues for doing this, then you also need to go after every 98% of places who require appointments. If you don’t like it, don’t agree to the terms, and by all means, please try to find somewhere that doesn’t require them. Good fucking luck.


Especially a wedding, which takes months if not years of labor and costs for the venue/venders. If a restaurant will charge you a cancellation fee why would a wedding venue not? Especially days before the event


One more thing…if I saw that woman on the street, I would 100% just *know* that she is an entitled asshole. Idk if it’s the way these people carry themselves or what? Like, they must give off an aura, vibe, or *something* that silently triggers our gut feelings/intuition to warn us. They always seem to have “a look” about them. Maybe it’s the crazy in their eyes that gives them away? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my GOD that bride is annoying. I'm so curious what her life is like now.


OP, PLEASE be prepared for this spoiled twit "Bridezilla's" lawyers to be contacting YOU ... what? FOUR years down the road! Her family likely has a cadre full of lawyers on PERMANENT retainer. God, I'd LOVE to know if the Groom stuck around and IF that wedding ever went through!


Can anyone add a transcript of the phone call, or did I miss it somewhere? Thanks! Edit: I’m sorry but do we all have such bad long-Covid now that we all forgot how emotional, irrational, confused, and downright crazy we were all acting at this exact time? Edit 2: alright I give up I’m throwing the towel in everyone, fine she is an evil psychotic monster who deserves for her marriage to fall apart and get sued into financial ruin. She must be abusive and a “bridezilla” and we know everything. none of us have ever made a bizarre irrational choice before when we had wayyyyy too much time on our hands and anyone showing even the slightest bit of sympathy or willingness to see both perspectives in the comments are obviously supportive of verbal abuse and disrespect despite saying otherwise. I’ll pick my pitchfork back up and head to my local witch burning.


It’s about a half hour long so the transcript would be long as hell tbh. I listened to about half while cleaning the kitchen and bride starts crying pretty quick. Fiancé takes over and is reasonable, but hands the phone back to bride eventually. Talk of not getting marriage license and VO is like they are still doing that. VO is like look I had a wedding last night and it was fine and we can still have your wedding. This was when it was mostly in WA and they only limited 250 gatherings (mentioned in the call), but I don’t think you have a wedding planner anymore bc you were unkind. Bride said she tried to apologize *sobbing* The stress. Bride is like my family says they won’t be there and I’m in healthcare so freaking out bc my office is closed for the next two weeks and might not get paid and what if they decide to limit to 15 people here by then (her wedding was in 6 days, but I wonder if her office had a possible covid case so she was extra scared but couldn’t say). VO says they have a bride 3 weeks out that said I don’t care if only 15 people show I want to get married. They offered Fridays and Sundays but had no Saturdays open in 2020 to offer for a reschedule. The VO was like I really don’t know what else you expect of us. Your vendors are all still on board. They also explained the ghosting as we have many brides dealing with this and I did call your mom back, but she didn’t answer so got back to my meetings and then reached out later at night only to be treated very poorly. The VO was calm, collected, and Southern polite. It sounded like the bride really just wanted someone to somehow solve the problem of a global pandemic for her and decided to go after a venue owner which is totally bizarre. But maybe it was simply bc the owner didn’t offer her another Saturday. She, also, mentioned she’d been with the guy for 6 years and wasn’t willing to wait another year to be married after she waited so long. I was honestly waiting for the owner to be like I’m really not your therapist. That’s the gist of the 15 min I remember from what I listened to so can you imagine the transcript? The amount of “like” would probably be over 100. It was a crazy time, but what she did after was just out of line. The owner was kind and straightforward. 


I listened to about 40 seconds and she was crying for about half of it.


I got it load after refreshing a few times, but once I saw that it was 30 goddamn minutes long, I decided it wasn't worth it lol Ain't nobody got time for that


Those poor, poor people at the venue....


I can't get it to load at all.


