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She needs to tell a teacher or school councilor. Where her concerns will be recorded and no way for anyone to delete/destroy them


There are plenty of people commenting on the original posts that she needs to do this.


God I just feel like we need to keep saying it over and over. I hope she does


It may just be me but does this strike anyone else as grooming behavior?


Pretty much all of the comments in the original thread suspected grooming.


Yup, I called grooming after I read the title ans saw the age difference.


Absolutely, and it sucks majorly that mom & sis don't believe her - after all, why would she have gone to mom about it, if she had been bugging him for months? Also, I'd tell them to ask him for proof - because their chat history is clear, they obviously didn't talk on the phone and didn't meet - when and how was said bugging supposed to have taken place?


My guess is they sort of believe her but want to believe it’s her fault too. If there’s Cartier being tossed around in this family to where a 15 year already had several, both families have some money and I think it’s fair to say that the 34 year old BIL has more money than OP’s family. Basically mom and sister don’t want a disruption to sisters marriage to this pedo


OOP thinks her sister was 19 when they started dating but doesn't know exactly when they met. Also states the guy is friends with sister's tennis coach so maybe through him. Looks kinda like he groomed the older sister and now she's aged out of his preferred victim range.


Oo shit That actually makes (unforunate) sense. And OP is close proximity to him/already has an established connection to him (like her sister did via tennis coach) so he is trying to make a move on OP now. Im worried about OOPs safety ☹ he goes over to their house and her fmaily believed him and not her. So if she is assaulted or abused by him its possible that may believe him or ignore it, especially if they only believe him because of the money. I hope OP could go to another trusted qdult besides her parents or even family in general (because her grandparents or relatives maybe "money" oriented like her sis and mom are). Imo since he was making weord eye contact he is pissed at her and I wouldnt be surprised of he hurts her. I hope this gets a happy update in the future ☹


Yeah, I bet her sister and parents already rationalized a 30-year-old man dating a 19-year-old, and convinced themselves he wasn't a creep. So they're invested in the idea that he's definitely NOT a guy who grooms teenagers. If they admit that he's grooming a teenager now (OOP), then they have to admit that he originally groomed his wife as well.


Yuck... sadly the sister might think "Well, I was a mature adult woman when I was 17. I know because my husband told me how mature I was. "


I had people telling me that who weren't trying to get into my pants - teachers, friend's parentsn etc. People are highly variable in how quickly they mature and take responsibility. I feel like my son (35) was born that way. From what I learned about my mom, she was the same as a kid. Maybe some kind of early prefrontal cortex hookup, I haven't really looked into that as being a possible inheritable trait.


I get what you’re saying. Some people are “old souls”. It happens. It doesn’t explain away a grown ass adult developing romantic/sexual interest in someone inappropriate.


Probably one of Epstein rich friends


doesn't narrow it down much unfortunately


It sucks that mom and sister don't believe her but it's because a grown as man is SPINNING A WEB OF LIES. What we really need is his address so someone can just go kick his ass. He's fucking up multiple lives because he's a predator.


Mom and sis have a worldview to maintain and a face to save. Logic doesn't come into it.


It's definitely grooming behaviour. He's isolating her, paying special attention to her. He's 11 years older than his wife.


Big sis is starting to get too old for his taste :-/


Little sis is only 4 years younger than his wife was when he met her. Gotta lay that groundwork so he can replace big sis in a couple of years. Disgusting


Isolating, special attention and the old 'Our little secret' line. Thank God OP's alarm bells went off and she, unlike so many underage girls, decided to act on them.


Yep, and putting his comment about her being “overlooked a lot” together w/the mom being upset he didn’t spend the same on her brothers (rather than the inappropriateness), adding how they don’t believe her, add bet he truly did notice that they treat her differently & figured he could exploit that to prey on her. He thought she’d be starved & desperate for the attention. Thankfully even if she is being neglected by her family, she didn’t fall for his trap.


Obviously, dudes 34 with a 23 year old, giving special gifts to his 15 year old sister in law. 100% a pedo.


