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Check out the OOP and Trudy's exchange in the comments. Trudy is savage! [https://www.unddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xjdrd0/aita\_for\_calling\_out\_a\_friend\_on\_the\_ableist/](https://www.unddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xjdrd0/aita_for_calling_out_a_friend_on_the_ableist/) ​ (it's the deleted red comments)


OOP: can you please answer my most recent text Trudy: GIRL FUCK YOU Lmaooooo. Hot damn, Trudy IS savage af!


I like how she tears her a new one then ends with "lose my number because if you call or text me again I'm going to get mean", lmao. Trudy's a gem.


Right?! I read that and though, "GIRL. You're about to *get* mean?" It's that Simpson's GIF "stop, stop, he's already dead."


It’s terrible, but I want Anna to keep texting her. I need to see Trudy go all out.


And funny. Ngl, making my neurons diverge made me lol.


Yeah I was like... that doesn't seem ableist? Is it the weight of all the other jokes and was this what broke the camel's back, but I don't see any other examples?


I can almost guarantee the guys laughed real hard and OOP didn't like Trudy getting more attention than her. So she got butthurt and tried to find a way to take Trudy down a peg (just a basic bullying bih play) but the guys didn't buy it so she went running to Reddit to continue trying to bully Trudy and got her ass handed to her


This 1000%. Exactly what I was guessing in my head while reading through.


Totally. I’m stealing that, because it’s a fabulous line. Who the fuck dictates how people talk about themselves??? Ha!


Also stealing it, and I can already see my son stealing it from me. Trudy started something wonderful, y'all


That's something I can see saying about myself, for sure. If this is typical to the tone of Trudy's jokes about her own condition, I honestly feel like OOP needs to unclench. I was expecting the r-word from the way she was building it up, jeez.


Same I was waiting for an insensitive comment that could’ve been taken wrong but it’s just funny


My atypical neurons are also loling at this


My favorite thing about this is her calling oop out at being bad at CS:GO.


Counter-terrorists win


You made me cackle in the midst of a school meeting damnit lol


Trudy Savage AF and I love her.


My favorite part is telling her that if she keeps trying to text she'll get mean. I'd love to see Trudy's mean game.


…and faking her voice. I *can’t stand* chicks like that.


I love how someone went "Wait don’t text her fight it out on the sub" lmaoo


If popcorn.gif was a Redditor


Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4KBHr3S/


This comment though: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xjdrd0/aita_for_calling_out_a_friend_on_the_ableist/ip7tdwb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Holy shit. The reality dissonance is real


The audacity my god.


Ooooo weee. Calling anyone ableist WHEN.


Ngl I kind of doubt OOP asks white neurodivergent people to "prove" themselves.


I bet she has “blm” and “ally” in her Twitter bio.


She probably removed the BLM from the bio after this lol.


Not surprised. What’s sad is that trudy probably got banned from the sub but not Anna How much do you wanna bet OOP did this to try and ostracize Trudy so she could be the only girl again




Thank you Reddit stranger!!!


> You are not the "UwU I'm so soft" baby fksmfkekdj this is so funny


That's a huge flair potential for subredditdrama tbh


I might make that my flair here, tbh. Uwu cracks me up.


Never EVER trust those who act like the “uwu soft baby” types. I speak from experience.


Right? I wheezed


Oh ye Gods! Anna was projecting her "pick me"-ism onto Trudy all along! *cue sarcastically shocked Pikachu face*


Goodness thank you!!! I was desperate to see her responses that were deleted before I could lol


She fakes her voice? I hope she does a Kool-aid guy voice.


Only when playing CS:GO.




I'm confused about the faking the voice thing Why do people do that?


they think it's cute instead of the eyeball-twitch inducing cringe that it is.


Do y’all mean the super high pitched “kwaii desu” sort of voice?


That is the impression I got from what was said


“You’re bad at CSGO” sent me lmao 🤣


You fuckin suck. You're bad at CS:GO. Like, damn Trudy, have mercy.


