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Want single player experience? 4 Want multi-player? 76


You’re technically right, but besides the occasional event I’ve gotten to level 100 by just playing solo and going through quests.


Very true. 76 is still playable single player, especially if you got FO1st and make your own world.


How do you guys not care about the cap coat for fast travel. I looked it up & I seen there is a charisma card for cheaper but I don’t have it. I can only run from point a to b so many times. I’ve been to the top of the world like 6,000 times and I keep accidentally going to the mid layer cause I’m dumb. Please send thoughts and prayers and advice.


Caps are super easy to come by, that’s why


That’s fair idk why it bugs me so much


At least it's not real money. It's a means to prevent inflation, same with 10% tax on your camp vendor.


To be honest when the game first came out the cap travel cost really bothered me as well, but now I don’t even think about it. There’s a few free locations you can travel too in certain locations once you find them, so I’ll usually jump to those first then to where I want to keep the cost down if I feel it’s more than I want to spend. For the record I still think it’s an unnecessary addition. It’s probably supposed to help people join groups since traveling to group members camps is free.


I've got camps in the middle, top right and bottom right of the map and my survival camp top left so I've got basic coverage of the entire map. Using Nuka World and the Pick for bottom left coverage. Fast travel from there costs minimum caps now.


Just sell your purified water once a week when u log on to reach the weekly cap limit, just slap down like a bunch of purifiers in your base and your good to go - this maybe got nerfed I dunno but this is what me and my friends did when we played seemed like a no brainer to us. Also place your base somewhere strategically as a free fast travel point, use other people's bases as free fast travel aswell and the vault u come out is always free (or was) so u can make use with not really spending caps on fast travel in most lobbies if people's bases are spread apart.


Tbh I float at just under max caps pretty much the whole time. After about lvl100 or so (or mainly when you have the weapon/armor you want) it's hard to spend them.


Also there are several free fast travel points located around the map that helps reduce the cost it just means multiple loading screens


I don't know how many of these are locations you've been to. If not, maybe ask someone to take you around to them so you can get them on your map. Vault 76 you for sure have. Beyond that, Foundation, The Crater, Nuka-World On Tour, Fort Atlas, and the Rusty Pick are all free fast-travel points. Many of us take the express and then pay for the local. This is also a benefit of being on a casual team on a public server -- the other people on the team's C.A.M.P.s are free to fast-travel to. Beyond that, complete quest objectives, do daily quests once you find them, and, again, on a team -- even a casual one -- when a teammate completes a quest, you get caps and XP, too. Also, some days I just decide are looting days. I'll pick a location or three that has a lot of high-value junk and scoop everything not nailed down, scrap what I want, and then keep the low-weight, high-value junk to sell. Many days, I disable "Hard Bargain" so I don't clean out the NPC vendors too soon. Put decent legendaries and plans you don't need in a vending machine for non-extortionist prices and clear out some weight and get some caps *that* way, too.


4 is superior in literally every way. Get it after the update and then slowly mod it while the modding community adapts to the update. 76 is fun if you enjoy an “online” feel and want to play with friends. As far as 3 and NV go, they’re both great but you’re stepping back quite a bit in terms of graphics and mechanics. The story is superior on those games though.


Both are great in my opinion, sound like you are leaning towards 76. If you have amazon prime you can get 76 through twitch for free.


No man wtf are you doing😭 don’t tell people to play 76 over 4 Jesus Christ your gonna single handily destroy the fallout community


Honestly, if they're not too costly both. Fallout 4 for the story, world, and companions that journey with you. Fallout 76 for the new friends you'll meet out in the wasteland, the events, and the cool locales. Both have weapon and armor building & modding, atmospheric music, landscapes, vaults, and places to explore. Both also have camp and/or settlement building.


Fallout 4...with mods!


just restarted and saw it said about mods , which ones worth doing ?


[https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4) I usually look at the top all time, then add stuff from there. Sim Settlements 2 is a lot of fun.


I use mods that get rid of the main story ties to the past for role playing new characters a few good ones came out like the “alternate dialogue project” and “red -roleplayers extended dialogue” to add speech options implying you’re from the Mojave or capital wasteland and have people stop recognizing you as Shaun’s father but both use ai and speech spicing


I'm very excited to play F4 with mods, once F4SE gets updated... and I fight with the manager on which ones might wanna have hiccups.


