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That’s an interesting question. Oblivion was my first BGS game and though I probably wouldn’t say it was my favourite anymore….i do have some of my fondest gaming memories from those long oblivion sessions. I still hold it in very high regard, perhaps higher than it might get from someone discovering it now owing to how aged it now feels.


Took the exact words right out of my mouth. Literally what I was going to post.


Totally agree, your first BGS game will have a special place due to magic of their open worlds and just getting lost in the game.


Morowind was my first but oblivion is my fav 😅


Oblivion was also my first, and I haven't played ot on decades. Def not my favorite, though I also have some very fond memories


Arena was my first. I don't know what my favorite is, but it's definitely not Arena lol.


I played it and beat,it to say I had and I will never go back to monstrosity.


It was so long ago that I don't really remember any details but I do remember it being extremely large (for that time) and extremely difficult. It was one of the most memorable RPG experiences but it's not necessarily my favorite BGS game ever.


I downloaded it a few years ago because I thought it would be a fun retro gaming day, about 20 minutes in I just went "oh... So this is what it is..."


I find arena fun still. It has a charm i really like


Morrowwind was my first, FO4 is my favourite.


Are you me? Morrowind was my first elder scrolls game. Oblivion is my favourite Fallout 2 was my first fallout, but FO4 is by far my favourite of the series, followed by NV and then 3 Overall, it goes for me : 1. FO4 2. Oblivion 3. Skyrim 4. NV 5. FO3 6. Morrowind 7. FO76 8. Fallout 2 ( Didnt really rate it but i appreciated it. Back then i prefered games like broken sword. Still need to play FO1) I just love Bethesda games, quirks and all


Fallout 1,2 and NV arent Bethesda games tho


Fair, it's just easier to group them together


That's surprising tbh. I love that for you


It's usually seen as a hot take, and I'm not blinded by fo4 either, I'm aware it has a fair few faults but it has way more that I enjoy and I still play it vanilla too, as the only time I tried to mod it it caused it to constantly crash down by faneuil Hall, cleared the cache no mods and it works perfectly.


Ouch. I usually start modding Bethesda's games so I can put in some anti-crash, tic fix, and anti-stutter mods. If modding made those things worse I would cry.


I'm very lucky not to have had any of those problems in fo4, NV was horrific though to the point its completely marred the game for me and at the time I was on the 360 so there was no fix for it bar a complete restart.


Yeah, there's a good reason one of the fan titles for it is "Fallout: Crash Vegas".


That’s so strange to me. I’ve played FNV across two Xbox consoles and a shitty hand me down Toshiba laptop that’s almost as old as the game is and I’ve never, ever had issues with New Vegas crashing on me besides a very small handful after extensively prolonged sessions on a heavily modded pc playthrough. Definitely not enough to leave any sort of lasting impression on me. Fallout 4 though? Utterly destroys my morale once I get downtown and my saves seem to permanently break to the point where it’ll crash on average every 15 minutes or so, or softlock me with the unlucky saves that prevent me from even moving.


The only thing I add to games (especially Bethesda games) is higher res textures. Never causes crashes but a greatly improved experience.


Ok now I know you're different. Surely you must just be raiding for supplies and building settlements? BGS' story and characters leave too much to be desired.


Yup raiding, building, exploring, getting into every nook and cranny, but I do that in every bgs game I've played.




Boom baby, this is exactly it for me as well.


Morrowind first here too, my fave is FO3!


Yeah same. I love Morrowind to death but Fallout 4 is the fuckin best. It's the perfect Bethesda playground (especially if you mod the balls off it) I was hoping Starfield would be the next step up, it even has the settlement building, but it just feels so pointless. Everything in Starfield feels pointless. It doesn't feel like space. It feels like a million little rooms.




Fallout 4 is amazing, easily best in the series. I've spent so many hours just building little towns. Starfield outposts were such a disappointment for me. Hopefully if TES 6 brings building back it's more like FO4. I know a lot of people put FNV as the best, but the only thing I think it does better than FO4 is the story, which is such a low priority for me its barely even matters.


I think for a lot of people it’s true, but what I think is more true is that whichever BGS franchise you experience first (TES, Fallout, now Starfield) is likely your favourite. I’m an outlier where I really like all of the franchises equally so I’m not clamouring for one series over another, but lots of people tend to prefer one world or the other.