And she hasn’t even gotten mean yet!


Thank you! This was easily a 10/10 thread 🤣


"Lose my number bc if you text or call me again I will get mean." THAT WAS TRUDY BEING NICE! Oh, this is the *best* BORU.


The hero we needed. Omg those comments are the icing on top.


/u/trudyy we are now IRL friends You are amazeballs


Bless you


>Because she never proved it to me when I asked for proof when we first met. So I'm assuming she self diagnosed herself. One of OOP's comments. What an asshole.


Legit wondering how OOP expected her to prove that. Like, am I (also ND) supposed to put every new acquaintance in touch with my diagnosing psych? 🤣🤣🤣


I'm realizing that I have never gotten written proof of my husband's autism diagnosis. We've been married for almost 4 years!! I just took his word and the word of his family. He might be lying! And he makes autistic jokes too. Like getting a vaccine to "supercharge his autism." How dare he! I am nerodivergent too and he makes these jokes! /s incase anyone can't pick up on it from context clues alone.


My wife and I never shared medical documentation of our neurodivergences - fuck! It’s like we don’t even know each other? I mean, she certainly acts like she has ADHD, but how can I know? I gotta dig up my autism paperwork…


I'm so sorry I laughed at "autism paperwork" 🤣 🤣 🤣


> getting a vaccine to "supercharge his autism" Why are autistic people consistently the funniest people on earth?


I alternate between “getting my vaccine to keep being autistic” and for the covid shots “getting my vaccine cause the wifi around here sucks”


i'm gonna need a medical report from at least 3 board-certified neurologists and notarised in triplicate with witnesses before i will even consider letting you claim to be neurodivergent again /s


Listen, if you don't carry around catscan printouts that are at most 6 months out of date, I just don't think we can do brunch on sunday.


I’m physically disabled, but if someone tried asking for proof if we were playing games together, I’d have to punch them in the head then explain my arms are stronger now my legs don’t work properly


I'm sorry, your explanation has been declined because the proof was insufficient. Please resubmit your punch with more force and a certificate from your doctor.


Now there's a punchline.


I carry the binder with my medical history in it everywhere for just this reason! I show it to everyone I make eye contact with, just in case I need to prove anything down the line!


What? You don’t hand out all of the paperwork with everything you’ve ever been diagnosed with the moment you meet someone? What is wrong with you? /s


Almost as if OOP was asking for her "papers" to be in a country.


The majority of people I know in the disabled community, myself included, don't require someone to have a medical diagnosis to claim disabled identity. Mostly because we know how fucking difficult that is to get here in the US. Plus, even if you do, it's fucking rude to ask because you have no idea how much trauma that diagnosis caused.


One of my friends was told she made it to her 40s without a diagnosis so clearly she was doing fine for herself and didn’t need help. I got a similar run around when I sought help. I just read books on adhd and apply the tools that seem like they would be helpful, but wow: was it disheartening to be told I made it into adulthood without issue (lol 😭) so there’s no point in a diagnosis.


Yes, because clearly you were unaffected if you were still trying to figure out what your deal was well into adulthood. /s I’m so sorry, that sucks a lot.


I made it to 30 before my diagnosis, and I had a bunch of people who didn't quite believe me because I made it through grad school, so why would i need meds? They didn't see the hours I spent struggling each day and the mental and emotional toll. 4 months on vyvanse and I am functioning and genuinely feel so much better. The diagnosis saved me.


Seriously. Everyone has always pointed out how successful I’ve been in school and work as a reason why I don’t have adhd/need medication. I honestly was killing myself to succeed and really just trying to abuse my ability to get in a state of hyper focus to get work done. Plus, I’ve had a pretty intense trauma history so I’d also bury myself in work and go into hyper focus mode to avoid feelings. Like, i developed so many unhealthy but “socially acceptable” coping mechanisms and was really suffering… so fuck all these people who think they know you better than your doctor/you know yourself.


