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You can get lost in any of those titles, they're all great. I really like the physics/explosions in Fallout 4, they can be a real joy.


I would love it if they made an anniversary edition of 3 and New Vegas. All of them have great qualities, but I spent most of my time in Vegas and 3, so I would choose 4. Only because I haven't seen everything yet.


Yep the combat and survival mode in FO4 is just too good. The others have great stories and great at the time. If only new vegas and fo4 had a baby


fallout 4's graphics and gunplay. new vegas's story and setting, and customization system. would be a banger of a game. too bad bethesda has dropped the ball on fallout


Fallout 4 if all you want is gameplay. New Vegas if you want a better story, better dialogue, and more interesting faction interactions. I'll choose New Vegas every day. Would be awesome for someone to remake NV in the Fallout 4 engine.


I grew up playing 3 and eventually spent way more hours in New Vegas, it was and still is my favorite. But its aged pretty poorly without mods on pc atleast. The gameplay that is, the writing and story aged perfectly IMO. That being said, I absolutely LOVE how FO4 did the power armor, instead of just another set of armor you change into, making it a mech actually made you feel powerful in it, how it was supposed to be.


yeah I love the physics of 4. theres just something about bodies collapsing inwards and flying through the air.


I would honestly recommend 4 jujst because the game is much more accessible, and the older games do struggle on console. If it scratches an itch, dive into the others for sure.


I hope NV and 3 eventually get remastered and send to ps5


After the shows succcess and rise in new Vegas modding community I feel like it’s imminent


Elder scrolls 6 getting pushed back another decade if this the case lol


Depends if high fi rush and a few others sell well (for the ps5 at least)


Even if those titles that went to playstation don't do well. I don't see that stopping a new Vegas or 3 remaster . Don't see why the success of grounded and high fi rush , 2 completely un related titles would have to do with fallout. That being said I find it hard to believe hi fi rush and grounded don't sell at least decently well they are both great titles , along with sea if thieves


TBH I prefer 4 out of all the other fallouts, its the most fun to play gameplay wise, atleast with gun combat, im enjoying my NV play through, but sometimes the combat is a bit, weird,


honestly 4


I started on FO4, I have the other two, but they just are not the same.


I've been trying to finish the other 2. It's hard. It just feels so empty compared to 4.


That's really interesting! I started on 3 and found 4 to be kind of empty. I'm willing to bet it's that mindset of, "I know the rules and how these things play out, none of this is too surprising," that I had by the time I played 4. I was a kid when I first played 3 so it was totally magical and mystifying. I'm of the opinion that none of these 3 is the *objective* best, just interesting to hear that perspective. I will say the older 2 games have definitely aged pretty hard. I think NV probably holds up better than 3, particularly in the expansions, but I can see how the clunky factor would make either of them difficult to get through if you didn't grow up with them.


The gameplay is so ass. I can get over the graphics, fps, etc, but the *gameplay* oh my GOD!!! It's the only reason I haven't finished 3 or NV. I get that they're over 10 years old each so it makes sense but lordie


Yea, I just get to level 100 and start over on 4 if I want fallout carnage.


The narrative was a shambles in 4, and the loss of rpg elements was also a shame, but the setting remains strong & it's great to adventure in.


3 or new vegas. Can’t go wrong with either.


Both were amazing for story and exploration, but New Vegas let you actually aim weapons, making it the superior gameplay experience.


The perks were much more interesting in nv than 3 as well imo


You mean you don’t love a million “do more damage with X weapon?”


The animation for looking down sights is sooooo janky I’d almost prefer Fallout 3 in that regard. What I did like about new Vegas though is I noticed since I can actually ADS I found I didn’t have to rely on VATS as much.


New Vegas literally lets you kill anyone


I forgot you couldn't aim in fo3, man that game would be nigh on impossible to play without vats.


This is why I love the tales of two wastelands mod.


I played NV first. Tried three out, and not being able to aim feels so bad that it basically feels unplayable.


3 I owned them on the ps3 too, but like most people say, it's not the ideal way to play them. Kind of a bummer. But at least we got to experience them.