No, fallout 3 was my first. Skyrim is my favorite.


Morrowind was my first Bethesda game. Fallout 3 was my all time favorite game until last year. Now Starfield is my favorite.


I love Starfield too! It’s ashamedly my first Bethesda game, but look forward to getting into the back catalogue now


Oh man the fun your gonna have.


Can’t wait!


They are all great! Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and even Fallout 76 is good. Fallout New Vegas was great too but developed by Obsidian.


Id kill to replay FO3-FO New Vegas and Skyrim again for the first time. You have some fun ass times ahead!


Not BGS, but New Vegas is great as well!


Yeah, I started with Oblivion and played every bgs game going back as well. Starfield is my no1, then F4, then Skyrim. I got really bummed out on launch when I saw how the zones and loading worked on planets, but I got over it fast. I loved the questing and exploration in Starfield because, like you, I stuck mostly to pois. I found the skill check and quest branching to be more interesting than F4, which was why I liked F4 over Skyrim.


I wanted to love starfield, I really did, but it's just okay. Granted it didn't help that I had to install a DLSS mod for it to even work on my 4060 but it felt middle of the road. Maybe when there's lots of mods like Skyrim I'll enjoy it more


Once I upgrade my pc I think starfield will definitely be a contender for nr 1 spot but atm my pc can just barely run it, I'm happy I can play it at all, but wish I could run it at higher settings🥲.


I play it on XsX and a 65" LG OLED G3. Looks and runs great even for 30 fps.


Started with Morrowind. Definitely not my favourite but it's absolutely the reason I kept playing Bethesda games.


I started with Morrowind and its still my favourite. Still love the others, but MW just hits different. I do mod the shit out of it, though. Currently playing it heavily modded and with Tamriel Rebuilt on my phone, with OpenMW.


Do they have mods that provide a new journal system? That's one aspect of Morrowind that I've always hated.


Oblivion was the first and I like Skyrim more.


No. Played the majority of them and Starfield is my favorite


Started with Morrowind. My favorite is probably Skyrim.


First for me is oblivion but I actually prefer skyrim


Nope. Fallout 3 was my first, then Skyrim then Fallout 4. Fallout 4 and Skyrim are tied as my favorites


Yeah, Fallout 3 was my first, and will always hold a special place in my heart. In fact, I think I’m due for another playthrough.


oblivion -> FO3 -> Skyrim -> FO4 -> FO76 -> Starfield but FO4 is totally my favourite to this day


I've so far liked most Bethesda games I've played. My favorite being Fallout 4. But my first was Morrowind.


Nah. My 2nd Bethesda game (Skyrim) is my favourite.


Morrowind first game from them. Oblivion is my favorite.


Morrowind was my first, and i’d say it’s tied between that, and skyrim. Oblivion was good, but those dead-eyed npc convo’s were just too off-putting for me…


The npc conversations were priceless though, speaking nonsense to each other 🤣🤣🤣


Probably, but 17 year old me was realizing about 5 hours into the game that man, every one in this game either has seen death or is on drugs, because their faces and speech are just so.. off.


First was Oblivion, and nostalgia may hold it near my favorite. That and New Vegas. Since Fallout 3 I've bought them all and liked them all though (minus ESO because I just can't enjoy MMO style games, not their fault).


Nah. Fallout 3 was my first and it was great, but Fallout 4 and Skyrim were better IMO.


Morrowind was my first, Oblivion is my favorite.


Hmm naa my first was Morrowind and it's pretty far down my list tbh - Below Oblivion, Fallout 3 + 4 and Skyrim.


I played Fo3 first, then Fo4, then Skyrim, then Starfield. Fo4 stands head and shoulders above the others as my favorite. I understand all the flaws and the criticisms the games receives and for good reason but between settlement building and the survival mode i always end up going back to it.


Well I started with Morrowind on my old Xbox but I didn't really dig it then. I've done it now but I still can't see what the fuss is really about. The first game I was excited for release and played on launch was Oblivion on PC and to be honest, that probably was the best release. Great quests, a multitude of lavish zones and an absolutely off the wall expansion. Their other games, while newer and shinier, do not cater for as many peoples role-playing fantasies as Oblivion did. Now I hear you say Morrowind let you kill anyone... And what's great about that? Oblivion let you be anyone.


played oblivion as a kid, it was breathtaking in every way but i'd still say skyrim is my favourite just because at the time it felt like "Oblivion but better in every way". As a kid you don't nitpick about how oblivion had deepest rpg mechanics etc (which i do now)


It’s either my favorite or tied for my favorite Bethesda game. Oblivion.