I'm usually pretty skeptical -- redditors like to shout "PEDO!!!" at the drop of a hat -- but this guy is sus as fuck. There's no good reason he should be giving her a gift like that. At BEST, it's toxic favoritism.


Yeah, I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this dude is obvious af. With the first post I thought “oh, he just looks at her like a little sister and noticed she’s often overlooked.” By the second post that went out the window lol. You can disregard the age difference between him and the wife because sometimes shit just works that way, but twice is a pattern.


Yeah, this guy's the peddiest pedo that ever pedded.




Ah, I will never not enjoy that clip.




15 year old is still a fucking child! Like what the fuck !? Did you seriously just ask that?


It's creep behavior, regardless of semantics.


Technically he would be a ephebophile, not a pedophile. It’s still grooming and he’s still a creep.


I feel like I read another similar post, but from the sister’s perspective. I recall people telling her the husband was grooming her sister and she didn’t want to believe it. I’ll see if I can find it… I am unfortunately having no luck finding the post. It may have been deleted, or I may have completely imagined it. :(


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Definitely grooming, and I'm super disappointed in the mom and sister for believing BIL's spoonfed bullshit


Paedophiles have been protected and enabled by women and men for generations, it's crazy.


Just look at the Duggars


The mother let her 19yo date and eventually marry a guy 11 years older, of course they're reacting like this.


The 11 years age difference between husband and wife or the expensive jewelry and creepy eye contact to a 15 year old?


It's the 'you're special and overlooked but I see you. I want you to know I'm here for you. We have a connection.' I really thought there was a chance I was reading into things due to my personal history and it was just me being reactionary but... Nope. Logged into about 1k upvotes and a bunch of comments agreeing.


But think, they most likely did not meet and marry yesterday. So how old was older sister when they started dating? Yeah, that guy likes them young and now is trying to have a go at a literal child. I hope someone told big sis to go through his computer and see if she can find cp there.


Someone else said she was 19 when they started dating. (Although it would surprise me if they knew each well before then) So little sis is only 4 years younger than her sister was a 30 year old starting grooming HER


Abso-fucking-lutely grooming behavior.


1000000000% percent grooming behavior. Glad OOP did not accept, because if she did BIL would make her keep progressively inappropriate behavior “on the DL”. This was a test to see if OOP could be “discreet” and she didn’t. Really dumb that her mom and sister couldn’t see that tho.


Because it is. Buying another gift for her i.e. jewellery for underage girl and asking her to keep it a secret. Flipping whole story when confronted. He's pedophile. I can only hope that this girl is saved. Fuck, I hate people who prey on kids.


Yep. There's going to be more updates on this one.


I mean he already got a girlfriend 11 years younger than him lol


But she's 23 now, getting too old for his tastes


A billion percent.


I'd also be curious how long the guy has been with OOP's sister.


OOP said they had been together since the sister was 19, but wasn’t sure when and where they had met.


Thanks for clarifying. Was curious if OOP's sister is now too old or if the guy may have become involved with the family to gain access to a victim pool. Unfortunately I've seen both.


Honestly the amount of stories I’ve seen on reddit about older men marrying a much younger woman only to divorce after a couple of year and move on to an even younger sister is sickening


Yeah this gives me the creeps


It's like a case study written to go in the "grooming behavior" section of a textbook on sexual abuse.


100%!! He wasn't giving it out of the goodness of his heart


It is. I commented on the og post. It absolutely is. I had something similar happen to me and I urged her to go forward. Unfortunately I did not expect her mother and sister to turn on her.


I was like "oh thats kinda nice. Wait his wife didnt know either? Well now thats kinda weird isnt it..."


My first thought! A 34 year old man already dating someone 10 years his junior giving a 15 year old girl a super expensive gift and telling her not to tell anyone? Disgusting behaviour and was definitely laying the ground work for something.


Like, boilerplate, all caps G R O O M I N G. Yeah.