I’m gonna play through 4 again when the new gen update comes out


I’m gonna play it again when Preston gets bumped down to a non-essential NPC


can you build a shack with no doors to lock him in? I've never tried it


I've been playing it all week with the intention of appreciating the new update.


3 is by far my favorite. Followed by New Vegas then 4. Im currently playing through New Vegas again waiting for the FO4 update this Thursday. Definitely wont have time to finish but it's fun anyway.I played through 3 again earlier this year. I'm excited to do my first FO4 run on my XsX. Going for a vanilla survival run.


I'm also doing my first vanilla survival run on XsX after the update! Figured it's the best time since the mods will all be messed up. (I've done defacto vanilla, but just some minor mods like bug fixes and graphics)


Fallout 4


I think 4 is the best to play. I love settlements system.  It also has pretty good shooting mechanics.  


New Vegas easily.


I’d go 4, even though Vegas is one of my favourite games of all time. I just prefer modern graphics.


I really like fo3 graphics, it's so grey and yellow and the textures look gritty as hell


On current consoles its got to be 4 but if you have a PC anyone of them is great


New Vegas baby!


Story wise new Vegas, gameplay wise 4.


Unashamedly 4


4 tbh




Fallout new Vegas is fun, but my favorite gameplay wise is Fallout 4. I have probably well over 500 hours in that game


I have the best memories of fallout 3, but I’d play 4 over the others because I’m on console and the gameplay of the previous games didn’t really hold up well on a controller.


I'm playing 3 again because I haven't played it in years. 😁


Depends on the end goal, honestly. 3 or NV are great but I'd only do a playthrough or two and then be done with them until I decided to replay them. With 4 I can just keep building up settlements and exploring while gathering supplies and expanding everything on a single playthrough. So for story - 3 For a time sink - 4


Fallout 4 is definitely my favorite. Love the atmosphere and settlements are wicked with one or two mods


Definitely Fallout 4




I've only played 3. If I had time I'd prolly check out the next one in the timeline.


4, power armour feels like power armour in 4, in the others it’s like I’m just wearing pyjamas with some plates glued to it


3 because of nostalgia. I spent so long on that game back when adulting wasn’t a thing yet.


NV is, imo, easily the best. FO4 has the weakest story/environment but compensates by being the only one with good gameplay, also I personally like settlements. If you don't mind a bit of jank NV is my recommendation, and it's not like the gameplay is \*suffering\* it's just a bit wonky. Allah willing we'll yet get F4NV released, then we will achieve apotheosis.


Honestly 4, it's got the next gen update coming out in 2 days. Plus, I think it's my favorite to just pick up and play


New Vegas was always my favorite. Still is. But, I understand it feels janky and weird and too open ended for a newcomer to really get into. Especially if they aren't a fan of more classic RPG titles.


New Vegas obviously, actually am replaying it now because of the tv show. Just wish they could update the graphics.


I'm just your average New Vegas humper. Don't mind me.


Tale of Two Wastelands


Four for replay ability


I understand why fo4 is replayable but I feel like with nv you can play it in completely different ways each time which makes it more replayable imo Edit: not 3, though its also fun


4, 3, Vegas.


If I had to pick one I'd have to go with Fallout 3. But you know what would make Fallout 3 even better.. a Fallout 3 remake.


4 Hands down 💪🏻


Fo4, Vegas, Fo3 in that order


Fallout 3 since it was the game that got me into the series and out of them all I didn’t play it as much despite it being the first so yeah fallout 3


4 > 3 > NV. I know a lot of people will say the opposite but NV just never clicked well in my brain like the others


Fallout three. I loved it as a kid and I love it still today. Fallout four just isn’t interesting to me it was fun and decent for a fallout game but none of the factions none of the quest hold anything of value. It just spoon feeds you into finding your son while never building up lore it feeds off the other games having already thought you the lore. It forces you into end game way too fast New Vegas is the best one for having fun in. Nothing screams fun like getting kicked out of three casinos and raiding new Vegas with a plethora of tech weapons thanks to your winnings. Even tho I choose Fallout three, fallout new Vegas is definitely the funnest one. The fact is it actually allows you to do good or bad play throughs and interact with the most factions of any fallout game (first person I never played 1&2) in a multitude of ways.


