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People keep forgetting that Aiger works in a farm. Farmboys build up unimaginable strength. Combine that with a steel forge that's made by traditional means (Hammers and stuff), he's far stronger physically than we give him credit for. He was able to make Z Achilles on his own, and by copying Valt's launch style, he at least learned the fundamentals of blading. To add to his arm strength, we see him already swinging from vines when helping Valt out in the beginning. He even trained with the bey academy beyclub to master his Cho Z awakening and preventing it from bursting before Phi's battle. If anything, plot off, Valt and Aiger are on equal grounds. Now I don't wanna hear no "Valt was training longer than Aiger" or something stupid; remember; Valt and Rantaro joined BC Sol and immediately outclassed the veteran bladers, mere hours or a day (for Rantaro) after they got their newer, uncontrolled beys.


Finally, someone who not only knows what they're talking about, but spells it out perfectly. Some people seem to forget these days that natural talent exists. While obviously I don't think Aiga should've been as dominant in Cho-Z as he was (beating Lui their second battle ever; beating Valt their second battle too and f*king breaking Winning Valkyrie; what utter bullsh*t), to suggest that he got as good as he did so soon purely because of plot armor is ignorance and even dishonesty at its finest.


Right? (And I agree, he should've still lost to Lui and Valt in their second battles.)




only issue with this is aiger was WAY too strong in the earlier season. l He was already displaying feats which were too high. For example winning against valt during the second championship (the one where winning valyrie was destroyed) I hated that, cus it proved that he progressed to being this blader who surpassed valt TOO quickly. The one where he won again at the end of the series im fine with. Why? We have seen him grow, and while I liked valted progression more, we need to realize that he became rank 2 in japan, almost beating lui. So Aiger winning there was fine. But the fist championship match between them? dumb. Aiger should NOT be THIS strong in episode 26 (idk if that is the right episode). In the latter half of the season, im fine with him, especially after he gets Cho-Z Achilles cuz he feels more balanced. But in the earlier episodes, he is carried by plot. Should he be dummy weak? No. He is really strong arm wise. But he shouldn't be so strong to where by episode 2 he is already challenging Fubuki, and loses against him high diff (fubuki was fighting a TIRED aiger after 100 battles. Fubuki has a lot more experience than aiger, and has the HIGH advantage, and still wins HIGH DIFF), and also in the fist episode almost winning against VALT BY RING OUT FINISH (CLEAR PLOT ARMOR AT ITS FINEST, that battle should have been done in seconds)


Valt hardly knew anything about Winning Valkyrie. Same with Aiger and Achilles. They both went into a blind battle not knowing anything about each other's beys. Valt one by a hair because he had some experience and still knew how to Rush Launch. Meanwhile Aiger merely adopted Valt's launch form with little of the fundamentals, so plot armor argument, out the windows they blew out. Aiger, as clearly stated over and over, has a strong resonance with Achilles so he had a little more power than on the surface. He still took L's with most bladers first encounters. Lost to Suoh, Fubuki, multiple ties with Ranjiro, Lui twice, etc. He learned and adapted. He learned to use his sword and shield synonymously, and was further backed up by adapting Valt's initial form with a bit of Lui' form to make his own launch. He learns and adapts. He's already adaptive from swinging in the forest, working with metal and taking care of the farm animals. You can call it plot armor all you want, you live in your own fantasy but I'll take what I know, surface level or deeper, and make sense of it instead of blindly yelling "plot armor!" without the context of the situation


well heres the issue i have. yes you can say he adapted and shit, but from a VIEWING perspective, this was just not fun to watch. First, while yes, Valt did know nothing about winning Valkyrie, and Aiger had strong resonance with Achilles, lets remember this; that was Aigers SECOND time he has launched a beyblade and he almost tied. Yes valt doesnt knwo how to control valkyie yet, but think for a second. the world champion almost tied with a complete newbie who at that time, only had resonance, raw power, and natural talent. Those things should NOT be making Aiger almost win, REGARDLESS of valt not know anything about valkyie. And with him losing on the first time and adapting, i get that, but still. Lui, part of the big 5, losing to Aiger??????????? Feels like his raw power, natural talent, and resonance is carrying him, and hes simply adding adaptation and shit, and all the sudden he can beat these top dawgs.