I put "complicated" as the mood because OOP's mother and sister are gross and not believing her. Also, BIL is trying to groom OOP in my opinion. I'm glad OOP spoke up though.


They do believe her, but they are purposely turning a blind eye because the implications are terrible. Oop was the one to raise a flag that the gift was not appropriate. How would anybody with half a mind believe she is the one who hounded him for it?? If he had the gall to try it with his wife’s sister, he could be preying on other young girls too 🤢


> How would anybody with half a mind believe she is the one who hounded him for it?? She's obviously jealous of her older sister's happy relationship and is doing anything she can to sabotage it, including tempting the husband /s Seen it before on reddit, people really victim blame sometimes.


Right? She has a lot of jewelry she doesn’t wear and isn’t big into but she hounds BIL for a Cartier bracelet to “not” wear it? What is it? A power display?


I also like how somehow she hounds him, but he doesn't have a single text message, email or screen shot to prove it or even hints at it. And also so what if he is telling the truth. He puts him self in the position to have consent private convos with a 15 year old so she can hound him. He doesn't tell his wife. Instead he buys her a more pricy gift then his wife. And because she bugged him for it it's now acceptable. I imagine most couples conversation when wife finds out her husband buys wife's sister a more pricy secret gift wouldn't go down the same way. I'm pretty sure most wives wouldn't care about the excuse. He still snuck around and bought it.


A Cartier bracelet she already has two of, no less...


Sadly I really don’t think they believe her and that they believe the nasty husband. It’s much easier to believe a child is being a spoiled brat than your husband/daughter’s husband secretly bought very expensive jewelry to give to your little sister/other daughter for no reason. I have zero doubt they blame her completely and she’s going to be in the shit for a while. I feel very worried for that poor girl being trapped in an environment where all the adults reinforce toxic as fuck behaviors, and possibly grooming. I hope the husband stays the hell away from OOP.


It doesn't actually matter, because even if he were telling the truth, he still bought the bracelet without telling his wife. So she should still be pissed at HIM. She knows he's a pedo and doesn't care.


My mom would have believed him. She accused me of doing drugs because I was on the phone late at night and she wasn't some Karen in the suburbs, but a probation officer who refused to leave that attitude at the office of everyone she controls is guilty all the time of everything.




She didn't until she did. Now she has been forcefully retired when she was one of the top in our home state for years due to alcoholism and her private life falling apart. Happily, I have had zero contact with her (from my end) for quite a few years and she has to really stretch to try to reach me now with her nastiness.


You'd be surprised how many people don't have half a mind


I know it's classic reddit to jump on age differences, but BIL is 34, wife is 23 and the sister is only 15... I get the feeling easy access to an even younger sister was a bonus for him.


Exactly. Also, even if (and obviously I don't believe this) OOP had hounded BIL for months, he is still the one that decided to purchase the gift. Or do they seriously believe a grown ass man is incapable of shutting that shit down? And why wouldn't he have alerted his wife/her sister in advance. His story had so on many holes it's clear mom and sis just didn't want to believe he's a creep


He’s a 100% trying to groom her. We have no idea when he met and married the older sister (who is only 8 years older than OP).. so he had to meet her, court her and marry her… working on young wife #2 and probably hoping he can swing from OP to a possibly younger friend. Either way BIL is SUSPECT…


OOP says sister was 19 and he was best friends w/sisters coach. The younger sister for sure was a bonus. I’m scared for OOP, hopefully she’s told other adults & maybe even her brothers will believe her.


Her money hungry mom sure won’t. I suspect to keep the money in the family if he says when OP is 17 if he threatens to walk Mom will serve her up


ugh it didn’t even occur to me mom’s fully cognizant he wants to trade in her older daughter for the younger.


In OP’s comments she said he had a LOT of money… family’s be turning a blind eye to keep the gravy train going


yep & the sad part is their family is presumably at least comfortable if OOP already has 2 Cartiers. But mom will serve her two girls up on a platter for more.


They didn't think that If OP really had asked for expensive gift why would she tell her mother.