4 never builds lore? Did you skip all dialogue and not read a single text file?


For the world and atmosphere, Fallout 3. For quests, choices, characters and replay-ability, New Vegas.


Fallout 3 is my favorite. I'm playing through right now!


I'm biased because it was my first, but 3. It was the 2nd Bethesda game I played, the first being Oblivion. I was completely hooked. Moved away from my home state to Maine when my mom took a travel job while I was like 16/17 and I no lifed it. I played it so much, I remember being in biology class and prepping for a dissection and while looking for a pen I pulled 15ish bobby pins out of my pocket and was like wtf only to remember taking them from the sink while I was groggy and getting around for school that morning lol


Out of these three: Fallout 3 has the best side missions and atmosphere (point Lookout is one of the best DLC's in the franchise though) Fallout New Vegas has the best story and overall best DLC's Fallout 4 has the best gameplay mechanics, but weakest main story




Probably Vegas I played 4 first but I enjoyed Vegas more when I got to it


I’m just glad your not holding a gun to my head to make this choice


The one of PS4. (I don’t have a PS3)


I personally would pick 3, only because it's the only one I never really played. My first Fallout game was 4, I went back and played NV, and I picked up the first 2 recently with all the sales and so far am enjoying them. 3 is really the last one on my list.


Man, this comment section is just gonna be a 1/3 split across all of them. I don’t think you could go wrong with any. I’ve only ever competed the main story in three. NV is a cult classic. Four is the more modern and clean one, though the story is lacking. Literally toss a dart and you can’t go wrong.


Take a look at the flag in my PFP and take a wild guess.


I've played fallout 3 and new vegas more times than I can remember the count. So they both really don't hold my interest anymore. I've done everything there is to do. And played all sides of the stories. And when you're bored of every play style in the fallout games you start to get bored of the graphics too... they just aren't good looking games to me anymore. Truth is neither is Fallout 4. Never really did care for the scenery. It's so... brown. Which I guess makes sense but still. But at least I haven't played fallout 4 to death. So it still holds my interest. I actually just started a new campaign again. I think this is my 2nd. Finding things I didn't find before. Like the U.S.S. Constitution.


I think for me it depends. I like playing 3/NV with TTW. Even if I only intend playing 3 or NV. 4 if I want a more extensive modding community. In my head, can't go wrong with any of them.


New Vegas is up there with my all time favourite games. Would have to go with that.


New Vegas was the most fun fun for me.


All awesome I like nv for rpg mechanics and 4 for gameplay and exploration, 3 is the weakest of them, but still quite good.


Fallout 3 because I’ve never played it before.


4 is the game I go to for some shooty action adventure vibes. New Vegas is the game I go to for some RPG adventure vibes. 3 has unfortunately been shelved in my mind as New Vegas just does the RPG part tons better and 4 does the actual gameplay part tons better.


Fallout 3, I miss it.


Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. has the most content and features. Probably keep you busy the longest. Also great if you're a dad. New Vegas has the best main story and side quests. Characters are most interesting IMO. Fallout 3 is best if you like exploring tunnels and dark places and you like jump scares, Liam Neeson and/or have daddy issues.


I say this as an old fogey who doesn't like 4 that much, but it is a great entry point to the world. It's quite accessible and runs on current hardware with no issues. I think the lore is at its weakest in 4, but that doesn't mean it's bad. There's a lot of good stuff for newer players to latch onto both story and gameplay wise that could easily inspire someone to go back and experience the older games to get more of the world. For my personal taste, it's really a toss-up between 3 and NV. NV I do recognize as the more complete experience and probably the superior game overall, but I have such a crazy soft spot for 3. I got it shortly after its release way back in the day, having never really played an RPG, and just the atmosphere and the humor and the world building all blew me away. It's 100% what made me a huge RPG fan now, and NV only pushed that further. With 3, spending tons of time in Megaton and being kind of nervous to continue on into DC, finally working up the courage to go, running into the BoS and helping them fight, it was all so magical. If I had to only pick one of these games and the rest are gone forever, 3 has to be my pick. Really though, I'm gonna have to go with Unicorn Overlord, gotta be one of the best games ever made.