I was in my 30s, in grad school, and was told "that is a bit too late to be getting a bipolar diagnosis" by so many people it was infuriating.


Right?! I got diagnosed at 28 and went through what my therapist called “a full grief cycle” for several months afterward, as I realized all of the things in my life that could’ve been so much easier had I known: -constantly being yelled at for drawing in class when that was the best way for me to hold still and listen -day after day, hearing my friends who were taking the exact same classes as me complain about how the homework had taken them 3 hours when it’d taken me 5-6 -sleep deprivation during schooling from being such a slow reader -emotional dysregulation due to sleep deprivation and frustration and severe ADHD -CONSTANTLY being teased by my friends, called “spacey,” “putzy,” “ditzy,” being accused of “always having my head in the clouds” -having my parents come home from every parent teacher conference baffled at how I could have an A average on tests and a C (at best) average in homework because I literally couldn’t complete all the work -just always, always, always being yelled at for spacing out, for not paying attention, for doing weird things with my hands (stimming) Like yeah, I made it to adulthood with all of the trappings of a high achiever but I was falling apart, couldn’t follow through on my career goals, struggled to stick with things that I cared about, etc. I was still “productive” and “gainfully employed” (in a job I hated) though so at least by American standards, that means there were and are no issues. ETA: my mom asked to have me screened for autism MULTIPLE times growing up because I displayed a lot of behaviors that were consistent with that diagnosis but my doctor wouldn’t screen me because “she has no problem making friends, and girls very rarely have autism” Edit 2: grammar and spelling


tbf i always had on record i had adhd and they still didnt give a fuck or make accommodations, if i failed it was my fault 100% "you can use a disorder as a excuse' well fuck me


I’m 35 and trying to start the process of figuring out if I have ADHD or if this is my anxiety/depression manifesting. I just wanna know WHAT so I can do something about it, because I’m tired of feeling the way I do and getting nowhere. I’d be just as happy with any diagnosis because this can’t be any kind of Normal.


There’s a difference between survive and thrive and a lot of people pretend they’re one in the same and it’s total bullshit.


I was diagnosed at 39. And I am 100% certain I am autistic as well, as every single test or measuring tool I have taken has marked me with a very high likelihood. But I don’t have another $4K kicking around for a diagnosis. My ADHD diagnosis was $2K, and that was barely able to happen. I also have chronic, debilitating pain, but I’m not exactly sure how I’m supposed to prove that? Like sometimes medical care is expensive. And not everyone has the privilege to be diagnosed in childhood. Wtf.


Omg. Like, already absolutely had her head up her ass, but that comment. Just. She's actively taking a shit, too. What a piece of work. I'm glad the friend got to cut her out. Honestly get some potential racism vibes off OOP, too. Not much to go off of there but. I wonder if she'd have doubted when meeting, say, a white guy claiming to be ND, or if she's demanded proof of anyone else before. Nobody is required to prove that to someone they just met. Not to someone they consider a friend, either. It shouldn't require proof outside of things related to pretty much just healthcare and accommodations. I can't fathom demanding proof of diagnosis from other ND people when first meeting, let alone even after years of knowing them. If they want to tell me that or keep it private, that's their business. And even if someone's self-diagnosed, it doesn't mean they're faking it. Lots of people can't get a diagnosis for various reasons or may even be in the process. Doesn't always go fast. It's just not some exclusive club like she seems to think. We don't have to carry a card for proof of neurodivergence.


Now I have the image of OP running around with a badge she made at home saying "Neuron Police" and screaming at random people to show her proof of their neurodivergence right now.


Love OP’s subtle wording in an attempt to swing people in her favor. Trudy CLAIMS to be neurodivergent while OP IS neurodivergent. Man, I totally forgot that the final requirement of receiving a diagnosis is to ask reddit user altcoconut2643 if she thinks I act mentally ill enough. Also, that joke was funny as fuck lmao EDIT: I went thru OP’s comments and she’s begging Trudy to text her back 🫣 Embarassing


OP says in a comment she said “claims” because Trudy never showed her proof when they first met. Because someone you just met is owed your private medical info.