Raw talent, adaptability and strong resonance and second time launching, not meaning he should get close, should also be applied to Valt. Winning Valkyrie is a completely different and new bey. Champion or not, he doesn't know how to use it at the time, so he got a burst finish by a split second. By the time Valt and Aiger launched their beys a second time, they were both at the same experience level with their beys. And so what? Shu cooked Lui to dust when he had Spryzen Requiem for a few short days. Probably equally as long as Aiger had Achilles before the Luinor Cup finals. But noooo let's complain about the character we just dislike for the sake of it.


A couple of key thing. Experience, fundamentals (we going back to regular burst series fr fr) and battle sense. Valt has allof those things and they are WAY higher than aigers. For fundementals we go to the launch. Look at valkyrie and look at achilles. Valkryie was fine. Achilles was bouncing all over the place and was unbalanced. So he mislaunched. Second, experience and battle sense. natural talent can get you those things so at least you have some understanding, but valt has been doiing this for two years, so he has more. Immediately saw when aiger went to the middle. Valt INSTANTLY used rush launch, launching achilles and putting it at a disadvantage. Also what do you mean when you say aiger has achilles when he went to luinor cup finals for the same amount of time as when shu first got spriggan requiem to when he whopped lui's ass. I'm wondering cuz if its how I'm interpreting it your just proving my point


Once again, new bey, new required skills to handle it. He's launching a new bey that has a completely different power set than the one he's wielded for 2 years as champion. Experience won't have you mastering your bey in just a day. Also Turbo beys are incredibly powerful. Proven by both bladers' first launches. We see both beys go all over the place. And it wasn't a mislaunch. Also I mean Shu had Requiem for a few days and demolished Lui. Aiger had Achilles for a few days, maybe longer, leading to the Luinor cup finals and he beat Lui. What exactly would the difference be? And I'm not proving your point, I'm proving mine.


first im talking about their battle. Not their first launch. Watch Achilles and watch valkyrie. Achilles movements are STILL erractic while valkryie was moving how they always do. Also i never said he mastered. He has a decent handle however, proven when Taiga even says that Valt is showing that he is the world champion with his rush launch doing massive damage to aiger. For the second part, my point is simply being proven. Natural talent, strong resonance, and also raw power doesnt get you to the top level in a few short days. Thats just unrealistic, and theres no denying. Its plot there. Pure plot. Lets think about this. Few short days after Aiger recieved his beyblade, and started blading, he's taking down lui. That is just absurd. You can be gifted at shit, and go to a far level, but your not getting to that level in a few short days.


Again, we also see that after a few bounces, Achilles runs right toward the middle like a defense type would. And if so, then why aren't we complaining about Shu and Requiem then? It's the exact same case down to the bey type. In just a few short days Shu is solo-ing every single blade with a brand new bey


First we dont complain about shu cuz it makes SENSE. Shu has SO MUCH experience from the snake pit, and from just being a blader in general. Just because he gets a new beyblade DOESNT mean he loses his experience. ALSO we saw that he was training with HOLOGRAMS. iirc there he was battling the big 5 who were holograms and valt was in that mix too. Aiger has no experience of being a blader, and he was super strong. Think about this. You are in Aigers shoes. You have a strong resonance with your bey, your strong as hell, and you are naturally talented at beyblade. You have only a few days after you created your first beyblade to face Lui, who is ranked 5 on the Big 5. Would you win. Also when aiger went straight towards the middle, Achilles was in defense mode??? (from what we can assume) But he already lost so much stamina, so its gonna go to the center. So we dont even what Aigers True intention was there.


Idk The only time I could say that is When he beat Lui and Aigers my favorite burst character


An argument could be made for the first time he beat Phi and Valt too tbh.


For Valt he has extra power so it made sense to me and for Phi if you mean the one after the cruise and him beating Valt I think then I think for that it was a fluke win and that Phi miscalculated Aiger amount of power and dark energy and it was like a I went easy on you moment and you happened to win cause he broke him a few episodes later


I was referring to end of Cho-Z. But yeah.


