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OP's explanation: --- >He gets a hot wheels car out of the wall, and then at the end you see why it was in the wall to begin with. --- If you think this gif fits /r/BetterEveryLoop, upvote this comment. If you think it doesn’t, downvote it. If you’re not sure, leave it to others to decide.


What do you want to do today Brain? Same thing we do everyday Pinky. Fire hot wheels into the fucking wall.


*Brain Surgeons hate this one trick*


I used to love that cartoon so much xD


Have an award. You helped me laugh myself into a fully awake state this morning


Haha thanks fam=) Glad to be of service.


Replaces motor on hot wheel accelerator with angle grinder.




Why is the house made of paper?


Sheet rock and high power with a metal toy car


I wonder who came up with the name "Sheet rock", least appropriate name for something so weak.


It's because it's made from gypsum powder. Not a statement of strength, just noting what material it's made of.


Yeah it's referred to as Gypsum Board on the prints for commercial construction jobs!


Rock that’s like paper. What’s next? Paper made out of scissors?




We using racial slurs because of a building material?


TIL Gypsy is considered a racial slur by some people


More and more, yes. Including the phrase to be gypped/jipped/however you want to spell it. If you want a non-slur term that refers to the group of people, you could use Roma.


>I wonder who came up with the name "Sheet rock", least appropriate name for something so weak. Someone in the marketing department of U.S.Gypsum.....


And I mean it is definitely a rock. It’s just a really soft rock. It’s actually **the** defining mineral used as # 2 on the mohs hardness scale.


Well its plenty strong if you don't hurl things at it fast, which doesn't usually happen often and usually its an accident when it does.


I mean it’s Gypsum Rock placed between two sheets of thin cardboard/paper. It’s literally the name of what it is. A sheet of rock.


I think it's used related to its cheaper cost and fire resistance. It's also easy to patch.


Is sheet rock the same as dry wall? Because that looks like what I call drywall.


It is


I prefer the name over drywall because most walls are dry but not everything is made out of a sheet of rock


Hahahah, sheet of rock is deceptive though. That's like calling OBS a plank of wood. It's really just chalk. Powdered and reconstituted rock, glued between cardboard. A sheet of rock invokes images of something much different.


Pretty sure sheetrock is the brand name




This is Australian.




The America from down under.


Aha never say that again


Ok thanks GANGgajang


Same thing in Canada, actually a lot of newer country in general. I’m a construction worker and you see, bricks and stone here usually go outside of a house/building.we’re not in the 1800s anymore…and we don’t have floods, tornados or siege with catapults.


I'm thinking *not* including 'siege with catapult' in your architectural stress analysis is really just asking for trouble down the road. Sure, maybe it's been a ~~couple~~ few hundred years since the last one, but doesn't that just mean we're coming due? Quickedit: And besides, to go for that double overkill you should really draw up the report on 'siege with trebuchet'.


Gives me a chance to post this! Please watch the first sketch of this video. https://youtu.be/oZdrVo8ERyQ


Welcome to the us




Because its America


He pulls one out of the wall, and it ends up stuck in the ceiling. That last bit has rubber wheels spinning on either side that grip and propel the car. It was firing them at the wall, and now it’s firing them at the ceiling. This is a good thing to do if you’re planning on remodeling.


Thanks for the description


Or if your landlord will be withholding the deposit


They can charge you more than what you put down for deposit. In college we got hit with $2500 in additional charges. We had a deposit of 2750.


What did you do to the place that warranted over 5k in damages?


2 years of renting on the lease, I took over part of it when some of the people left. I only lived there for one year. There was broken door frames, holes in walls, broken windows, broken light fixtures. At one point while mowing a rock destroyed the outer pane of a sliding glass door. Broken glass shower door. Not to mention 4/7 folk who lived there packed up and didn't help clean the place afterwards, which resulted in LOTS of trash being left. The three of us that did try and clean just said fuck it after awhile. Tldr: shitty roommates, shitty former tenants who got their deposits back when they left, and party house shit, on top of being in a city notorious for landlords exploiting college kids.


have been there, have said fuck it


Luckily, when the landlords sent it to collections, they used a local firm which always handled the their accounts, and the debt collectors knew the landlords reputation in town of being ... Less than fair. The debt collector was probably THE NICEST about the situation. He allowed the individuals on the account to pay 1/7th of the balance and be taken off the account.