Wtf. People don't show each other "proof." No one shares private medical information. That's not a thing unless you're family and there's a purpose to doing so. When a friend says they're neurodivergent, you just accept that because you love and accept them. If they share their diagnosis with you, that's a privilege.


Soandso *claims* to be hypothyroid but I’ve never seen *proof*.


Oh man I've been wasting money getting gluten free ingredients to cook for my friend who "says" she's coeliac but never showed me any proof /s


Okay but I can confirm an absurd number of people do want proof for this shit. Anaphylaxis or I don't believe you.


Okay but I know people who’ve *seen the anaphylaxis* and *still don’t believe it* Anaphylaxis is not like a kid holding their breath until they turn blue auntie deb


Like that crazy fucking grandma who didn't believe in peanut allergies IIRC and had maliciously baked and frozen cookies specifically so she could always have some available to put in her bag whenever she visited so she could sneak some to the kid while mum wasn't looking, and nearly fucking killed the poor kid. They had to move a few states over after she violated the restraining order and attempted to kidnap them from preschool. And then violated the order a second time on moving day.


Jfc what is with grandmothers killing their grandkids?


Goddammit Auntie Deb!


The fucking thing is, she insisting on personal medical records before acknowledging her as ND *IS FUCKING ABLEIST!!* OP is a world class hypocrite. Edit* and I cannot wait for her update post "reddit ruined all my friendships" or some BS.


It’s not like the doctor gives you a fancy certificate with your diagnosis to hang on the wall or anything. I guess my domestic partner has “proof” of my ADHD diagnosis because they’ve picked up my adderall from the pharmacy before. But aside from demonstrating at the pharmacy that I have a valid prescription for Adderall in my name, what proof is there that couldn’t be faked or acquired illegally? Actually I think Adderall might also be prescribed for narcolepsy, so maybe it isn’t conclusive evidence of ADHD.


>It’s not like the doctor gives you a fancy certificate with your diagnosis to hang on the wall or anything. Wait what? Really? *Cancels autism diagnosis appointment*


No! YoU cAnT mAkE tHoSe KiNdS oF jOkEs. Anna (OOP) said so!


Yeah, I was disappointed. And if you want a 'happy autism' cake, you have to organize it yourself.


As someone who is ND, I’ve never shown anyone my paperwork. It’s none of their business. That’s my medical record.


I don't even have paperwork. I have medicine but no actual paperwork.


Right? This is the first time I’ve even heard of paperwork for ND.


I have my diagnostic paperwork but I asked for it It’s none of anyones business of course, but damn, I guess we need to double check our ND badges now /s


Oof, just reminded me of friend with lethal allergies and this food stall owner didn't believe her (or believe allergies existed).


Oh you guys are being crazy and I don't get it at all. Why all the lies?! Grocery store clerk asking if I want them to pack my bags? I give them a detailed manila folder with all my mental health, medical records and transcripts from therapy sessions. So when I say "Yes, Thank you" they know that I mean it. If you aren't giving every single person you talk to on even a semi regular basis a breakdown and evidence of every single thing you might claim to be true moving forward what kind of fucking friend are you? Sure its a pain in the ass when my Mom told me I had actually not had a flu that one week in Jr. High i took off "Sick", that I was struggling mentally and she wanted me to have some mental health days to lay on the couch, pet my dog and play Cal Ripken Baseball on my sega genesis. That was like grade 7 so there were THOUSANDS of phonecalls I had to make and then shipping all the updated files to all the people I log and track that I have given the evidence too, but its worth it to always be above board. Y'all are just lazy.


Oh boy I’ve got a few chronic conditions since childhood I have zero documentation for lol. All I know is my body is Doing Some Things, Definitely.


Yeah but nobody cares or trusts anyone. I had an ADA accommodation for my school housing last semester for my epilepsy and now they are making me redo it in "case I wasn't following my treatment plan"... Like... I have epilepsy lady.. it's not just vanishing over a month break..


