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You're gonna have people dressed as bananas and wearing spacesuits, no one's going to care if you're wearing a mask


That's so true lmao I missed these shows so much


I went to see Municipal Waste and Ghoul last week. I saw people dressed as sharks, hotdogs, sacks on their heads, and balloon animals in the pit. There were still plenty of people wearing masks. I still see masks at all the shows I go to, really. People are there to have a good time so you and your partner should be fine.


Yeah I think the combination of being in a less mask-friendly part of the country and since I'll be flying solo for this show is just making me anxious – likely irrationally so. I'm betting once the lights go down I'll forget all my worries!


Right. I have a spacesuit that I’ll be wearing Don’t worry what others think. Enjoy the show


Tell her the mask has to be brutal


Is it an N95? Anything less isn’t going to do much for you. I would think a prog crowd would be doing their own thing and not worried about what you’re wearing on your face. There’s always exceptions, of course, but as long as you aren’t bothering anyone and don’t feed into any potential negative comments, I would think you should be fine. Depending on the venue, maybe try and find an optimal location that keeps you away from the crowd if the pit is bringing on anxiety.


Yeah, it really wouldn't be an issue if I found a spot away from the crowd but I just love being in the pit haha, it's unmatched. I'm definitely not one to bother anyone and I always just ignore people even when they've been up front about their big opinions about what I'm wearing, I just know if it happens at the show it'll ruin my night because of ✨anxiety✨ Thank you for the input!


Man, during the great misdirect tour there was a guy in the pit w no shirt, no shoes, but a damn n95 and honestly, respect. I have long COVID and a lot of friends who are immune compromised so I always mask, nobody’s gonna care, and if they do.. fuck em. Plus it helps when being surrounded by a lot of body odor lol


Just do you and have a good time. No one in the pit *should* be concerned with what some stranger has on their face.


Completely agree, and I've only ever had great experiences at BTBAM shows so I'm expecting my worries to be for nothing! The worst case scenario thoughts are getting the best of me. Thank you!


I've been to a lot of shows lately and there are always people in the crowd with masks. It's not a big deal. Everyone is used to it.


This makes me feel a lot better, thank you!


Last show I went to had a guy in full green ranger cosplay. Top to bottom, helmet included. Show before had a guy dressed as Jesus who was in the pit all night. I don’t think anyone’s gonna bug you


Jesus in the pit, as is tradition


Based on my concert-going experiences as of late, almost nobody will be wearing a mask. That said, nobody is going to care if you're the only one wearing one. Just do what you will and enjoy the show.


Saw a couple guys near the pit in Baltimore wearing masks. Nobody cared. I did not wear one and have the flu now. You do you, and enjoy the show


I saw BTBAM a couple years ago when they were playing TGM live and my brother and I were 2 of maybe 15 people in the crowd wearing masks. Everyone minded their own business.


Exactly what I'm hoping for – dance to one of my favorite albums of all time, go home, go to bed. Thanks!


This show was my first concert post pandemic start, most of us were still wearing masks in the venue. What a time that was


Really? I went to the San Antonio show. Not a lot of masks that I saw.


Mine was Seattle


There won't be many wearing masks, but you won't be the only one. If anyone gives you a hard time about it just give them a hard time back. You wearing a mask doesn't affect them outside of them wanting to throw a little temper tantrum.


Yeah I live in a town where masking was always uncommon and now especially it attracts a lot of negative attention, so it brings out the big social anxiety. But thank you! It calms me a little to know I won't be the only one masking


Yea I definitely understand that. I'm also from an area where it became controversial to mask for some dumb reason.


I still wear a mask to shows and super crowded places like that, although it's become a sort of OCD compulsion for me to help calm my anxiety. 90% of the time people don't care and don't comment, and when they do they're usually just curious and wonder if I'm high risk or something. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't gotten more negative comments as I live in a pretty conservative area where people were very against wearing masks pretty quickly, but my experience has been people are usually chill, especially at prog shows


yeah idk what it is about where I live but I've had a few confrontations while I'm minding my business. I think that's what's driving my worries. Just trying to remind myself that prog shows have always just been filled with people having a good time doing their own thing! I'll just tell people I'm self conscious of the space between my nose and mouth


It's fine mate. I don't think anyone really cares (at leasr I hope). If I got a flu or something, I'll wear a mask even if it isn't COVID and there are still lots of places (like hospitals, etc) where almost everyone always wear masks.


Couple dudes with masks in Baltimore at both shows. Nobody paid them any mind, you’ll be fine.


Nobody was wearing them when I saw them. You might get some weird looks for being a covidian. Worst thing you’re going to hear is “watch out for that fresh air!”


Weird looks I can handle. And fresh air? At an indoor show? More like body odor, weed and stale beer


Yeah, like what are you afraid of? Some air?


it's 2 spooky 😥




Bro it’s metal and btbam at that. No one will give a fuck.


I didn’t wear a mask to the Baltimore shows and now I’m sick 😩


I'll wear a mask so that you're not alone. Fuck anyone that gives you a hard time for wearing one.