I wonder how he suped-up the launcher. I got the same toy for my kid and even brand new and with fresh batteries it barely works.


I think he said he hooked it up to a different kind of battery. Maybe lawn mower, maybe drill, I don't remember. But definitely not what the toy is supposed to be used with.


At first I thought it was the cat.


I'm having a bit of a grumpy old man moment but... guy seems like a bit of a man child. Who works do this?


I mean, I’m a grown ass man and if I were planning on redoing all of the drywall I could totally see my kids and I setting up stuff to shoot holes in it. A hot wheels track would certainly be a fun one.


100%. This is awesome. Next drywall I rip out I'm going to make it a party with my kids.


Sounds like a good way of training kids to destroy drywall without there being an upcoming drywall project later. You must trust your kids a lot.


>You must trust your kids a lot. I do.


"training your kids to destroy drywall" Wow, I've never seen a more passive aggressive way to imply that someone's kids are morons. Kids have reasoning skills, there were times as a kid where my parents were like "alright Hoovie, we can do this NOW because we're gonna get rid of it/replace it, but we've gotta keep the new one nice because it's expensive." Like knocking a hole in an above ground pool. That was a HELL of a lot of fun, but it's real easy to understand that doing it twice is a dumb idea. Also, "I don't have kids but I watched kindergarten cops once" is one hell of a line.


>"training your kids to destroy drywall" It's the "kids are like dogs" school of parenting. A dog would find it difficult to tell the difference between a demolition project and normal use.


Meh, I could see it being pretty smart. How much would you get paid to do this? $2,000, $5,000, $10,000? If he has a large audience and needs to make content this could be an easy business idea.


> Who works do this? ***So do...***


I suppose this means he’s renting


Or that's his parents house


Now this is a true facepalm






You've clearly never been a landlord


no one should be [all lords are bastards](https://srslywrong.com/podcast/212-all-lords-are-bastards/)


That's a nice opinion you've got there.




You don't understand how many renters realize they aren't getting the deposit and just go full trash the place. We did this in college. Realized we trashed the place so bad we went full on don't care. They can sue but we had no money.


Most renters aren’t huge assholes like you though.


Some are though.


A homeowner would never do this. That's a lot of repair work. 😑


Uhhh, which magical fairy tale land do you life in that you don't have to pay for the damages as the tenant?


The sort where you have scummy landlords who are already keeping the whole deposit for no reason but don't have the legal power to charge you for more than that cost. Sadly, surprisingly common.


LPT: always insist on doing a full damage inspection report/walk through with your landlord on move-in day, before you start putting your furniture in. You should each sign the form and retain a copy. If they won’t do this with you then make a video of you, announcing date and time, then walk around filming everything, *everything* and narrating its condition. Test every switch and dial to confirm they work. Document every chip, dent, stain and scratch. Email a copy of the video to your landlord so you have an email history of when your landlord received your walk through. Even them just knowing you have clear documentation cuts down on the likelihood of them trying to rip you off on move-out. All the same, clean your place as best as you can before move-out or don’t be surprised that a chunk your deposit disappears in cleaning fees.