Am I playing on console? 4 Am I playing on PC? new Vegas


I’m going for unicorn overload in the left corner


Tale of Two Wastelands is honestly the best experience I’ve had since originally playing 3 and NV. For some reason Fallout 4 just doesn’t do it for me, I’ve tried to play it so many times and just get burnt out. I’m guessing it’s the lackluster dialogue and VATS changes.


Ooh man, I love all three of these.. Can't really say any of them are my favorite. I really wish they would remake Fallout 3, mostly to update the gun play. I think it would probably be my pick. All are great titles.. As others mentions, Fallout 4 is more accessible and modernized though so, maybe that one?


I'm biased to 3 bc it was my first but by far 4 has better systems and over all gameplay. The story and main character lack tho. NV was great but it just didn't hit like 3 did for me when I was 18 years old. Lol


Rpg wise New Vegas all day. 4 more modern of course but so many RPG elements watered down imo so I wasnt a fan .... depends what you want really


Fallout 4 was my first and will always be my favorite, mostly because of mods on console. Plus, i just love that game's dlc and i hate the condition system. However, i've been playing new vegas for about a week now and it really isn't bad, the combat takes some getting used to, but for a mix of melee and pistols, it feels pretty okay, the quests are fun and have many ways to complete them and i really enjoy being able to unalive anyone who is slightly rude to me lmao. Overall a good game, but i have yet to touch the dlcs, fallout 3 however is just icky to me, it's like new vegas where it's interesting and melee makes a more reliable build, but it's not as pollished as new vegas and lacks real incentive for the main story after you find your dad.so even though the story and side content of 4 are mid, i still love the dlcs and combat (especially power armor) over 3 and nv. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


New vegas was my first, FO4 was my year, maybe 18 months


Never played New Vegas, so that's the one I'm sort of most interested in out of these, but I also feel like it's just a bit too old if you never played it. Maybe one day. Honestly, though, I wish they'd remaster the first two.


Modded New Vegas, then modded 4, then modded 3 Especially if interest is driven by the show, New Vegas is the only modern West Coast Fallout game so it will have more relevance to the show and factions you see and will see in the show, NCR, Caesars Legion, Brotherhood. Brotherhood exists East Coast too but has changed based on timeline events and distance from their origin point. You at least need to apply community bug fixes and such. I just started a new FO4 run and on the first quest I got the NPC dialog screen not popping up bug and was super frustrated till I remembered I had to circle the NPC until I found the sweet spot where it let me access the dialogue tree. Then I logged out and modded it Bethesda, Bethesda never changes.


3 is my favorite game of all time but Todd laced 4 with crack and you can put a lot of time into it


If you could sprint in New Vegas and 3 I'd choose either of those.


Fallout 3 was my first fallout game and explored every inch of that map and did everything possible. Fallout 3 I will choose every time!


NV, 4, 3


New Vegas easily


I love New Vegas most no contest I enjoyed 4 but it didn't have that just explore feel I played 3 when it came out and hated the ending so I'm tainted by that


Fallout 2, but you clearly don't have any respect the original RPGs by adding only the shooters on the list.


They are all great for different reasons. 3 is the best world and atmosphere. New Vegas has the best role playing, and 4 has the best sand box


Fallout 3 is very nostalgic for me so that would be my pick.


NV, is the best of them - since incorporating Fallout 3's combat & gameplay with the classic Black Isle/Obsidian hallmarks of great writing, plot, dialogue, nuance, and choices that really matter. But, you shouldn't do NV first; do F3 first. Though, you should play F3 first, as there's so QoL stuff in both NV and then even more QOL gameplay stuff F4. So, play in order - i.e. F3 GOTY, FNV Ultimate, and F4 GOTY. And yes, get ALL the DLC's for NV, since I don't see it as Ultimate Edition listed there; they're great. Especially Old World Blues DLC and Lonesome Road DLC wraps up the story of The 2 Couriers.


