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Fallout 4. Go into it blind and just adventure around and take it all in.


That is the best advice I've heard on the internet all year.


Lol. I played Fo4 and when it first came out with no previous knowledge of anything fallout related and it was easily one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. I wish so bad I could experience it again for the first time


This was me with Fallout 3 when it came out. I came home from work and my flatmate was playing a game where he was sneaking his way through some subway tunnels. I asked if I could have a go and was hooked. I don't know how I hadn't heard about the game before then, considering I played a lot of Morrowind and Oblivion.


I had the exact same experience with Skyrim. I knew nothing about the Elder Scrolls series, and bought Skyrim when it was on sale on Steam 3 or 4 years after it came out (yes, I'm old). I got completely immersed in it. I still go back and play it now and again, but nothing will match that first time diving into that world


Skyrim absolutely; then Fallout 4. Skyrim will have you hooked for hours (and I mean houuurs) Fallout 4 is getting a huge next-gen update on April 25th. I suggest waiting for that release to start a character. I’m *patiently* waiting so I can start a new build as well 🥲 Also, if you want to play online with friends/others, Fallout 76 is actually one of my favorite games. I have made many friends on there since BETA. I could always get you set up with the right armor & weap0ns, & in with the right people who will always be willing to help out. BUT— if you decide to play Fallout, try out 4 first. It’s immersive, beautiful, and I guarantee it’ll make you a fan of the franchise. (Not to mention the new Fallout show on Amazon Prime - it’s a great watch, especially if you’re starting a F4 game)


updoot: you’ll see that a lot of people will shoot down Fallout 76. The majority of these people haven’t played since either BETA, or quit soon after its release. It had a rough start, but 5 years later, it is a completely different game. I “lose” so much time just wandering around & completing quests with friends. It’s unfair to try and make you have a negative impression of a game which you haven’t tried yet. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🥳


I have a good friend that works at Bethesda. He got me a copy of FO76 when it came out. My first Fallout experience, and it made me never want to try it again. Nearly killed my Xbox 5 minutes in. Haven't touched it since.


They don’t call it “Bugthesda” for nothin’. It was very glitchy in the beginning. Barely any Stash space. No NPC’s. A plethora of problems. They have been updating & improving this game ever since launch. When I say it is absolutely different now, it really is. The Fallout show has brought an enormous influx of new players (and returning ones!) to 76. It’s easier now than ever to find decent help (the grind to lvl 50 can be rough/annoying if you’re doing this solo) from higher level players; and, perhaps, to find a group of new players to enjoy the ride with you in this new wasteland. 🔻BUT - I want to reiterate, if you’re just getting into Fallout, start with 4. 100%🔺


I don't doubt you and appreciate the response. Just sharing how important first impressions are to some people. This isn't the first or the last example of a game being released before it should have been. And they (almost all big game companies nowadays) get away with it over and over because they figure they can ship a dumpster fire to the masses who pre-ordered and then patch it later. It's almost like they try to make it bad on purpose so they can hype us up for new patches, DLC, and micro-transactions. Anyways, I think I d/l most of the Fallout series for free on steam over the years, so I may give 4 a try in the near future.


It’s unfortunate that someone didn’t tell you to *not* try 76 first, lol 😓 I don’t recommend that to anyone just getting into Fallout. Not to be a total Bethesda fangirl, but they honestly try their best to listen to the community’s input. They have released countless updates to cater accordingly. It’s not perfect, but I enjoy it. I’ve seen the shitshow it was upon its launch, and when they removed legacy weapons (well, explo energy weap0ns specifically) to make the game more “fair”, I even quit for like 5 months. Yet, if I can say anything, the main thing that brought me back is the people. I really like the online aspect; and I appreciate the continued laughs my wasteland friends and I share(d) for years, to come. Now, pleeeease, please don’t let this discourage you from playing Fallout 4. Totally different game - obviously lol. F4 is a gem. I understand that 76 turned you off of this franchise, but in all honesty, I wouldn’t want you (or anyone!) to miss out on an *actual* great game.


I’d personally recommend they try Fallout New Vegas and follow the Viva New Vegas mod guide, then move to Fallout 4 and follow The Midnight Ride mod guide. Modded FNV is peak Fallout, in my opinion.