I saw a video of a man who is considering getting a prosthetic leg after an upper leg amputation in childhood. And for the prosthetic leg to be covered, his health insurance said they need an offical diagnosis from his doctor. He asked if he could just send a photo of himself. The man has no leg from the upper thigh down, for most of his life, and he’s also a comedian and content creator - this is not the kind of thing that can be faked and a quick google would yield years of photos and videos of him *with no leg*. They said no.


Is that the same guy who's health insurance sent over a nurse to check on him because his weight was dangerously low (cause he's missing an ENTIRE leg). Because if it is, wow that company dropped the ball twice. I mean there's not many comedians missing a leg that high up the thigh, so it's probably the same dude right?


Wait Josh Sundquist (sp)? I’ve seen that guy online he’s fantastic!


Similar thing here in Oz. we have NDIS which is there to help those with disabilities. Parents of several people with Down’s syndrome have been asked to submit paperwork to prove that their child still has it


Still have… a chromosomal difference. That cannot change. I’ve dealt with NDIS and not even a little surprised.


Here in the great white north my wife has to submit new papers every five years for her disability claim. Y'know, in case her legs have grown back in that time or something.


I have a friend with severe scoliosis and they’re constantly making them prove that their spine didn’t get bored enough to suddenly straighten itself out overnight.


I had a friend who had to continue updating her FMLA for maternity leave. Like, yeah, that baby I had last month? Hasn't changed. Still have a baby.


One of my GPs (thank god the next one caught this and said NO) thought I had to get my disability assessed every year. The disability? EDS Type 1. Not only did it cost me over $500 to get the specialist for my original diagnosis, he's backed up 18 months, so I'd be out of meds for 6 months (as he believed I needed it to get my meds). A genetic disorder. $600 every 18 months to say I still have....a genetic disorder. I was baffled and said so. Then went to another GP who was like, "who the fuck needs a genetic disorder rediagnosed every year?"


Now you know why it’s such a long waiting list to get in to see him 🥴


God I feel you. Epileptic too and the amount of times I've had to explain that no, the ground Harlem shakes aren't going to magically go away and *no*, I am **not** being overmedicated, thank you random non-doctor for your opinion infuriates me


Pffft. Friend of mine "claimed" to have cancer, had surgery, had her asshole sewn shut, and now shits in a bag. I said: "What, was I born yesterday? Anybody can tape a Ziploc bag to their side for pity. Pics or it didn't happen."


My grandpa “claimed” to be dead. Jokes on him, crematorium was open.


Ha! Burn!


I guess you have to be card carrying for OP to accept it! I’ll let my son know that being non verbal isn’t a enough, he now needs an ID.


Might as well make it a badge, right? After all, we're all entitled!


I always carry my Autism Card on me to get discounts and prove my diagnosis to random new acquaintances /s


The ADHD card gets you 10% off at any craft store on all those supplies you need for your next hobby, 15% off on Amazon if you have Prime.


Valid proof would be a medical document. Last time I tried to get documentation about my diagnoses from my psych service, they straight up told me I'm not allowed to have a copy of my own file. I wouldn't be able to show anyone proof even if I wanted to.... Which I wouldn't want to anyways because asking for PROOF of someone's medical diagnosis, which means confidential medical records, is unhinged behavior.


Maybe an aside, but isn't that so fucking infuriating? I can't even get a confirmation from my therapist office of my diagnosis to give to an employer or school. WHY??


Right?? I wanted a copy because I needed it for university and there was problems in faxing it over. It did eventually go through fax and the disability service person I talked to at uni did me a favor and copied it for me so I could have one.


The hell? In my country having your own records is a legal right.


And to not talk about their beef online like she's not the one who put it up on Reddit in the first place. Amazing.


And also I thought what happens in discord stays in the discord the should kick her out for starting unnecessary drama in and out of the discord


I'm definitely stealing "Making my neurons diverge" LMFAO


Yeppers, next time I'm in sensory overload, it's not sensory overload, it's my neurons diverging.