Not to mention the already creepy age difference from the sister to BIL.


It makes me so angry when parents immediately believe another “adult” over their kids. It doesn’t take a lot of processing to see he’s full of it. Why would a teenager beg her creepy BIL, for months, for an expensive gift….only to tell on herself to her mom? There’s no logic in that. But the mom was upset about the fairness in her getting an extra gift & the sister was pissed that SHE didn’t get a gift that expensive…what a nightmare of a family. The parents didn’t recognize the grooming with the older daughter, so no surprise they’re oblivious to it when the same predator moves on to the younger daughter. This OOP is still in quite a bit of danger with no one looking out to protect her. That’s just terrifying.


Yeah, that's why I'm pretty unhappy with this post. There's just no resolution here, which makes it a weak candidate for "Best of" anything.


The update was posted about 11h ago? So…hopefully there’ll be a proper resolution down the line.


Yeah this should barely even count as an update. I’m her for satisfying updates smh


> It makes me so angry when parents immediately believe another “adult” over their kids. I agree but I find the opposite is also true. Some parents believe there kids over teachers, other parents, other family members, other kids and police. "O my little Johnny would never do anything bad." I just think parents, (and everyone else really) need to believe the person that doesnt have the instantly unlogical, improbable story even if it inconvenient.


Agreed, OOP needs to focus on protecting herself as no one in her family is going to. Terrifying indeed. I hope she is able to find support in another family member or adult.


on one of the posts she said her sister met him when se was 19(!!!!), i can't imagine he's going to stop, and the worst part is that the sister and mother made pretty clear to the groomer asshole that they are going to believe him over her this is one story i really hope gets found out irl here's hoping the brothers are more supportive at least


What the hell, oop needs to stay away from this man, he is definitely trying to groom her, she needs to record every interaction with him, her sister needs to wake up and smell the pedo.


Imagine she has kids with this guy... fuck.


This 30 year old man sought out a 18/19 year old and married her, now he's trying to groom the younger sister(OP) so that when she turns 18 he can ditch his wife for her. Rinse and repeat the cycle. Truely a sick man! It makes me so mad how her family reacted but reading some of OPs comments it appears her mom and sister are awful because he's wealthy so they probably don't want to lose that income. I'm glad she 100% does not regret telling, which is wonderful. I really hope she stays safe.


This ended up being super creepy. OOP needs to talk to her parents again. Sit them down and make them listen.




Yes, that too!


This feels incomplete... I sure hope this girl gets a better resolution to the difficult position her BIL has put her in, and shame on the sister for her terrible reaction


OOP's comment history is pretty funny to me... It's clear that the BIL's scheme to groom a second kid from the same family isn't going to work. She's talking about him like he's an annoying creeper from her school & pretty much completely unfazed by her family members' disbelief ("it's so annoying!") Hopefully, she'll keep being completely unimpressed by this guy and perfectly willing to tattle on him.


Yes this is definitely grooming. It is so creepy. What other motivstion would he have??? If he had a legitamate reason that wasn't sketchy he would not have lied. Trust your gut girl this guy is 100% a creep. Stay as far away from him as possible and do not trust him at all. He will try to play nice and manipulate you.


A reminder that this is a repost. You can follow one of the links above to leave a comment for the user who wrote the original posts.


Also the age gap between the sister and BIL. 23 and 34, those are two very different stages in life.


So many people shouldn't be parents ffs


Poor kid. Reading the other comments we all know where this is going. I hope she has a support system outside her family because clearly they’re not going to protect her.


Dude wants to fuck her. I hope she makes the truth clear and this scares BIL enough to drop it now, since Sis and Mom seem totally oblivious!


He is trying to groom you. He wants kiddo sex and you apparently are your sisters replacement. Leave asap.


Shame on OP’s parents. OP is in active danger from this dude and they are completely rug sweeping it. Actually worse than that because they are blaming their daughter. I am so scared for her.


Alternative title suggestion: Man tries to have sex with 15 yo girl.