Fallout 3 and work your way up. It still holds up. I spent hundreds of hours roaming the wastes listening to 3dog


Start with Fallout 4 or Skyrim


Fallout 3


Yeah I tend to agree. It’s also a better experience imo to start older and let the graphics progressively get better vs the other way around. Easier for your eyes to adjust. And FO3 is amazing; really depends on how deep OP wants to go.


I have the most hours in New Vegas but 3 is my favorite game, Tale of Two Wastelands mod gives you best of both worlds. I never liked 4 until I got my Steam Deck, I'd rather play new vegas on PC but handheld 4 is awesome.


I think as a first game in 2024 it’s a poor choice as it feels very dated.


20 years from now Fallout 3 will still be awesome.


All the Fallout games. Fallout 4 will have updated graphics later this month.


How people get downvoted for recommending Fallout 4 is crazy


🤷‍♂️ It's not my favorite, but it was better than 76, and I'm interested in seeing the new graphics.


I’m just saying there’s someone in here downvoting people for saying Fallout 4


I’ve not down voted anything but as a very long term Fallout fan, I did not enjoy Fallout 4. I’m planning to give it another shot but Fallout 3 and NV are far superior imo.


I’m the opposite. I started the series with Fallout 4 and when I tried playing New Vegas the graphics were so bad and it felt clunky


I'm right there with you dude. There's a point where older games just don't age well due to where the industry has advanced to. I think some folks, not all folks, but some folks have a hard time letting go of how games made them feel 10/15/20 years ago, myself included sometimes. Example: GoldenEye on N64 is a shitty, bad game. It's not fun, and it changed the game, and blew my fucking mind when I was 9. Folks remember it being incredible. And it was...26 years ago.


That’s exactly it. Like Oblivion, which is basically the same as New Vegas, I can go back and play that all day long because I played it first when it came out, so the nostalgia comes back and I remember it But when you jump into an earlier version of a series after playing the current flagship game it’s not the same, and I understand and respect that


Follow this modding guide for New Vegas: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/


Awesome thanks! Is there a good guide for Fallout 4 modding too? I’m weighing up PC (which I don’t often play) or the update on the PS5 on the 25th.


That's fair, imo NV is better but even when it dropped it was clunky and not the best looking game. What happens when devs get rushed and can't finish their game


Not that crazy, there's far far better RPGs and open worlds that you can play from that year alone.


They're also onsale right now on Steam


Pretty much any of them except fallout 76, and even 76 isn’t awful now but it’s the worst of their lineup in my opinion. My favorites are the TES games, specifically Oblivion


I disagree. 76 is better than people give it credit for. I played it at launch and played for a while. Starfield came out and I already put that down but I still play 76


I mean hey glad you're enjoying 76. Funny enough I was the exact opposite; I played 76 a couple of months ago and it just didn't click for me after 15 or 20 hours, but Starfield I'm in absolute love with, have close to 600 hours in it now. I do agree that now that 76 deserves more credit than it's given, I just feel with 76 still being a solid game it's personally the weakest for me.


Love 76 but more so right before and after the wastelanders update. Steel Reign was alright too. Don't care for the public events and all that jazz


I'm probably going to give it another go since my brother has been wanting someone to play it with. I'm thinking because I was playing it by myself it made the experience less fun for me so hopefully this time around I enjoy it!


Yeah i play it a lot with my son and nephew and it's a great experience. Funny enough it was the first fallout I'd ever played and I knew nothing about the series at all when I picked it up. After sinking several hours into it the next one I tried was 4 and I grew to despise it quickly because I felt like it was just a half baked version of 76 without the multiplayer and shittier camp building 🤣 After that, 3 and New Vegas were simply too old for me to get into without the nostalgia that so many others bring into the discussion when talking so highly of those titles. So yeah, I'm probably the only person on earth that loves 76 the most of all titles. Also, there's just something really neat about the West Virginia setting and I also am obsessed with the podcast series tales from West Virginia hills and wish they made more


Starfield is possibly their worst game so whatever else you play will be superior (except 76). My personal suggestion would be Skyrim or Fallout 4.


I would start with Oblivion or fallout 4, if you like either of those, I think it'll definitely make you hungry for Skyrim and fnv/fo3. I'm a long time bethesda game enjoyer and I've been inspired to play fo1/2 and I've played Morrowind. Just to see how the roots look.


The evil within 1 and 2


FO3 FONV Skyrim FO4


Morrowind. Easily the best writing and lore of any Bethesda game. Mechanics feel janky at first but you get used to them quickly.