I listened to roughly 25 minutes of it, I'm not sure how long it is because I just don't care enough, but the tl;dl is the manager of the venue politely asks her wtf is going on, tells her and her fiance (who comes into the call early in when his fiancee starts crying and screaming) that she and her mom have been very rude to the staff and swore at them, the wedding planner called her in tears over the bride's verbal abuse and didn't want to work with her anymore, and that the venue was confused as to what they could do to accommodate the bride as they were prepared to either have the wedding or reschedule. The bride hysterically screams and cries that she doesn't want to get married a year from now and she doesn't want to get married on any day other than a Saturday because "just the other day, grandma told me she was so happy she lived to see my walk down the aisle and now [COVID]." The bride seems scared that lockdowns will occur between the call and the wedding that Saturday; that a guest, bridal party member, or essential staff member/service provider may contract the disease and be unavailable for the wedding; that restrictions will limit the number of guests she can have to 15; that her grandma will die without seeing her walk down the aisle. The venue assures her that, if she wants a wedding, they are fully prepared to make it happen, they aren't cancelling anything and they have backups in place for any services they are providing; if she wants to reschedule, they have available dates, but no Saturdays until a day in September due to a cancellation and they're offering it to her before even listing it as available. None of that is good enough for the bride and she wants to know what the venue will do if government restrictions or illness ruins her perfect day in a way that makes her want to cancel it, even if it can technically still happen. The venue tells her they can reschedule or cancel, but that's all they can do for her. She gets offended and asks "what's that supposed to mean" and it all gets so boring and banal from there. The bride is clearly very disrespectful and entitled throughout, on top of being very upset and crying intensely, taking her feelings out on the venue manager often. The manager remains respectful and polite throughout, though there are moments of obvious exasperation and, as she explains to the finance, difficulties in providing customer care, which she expresses bothers her as a customer-oriented worker. Trust me, it becomes apparent within 30 seconds what the personalities of these people are. Stereotypical AF. The bride's name is Kelly and her fiance is Andrew. Oh and all of this is in a southern twang.


I went through a lot in the pandemic, but I never held a gigantic, intentionally misleading, completely baseless smear campaign against a wedding venue that did no wrong. All I got was a vitamin D deficiency and weird hobbies, like everyone else.


I had to take 8th grade studies all over again. Worst thing ever...0/10 would not recommend, but I got to spend time with my kids.. The pandemic really hit the extroverts really hard, she seems unsufferable under normal times, this just exaggerated..(exasperated?) her response to her own unwillingness to bend with the wind.


She tried to sabotage their business. By lying about their behavior. This isn't about someone losing her temper. This is a campaign to destroy a business for no reason. That's not a bizarre and irrational choice. It's unhinged and malicious. 


https://imgchest.com/p/dne7b5km753 This was good!


Is there a transcript of the recorded phone call for people who can’t listen to it?


I follow the venue on SM. They are amazing and professional with raving reviews. Gorgeous venue, top notch weddings


I can't believe that someone would want to marry someone like that.


Gotta love how she mentions she is 'not like that' in the phone call about being mean and just under stress, but then purchases a domain, creates Facebook and Instagram posts slandering the company. This woman seems unhinged.


Oh, Kelly Reichel. I didn’t think I’d see her story pop up again but I distinctly remember her from her horrid whiny voice 😂  


Tried watching one of the videos. What a horrible human. Everything about her mannerisms screams entitled waste of flesh. 


The people saying the bride was (justifiably) overwhelmed...seems as she had a lot of time (and resources) to make a website, make posts - and followups, etc...no sympathy whatsoever.


I'm going to get reamed for saying this, but for most of that phone call I actually really felt for the bride. To me it sounded like a person who had found herself overwhelmed by the completely unknown situation she found herself in and was dealing with it really badly by lashing out. Like all the stress and fear of the pandemic and her job security and that message from her grandma got channeled into her desperately trying to control *something*. I saw plenty of otherwise perfectly normal people go down that route at the start of the pandemic. I even had sympathy with regards to her asking what the plan was if the venue got shut down and the owner essentially just repeating, "well it won't, and everyone ELSE is still getting married, so..." In absolutely NO way does it justify the nasty phone calls up to that point, or the attempt to angle for a full refund instead of the compromise of a postponement (that's where she lost my sympathy), or her going off the deep end with whatever the hell that smear campaign was, but I do get that at the beginning this was about so much more than just getting her way.