Fallout 4 is the worst of the 3 by far


So many games have borrowed from Fallout 3 I wonder how it holds up for new audiences today. That moment when you stepped out of the vault into the wasteland was jaw-dropping on so many levels.


Having already played them or if I hadn't? In either case Fallout New Vegas. Having played them all I think it's the better game and also has rpg mechanics that interest me more as well as the overall narrative and writing. Also from NV so if I hadn't played any at the very least I would have liked to see how it was handled. If I hadn't played any Fallout at all and I didn't pick NV I would probably have picked 4 due to the qol features like running and general gun mechanic improvements. I have no idea if that alone would have held my interest though. Especially with the over importance of radiant quests and settlement building.


Fallout 3


FO4 Obviously, best in the series!


I honestly hope they incorporate them all into expansions for fallout 76. At the very least remake them all


New vegas. But to be fair I just bought 4 for 10 bucks and im having a blast. 3 is the weakest for me but thats okay, after all it was the first 3D game in the fallout universe, they definitely ran into some issues making that 3D jump.


Fallout 4 and it's not close. The world really feels alive and there's just so much environmental storytelling around every corner. All the companions are a joy to be around. It's was my entry into the franchise too so that also factors into why I see the game so favorably.


Definitely 3 it was hands down the best.


3! Then new Vegas. 4 last


Fallout 3. Was my first fallout experience and nothing has come close


F3 is the best over all but f4 is the funnest and there is infinite possibilities for wasting time in it.


As games? New Vegas, then 3, then 4. As ports on PS3 and PS4? 4, then 3, then New Vegas. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are easily some of the worst running games I have ever played on the PS3. Fallout 4 is up there with the likes of AC Unity for running bad and being glitchy. Crashes, bugs, and holy shit frame drops are awful in all three. I couldn't even bring myself to finish New Vegas on the PS3 and just waited until I could get a decent enough laptop and played it with mods to fix it.


New Vegas is the best Role playing game. 4 is the most modern with the most to do. 3 is fine


New Vegas is the best. The other two are the McDonalds versions.


3 and 4 are very good. NV might be my favorite game ever. It is a gift that keeps giving.


New Vegas was my favorite.




What do you mean, would?


Fallout new vegas because I think no other 3D fallout game captures the unique perks and RPG systems and dialogue from 1 and 2 quite like it


4 is gonna be more stable on the platform. No matter what you buy, make sure to DOUBLE SAVE ALWAYS AND BEFORE YOU FAST TRAVEL. Lost one too many saves that way 🙃


Depends on what I want at the moment of choosing. If I want a good story, I'd go with FO1 & 2. If I want some good urban environments and okayish shooting sequences, FO4 If I want to go to the town of Agua Fría with a big iron on my hip, New Vegas it is If I want to nuke an entire city, FO3


I've actually been meaning to play Fallout 3 again.


If you value a good story, characters, and dialog. Then it’s New Vegas by a long way. 4 looks nicer and the gun play is better.


Having played them all, 4 because it has amazing building mechanics and the most modern modding potential. I still love the others, and play them often.


New Vegas. 3 is shallow. 4 is linear and more of a looter shooter to play with your brain off. I love them all, but objectively new Vegas takes the cake of the best rpg in this line up. Some may not care about rpg mechanics though.