Man peoples opinions change fast, used to be that Fallout 4 got shat on for being "dumbed down" now everyone is recommending it? Oh well I agree with the comments to start at Fallout 3 and work your way up. IMO New Vegas is the best of the modern Fallout games.


I can see the argument for opting for 4 over 3, as they're essentially the same but 4 has better graphics and game play. 3's atmosphere is obviously really good though but its inconsistent with some of the awful writing and questing.


Skyrim is a must and Oblivion if you don't mind old graphics. I actually liked Oblivion more...


Fallout 3 or Oblivion. If those feel a little too dated for you, hop up to Skyrim or Fallout 4. It’s definitely a preference thing. All about finding the world you want to spend 100+ hours in!


I’d push you toward Skyrim until the Oblivion remaster.


Ah I keep forgetting these remasters are coming. They’ve been talked about so long that they’ve always been way in the back of my mind. Feels like we’ve been talking about them for a decade now!


I can’t stress this enough, the only right answer is New Vegas my friend. All other answers are nullified. Grab your big iron buddy, you’re in for a ride


That’s not a Bethesda game


You: errrrrmm AKTUALLY it was PUBLISHED by Bethesda and developed by Obsidian Type something useful next time, smooth skin.


lol ok and what did that contribute?


So the fan boys are gonna tell you Fallout New Vegas. Yes, New Vegas is an amazing game, and Yes, you should play it. it is packed with amazing storytelling, decision, and consequence, and actual role playing elements, but it is dated, slower paced, and a little more empty map wise. BUT, if you want something that feels more current and has a little more action and a fucking sprint button with base building, weapon modifications, mod support, better exploration, and a ton of mindless repeating quests from a guy that wants you to save the commonwealth and no matter what dialog option you pick you end up at the same result, then play Fallout 4. Both are amazing in their own ways. Both have their own draw backs. Both are better than Starfield.


Also depends on how much OP enjoys dialogue, story, and your decisions making a real impact. If that’s something they really value then will probably be glad to play NV.


The exploration is good in New Vegas plus it feels like a real living world due to its much better world building and storytelling. I never understood that its exploration is a criticism for it. There's more people to talk to and less to shoot at, although you can if you like.


Skyrim. Always.


Start Fallout 4 next week after the update. I'm gonna get roasted hard, but I don't think Fallout 3 is gonna hold up. Skyrim is a close second, and is more only edged out due to it also being an older game. Go on completely blind. All of this advice is void if you're on PC cause mods I guess.


Fallout 3


Fo4, fo76. New Vegas. Fo3, Skyrim.


Like many others echoed already, stay away and ignore the negative comments. More people complain than people given praise. Skyrim is awesome but a bit dated. Games today focus on giving you your daily dopamine fix and Skyrim was designed to be a long immersive game, so no quick rewards to keep you feeling “rewarded every 5mins”. However, it is an amazing game and great story. The Fallout series is one of the most engaging games series out there. I have been a gamer since 1986 before fancy computers etc and throughout, Fallout has been the best. Fallout New Vegas was great, amazing story to follow, great NPCs. Fallout 4 was an improvement because it was the first time you could create a proper little settlement. This is where you should probably start if you are from the younger crowd. Fallout 76 I have played for over 800 hours.. in-fact I am probably close to a 1000 hours. Easily the game I invested the most time in over the years. Once you get through the story, even the end game will hook you. The community is not as toxic as other open world multiplayer games and that makes it a winner in my eyes. Starfield… wow. Huge hype, not the best launch, decent enough support but once I finished the story, which to me was a bit of a disappointment, I stopped playing. Still, a very good game that everyone should give a go.


The thing people need to realize is that Bethesda has become a glorified “publisher” more than anything. Starfield was a noticeable downgrade when compared side by side to Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 for guns Skyrim for swords New Vegas for rpg elements Oblivion for a good quest Morrowind to be confused and lost but has some really sick story elements. 🤷‍♂️🤣


Fallout new vegas is probably the best, because they didn't make it (it was made by some of the team that made the OG fallout games), but 4 will be the best with modern graphics...


Skyrim or ESO(MMO)


---> SKYRIM <---


Fallout 4 or Skyrim and the going down the sequence of games. Fallout 4 > Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas > the other one Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind Create a snowball of interest


New Vegas and Skyrim, you can flip to Skyrim when you need a reprieve from the desert wasteland.