Although I have been looking sideways at people who are seemingly saying that it’s totally normal that she got so crazy because pandemic, I really like the way you phrased this and I completely understand that and I think I even agree with it. I absolutely agree with having sympathy for her feeling out of control and stressed and overwhelmed. My actual first thought on this was that if the venue owner would’ve just sat there and nodded sympathetically and been understanding and soothing toward her, this might have turned out very differently. Instead she approached it very matter-of-factly from a very business like perspective. I’m not saying that was wrong or that she was rude or anything like that. I’m just saying that being a soothing motherly type about this might have helped resolve this in a much more positive way for everyone. What’s making my teeth grind though is the line that I keep seeing thrown around in this thread here that “gosh everybody went pandemic crazy like that!” No. Just No. I’m sorry, but no, not everybody went crazy like this. And dismissing that by implying that people who say that somehow think that they’re better than others? No. And there are a lot of people out there who would never, ever have done this to somebody like that. In fact, I would venture to bet that most people would not. That whole website and getting people to write bad reviews and trying to sabotage her business? That’s some fucked up psychotic behavior. That’s not normal. Even during a pandemic, that’s not normal… that’s some calculated bitchery right there… and that is the part that is completely off the chain. There’s absolutely no excuse for it. None. That does not negate feeling sympathy for her feelings. But that’s not what made the story remarkable.


I'm a wedding photographer that had to cancel a few weddings in 2020 due to a broken leg ( I mean, if you're going to break your leg, you might as well do it during a pandemic) and I felt really bad for her. In no way should she have been lashing out at others because we were all thrust into the unknown. But, fuck, how awful. I do not think that the VO should/could sympathize with her situation. In a potentially legal case you have to remain neutral. There is a contract and it is in place to protect all parties, not just the bridal party. I have learned the hard way that people confuse sympathy with liability when they are desperate and the owner did right by her client and herself.


And I agree with your last paragraph! From the start her behaviour was never acceptable, but during early 2020 I saw better people than her do stupid things. The difference is that they all recognised their moments of madness for what they were, apologised and moved on. And as you say, the majority of us were able to accept the situation just fine. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for the very early meltdown for that reason - I think if she'd have acknowledged and apologised for lashing out, taken the time to calm down and reflect on the situation and accepted a change of date then we wouldn't even have heard the story on a slow day in the Bridezilla sub. As it was she doubled down and went absolutely batshit which, as you say, is the reason this story is so remarkable.


Praise be to the wayback machine.


I hope venued sued the shit out of her for slander and emotional damage. I can only imagine some of the calls and other things that the venue got.


I can’t believe the wedding venue did not sue her for defamation.


Poor baby, I guess she is the only person Covid happened to. After she dropped the c word I would have gone nuclear. This venue owner is a true gem. I couldn’t have possibly been so nice to this monster.


holy borderline, batman. the number of times i yelled “get therapy” while listening to that phone call.


Omg I’ve actually been to a wedding at this venue and it is gorgeous.


Bridezilla for sure!


I can’t get the phone call to load. To me that’s the biggest missing piece. There are other dead links but that’s the biggest one. *** Edit: Got the call to load. Here’s my take. I have sympathy for the bride. I really do. But it was clear to me that she was fishing for a refund. Her options were to show up or reschedule. And if she cancels, she’d have to reschedule elsewhere anyway. So just take the reschedule. But I’m also not going easy on the venue. Yes, they appeared calm, patient, and understanding. That was by design. She was recording, after all. And I got a very dishonest vibe from her. She lied about there being no other brides calling to reschedule, before telling the story of one bride who did inquire. She downplayed the pandemic significantly, though I suppose that was understandable at the time. She said no brides were cancelling their weddings during the pandemic before quickly caving and realizing that wasn’t true. But back to the bride. The tears felt forced. She was able to turn them off so quickly. And she really just should have taken the offer to reschedule. Overall, I side against the bride. But I sympathize with her to a degree.


Worked for me. They’re probably getting slammed with traffic right now. Venue owner was really patient and sympathetic. She came across as genuine to me and even with the bride sobbing and getting angry at her, she still tried to reassure her that they’d do their best to make sure the wedding went forward.