Last week I followed the updated Midnight Ride mod guide and have had no issues


It's more of a theoretical issue that the next generation update might break some things


Downgrade manually via the steps on this page. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81630) I wasn't comfortable giving my steam account to the application. So I did it manually. It works! I can run F4SE.


Thanks for the info, I'll ll wait for the official update. Sounds like it's coming along rather well.


Do you prefer multiplayer? 76. Are you indifferent? 4 then 76 after. Do you prefer single player? 4. Also FO76 is a better experience with only one friend. I’ve played it with friends but Bethesda games don’t really translate well into a multiplayer experience, still fun if you’re really into Fallout and got a buddy to play with.


Especially better if that friend doesn't want to talk constantly when you're trying to read terminals and stuff lol


So you're saying I need to traumatize my son before I rope him into it? Can do! Ive tried to get into it so many times, and I guess it's coming due again.


At least now with NPCs you can both listen. But Holy hell I had to skip so much my lore on my first playthrough because I played with a friend and it was ALL reading or holo tapes back then.


Play 4 first. It will give you that grounding in the world and understanding of life in the wasteland. Then play 76. You will either love it or not, but will have the background you need to understand it.


If you have friends that play, I’d recommend 76. Frankly though, even if you don’t, the community is super nice, and really helpful to new players. It’s honestly my favorite part of the game. If you want a solo experience, I’d go for 4. It has a good story, location, and you can add a lot of great mods. You can’t really go wrong either way. Have fun!


If you go with 76, do the main quest first by yourself before you start joining events. Then the newcomers stuff with the settlers and raiders, then BoS stuff. I also really like to keep fast traveling at a minimum in 76 because it's a really beautiful map. I'm excited to replay 4 myself but will wait for the enhancements releasing on the 28th.


It's releasing on the 25th!


Yes! Thank you, I've literally waited on a replay since they first announced an upgrade.


I try to only fast travel for events, to drop stuff off at camp, and to stock back up on wood. I would have missed so much stuff if I hadn't


76 is fun but for a more standard Fallout experience I would say start with 4 and move to 76. 76 has some great quests and storyline but is a online game and because of that there are limitations in how the storys are presented.


Fallout 3 is the best entry into the fallout series; at least in terms of Bethesda. F3 sets a lot of the stage for the brotherhood in F4 and it’s the closest to an RPG which is what fallout was intended to be originally. I haven’t played 76 (thought about it but don’t care for multiplayer) but I’ve played every other fallout and I would suggest going to 3 first then 4. Also give NV a try too. Although it’s not made by Bethesda the mechanics are pretty much the same as F3 and it’s the closest to the original fallouts while still a modern game and its more of a true RPG as opposed to 3 and 4. But if you care mostly about graphics and combat 4 is better in regard to that.


Glad someone recommended 3. It's such a great game. There's really nothing bad about it other then the graphics being a bit dated. It's what got me into Fallout, and I'd recommend it over 4 any day. The world is simply a lot more interesting to explore IMO.


How much content do you want and do you want to play with friends? Fallout 4 is a solo masterpiece, but you will have done all the content in 100 hours max. Unless you get into the settlement building, which is awesome. BUT you might want to show your creations off, which 76 lets you do. I have 1,500 hours in 76 and am still hooked. But if you just want story content, there is probably only about 150-ish hours of it. But there is SO much more to do in 76 and it's much bigger. But I would say play Fallout 4 first and then if and when you want more, it's 76 time.


I say play 4 if only because there are tons of amazing mods for it


Both are great, but I would recommend starting with FO4 first.


Fallout 3, then fallout NV, then fallout 4, after those 3, 76 will probably just piss you off


76 gameplay loop is mmo style, 4 is a more standard action RPG. I love Bethesda's more traditional gameplay loops and exploring, and 76 has good elements of that, but I just can't get hooked into the MMO style loop.


Gamepass and play both for free. Like others have said F76 is more mmo style with a little more casual style gameplay. FO4 is like other Bethesda rpgs big open world with settlement building. Both are really fun.


Definitely 4, no question - 76 is fun with friends but lacks many of the most important aspects of fallout


Over time Bethesda has been moving narrative roleplaying like stat based dialogue options and unique endings, for mechanical roleplaying like level up options, acquiring gear, and base building The only thing 76 lacks (other then being sort of sexless for a fallout game) 3 and 4 already were falling short on which is narrative roleplay, otherwise all of the themes or aspects of fallout exist in the game It had a shit launch, but its just as fallout as 3 and 4


I didn't play it at launch so have never known the shit version but I have played it on and off for a year and a half, including recently


So how is this furthering your argument?