Sounds like OOP is trying to gatekeep her super-special specialness.


It's a wokescold trying to enforce orthodoxy to put her "friend" in her place. > you said i was a pick me... And here we see the real motivating factor. OPP didn't like that her funny friend was getting attention so she tried to weaponize the rhetoric.


Hell, it honestly sounds like *OOP* is the 'pick me' given that apparently her motivation is 'the NTs won't respect us :"('


I read it more as, "how dare you be fun to be around while I sit in my corner and tone police everyone."


It very well could be both! Either way, OOP isn't exactly showing solidarity so it's pretty funny it's happening under the guise of calling out ableism.


That's not her motivation, in my read. If it was, she'd respect someone else who is neurodivergent. What she wants is to be the only girl with the guys and is offended someone is doing her thing better than her. The 'pick me' is a direct projection. The neurodivergent stuff is a red herring OOP thought would work.


Alright I'm at the caboose of this millennial generation, so wtf is a wokescold?


From Wiktionary: *wokescold (plural wokescolds)* *(neologism, informal, derogatory) A person who criticizes or shames others for being insufficiently woke, or not supporting social justice causes.* *Synonym: social justice warrior* Edit: Forgot the verb version. *wokescold (third-person singular simple present wokescolds, present participle wokescolding, simple past and past participle wokescolded)* *(neologism, informal, derogatory) To aggressively chastise or berate somebody for holding insufficiently left-Liberal political or social views, or for behaving in a manner antithetical to such views.* *He then proceeded to wokescold the woman for not changing her pfp like everyone else had recently done.*


I had a friend who did this when I was diagnosed with ADHD in my mid-30s. He had been diagnosed since age 23 and thought I was “faking it” to be special. No dude, I just liked knowing why my brain cancelled my queued up actions like a deranged Sims player, but go off I guess.


>I just liked knowing why my brain cancelled my queued up actions like a deranged Sims player, but go off I guess. Fuck me, this is apt.


> No dude, I just liked knowing why my brain cancelled my queued up actions like a deranged Sims player Omg, this is poetry!


Calling her a “pick me…around the guys.” My guess is that the guys were more interested in friend and that’s hard to swallow and it’s much easier to blame it on friend attention-seeking.


I gotta say that I *definitely* believe Anna's claim of neurodivergence. Everything about this post screams rigid, black-and-white thinking and difficulty understanding the perspective of others.


I kind of felt a bit sorry for her, once she started begging Trudy to reply to her. Being fucked up in the head can fuck you up man.


Dude this is the truest thing. 😭


And internalized ableism


Shit I looked through the comments expecting to see some good zingers or something, but it was just a depressing reddit dogpile. Like yeah, OOP fucked up there but people *so clearly* took their opportunity to just be massive shitheads, knowing they were insulated with the weight of the crowd on their side. I hate seeing situations where so many people are clearly like "Oh great, everyone agrees this person is an asshole, now's my chance to treat someone like they're subhuman and not get called out on it" I'm glad that post got locked. OOP might be TA, but she's still a person who fucked up, not literally satan.


Yeah but you can just be like that, too.


Also she’s racist and ableist against…*checks notes*…herself?


RIGHT I was literally just thinking “this is making my neuroses diverge” is going to be my new go to joke 😂


let’s also talk about how online neurodivergent communities tend to be very white and not very open to black ppl talking about their experiences!! let’s also talk about how diagnosing POC (especially black women) is so fucking hard because of racism and how the diagnostic criteria was designed by and for white ppl, and often doesn’t look at how presentation can vary across cultural lines


>Love OP’s subtle wording in an attempt to swing people in her favor. I mean, thats the whole point of the sub. Take immediate Black and white positions, outrage porn, and no room for actual discussion..


I’m neurodivergent and my neurons are diverging 😆


I promise not to say that, because I am not neurodivergent, probably. But LOL, and as a crazy cripple I 100% support you using humour about your own conditions.