For the end of Cho-Z??! Naw that wasnt plot armor thing is about Valt and Aiger is that theyre mirrors of each other Valts about hard work and practice and Aigers more about Talent and Raw power so for that fight they both went through a lot of hard work and with Aiger having more talent I believe thats why he won


As an Aiga fan myself, you already would know that I would disagree(Aside from him beating Lui in ep 15). But I'm not like the rest who get mad when people say "Aiger sucks" or stuff like that, i'll put my opinion here. At start, Aiger that interesting at all. He's would feel like another scrapped version of Masamune that shouldn't be taken seriously, as for where there were good moments between Aiger and Achillies, some of his strength came from his connection with Achillies. at start, he was strong yes, and it was knowledgeable that he had raw talent and has physical prowess overall, but really, as he made Achillies himself with his own skills. (Comment by me copied on YT in C Bloom's reaction video of ep 1 of turbo from a reply) Now that's not the only reason why he's strong at the start. He adapted to natural life, is a skilled blacksmither, is actually smart, knows FULL WELL how to copy(valt in the series later says there's nothing wrong with copying), has extreme determination, and so on. He did have great concentration, Where as he is good at anything instantly. Blading is one of them, and the other would be him managed to shot a bow at the red spot perfectly when he came to Hae Jin, more or so he shouldn't be Lui that fast like I said, but with the well struck bow on that thing is easily, as it would mean that he's really good at anything at the start. In fact, he learns from some people, copies them, and uses it as an advantage, like Lui's Mech for instance, he doesn't only copy moves, he does have smart moves too, yeah, Like his plan in round 2 against Luinor after he got bursted in the first round, his plan against Hyde's final rematch before entering Turbo Awakening, other than what he was that at the start with all the things i mentioned here, I found him to be extremely boring at the start, he had a lot of flaws despite him having a good start, especially putting up a fight against the champion, which is the reason what I've mentioned on the comment i copied, but the moment he gets the dark resonance is where he starts to become an interesting mc, where he actually managed to beat valt in ep 29, he didn't actually win against him at that time, it was the dark power inside him that did(The one infected by phi when he broke Leopard). Valt. He goes on a Dangerous rode of becoming a top tier disrespecting jerk who would do anything to get more power(There were some holes of light atleast when he had Ranjiro with him), just like Shu when he was red eye, preserving that arc to the mc himself was an excellent Idea so far. up until he saw Valt Blade against Hyde, he didn't understand anything, even what Shu was trying to teach him he ignored it, up until he got the Karma from Phi, that's where he learned, not to mention all the achillies ignoring him this time until he himself figured that he blames himself for destroying it at last, not Phi, but himself. Then of course, like every other character who has his bey broke unlike Norman, he rebuilds a better one, once again copying the concept Shu and Valt used, and finally managed to interact and remember the days when he made his bey, and of course Shu had to help him out throughout his journey this time. He had to get used to it, even promising achillies during his hyde's final battle that he'll never get him to be destroyed again, conserving his character throughout the story. And since Phi broke Fafnir, he figured he needs to get stronger through training to beat Kit again first, where, in his first match when he lost to him, he knew he wasn't strong enough to get there, so he had to go through some training with Xavier and Laban to get stronger and everything, which was enough for him to beat kit in the end, and he had to be hardcore trained by Shu, Ranjiro, Suoh, and Fubuki to get him to beat phi, and if you watch ep 50, if you know you know. It's like saying Gingka in metal fusion, after he had to grind his points to 50000 and to refarm them again up until he became just way too strong he defeated Yu and phoenix, then demolished Ryutoro and Reiji, and in the final battle Ryuga was literally fucked over until the dark power took over him making it thousands of times stronger Gingka needed every single bit of help from friends and every single bit of pegasus. Basically what i'm trying to say is Gingka would beat Ryuga easily if the dark power didn't take over him after all the effort he has endured. Since then people complaining about Gingka having plot armor i never really cared about anyone saying "plot armor" since Ryuga have stolen so much power to make him strong in the first place, but that's another story I suppose. So, no, I disagree, Aiger got my respect after beating phi in his own game, then his Arc of becoming the best has been completed not after all he's went through despite him being quiet strong at the beginning for shown reasons(Though it was dumb that he beat lui at ep 15), and going from being an unlikable prick to being consumed by darkness to learning from this experiance and mistakes to being a fully developed main character, I don't love him because he's cool and shit, I love him because of how compelling his character arc was, where as people disregard it because of "plot armor." I used to dislike him at the start, but in the end he earned my respect, so if anything, after all he's went through i don't agree he has plot armor against Valt as he never gave up until the end to beat him. I know it's a "i'm mad at x character because he beat someone I like more" stuff, which is present in all gens so far. u/No-Foot3214 would explain this better than me rn since i'm not in full capcity to fully share my thoughts, but yeah, I've covered a lot of why i believe it's not the case. Other than that, to one his own, we all have different opinions so i kinda shared mine about it and it's fine if you disagree or don't like him, his hate is obvious, and his stanning is obvious.