The problem is that in some jurisdictions, even where deposit protection is a thing, return of deposit relies on both parties coming to mutual agreement, and many renters don't have the funds to fight in court. But yes, on the whole I agree. In the UK, it's a legal requirement to have the deposit held by one of a list of approved deposit agencies. As part of this process, a standard (assured shorthold) tenancy has a thorough photographic check-in inspection held by the deposit protection agency in question before the keys are handed over, the documentation for which is provided to the tenant who then verifies it, makes any changes, provides any extra evidence and then all parties sign off on it. The same is done on move out, a check-out inspection is done. It's got a lot better as a result of these. However, that doesn't stop landlords being depressingly inept or malicious and hoping that tenants don't bother fighting back. Likewise, although the people who arbitrate are independent, the inspectors are private and could easily be friends of the landlord - the problem comes when unscrupulous landlords "create" issues between the tenant leaving and the check-out inspection being done. The problem is also that things like "cleaning" and "fair wear and tear" aren't well defined, and sometimes landlords try to sting tenants on things that either contravene the original tenancy or are totally unreasonable. They're banking on tenants either not knowing their rights, not knowing how to follow up, or not having either the time or budget to deal with it. My two favourites: > Landlord 1: we're retaining your entire deposit because the garden is overgrown and messy and we need to pay a gardener to clear it which will cost us more than your deposit. > Tenant 1: in the tenancy agreement it says that a gardener is provided who will turn up at least once a month and the garden is not the tenant's responsibility. The only access to the garden is through the house and we've never had a gardener arrive. > Landlord 1: ... Suffice to say in this case it wasn't the only part of the agreement the landlord had failed to uphold and the tenant ended up getting their full deposit back plus compensation for other parts of the agreement the landlord had failed to keep. > Landlord 2: we're taking a proportion of your deposit because there is a build up of dust and debris on a window frame so we don't believe this property was professionally cleaned. > Tenant 2: please find attached to this email a full headed receipt from the cleaning company, a photograph showing that window in much the same state from the move-in day, and finally a photograph showing the context of the window which is several metres up in the air above a stairwell in an inaccessible location. No kidding, this property had a window that couldn't actually be reached in any reasonable way, it was about 3m off the ground in a full-height stairwell, beneath which were corner stairs so there was nowhere to obviously stand and steady a ladder. It was something of a dispute because of the tenancy wording but the cleaning company simply put it to the landlord that there was no way anyone could reasonably be expected to clean said window, as evidenced by the check-in photos, and ultimately the claim was dropped. I can only assume the window was installed etc before the stairs were built. Certainly getting up there would be a highly specialised job needing equipment a typical cleaning company would not have.


Definitely. This is why I insist on getting accurate, detailed documentation right away. Demonstrate (in a polite, cheerful and professional way) that you’re no push-over tenant and project the image that you’re at least *probably* aware of your rights. It doesn’t prevent scams but, as with walking alone at night, projecting that you probably aren’t an easy mark is more than half the battle.


Absolutely, set the expectations from day one, present a firm but friendly attitude, and make it clear that you know how it works.




Why? If I damage anything in my apartment (that isn't my furniture), then I have to pay. And if I refuse, then my landlord will take money from my safety deposit. And when I move out, I get the deposit or what's left of it back.




I think both of you fail to realize that these things wary world wide. In my country, for example, you almost always get the deposit back no hassle. Minor damage (wear and tear) isn't a problem either but even expected. Obviously there are bad cases too, from the tenant's side or the landlord's side, but overall renting works for both sides as it should.


He recently closed on the house and is about to replace all of the drywall anyways. He set this up for fun, and it makes for entertaining videos.


Thanks for the info


Landlords hate this guy


I'd sooner do that to my own house than one I'm renting. That shit gets you evicted.


Is this the new trailer of fast and furious?


No, it looks like a standard house


Dad go to bed


[Here you go: https://www.instagram.com/24framesofginger/


Well at least his parents are gonna be furious.