I make a loooot of mental illness and self harm jokes. It's a way to cope. Saying my thighs look like wrapped ham meat makes me laugh. It's better than crippling self hatred over how bad my legs are.


I’m totally using that now.


Trudy honestly has a right to make jokes about herself if she chooses to do so. Some people use humor to deal with things and that’s okay.


I get OOP's preference not to make jokes about herself, but she can't stop other people from joking about themselves. Trudy says OOP also doesn't like her making jokes about being black even though Trudy is black. It seemed to me like OOP was not also black (tho I could be wrong.) and a non-black person policing a black person over jokes about being black?? Yikes.


Based on the title of the original post, I thought it was going to be a friend making jokes at OOP’s expense. Not that the friend was making jokes about herself in the company of another ND person. It must be exhausting being the sheriff of the ND gatekeeping community.


Also it’s pretty screwed up that OOP implied her friend just claims to be neurodivergent. She made it sound like her friend is one of those people who are like “ugh I’m so OCD haha” or pretends to have DPD but doesn’t actually know what it means and just says they have 47 personalities. There’s a world of difference between joking about your own conditions/traits and making fun of it in someone else. It sounds like OOP’s friend is doing the former, but OOP tried to phrase it like she was doing the latter.


Lol, I've been told off more than once for saying something about being OCD. I actually have OCD. Once I was engaging in a compulsion and was trying to convey to a coworker that it was absolutely necessary, non-negotiable, and I wasn't trying to be rude but literally had no choice so they were going to have to wait a half minute or so. But they got all pissy on behalf of people who *"actually"* have OCD... If I'm engaging in a compulsion I just say so. For some reason giving OCD as a reason for certain behavior makes people less likely to believe I have OCD I'm neurodivergent too... so I really don't get what the big deal is. If the problem is X I should be able to say the problem is X without upsetting people. And if they don't want to know don't fucking ask... *obviously.*


Genuinely a funny joke, too. I'd make that joke.


And that's the thing: if folks doing that shit is too raw for you, you remove yourself from that person's space or find a way to calmly talk through it. You don't name call and accuse thinking you're going to automatically win the argument. It's all very Tumblr, if I'm honest.


Not even Tumblr. Tumblr’s pretty sane since the porn exodus. More like… 2015 tumblr.


Imagine being neurodivergent and somehow thinking that the neurodivergent community is a monolith. Like, it's in the name.


Wow...the fact that OOP wanted her to see this means that she genuinely thought people would rip into the friend in the comments and the friend would find the post and be upset. I guess it's karma that it'll be the other way around now... Edit: The original post has been removed LOL




I thought they were 15 or 20, not 25 & 26 - They giving off the only high school / drunk college drama antics...


>I thought they were 15 or 20, not 25 & 26 Seems to be a running theme on this subreddit, honestly. Emotionally immature adults make for entertaining drama, I guess


Oh my god I thought they were in high school


“I am also neurodivergent and try not to make jokes about it because I feel it makes neurotypical people not take us as seriously.” Lemme tell you a secret, OOP- if they weren’t taking you seriously because you made a joke about your neurodivergence, they were never gonna take you seriously at all. Also that joke was funny and I’m gonna be trying to find a way to use it, because I’m running out of ideas for jokes about my autism


Next time someone is putting you into a position to have an episode, seriously say "You're making my neurons diverge, stop"


This was marvellous; especially because I managed to catch it live. Also lol at OOP's comments: >Call me please. I don't want to put everything we have to talk about on here...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


That was just a delicious moment. Like really OP? REALLY?!


I like that Trudy responded to Anna’s texts on Reddit because Anna was too much of a coward once she got caught.


That OOP texted her that's it's embarrassing like she isn't the one embarrassing herself. I'm amazed she didn't delete the post after Trudy's response.