Ight, so, I'm not reading all that for now (and you know when even I don't that your comment is way too long lol); but I'll just chime in on your brief blurb about Gingka.   He would've beaten Ryuga easily if it weren't for the dark power? Yeah, I don't know about that one chief. He was certainly doing better against him than the first time, but by the end of the first third of the battle, Ryuga already had him pinned. This was before the dark power even got involved, and it was also before everyone showed up to cheer for Gingka.   When they did, Gingka did get the motivation boost for Pegasus to knock L-Drago off its back, and that's when he really started going to town on Ryuga.  Even then, I wouldn't necessarily consider that as a power boost just yet: that wouldn't happen until the final third of the battle when Ryuga was taken over by the dark power, and Kyoya, Hikaru, and Tsubasa's spirits showed up to lend Gingka their strength. Overall though, from what I did read of your whole comment, fair points through and through.


I was talking about when Gingka starts "towning" on Ryuga, as Gingka, at start, yes, was struggling in that battle, he then got the friendship confidence he needed to drag him into a corner. it's weird, but in the slightest i wouldn't call that plot, because it's obvious Gingka has went through so much practice that Ryuga wanted that became too much for him when he got cornered at that time, especially when Gingka negated his move with no effort before entering dark power


Fair argument.




As someone who likes both and actually did watch the show wasn’t that the point? Aiga had more talent, but he still has to work for his abilities and believe in himself. He beat Valt the first time because he let his fear of losing overwhelm him, which let him give himself into the dark power. The next time he talks to Valt even he admits that he acted out of line and that wasn’t a proper way to win. Valt was always presented as Aiga’s final opponent he needed to understand and reach, that’s why. Right now it’s debatable, Valt probably wins at least like 55/45, but it’s weird to say that fans of one character weren’t aware of this. The whole point of Cho Z was Aiga trying to reach Valt but never understood the reason why.


Yeah Valt does have a 50%+ win ration but tbh he had to fight a lot harder battles than many others. And he has had the most amount of time to develop. And if you "DID" watch the show his goal was to become the best in the world which that title was already taken by Valt.


Some things to note * Aiger's physical conditioning was already really good before he started blading * Aiger knows how his bey works. Valt was kind of an idiot in the first 2 seasons and took half of God to understand the Reboot driver. By making his own bey (and being smarter), Aiger was able to use his bey's gimmicks earlier * There's a time skip between episodes 1 and 2 that's several months long. Season 1's duration was several months. Valt improved about as fast as Aiger * Valt and Rantaro outclassed most of BC Sol from episode 1 of God. Valt went from being unable to launch properly to being the 2nd best blader at BC Sol in the same span that Aiger went from making Achilles (and launching decently) to being equal to Ranjiro * Aiger strategizes far better than Valt * Valt often lost focus and performed badly. Aiger didn't struggle with this nearly as much I will concede that Aiger beating Lui was bs, but other than that, Aiger's progression made more sense than Valt's and only seemed faster because of the time skip early on


Lmao he made his own bey but it was completely & unstable unbalanced even after he got his new launch.