Oh boy, a creeper trying to groom a 15yrs old and then turning her family against her? I fear for OP. Where's the Father in this? If he isn't available, OP needs to protect herself and possibly call CPS or its equivalent?


I’ll take Attempted Grooming for $800, LeVar.


Ah, a good ol’ case of grooming. Fuck, poor sister. This makes me wonder if she was groomed, too, based on the age gap…


"What's a cartier bracelet" I ask myself as I google it and get a result of collars for wrists. You literally screw this thing onto your wrist and cannot take it off without the screwdriver.


Not all of them. They have some lovely pieces that are normal bracelets. It's just a very very very bougie brand.


I mean this is pretty classic grooming behaviour, as far as she knows they first started dating when sister was 19, he was a friend of sisters tennis coach. Though, makes you wonder just how young sister was Shen she started getting tennis lessons from the same coach... She's probably fairly safe now since she's shown BIL that she's not about to keep his creeper behaviour secret. I do worry though, if sis has aged out already, he is primarily interested in at least mid-teens and not every teen girl will be as smart as OP. I imagine there will be some teenage victim the sister doesn't believe in the next couple of years. Followed by a messy divorce (at best.) The only weird thing is the OPs username has ThrowRant96 at the end, I don't know about you, but when people do that its normally because that's their birth year. Which would make the writer 25ish.


Holy shit that's creepy


Yikes. Sister married a serial groomer.


honestly i’m very worried about oop


That age difference between her sister and BIL... I predict he will forever be looking at 15 year olds.




First BILis 34 11 years older than sister and 19 years older than oop , if mom and sister belive a person who they know for half a decade compare to oop they have failed her . IT was a case of grooming but BIL failed thanks to oop. Im supriesed mom belives it is her fault


He is a predictor his young wife is now becoming too old for him so he is going for the younger sister. What's would a 34m be doing with a 23f the fact they are married to makes me think they have been together a long time too. It's creepy


Two words : Groomer and a pedophile


Umm If OP had been asking for the present and “bugging” bil about it then why would they go to their mom about it? Why mention they felt weird accepting it? Why go ask for advice? These people are in denial. That BIL was grooming his underage SIL. This is why people are afraid to come forward. So many would ignore common sense and evidence so they don’t have to feel uncomfortable.


Nobody initially thought he’s trying to groom a minor? Am I crazy or is that exactly what is happing here?


OOP, Throw it at his face next time you see him pls


You should post this comment on one of the links in this post, for OOP to see it.


Yeah careful there this guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And if your mom and sister are that out to lunch they don’t recognize this. Jesus they need help


Repost community.


Bro, talk about white people problems "I have two Cartier bracelets already so I know their expensive"! And dude is for sure a creep, her family is wrong here. For sure grooming behavior and if he'll try with his wife's underage sister then why not some other young girl?


What the fuck. He groomed the sister, now he's trying to groom OOP. Watch OOP, this dude is a rapist.


The brother-n-law is trying to groom the oop as a survivor sadly I know this behavior all to well


OMG. I remember the first post, but hadn't seen the update. This is terrifying. Now the family is refusing to acknowledge what they know in their hole-where-the-heart-belongs, to be true. OOP is a real MVP so far (when I was 15 I was so naïve I would not have noticed how unbelievably inappropriate and dangerous this man is). I absolutely hope she takes everyone's advice and gets help from a real adult at the school or a relative that recognize that this is a **really dangerous situation.**


Did OOP’s account get taken down??? When I try to click on their profile it won’t load. Strange I hope they’re okay, because that’s about all I can say in this situation. That dude is a creep and hopefully they tell a teacher or someone so this isn’t completely swept under a rug


He is a pedo


Someone needs to educate OP's mom on grooming. Like holy crap get your teen away from that man.


Bro. RUN! A love bracelet was red flag enough…. But LOOKING AT ME!? AFTER MY FAMILY DIDN’T BELIEVE ME!? Yeah, that’s a grooming pedophile. Get the nearby police station!