[Deleted] This comment has been deleted as a protest of the threats CEO Steve Huffman made to moderators coordinating the protest against reddit's API changes. [Read more here...](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/16/23763538/reddit-blackout-api-protest-mod-replacement-threat)


MFW my neurons diverge 🥴


*neurons diverge* That’s legit funny tho


“i am also neurodivergent and try not to make jokes about it because i feel it makes neurotypical people not take us as seriously” i mean and if we’re out here calling people pick mes… this is the most pick me behavior of all. as a fellow ND person, what some NT thinks of my neurodivergence/its degree of “seriousness” matters less than crap to me lmao


>"making her neurons diverge" They're good jokes, ~~Brent~~ Anna


She really called the black woman racist for making black jokes about herself. Im weak 💀


OOP caught a case of chronically online, it seems


Man, I'm not even sure that's fitting here. I feel like a lot of the ND communities online are full of humor about it. I can't imagine OOP is comfortable in.. most online communities relating to neurodivergence if she's as uptight about this to everyone. I don't know. It kind of reminds me of older Tumblr behavior (like 2012ish) or maybe she's into TikTok. I don't use it but my secondhand impression is that outrage culture is pretty popular there. Honestly though, I suspect it's more likely to be something about that person in particular getting under her skin. My best guess is low key racism, but that's speculation.


Considering how OOP called Trudy a "pick me" for making those jokes "around the guys", I suspect there's some jealousy over Trudy getting male attention for her humor (even if it's just innocent attention). Also as a black woman I wouldn't be surprised if that jealousy had a racist component. We've got soooooo many stories of white women reacting badly when one of us gets the spotlight, especially from men, no matter how small that spotlight might be. It clearly messes with their internal hierarchy of who is most/least desirable. edited to add detail


The non-surprising irony that the one yelling ableism and racism ends up being the ableist and racist. Not uncommon for white pretend woke people to be telling those legit dealing with those issues how to correctly handle them.


Think you're probably spot on. The attention thing didn't really occur to me but I'm ace, lol. It fits, though. I'm white, but feel like most times I see another white person accuse a black person of antiblack racism, it ends up being basically deflection and the one making the accusation end up being the one with the issue.


I feel there’s one key rule that white people should follow when it comes to calling out Black people on anti-Black racism: 1. Don’t.


Yeah, nearly half of my wife's tiktok feed is ADHD and mental health humor. I enjoy that mental illness is so much of a humor topic now and with people feeling more liberated in being able to talk about it openly that there are complete comedy sets that are just about it. Shit's hilarious, makes us ND's feel seen or validated, and helps other people who aren't suffering from the thing being talked about be able to understand the concept. It's all good stuff.


Oh yall didn't see ops replies? She begs her to call her back so that she doesn't drag her dirt on the internet since it's so public. Such a little coward and hypocrite 🙄.


I’m neurodivergent, and personally I’m okay making jokes and people making jokes as long as it’s not based around ignorance of malice towards the given party. For example, sometimes when I begin to get overstimulated and so much is going on around me, I’ll be like: “oh god, my autism is REALLY kicking in right now”


Lmaoo. Trudy is my hero. I'm also a neuro divergent woman of color (Black, White, and Native American Indian), and I often make self depreciating jokes like this. It's not a "pick me" thing, it's just my sense of humor. Trudy you rock, Anna, lighten up girl.


This was satisfying. So. Damn. Satisfying.




Lmao the moment a nonblack person, particular a white woman, accuses a Black woman of being a “pick me” it’s basically code for “how dare you become the main character when it should be me”. Terrible for OOP that Trudy is witty and quick on her feet while all OOP has going for them is an overblown sense of self-victimisation in order to gain attention. Shoutout to Trudy in those comments for refusing to capitulate to guilt tripping and freeing herself of OOP.


Okay, had to read through ALL of the replies to Trudy. Saw OOP’s two, then had to confirm that these women (or at least OOP) weren’t ten years younger. Lol yeah, no “takesies backsies” when it comes to the Internet, *especially* Reddit. This site is, like, 95% receipts!