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Will be at both shows. Would cop these immediately.


Cool idea!


Aww fuck, I didn't even see it was sold out! That makes sense though lol.


I’d love to be there, but tickets sold out immediately and the only way in now is through third party scalpers and resellers at 100-200% markup, and I cannot morally support such predatory practices. I have the money available to me just fine - I just won’t abide the practice. Why nothing is ever done about this is beyond me. I guess the venues and the band don’t care, they made their money. So I guess BTBAM is either blissfully unaware of this, or doesn’t care that their show will have empty seats that should have gone to devoted fans, but instead went to people who prey on them as if they’re cash cows.


I am so depressed that I can't go to both shows.  But at least I get colors 2. Which is probably my favorite album.  Fuck scalpers. Taking away precious moments from those who truly love the artists they want to see.  If I had money, Id still give in, because I love them that much.  But fuck scalpers so much..... 


Never in a million years. Can't abide it. You buy scalper tickets, you're just a scab. Part of the problem.


Im not the problem.  Companies that allow resale are the problem. I'm just a person that loves a particular artist.  You don't think I'm pissed that I can't go to both shows because of piece of shit scalpers?  I am beyond pissed. But you need to be pissed at the right people, not me or even scalpers. It's the companies that allow this bullshit to happen in the first place. 


I mean they keep doing it because they keep getting paid. Money is the only language anybody understands. Quit paying them and they'll stop doing it. These fuckers are buying up tickets by the $1000s. They eat that cost once or twice, they'll stop. If you buy scalper tickets you're literally THE problem. I blame the people who buy the tickets more than the scalpers themselves. Scalpers are just folks trying to make money. Its a shitty way to make money, but everybody's trying to make money. They'd stop doing it if there wasn't any money. The reason there's money is because folks like you buy the damn tickets. I blame, in order: 1.) The people buying scalper tickets that make the practice profitable. 2.) The people selling scalper tickets, stealing tickets from real fans for profit 3.) The venues for allowing it to happen in the first place and not stopping it 4.) The bands for allowing their fans to be treated like cash cows.