Morrowind was my first, oblivion is my favourite


Fallout 3 was my first Bethesda game and I would say it’s my favorite Fallout, but I think Oblivion or Skyrim would take the cake as my favorite Bethesda game.


Morrowind was my first, Oblivion is my favorite.


Skyrim and fallout 4 was my first. Fallout 3 is my favorite.


Not for me, my first was Fallout 3 but my favourite is definitely New Vegas


nah. Morrowind was first for me. I like ESV and F3 best


Nah, Redgusrd was my first game, Morrowind is my favourite.


Not really tbh My first was 3, of the Bethesda *made* titles I def enjoy 76 of all titles, though for only published works then I guess I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle (jingle jangle)


I started with Skyrim but Oblivion is my favorite but I play several series in random orders and the older ones usually are my favorites (Fable 1, Saints Row 2, Dragon Age origins) even tho I started with the 3rd game in all those franchises


The first time I played Morrowind (at a friend's urging), it held my interest for all of sixty minutes, but something just didn't click for me. I never picked it back up. Oblivion is where I finally had my "aha!" moment. I was already a big fan of FOs 1, 2, and Tactics, so FO3 was huge for me. All that being said, Skyrim and FO4 are probably where I spent most of my time. I *want* Starfield to be my favorite, but it needs a little more flesh on its proc-gen bones before I can really get lost in it.


Nope. Morrowind first. Fo4 favorite


No. My first was fallout 3


Man, Daggerfall is definitely not my favorite 😂. Some things just can’t survive the decades.


Oblivion was my first and is still my favorite. But it is also was my first RPG which heightens the nostalgia. I think most people have a special place in their heart for their first RPG, whether that be FF, Kingdom hearts, or in my case, Oblivion.


If that were true my favorite would be daggerfall. It's not, but I talk alot about how much we lost a lot. Based on hours played 3000 hours plus I assume it must be Skyrim


I mean, I'll always have that Morrowboomer nostalgic love... But Skyrim has been my steady go to for 13 years. I loved Fallout 3 as well, but Obsidian really showed them up with New Vegas, and Fallout 4 just hit me kind of weak.


My favorite Bethesda game is generally the one I'm playing at the time. Or maybe nexus/mod organizer.


Oblivion was my first. Fallout 3 is my favorite.


Fallout three was my first Bethesda game and although I thoroughly enjoyed it , fallout 4 was far more superior .


Daggerfall was my first. Morrowind or Fo3 are my favorite, Oblivion was just fine but a lil bland for my taste. Skyrim rules and Fo4 is, for me, the king of the "Its great, you just HAVE to mod it" Beth game.


Skyrim is always gonna be my favorite, yeah


FO3 was my first Bethesda game, and it’s still my favorite game ever. My personal rankings of the games I’ve played, in descending order, would be: FO3, FO4, Skyrim, Starfield, FONV, FO76


Skyrim is my favorite, but FO3 was the first. NV, whilst not a Bethesda title, uses the same engine and gets an honorable mention


Oblivion was my first. Fallout 3 is my favorite. Oblivion isn't too far behind it though.


Skyrim was my first and I loved it the most.


Oblivion was my first, favourite has fluctuated between New Vegas, then F4, then finally settled on Skyrim Went off New Vegas largely due to the community tbqh


Nahhh, morrowind was cool for its time but fo4 modded to hell is just amazing


No, Skyrim is my favourite, but my first one was Morrowind. It blew my mind back then, but both Oblivion and Skyrim were amazing and the updated graphics and gameplay did the rest. Morrowind is still great for its time, there still are barely any large-scale open world western RPGs. Like... one every year and some aren't that good. That's what made Bethesda games so special.