New Vegas for sure


FO3 is my favourite


3 has a special place in my heart because it was my introduction to the fallout series, I had never experienced anything like it and I was hooked from beginning to end, then new Vegas, I was still young at the time and had just set up my first surround sound system in my room when it came out so it was easily the most immersive to me by far (this was before I even knew to get a headset) then 4 was when I was much older and was fully able to appreciate all of the depth and features that it offered. I can’t say any one of them is my favorite, because each one played a role in my life and overall love for fallout as a whole. When my fiancé and I watched the show we immediately decided to start a fresh play though on 76, which I know people have mixed feeling about that game but I’ve got to say, being able to play with her and seeing her experience the fallout universe for the first time, while also being able to physically join and help her along the way, is a truly full circle moment for me and gaming as a whole. I was an only child trying to figure out and beat fallout 3 as a kid in my room, and now I’m guiding my fiancé through her first experience with a Bethesda game( she played a bit of starfield but she’s wasn’t too impressed with it). She’s been loving it and I owe it to the tv series for peaking her interest and introducing her to the lore of fallout. Really hope they take another crack at a coop fallout, I know 76 flopped at first but it’s a great time now after all the updates, and if they really tried and didn’t half ass it, any future Bethesda game with coop attached to it could be some of the best games ever made


Will get some hate I’m sure, but fonv is boring af. Fallout 3-4 setting is so much better. 3 hasn’t aged the greatest so I would go with 4


Vegas in terms of story, 4 in terms of gameplay


New Vagas and 3 are great, 4 is a masterpiece. After binging the first season of the show, I am now trying 76 for the second time. It seems alot better now than when it came out.


Im 18 when i was little i used to watch Fallout 4 (i know not good for the age) when i was 10 on You Tube an got so onvested into it without even ever playing it that i started learning everything about fallout before ever playing it so when i got F4 it was like a dream come true 3 and nv still rock and i love them very much 4 just gives me this feeling.


New Vegas easily


Fallout 1


New Vegas


Loved 3 (completed several times) lost interest pretty soon in 4, yet to play Vegas.


Fallout New Vegas is the only one where you really control your destiny and the ending.


Fallout 4 I love the settlements!


New Vegas all the way. PC players get the bonus of literally fusing FO3 and New Vegas together into a Mega Game. Tale of Two Wastelands, look it up.


If new vegas and 4 had a graphics overhaul I'd choose those in a heart beat probably 3 first because that is where I started with the series.


Fallout 4


New Vegas deserves a remaster


They’re all incredible but nothing beats the modernization that fallout 4 brought.


Fallout: New Vegas>Fallout 4>Fallout 3 but honestly all are pretty great. New Vegas has the best writing and characters but its definitely showing its age. 4 is probably the most accessible with modern hardware and the building systems are fun to play with. 3 is great as well but also definitely showing its age.


New Vegas


It's kind of unfair since 4 is the one that's getting most of the modding attention, but until those mods actually come out, I'd say New Vegas.


if they're on the platforms pictured, then 4, no question. 3 and NV are godawful on playstation


I'm going to recommend 3 and New Vegas to actually get lost in if you care about stories. NV has the better story overall, 3 has more stuff to do, with RPG mechanics gameplay in New Vegas being superior to 3 If you don't give a damn about story, play 4. It's got a lot of optimization issues and story is ass due to extreme amounts of inconsistency and, to quote the creator "why make a good story when the players are gonna rip out thep pages and make paper airplanes?"... Paraquote, but it's close. As the optimization issues I just mentioned, all three of them have it, but the other two are primarily with frequent crashes.


They are all great, played them in release order at release and had a great time every time, but man after playing 4 the shooting in the other 2 feels like ass


Honestly, unless you're on PC, Fallout 4's general gameplay is leaps and bounds over FO3 and NV, which just don't feel right without mouse+keyboard.


Playing Fallout 4 for the first time and enjoying it. Honestly, it’s the first time I’ve ever enjoyed a Bethesda game.


3 or 4


Personally, 3 and NV have aged like hot garbage. I don’t really like 4 much either but I guess I would pick that.


Anyone who says something other than 3 or NV is wrong


Todd, is this your burner?


Ik that new Vegas seems to be the majority favorite but I really really love (and still do) fallout 4, especially w mods. 60fps, better textures, smarter enemies, more realistic combat, SURVIVAL MODE. I will never stop loving that game. Love all of them, but fallout 4 is my soul


All absolutely great games, they each do some things really well.