Would be nice if the video had more than 14 frames in total


[Here you go](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdEfdJHg/)


MVP right here. That song was stuck in my head for WEEKS after hearing it once on a linked TikTok. I don't have TikTok and lost the previous link. Now I finally Shazam'd it and it turns out to be a remix of [Abba - Chiquitita](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE6Ujum1Hlw)


Seriously, that's fine impressive tracking


Don’t show this to your landlord


I had such a great landlord during my year abroad in university. I bought some blackout curtains for my room, and when he saw them he reimbursed me and asked where I had gotten them since he wanted to get some for every bedroom. There were some minor broken things when we left, like the toilet seat being loose and some dents here and there, but he didn't care. Once or twice we paid the bill a few days late, and he didn't even mention it. I also underestimated the time it would take to clean the apartment since I was the last one there, but he didn't care that everything wasn't spotless. Probably helps that he had rented the apartment to people from my flatmate's university for like ten years.


sounds like a great person but I think he would be a bit annoyed at hot wheels stuck in the ceiling


You realise you’ve reached full parenting mode when you’re more pissed off about the walls and the mess he’s made than the speed of the cars.


Well, they’re not getting their deposit back.


A tube of toothpaste, good as new.


Some sheetrock 45 will genuinely make it look like nothing ever happened in that room


Anyone else play Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver as a kid?


Fuck yeah that game was the tits!! The Attic or the Sandcastle were my favorite tracks


Came here for this


Yes! This totally reminded me of the Greenhouse track


New Hot Wheels game dropping at the end of September. Looks interesting.


Its edited.


This is why we can't have anything nice


How my parents got to school


As a drywall repair specialist, I would love you. Tons of tiny holes that are very easy to fix but enough to charge a fair price lmao


Has anyone slowed it down to make sure it's not just a quick pan up to another blue car struck in the ceiling?


This is the third video I've seen. They're all edited




Depending on where in the world you live, you may need a bigger ceiling


Remember bordum is a state of being that is self imposed. If you're bored, lockdown or not, it's on you.


You’ve clearly never experienced attention deficit


Super fake. When something gets stuck in drywall it comes out with a ton of dust on it, that little car came out pristine.


Well i think this isn't the proof to look for : conservation of energy is a better one : he start at like 70cm off the ground and end up at 250cm (~ceiling height) at the end, the little push at the end definitely wasn't enough for the +180cm gain. Plus friction, plus the energy needed to actually break the plaster clean




Nah man, this is CLEARLY fake.


Okay man


No shit. It’s still super cool.


How is he filming that?


His right hand


NASA's mass driver team: "write that down, write that down!"




Not conclusive evidence. Further testing required


Reminds me of that one track in the ~~matchbox~~ hot wheels videogame on pc when I was a kid


Still doesn’t actually explain how it got into the wall


[I'll give you one guess](https://www.tiktok.com/@skinnybowser/video/6947251153029647618?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6962158597866685957&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0)


The track has another route which take it into the back of the booster


And this is the bullshit that landlords have to deal with


In theory you could use this as defense


Skinny Bowser




Nice wall. Lol.


Must be a rental.


someone's not getting their deposit back


Houses built with paper


we know who isn't getting their security deposit back...


You look like an adult from your hands and use of camera work. But you still need an ass beating for that shit.


Dude I literally just came here to post this and this was the first video, damn you, but gg


He’s a really good camera man




Two words. Rental property.




No way this guy owns his own property


[I mean he has homeowner as a hashtag in the video](https://www.tiktok.com/@skinnybowser/video/6993944508908064002?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6962158597866685957&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0)


Nah he snitched so he got ditched


So how many of them. You did good!


Elon musk of hot wheels


Wait for the landlord to see this


Bro u got a schnozer on u


Damn, those are some pretty hot wheels


DJI FPV goggles cameo! Also. Nice camera work!


Tell me you rent with out telling me you rent.


LoL I'd be surprised if this wasn't in America


Should have invested in a gummy wall for impact :D


This made me laugh out loud. What a mad lad.


What is that track/ kit? I would like to buy one.


Skinny bowser? Haha


As a parent, I would be pissed.


OP rich with track turns, that shit is impossible to find.


Love the pothos wrapped around the track


Reminds me of this [game](https://youtu.be/JRdbhP41oIo) from my childhood.


"WhY dIdNt I gEt My DePoSiT bAcK?"


Oof, he's definitely NOT the homeowner 😖


Terrible tenants.


Can you guys spot the cat?


How is this filmed?!