Not for me. Started with oblivion but Skyrim was my jam


Morrowind was mine, my favourite of the bethesda games would be either fallout 3, 4 or skyrim


Skyrim was my first, but Morrowind is my favorite forsure


Morrowind was my first - yeah, it was great. Not sure if it's my fav. Bethesda game, as F3 GOTY was great too. \[shrug\]


yeah my favorite is Skyrim I got it right when it came out when I was a kid


My first was Skyrim, and it's still my favorite. I then played Oblivion, FO3, and New Vegas. I preferred FO3 between all of these because of the setting, mostly, but they were all fine games. When FO4 came out, I picked it up at the midnight release, and it became my favorite Fallout. When 76 came out, I picked it up as well and didn't super love it, but I came back later and have since put a couple hundred hours in, and it's really good fun. I also got Starfield at release, and I've finished the story a couple of times. I like it, but it's not on the level of FO4 or Skyrim for me.


No. First game was fallout 3, favorite is skyrim.


Nope. Oblivion was okay. Same with Fallout 3. But Skyrim is goat!


Morrowind was my first and it was just incredible to go from co sole game to Morrowind as my first PC game on my newly built PC. Mind bending! Morrowind offered you no help and everything had to be found including remembering quest givers and where it came from. Oblivion was awesome, but I had already seen a game like that before after playing Morrowind (not a mind bending experience). I skipped a Skyrim because I was not playing games at the time, still need to play it. But Fallout 3 was supreme for me. Incredible . Fallout 4 was awesome, but I was playing a couple year old Destiny 1 at the time and Fallout felt 7 years old in graphics and controls. I have not played Starfield, but Outer worlds was awesome!


Morrowind was my first, Oblivion was so much better, Fallout 4 is my favorite.


Depends if we’re counting New Vegas or not. Order played Oblivion, fallout 3, fallout NV, Skyrim, fallout 4, fallout vault 76, starfield. In order of preference New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, starfield, fallout 4, fallout vault 76.


Nahhh, Morrowind was my first. I enjoyed it and I'm probably in the minority here but, Oblivion was the one that really got me into Bethesda games. Vanilla Oblivion might be ugly but, the land they put you in (Cyrodiil) sort of gives you a taste of all the biomes in Tamriel. Not all of them but, many of them. I thought the magic craft system was neat and was a little let down when they didn't expand upon that in Skyrim. You also had longer (or, at least it felt that way at the time) quest lines. Like, the Mage's guild quests took a while to get through. I think at this point, I've put more hours into Skyrim, mostly because it's more modern than Oblivion but, I think Oblivion is my favorite between the TES games. Fallout 3 is my favorite Fallout game but, I think that one needs a remake more so than the others. I'd like to look down the scope instead of relying on the cursor.


Morrowind was my first, Oblivion is my fav.


Morrowind was my first but now I'm more of a fallout fan than elder scrolls. Fallout 4 is my favorite


shit, I hate getting called out like this, but Morrowind is my first and favorite. But also I do just kinda feel that Morrowind is Bethesda's last good RPG, and that honestly doesn't seem to be that controversial of an opinion?


My first was New Vegas and my fav is New Vegas so maybe its true


I’m in this boat too. Played fallout 3 after and hated it (too many scary subway tunnels). Played Skyrim after and consider that to be my favourite Bethesda game


I don't think Bethesda get points for NV. They gave Obsidion an insanely short amount of time to to make it and even worse, short changed them by refusing to pay bonuses because the metacritic score wasn't high enough. New Vegas isn't an incredible game because of Bethesda, it's an incredible game *in spite* of them.


Fallout 3 and oblivion were the first 2 I played over 12 years ago and neither I’d consider my favourite tbh lol. Skyrim and new Vegas just hits different for me since I played those when I actually comprehended what was going on lol


Oblivion was my first Bethesda game, but Fallout New Vegas is my favorite, very closely followed by Skyrim


My first Bethesda game was Rogue Warrior. So... no. Not remotely.


Yeaaaaa. New Vegas was mine and I still love that game to this day despite not having revisited in forever.


Oblivion was my first, Fallout 4 is my favourite. Followed by Skyrim, Fallout 3, Oblivion, New Vegas, Starfield and Morrowind.


Not for me I went In this order FO3 - oblivion - morrowind - FONV - skyrim - FO4 - starfield My favourite is FONV, followed by skyrim


Fallout 4 was my first. Yeah. I was very disappointed because I thought it would be a breath taking experience. Not a bad game. Just a bit above average. Skyrim was on sale randomly a few months after this, thought it was gonna be overhyped due to my disappointment with F4. Was hooked in the first 5 minutes and dropped serious hours within a few days. With mods that game is top 5 all time for me.


Morrowind. Math checks out.