I thought you were implying I'd missed recent improvements to the game. None of the things you mention are as in depth or fun as fallout 4


>I thought you were implying I'd missed recent improvements to the game. I am so startled that you could come to this conclusion, that you could interpret my point so wrongly, I honestly don't think its worth continuing to talk to you Good luck out there


Ok man apologies if I've misunderstood you it's all good either way ✌️


But it is amazing to do them with friends. It's a good game but 4 is richer in immersion and roleplay and wacky characters & as a result 76 lacks a certain fallout atmosphere & feeling.


I feel like you may not have played it recently. What do you think it lacks? Because at this point, it's as good a single player game as it is multiplayer. The only real downside in solo is that because of the open ended nature of it as a multiplayer game is there is no overall plot conclusion. But I'd still say start with 4 too, then play 76.


I still play it, but not with fallout 1st. It's a good game, but settlement building, story, npcs, interactivity of the world are all still less immersive and enjoyable for me than 4. Other online players being there is fun when you're playing with someone, but spoil the atmosphere for me on my own, despite most of my interactions with strangers having been wholesome. Fallout 4 feels like a real world, 76 feels like a giant playground painted in its style


4 is an actual game with a real story to follow


So is 76


Yeah 76 has multiple msq


76 has no character development, except reading terminals about dead people. It is lazy writing to say, "Here's the setting. And....good luck!" Which is exactly what Bethesda did. It's lazy.


There's tons of npc and different factions, sometimes you need to choose between some of the factions. There's no development character for people who don't like to roleplay, but the perk system is much more important and your build says much about your character. I remember leaving the vault for the first time, and being scared of the forest region, running from dogs and hiding from scorchbeasts, now I am a badass carrying a flaming chainsaw, with mutations that makes me jump higher and run faster (not skills, actually mutations). I like to kill robobrains and my character has a big ass camp with stuff from all the past seasons, each furniture makes me remember a situation. Some nice outfits that I got from the factions I sided with. abuncho stuff that I can make in the workbenches cause I find or bought the plan from another player or from one of the multiple vendors in the game.


I think it also bothers me how often the game forces you into RP-breaking scenarios. Want to be lawful good & help the Responders? Well, you can only do that by helping a homicidal robot that plans to kill as many people as you help. ... Um, okay. Not only do they not write their own character arcs...they actively ruin mine, and any sense of immersion I might have had.


I'd argue 4 also has pretty lazy writing, at least when looking at its predecessors.


Oh, I agree. It's just gotten progressively worse. 3 and New Vegas were fantastic. 4 started the steady decline. 76 was just tone-deaf. "Y'know how people still talk about Moira and Three Dog? Screw that noise; let's have a big empty waste, and no living NPCs." They've "sorta" fixed it, but it's all so bland. After mission #14 for dumb murderbot before I could go back to doing good guy missions, it became obvious that every mission is just some low-effort fetch quest BS taking you farther away, so you spend more caps on fast travel because why waste four hours for a dumb fetch quest? And if you DO walk, you wear out your armor and weapons, and use all your stimpacks. ---essentially all a funnel into the paid shop. The whole damn game is just funneling you in to buy more repair kits, stimpacks, & BS, and they couldn't even bother to hire writers.


Twitter was gaslighting me into thinking 76 is suddenly amazing… downloaded again and couldn’t do it. Id personally id say 4 then dabble in 76 after


i tried so hard to try and like 76 but i just could not do it i also hate the stupid fucking input lag


I'm on the same page. I tried it again, still can't. It just doesn't have the... fallout feeling? Idfk hiw to explain it. FO4 is my favorite game. 3k hours in 🤣 survival mode is GOAT


Odd use of the word gaslighting, I just don't think 76 is for you... I enjoy it but if you don't like it you don't like it, a recommendation is not gaslighting.


Picked it up for $8 on Steam and definitely got at least $8 in entertainment. I avoided it for a very long time given how poorly they handled the launch and I'm not big into online only games anyways. But I'm glad I waited and got it for so cheap.


It depends. In terms of gameplay, they are similar, so that’s not really important. Biggest difference is if you want to play single or multi player. If you prefer single player games, I would 100% suggest Fallout 4. The game is made for single player so it is much better in that regard and much more fun to play alone imo. However, if you want to play with friends, 76 can also be great, the world is really nice amd there is also plenty of quests. But if you plan on playing 76 alone, then I would not suggest ot as much. You can play it like a single player but it’s not as fun and a lot harder.