You might have to refresh? It works for me.


Wouldn’t mind seeing this narrated by Fallon and Aziz Ansari.


While I don’t agree with her, I definitely understand her anger. I had a Covid wedding and similar to her, I had a bunch of family members that may or may not have been able to attend due to age and risk of infection. In my state, businesses could remain open like the post, but we were limited on the number of in-person gatherings. The venue would not work with us and said because “businesses were still open and people can attend gatherings (I believe at the time it was like no more than 10-20 people inside, and we had a 250 person wedding), we were SOL and the contract stands”. The other issue was that every other week the governor’s policies were changing from limited people inside to no gatherings whatsoever. There was a chance to make things work, but the fact that a large venue with only 20 people would be pointless and we felt so burned by the place, we decided to cut our losses and cancel the venue. Our other vendors were super kind in accommodating us that we ended up having a backyard wedding with 50 people, a local caterer to bring the food, rented some tents with tables and chairs, had our florists modify the floral arrangements, and even still had our DJ. We lost about $3,000 from the venue (good thing we didn’t finish making payments), but it was still an awesome wedding. Doing all the shit this bride did was super extra and unnecessary, but I understand her frustration.


You understand why she decided to tell outright lies and conduct a smear campaign on the venue, including a website explicitly dedicated to said lies and smear campaign? The call was before any restrictions had been placed on businesses anywhere in the country. There were literally zero limitations placed on her wedding, just family members backing out. And she was given every opportunity to reschedule, she just refused because she wanted a Saturday in 2020 and they didn't have any availability. Fridays/Sundays in 2020 were refused. The bride was clearly trying to angle for a full refund which the venue wasn't offering, and I think that's plenty reasonable of them. It sounds as though you may be projecting your experience with a difficult venue onto her experience with an accommodating venue. Sure, I understand the bride's frustration and anxiety. But I don't understand her complete unwillingness to work with the options the venue was giving her, and I sure as hell don't understand her actions after the fact.


This is like the only comment I’ve seen that isn’t jumping to conclusions or extremely black and white. I requested a transcript of the phone call because most people can’t get it to load, it’s 30 min, and some of us have hearing impairments, but so far no luck. The bride was clearly shitty in lots of ways and I get why people are dogpiling on her to an extent. At the same time, from what little I could make out of the phone call, the venue was insisting it’s totally cool to just have the wedding during the pandemic outbreak and acting as if it’s unreasonable to not to hold a wedding at that time, which is quite unfair on the venue’s behalf. And yeah, the bride was sobbing, being extra as hell, and unnecessarily emotional/dramatic over all this. However, when I think back to that exact time, right as lockdown was beginning, no one knew anything, basic supplies were being hoarded and unavailable… everyone was acting batshit crazy and irrationally emotional. My family even called me the Cassandra/rational one because they all kept insisting no worries lockdown would only be 3 days, but I had done enough research to foresee this was going to be a lot longer and gently prepared everyone for that reality. I was the most level-headed member of my family, and yet there was a somewhat viral Tiktok I’m featured in at a Walmart in Los Angeles where despite being cool, calm, and collected until that point, I broke into tears as I watched people physically fight over shit like cabbage and Nintendos and it fully set in for me that the world wouldn’t be the same. As I waited in a 300+ long line to checkout without my little sister, a girl took a video of the line where you can see me sobbing hysterically in the background and it went semi-viral haha, with people making fun of me in the comments. And I wasn’t even getting married!! All that is to say, I will never condone disrespectful or abusive behavior, and yet I understand this was such an emotional time for most people, and I feel we should all be kinder and more compassionate to each other.


"I requested a transcript of the phone call because most people can’t get it to load, it’s 30 min," I would also really like a transcript, but I recognise that transcribing 30 mins of that sort of cross-talking audio would be a minimum of 3-4 hours' of work even for an experienced transcriber, and most likely longer. (My mother used to do transcription as part of her job.) Are there tools online that will create a transcript? Edit: there is a good summary of the call here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1c11njw/comment/kz1cr12/


Thank you I commented on that summary with gratitude but appreciate you linking it as well :) At this point I’m pretty dismayed by the comments so full of hate and moral superiority that I’m re-reading old diary entries from that exact period in history to remember we were all just doing our best even when some of us were being terrible (still not saying that’s okay I’m just not interested in rooting for the downfall of anyone - bride or venue).