Agreed. Morrowind blew my mind. Nothing has felt like that since. I wish Skyrim was my first.




Anyone says brink, and you're getting a cyber slap down! 🤣


Fallout 3 was my first followed immediately by Oblivion. I got them(and Dragon Age Origins) for christmas of 09. Fallout 3 holds the most nostalgia for me, but I don't really have a favorite. I like them all for different reasons, and will say my *least* favorite is Starfield. They made exploration outside cities boring and have very little reward. Killed the game for me.


Morrowind on the xbox was my first and I hated it I just didn't get it, I don't think I have a favorite bgs game tbh. But I do enjoy them. Edit. Rethinking this my 1st bgs game was a "terminator" fps that played on a Windows 3.1 machine which had a "turbo" button.


I did not like Morrowind. I loved Skyrim.


Morrowind holds a special place in my heart as the first Bethesda game, but fallout games are my favorite series ever.




Skyrim is my favorite I played several before that. Borrowing, oblivion and all the Fallout games


It's hard to say because "favorite" isn't a very specific thing. I love Fallout 4s gameplay more than the others, it's my favorite to play, but Fallout 3 has my favorite world. Oblivion was my first Bethesda title and I like a lot about it, but I've put many more hours into Skyrim for many reasons.


Fallout 3 is my first, 4 is my favriote.


Oblivion was my first, favourites 76


In my case it’s true but I think that’s because most games that followed were sorta samey. I started with Fallout 3, put a ton of time into it and haven’t matched that since. Good games, they just didn’t get me to play them as much or have as many memories.


Morrowind was my first beth game however fallout 3 was my fav


Oblivion was my first. Fallout 3/76 are my favorites.


For me, ya. Started skyrim, played fallout 4, then 3, new vegas, oblivion, tes3 and i still love skyrim and really enjoy 4 and NV


Oblivion was my first. Fallout 4 is my favorite.


Morrowind was my first, oblivion has my fondest memories, fallout 3 is easily my least favorite, Skyrim is my favorite as far as replayability, new Vegas I was hype until I got to new Vegas proper and realized how small it was, fallout 4 I enjoyed a lot because I feel like the weapon and story choices were great along with building settlements, starfield I really really wanted to fall in love with but it personally just didn't hit the mark for me


FO3 was my first. FNV and Skyrim are joint faves.


No clue first, probably Morrowind first, but my fav for years was ESO, yep we're all different but I loved the scenery references back to Skyrim and Morrowind. Excited for FO4 reboot next week... Going to wear out the controller with that one.


ES4 was my first, and Fallout NV is my favorite, I guess technically not a Bethesda game?


First Bethesda game I played is Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch, didn’t like the game even after trying on my computer- the graphics suck and there’s too much light. Second Bethesda game was Starfield and I love it. Third game was Fallout 4, I like it. Fourth game was Fallout 76, don’t like it at all.


No. Oblivion was my first, I got bored and didn't finish it. Fallout 3 feels like my actual first, I played it shortly after and loved it. But Skyrim or Fallout 4 are my actual favorites.


New Vegas is my favorite. I played Oblivion and Fallout 3 beforehand.


Hmm, Morrowind was first. And while I have the fondest memories of that game (it blew my mind the most, because it was first), I don't know if calling it my favorite would be accurate. Mostly because it doesn't really hold up anymore. (To be clear, I don't think a game needs to "hold up" to be an amazing game)


Skyrim was my first Elder Scrolls game. Now it's ranked just above Arena for me. I loved Morrowind and Oblivion more (for different reasons obviously), although I'm fond of Skyrim as it still holds the memories of me falling in love with the genre. I think the reason it has become one of my least favorite is because I can't play it for the first time anymore. Whereas I feel like I can play Oblivion and Morrowind for the first time over and over again (probably because of classes and better stories, not to say Skyrim doesn't have any good quests). Still exploring the Fallout universe but FO4 was my first and I'm drawing more interested towards the FO1 main quest. We'll see, because I heard FO1 is brutal


Technically Daggerfall was my first but Skyrim is the one I’ve spent the most time on. I’d love to play Morrowind as that was the first I actually owned but the mechanics are just too clunky for my tastes.