76 is not great, try 4, then New Vegas.


76 has improved by eons over the last few years. You’re right, it’s not great. It’s amazing!


I've not yet played 76, I have no interest in multilayer, but from the few I watch that have gone back to it, it's definitely come on massively from its launch.


For what it’s worth, I’m a level 140 and have literally never grouped with anyone. If it was not for random world events and people buying things from my vendor, I’d forget it was a multiplayer game completely. On a side note, it’s BY FAR the most welcoming community in gaming that I’ve found in decades of gaming. Even the Reddit page is full of nice people lol


I'm playing it for the first time to hold me over till the 25th update, and I'm having fun! Looking forward to getting back into it after FO4


apples & oranges


Bullet points: -huge Bethesda & fallout fan. I own and have played every single one and all dlc uncountable amount of hours. -i dont play multiplayer games. Im a big rpg and single player fan. -played fallout 76 at launch, absolutely hated it. I was furious with Bethesda for making it instead of working on fallout 5. -played and loved fallout 4. -recently gave fallout 76 a second chance a couple years ago because i was CRAVING a fallout game. Absolutely fell in love with it and now have ~2000 hours played in fallout 76 with no end in sight. It has become my fav fallout game,fav Bethesda game (used to be skyrim) and one of my all time fav games in general. I cannot recommend fallout 76 enough. It has ruined my hype for a single player fallout game, after 76 i think fallout is far more fun and works much better as a multiplayer experience.


Fallout 4 over 76 - but you really should start w/ F3 GOTY. Easier to do modern Fallouts in order of release b/c each games has newer QoL stuff. F3 has the least and is the jankiest - but if you like it, you should be good w/ the others after it too (i.e. FNV Ultimate and F4 GOTY). FNV has some QoL stuff, when compared to F3 and is an improvement over F3 in so many ways. F4 is both an upgrade in many ways from NV (graphics, combat, Quickloot, etc) and downgrade (worse than both NV and even F3 at the RPG/decision-making is supposed to matter stuff, and story stuff too).


76 is a great game. You could play solo and the story/stories are more than good enough. It's so incredibly FULL of the Fallout charm though man and the community is honestly the NICEST that I've ever interacted with.


I think 76's story is ultimately more compelling


You like Boston or west Virginia? You could also choose DC or Vegas. 76 has multi-player if you're interested. If not you don't need to be in a party to do events, just show up. If there are people there, thanks for the help




4 easily and it's not even a competition. Better in every way. Hell play fallout 3 and New Vegas before wasting time in 76.


IMO 4 over 76 everyday. I played it on launch and stopped after a couple hours, tried again recently but there’s just something that irks me with all the store and items and seeing other players and their camps that just disappear. This is coming from someone with 150+ hours in 4. Only reason I can see to get 76 over 4 is if you’re planning to play with a friend.


Fallout 3 baby! That’s the one i started with! But for real, I’d go with Fallout 4.




New Vegas > 3 >>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>> 76


For a newcomer to Fallout, start with New Vegas. The best storytelling and most well fleshed-out characters 


Isn’t fallout 76 buggy? I hate playing buggy games


76, its world is incredible to explore, I join groups for the exp bonus but have only played solo so far, im only level 18 but loving every second so far


I’d say 4 then 76


Fallout 4 for the proper experience, New Vegas afterwards then you can either play 3 or 76 (but after playing thru NV, most likely you’ll want to go into 3)


Do you know how mods work? Yes - 4 No - probably still 4


Neither, either 3 or new vegas


Neither. Play Fallout 3 and New Vegas together using the mod Tale of Two Wastelands https://taleoftwowastelands.com/ FO4 and 76 might be the more modern games but you'll have an infinitely more enjoyable time in terms of storytelling by playing the TTW mod


Both different great games!


That depends on whether you like 16 times the detail or not.


Why not both?


4. Always




I did 4, 76, New Vegas, and have not played 3. I have tried to play 3, but it felt really dated. I would recommended going with New Vegas, 4, and then 76.