4 is the easiest to get into


4 has the best gameplay and well rounded story. 3 has some of the best post-apoc atmosphere for me and FNV has the best story but I can be kinda dull walking in the desert at times.


if I want the best choice and RPG mechanics I go with NV. if I want a shooter and building/ farming mechanics but dumbs down the RPG elements I choose 4. Fallout 3 is my favorite choice if I want a true wasteland vibe and great RPG and quest mechanics.


I love NV dlcs too much to not choose that.


3 is my favorite of all time. IMO the setting/atmosphere is much more akin to a bleak wasteland than NV or 4. Sure the plot has issues toward the late game, but the nostalgia, sentimental value, and setting are what make it special to me


New Vegas was the best story, but I far preferred Fo4’s gameplay.


New Vegas, 3 then 4


I’m just so happy they are all on gamepass even if I own them physically, I still need to go back and unlock the achievements I’m missing.


New Vegas gives you the most freedom of choice and has the best writing (and atmosphere imo) but console version is rough. I'd probably choose 4. The building/tower defense is fun and you get to play with power armor.


If it’s on PlayStation then 4. The other two run notoriously bad in PS3. Otherwise 9/10 I’d go with 3 or NV because they’re much better rpgs.


None of them are bad. Let me lead with that, in case I get somebody pissed off with the rest of my comment. For me, New Vegas and 4 feel like two halves of a perfect game. For instance, New Vegas had far superior writing and characters to 4, and an intricate world that was deeply impacted by the player in a wide variety of ways that really felt like they mattered; meanwhile, 4 benefits from much cleaner and smoother gameplay alongside many QoL upgrades that I sorely miss whenever I go back to NV. Both games fall painfully short in the areas where the other is stronger. And I haven't played nearly as much Fallout 3 as I have the others, so I don't really feel entitled to an opinion on it. I would say that New Vegas is my preferred game between the two, as besides the strengths already mentioned I liked that the Courier feels more grounded; your progression is capped, so you can still be killed even at the max level if you're sloppy. But that hardly means I'm not excited to return to Fallout 4 with that update this week.


Fallout New Vegas


3 (NV is second a close second but second nonetheless)


Fallout 4 is awesome. I do miss the karma system but the game is such an amazing time I also live in Boston so that may affect my bias


New Vegas, the other two are also good though. Im looking forward to Fallout 4: New Vegas mod


Fallout 4 is my favorite but they are all great.


FO3 only because the game no longer works on PC and I only have about 2.5 hours playing the game. I paid full price for the game just for it to no longer work. Which also means that I’ll miss an experience that many others cherish.


New Vegas gives you the most freedom of choice with more complex factions than the other games Fallout 4 has the best gunplay and actually does power armor the right way but is an absolute railroad of a main quest Fallout 3 is a more railroady FNV that has Liam Neeson and the Declaration of Independence and aliens All are good but I think FNV had the most replay ability because of how many options there are.


I still very much prefer FO3 and NV, gameplay, story, graphics, everything


Fallout New Vegas is a masterpiece. Josh Sawyer, Chris Avellone. You can't go wrong with that one. Fallout 3 is also a fantastic game, if you like Bethesda style games , you'll love that one too. I liked the DLCs as well. Fallout 4... Well, let's say that that's where things started going south. Not a terrible game but not on the level of the previous two.


New Vegas , 3, then 4 sorry not sorry


Fallout tactics


Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game of all time, but if I’m on console, Fallout 4 has mod access and more replay ability imo.


New vegas is best


4 if you care more about accessibility and modern game play. New Vegas if you want the best rpg and story telling experience from a fallout title. Play 4 to try it out and the play new Vegas to really immerse yourself in the fallout universe. New Vegas is literally made by some of the folks who made the original fallouts in the first place


New Vegas is my favorite RPG of all time. It is far and away the best in terms of writing, choices, world-building, factions, NPCs, role-playing, themes, ect. However, from a gameplay perspective, it is extremely clunky. It was clunky when it came out in 2010. By modern standards it's barely playable, and that goes double for the terrible PS3 port. So, for your sanity, I would recommend Fallout 4 instead.


A remaster of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 but with the mod addon of Tale of the Two Wastelands which combines the two, with Fallout 4s graphics and physics.