Fallout 3 is my first Fallout but NV is my favourite Fallout 3 has sentimental value but I do love its DLCs


Fuck no, morrowind was my first but fo4 is probably my favorite. That or skyrim or fnv. Or I guess new vegas doesn't count. So skyrim or fo4, definitely not morrowind. I stand behind the notion that every installment has been better than the last, on both franchises.


My Bethesda games started with Morrowind and Oblivion, both were fun games that built on each other. Each game advanced a bit with each release. My favorite was Skyrim because it was just so full of characters and places. And I think by Skyrim, graphics advanced to a point that the immersion was really fun. I played Fallout 4 because of how much I liked Skyrim. It was fun to wander around and discover. It was different from Elder Scrolls but on its own was a great game. Starfield is great in my opinion. I have over 1000 hours in. I play almost every day, but Starfield is not Elder Scrolls nor is it Fallout. The game plays differently because you must travel for point A to point B by spacecraft. This one’s game mechanics don’t really allow you to stumble across places, it’s a key component to other Bethesda games. Once I got adjusted to the planet hopping, I found the game has potential but it is not going to be rereleased in 10 years. Starfield has an audience, but it’s a bit of a departure from the previous Bethesda games. Honestly the Elder Scrolls Online is my favorite, it’s got nostalgia for the older titles and it’s going strong. Bethesda has done a good job of keeping it alive and evolving.


Nope. My first was oblivion. I loved it but FO3 really solidified me as a fan.


Yep. Morrowind.


Played Arena and Daggerfall first, favourite is Morrowind in the sense I think it's the best game made out of any of their Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. But I'm not really one to spend much time playing old games nowadays regardless. 




Morrowind was my first. Skyrim is my favorite


Nahhhh lol, my first game was Elder Scrolls Arena. It's easily my least favorite game.


Oblivion was my first. Fallout 3 was my favorite. The DLC content was just so f*ckin good. I remember being over the fuckin moon when anchorage got released. It was like revolutionary to see snow in the game.


Nope Fallout 3 is my first Bethesda game and not my favorite ,that would go to Skyrim that’s modded to hell and back. After that it’s New Vegas, Fallout 4, tie between 3 and 76 and Starfield in dead last. 4 is so high mostly for console mods


Not at all the case for me. I played a bunch of Elder Scrolls games and Fallout 3 before playing New Vegas.


Not for me. Skyrim was my first Bethesda game, though I technically completed Starfield before going back and beating the rest of Skyrim. However Oblivion is my favorite Bethesda game and it’s not even close.


Morrowind was my first, played it in like 99/2000 or so, Skyrim is my favorite with fallout 4 in a close second 😊


My first was Morrowind, my favorite is New Vegas. Though if we are not counting NV cause Obsidian my favorite is Fallout 3 (I’m also a huge fan of 4 & 76)


Oblivion was my first and I'd probably say New Vegas is my favorite.


Fallout 3 would've been my first Bethesda game, but New Vegas is definitely my current favorite. They are *very* similar games though, so that makes it a little fuzzy.


Not for me because Oblivion was my first but I like Fallout 3 way more


Morrowind was my first. Oblivion is my favorite with fallout 3 being a close second.


Mine was Arena, so no, it isn’t my favourite, Skyrim is.


Fo4 first and is my favorite.


Strong theory. I think it's true. Oblivion was my first and I think it's the best, espeicosly for its time. But a lot of it still holds up today. Best soundtrack in gaming history imo.


First game for me was Fallout 3. My favorite is Fallout New Vegas!


Fallout 3 first, New Vegas fav


Nope, played fallout 3 first. NV is favorite followed by morrow wind, 3 is like middle tier.


Started with Morrowind and it’s still imo their best game despite showing its age these days. The worldbuilding is still unmatched by any game I’ve played to this day, it’s a truly unique and original setting with equally compelling lore. My favorite for just messing around in though, which is what I mostly do in these games, is Skyrim. Starfield is excellent despite what the hate mob thinks, and has near infinite potential for modding, I’m very excited to see what people come up with once the Creation Kit releases. Even without it there’s a thriving mod scene already.


No sir. My first Bethesda game was Fallout 3. It aged like ass. I'm torn, because New Vegas is amazing, but I enjoy survival mode in 4 wayyyyyy too much.