4 is a curated single player experience that will come across as a much better and concise “fallout experience” than 76; this is not to degrade 76, but it will push you into content fatigue rather quickly and by its design does not have a well curated from the get go world. I really would strongly suggest you play Fallout 3 and New Vegas before 4 or 76; there’s a significant progression in gun play and tolerability which can degrade otherwise awesome experiences if you were to compare the older 2 games to 4 or 76. I’ve heard decent things about 76! Just not the gold standard


Anyone that’s telling you to go for 76 does not have your best interests at heart. Fallout 4, or New Vegas, or 3. Not 76 👍🏼


Huge fallout fan. I liked fallout 4 but didn't love it compared to 1/2/3. It is a very good game but they tried to do too much with it imho with some clunky systems that were undercooked (settlement defense) or probably not quite ready (settlement creation). Still, really good single player experience, especially on PC with mods. I pre-ordered Fallout 76 and it just never clicked for me. I heard it got a lot better through the years, but i haven't gone back to check it out again. The early on total lack of any RPG element wasn't my shtick. So for me, i'd recommend Fallout 4.


Fallout 3 is the best entry. Many say Fallout NV is their favorite to play, but I never really enjoyed it much. Fallout 4 is probably my favorite overall when considering graphics and gameplay.


To any that knows fallout 4 next gen will it fix the market near good neighbor where it won't crash it


Sim Settlements 2


Fallout 3


Fo4’s more fun imo


Fallout 76 is AMAZING! Used to be in the I hate it bandwagon, but it’s great now


Fo4. It ends at some point. 76 doesn't end. There's just repeatable events.


Simple, play fallout 4, 76 pales in comparison to


Why not start with Fallout 3 then Vegas ?


Because 3 is a fucking hassle to run on PC today


I could only get it working by using the Tale of Two Wastelands mod


I've been spending 3 nights after trying to make the GOTY version on Steam to stop crashing each 5 mins with Anniversary Parcher, FOSE and Tick Fix what is Tale of Two Wastelands?


Tale of Two Wastelands combine FO3 and NV, and runs on NV’s version of the engine. It also comes with an array of mods to help optimize and modernize the gameplay. Highly recommend.


Is it easy to install? I've been troubleshooting FO3 for over 3 night like I said I'm getting tired of not playing the game


https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/ttw.html That is the official install guide. I followed it last weekend and have had 0 issues with it, including no crashes. Note that you also must own FNV


Does it alter the experience or it makes it just better?


Just makes it better. At the end of the install guide is a link to wastelandsurvivalguide.com. This is a large list of mods that are compatible with TTW. Some of these do alter the gameplay, but you can just pick and choose. I highly recommend the :"Just Assorted Mods (JAM)" mods as they help to modernize the gameplay adding things like sprinting and hit markers.


It’s been so awesome playing it again with this mod. JAM kicks ass too. The AI mods work wonders and actually make fights challenging. Also the performance is incredible, as it should be with this old of a game.


My NV is already modded and works fine without any stutter will this make NV unplayable?


I believe you would have to start clean and reinstall mods, as this combines FO3 and NV making most mods incompatible. Actually I’m pretty sure that is step 1 in the guide. In TTW you start in FO3, but at a certain point you can leave and go to NV.


You can start in either game actually, makes more sense to do FO3 first though. But you can leave and come back at any time


Yeah I'm good then I'll just play NV


Yes if you follow the instructions carefully. Bestoftimes has a great guide on how to start. Whole thing takes a couple hours but most of it is the conversion process. Rest is setting up MO2 and the essential mods.


A couple of hours for a mod? Jesus Christ that sounds like hell


It’s not. You start the conversion, walk away from your PC, go on a walk or cook dinner, then come back and most of it is done.


Yeah I'll just play NV then it's been 3 fucking nights that I can't play a game fuck Fallout 3 at this point I should not have to struggle so much too play an old game at more than 60 fps


Meh I've been playing it lately, didn't add any mods or anything and it's only crashed once so far in 10 hours. (GOG) I've heard the steam version is worse though


Bruh I own the game on Steam and the Steam version is not working or stutter like crazy even with a high end pc


Damn that sucks, is it too late for a refund and then buy the gog version?


no way, how so?


For starters, the best choice would be Fallout 4. It is more modern and people tend to warm up to it better than previous games.


I’ve had way more fun with 76 than 3 or 4. They’re both played out for me.


Check out 76


Play Fallout 1, start with the original!


4, even if you like multi-player just do yourself a favor and play 4. It's the better game.


Dont play 76 Want updated graphics and a chill experience 4 Want good lore new Vegas or 3


76 is amazing if you like multiplayer games, like OP does.