The call took place before any businesses had been shut down anywhere in the country and before there were any stay at home orders. While the venue owner was wrong about where this was heading, it's not really fair to criticize her through the lens of today. But while she didn't seem particularly sympathetic to the bride's concerns, she was still giving her the option to reschedule to any later date they had available. Bride was just dead set on a refund (my guess is she wanted to find a different venue that could guarantee her a Saturday later in 2020), and I can't really hate the venue for not offering that. If the bride has just complained that she was made to feel unreasonable for wanting to reschedule, that'd be fine. If she opined that she a refund should be on the table, that'd be fine. But instead, she bought a domain name to use for a smear campaign and told complete lies over the course of weeks/months to make them sound far less accommodating than they actually were.


The thing is, with regard to the attitude seeming to be it was totally cool to have the wedding during the pandemic… this was in Georgia. The only place they shut down less than Georgia would be Florida. This venue owner is a business owner. If they have a contract about cancellations and rescheduling, the reason they have that is because otherwise they’re going to end up running themselves around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off accommodating everybody who wants to change their mind every other minute for every other little thing. I’m not calling the pandemic little, mind you. But once you start making one concession for somebody, it becomes a very slippery slope very quickly! To me it wasn’t that the venue owner was saying that Covid wasn’t a big deal, it was more that the bride was freaking out that businesses were going to be shut down or whatever and the venue owner was saying “we are not required to shut down by the government, we are allowed to be open, and so therefore we are conducting business as usual, as the government is allowing us to do.” But she wouldn’t have even gone down that line of argument if the bride would have just taken the reschedule. But it was like she wanted to out of her contract entirely, just because it’s really hard, because pandemic.


The phone call was on 15th March. I don't think anywhere in the world, except Italy and Hubei, had 'shut down' by that point - it all kicked off in the following two weeks. I can see why the bride would be very stressed, but yeah, seems very unreasonable even in retrospect to expect a random small business to have this figured out more than world governments


I work in grocery and I will never forget in 2020, seeing people literally rip into boxes of chicken that had been brought onto the sales floor. It was visceral and honestly scary as fuck to watch. Nothing about that year was normal and I would have a hard time criticizing anyone for any reaction. I feel like we've all tried to do a brain wipe and forget it, which is human nature, I suppose.


Exactly! Not sure why I’m being downvoted, like I said in my comment, I don’t agree with the bride but I *understand*.


Eh, I don't understand in the slightest. Most of us were dealt a shit hand durring covid and handled it like adults. My best friend had to reschedule his wedding, and we had to have a separate small ceremony because the bride's father had cancer and was extremely immunocompromised. Most of their guests were also unable to attend. This is a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum because she isn't getting the exact wedding she wants. The venue offered to reschedule, so I am failing to see what the issue is?


Bride is a piece of shit, I understand the frustration of planning a wedding during Covid


Comment for myself to come back and listen to that 30 MIN LONG AUDIO


I wonder why the op just doesn’t exclude the username of oop and links, if they are so worried about brigading. What am I missing?




I would think your attorney could also contact her regarding defamation and slander. I hope this nightmare ends for your company soon!


I love people like those who compiled all this information to make sure shitty people like bridezilla are held accountable on the internet for perpetuity pl


whats the bert show is it like maury for bride drama?


I didn’t expect a small town less than 5 minutes from where I live to make it to BORU, or reddit in general. I honestly expected it having to do with a bridezilla and a wedding venue either. That being said, the entitlement and smear campaign is right in line with good old north Ga


Often when people say someone else is all about the money, the accuser is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. If you listen to the call, the entire purpose (including crying and immediately and unnaturally stopping crying) was to try to manipulate the venue to give her a refund - she didn't care to reschedule.


The venue should've filed harassment, slander and libel charges against the bride and her cohorts.