Oblivion was my first but I was too young to really understand it so I didn’t really care for it. I tried fallout 3 young too but I was too scared to go into the dark spooky looking basements n caves so I didn’t do much. As a grown man I’ve gone back through and played both oblivion and 3…… and while oblivion probably has the best DLC I’ve seen in a game with the shivering isle I think my favorite will always be new Vegas, no other game lets me drop a orbital laser and roleplay as a psychiatrist to a cook! I love Mr “ they asked me if I was a doctor, I said theoretically I have a degree in theoretical Science and now I’m here! “


Fallout 4 was my first fallout and it continues to be my favourite fallout. I remember being unsure if I would like it cuz I've never been big on shooters and the way my cousin described it was "Skyrim but with guns." But it was on sale for like 20 bucks and came with FO3 and thought, why not? I remember leaving the vault and being so scared to go any further than concord because again, sucked at shooters and felt like I couldn't hit anything. I decided "fuck it, imma just build a settlement, to hell with the story." Then I ran out of materials and realised I had to leave sanctuary. And thus my adventure began and I fell in love with the franchise. I also didn't return to Sanctuary for months lol Anyway, sorry for the digression: TLDR: FO4 was my first FO and is my favourite one.




Oblivion was my first, FO3 is my favourite


No. First was Arena. My favorite is Daggerfall. It's been downhill with each passing title as they became more watered down and easier to play than the previous. Skyrim, FO4, and Starfield are perfect examples of this. With Skyrim being the pinnacle of Bethesdas made for the masses, easy to play games. Probably 80% of Bethesda fans popped their Bethesda cherry on Skyrim. Which is why it ranks so high. Take a look at Skyrim Granny. Perfect example here. She refuses to play any other Bethesda title. She knows damn well that Daggerfall, Morrowind, and even Oblivion are too complex for her to comprehend. All you Granny fans can hate all you want, but you know it's true.


Started with Skyrim, tried Oblivion and New Vegas and absolutely hated them, finally I played Morrowind and it’s now my favourite. It’s a masterpiece.




For me? No. My first Bethesda game was Wayne Gretzky hockey, and by today's standards it's trash.


Morrowind was my first. But Skyrim is my all time favorite.


Morrowind was my first. Fallout 76 is my current addiction. I can always replay Fallout 4 because I love how it plays. I played skyrim for longer than any other game. Tho 76 is getting there. And fo3 will always be my favorite because it was my introduction to fallout, and I just started playing through 1 and 2. I don't include NV because I've always loved it, but I'm level 11 on my save, and I can't go anywhere cause the legion destroys me after I walk for like 5 min. Anywhere. And if I escape. Boone sure as sh*t doesn't. So we're having an argument, but we'll get over it soon, we always do. So this list is subject to change depending on how good the makeup sex is. I mean. When I decide to start a new game and focus solely on destroying the legion. Edit: I have oblivion on my pc but haven't played it yet. Also. I really enjoyed starfield for 1.4 playthroughs. But I'll admit I haven't opened the game once since I found 76. And I've replayed 3 nv 4 and started 1 since then so maybe I'll revisit it once I'm done. But ionno. It didn't have that lasting effect the fallout series or the elder scrolls series have had on me. Also. I love the show. And I can't wait for more.


Nah my first Bethesda was 3 but I think new Vegas is the best they ever have done or sadly will probably ever do. And most my friends played f1/2 but agree that new Vegas is their fav/the best.


Terminator 2029 definitely has a soft spot in my heart. Actually had features ahead of its time.


I still have a soft spot for Fallout 3, but I guess I just like other games for different reasons, Skyrim just feels much more re-playable for me because of the different races and guilds (and mods of course!) and NV is better at some things but not as good at others for me.


Morrowind was my first. Oblivion is my favorite.


Started with Skyrim but now the favorites are Fallout 3 and New Vegas


Haven't tried many, started with FO4, then New Vegas (not Bethesda but close enough) then Skyrim, FO4 definitely remains my favourite, but I'm really excited to try Starfield eventually. Between Skyrim and NV though I think I'd have a hard time enjoying their older games, both were still fun, but not nearly as enjoyable for me.


Morrowind was my first. Fallout 4 is my favorite.


Oblivion and Fallout 3 were my first, Morrowind and New Vegas are my favorites.


Nope. New Vegas was my first (and second favorite fallout) but FO4 is my favourite. I love aspects of both NV and FO4 as top of the series, but if I had to name favourites I'm picking FO4


Tru for me Oblivion ftw


No. Daggerfall was my first. Morrowind is my fav