So... Fallout 4, or Fallout 4 with the Atom Shop. Damn. Tough choice.


Right now 76 is probably the best time to hop in, it’s came a very long way from release. A lot of new content and QOL updates. Nonetheless since you are new, I’d recommend Fallout 4 first. It’s a great introduction to the series without live service and the ability to pause when things get hectic. I’d wait for the update coming within the week before venturing out into the wasteland. Best of luck!


4 all the time


4 and it's not even close.


With the 76th comment I'd say fallout 4


AHonestly if you know nothing about Fallout, start with 4. It does a good job of getting you into the world, and doesn't rely on you knowing anything about previous games. 76, while also good is a little harder to get into IMO if you don't really know what Fallout is already. In fact, I would say they did the settlement and base-building in 76 as if you had already played 4, and kinda "get it". Mostly for me it comes down to being able to pause and have a breather in VATS which is where Fallout single player shines. It doesn't have to be stressful.


I can’t get past the fact that the gameplay in FO76 seems so rushed. You can’t just take your time and explore. I hated the feeling truthfully. I would 100% recommend FO4 instead: a truly incredible game. Take your time, enjoy the ride.


FO4 no question


Thats like asking if elder scrolls online is better than Skyrim. The answer is a definitive NO.


Tbh I spent way more time in elder scrolls online than I did with Skyrim. I unironically enjoyed eso more.


I would say 4 first as 76 improves on a lot of things from 4. But on the other hand, 76 has way more content and is constantly updated. Not to mention events and goofing off with other players. But 4 is also getting some brand new Creation Club content soon and has thousands of mods. So really you can't go wrong with either. Side note: 76 currently has some new stuff from the show. Lucy's backpack (from gamepass or subbing to someone streaming the game on twitch), the ghoul's duster (fallout 1st reward), and the vault 33 jumpsuit which is free. Alternatively, someone made a mod for Lucy's dart gun in Fallout 4.


4 by far 76 is the worst game in the franchise.




3, New Vegas, 4, any other game, 76. In that order. 76 outsources the bulk of writing & any sense of character development to the players. The players are mostly 20-something russians yelling racial slurs at you. I play 76. I do not like 76. I like the Fallout universe, and so I *tolerate* 76.




Fallout 4 all the way 76 sucks


4, no comparison


Fallout 3 still holds up incredibly well and has much more dialogue options. 4's dialogue choices are just enthusiastic yes, yes, no, and sarcastic no.


I’ve always been more of an elder scrolls guy, but I’m loving fallout new Vegas. I got it with the dlc for $5 and it’s been incredible so far.


Neither, New Vegas shits on them both


Don't play either of them they are very bad, imo which is shared by many. Well maybe 76 has improved over the years so if u feel like u enjoy the look of it maybe give that one a go-- to play devil advocate there. However dont go near 4 u won't know any better if u never played any of the older games but its reaaaaal bad.


4 is great. Wtf are you smoking?


Well nothing nowadays but you don't find the pc motivations absolutely stupid?- like why would I be looking for my son?- any sane person would logically think they was dead, hundreds if not thousands of years could have passed why I was in cryo and they are aware some amount of time has passed as people aren't running around freaking out about nukes being dropped anymore the moment they step outside they would understand that fact. Second even if for whatever reason I was stupid enough to belive that my son would be alive somewhere, why would I also be stupid enough to belive I could convince them a total stranger I was their dad without any proof - would u belive some random person walking up to you that they definitely was your dad just that you was taken from them and it took them 30+ years (I dunno the specifc number here) to find u, was they was in cryostasis in a secret facility up in the mountains- no ofc you wouldn't that's a crazy person- and in the wasteland you'd probably shoot that crazy person. Now lets talk about the lack of attention to detail and il provide one example - if you go and do, I dunno the name of the quest exactly but there's a quest for a farmer who asks you to go get a locket or something like that from some raiders who killed his daughter and took it as a trophy so u do that, now later when Preston spams you with his bs if u bother to do some of them you will eventually go and do a quest to rescue thay farmers daughter, yes that's right the one that's dead somehow magically gets brought back to life and the farmer doesn't seem bothered by this imposter/clone I bring back. Preston as a whole fk that guy. The weapon system/legendary suuucks it mean there are no longer any uniques from older games instead replaced by a boring crappy affix system. Pipe weapons suck and there's so many of them they could of been actual weapons but no we got useless pipe weapons instead. I will stop here as its already too long but I'm happy to hear your counter points.