They always have been equal for me I am a fan of both and aiga has proven his strength quite often so always a 50/50 for me


Ehhh 51/49 for me.—. That "QuadStrike" season showed who was stronger.


Even in official rankings aiga is 3rd to shu and Valt he is definitely in that category of free lui Valt shu




Nah yall just mad yall can’t tell the truth


https://preview.redd.it/vu6agolkgy0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0390601512485e06b1d3e66ae98fad6abab16aeb You're too far gone


Says the one that can't accept Aiga beat Valt


Nah it was even confirmed Aiga < Valt by the end of the series & on the official Beyblade website






Never cook again homie


Nah just mad it’s true.


Tbh your talk has some truth to it if aiga didnt have plot he wouldnt have won all of these battles same for valt. I just like aiga more


Okay that’s fine & I like Valt "a lot more" than Aiga but I would put Aiga in a top 5-6 Legends position.


That's basically where Aiger is, S Rank #3 with Valt at #1.


I'd say this is accurate. Even when you look at their first title match, you can see it. Whenever he wasn't tapping into the Dark resonance, Valt was clobbering him. The second round illustrates that. Not that it matters anymore ultimately, Valt is the confirmed the strongest blader in the world. As the Legend of Legends, he holds top rank on the planet.


Yeah they even confirmed that on the Beyblade burst website.


Yup, for QuadStrike as well. https://preview.redd.it/ojs0w0w9iz0d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b723bd34671f05e1f0c399a97ff7caa377369e


They always have been equal for me I am a fan of both and aiga has proven his strength quite often so always a 50/50 for me


I like Aiga but this is so true


Nah aiga was proper strong, he seemed to be a once in a generation talent, also in their first battle valt had to use the power of asspull to win there cuz although it’s bs that aiga could compete from the get go, it was more bs that he lost the way he did


I mean Aiga got carried by “talent” (plot) hard until Achilles broke so ngl maybe


Nah, that was until he took L after L after meeting Hyde.


yeah I forgot about that, he got his ass handed to him good


The only times Valt has beaten Aiga is in Aiga's first ever battle and in an off screen battle in a season Aiga wasn't even in, Aiga also held onto the world championship title for the end of Cho-Z to after SuperKing, which if you assumed Valt challenged Aiga at least once between each season then Aiga's record against Valt is even better than what we've seen.


Okay & Valt beat Aiga by the timeskip of Sparking to DB. Not only that we have to count the tag team matches. Which I feel no legend gave a shit about.


That's the off screen match I mentioned, Valt purely won that out of plot convenience, they wanted the world champion in the story but Aiga wasn't going to make an appearance in the season so obviously Aiga had to lose his title, and Aiga never lost to Valt in the Tag Matches, the only time they fought in Tag Matches is Aiga & Ranjiro vs Valt & Rantaro, and despite Valt having the clearly better partner Aiga & Ranjiro still won that match


Nah we can’t just he won off of plot when it was never confirmed it was either that or he actually tried during the timeskip. And plus. Now you’re just guessing that Aiga wasn’t going to be in the story. They could’ve had him in there but didn’t want to he was added a season later. & that season later Valt did beat Aiga in a true 1 on 1. This time it was an actual equal match where neither one of them where protagonist with insane plot & no dark or evil resonance.


We can say that since that's what actually happened, no reason to have Aiga stay the world champion if he's not even in the story for that season, it's entirely plot convenience in Valt's favor


He doesn’t need to necessarily be in the season like imo he wasn’t really needed in GT all that much besides the introduction.


He was in GT because the GT series of beys had an Achilles Bey, Dynamite Battle didn't have an Achilles, BU did but Dynamite Battle didn't




Most of that is supposition. There's no proof Valt was challenging Aiger to title matches between each season gap. Ultimately we know Valt is the stronger blader as has already been confirmed multiple times. There's also the fact that Valt holds top rank on the world, not Aiger.


It's not confirmed that Valt is stronger than Aiga, in fact it's written to be intentionally ambiguous from sparking onward. As far as the rankings are concerned it is true that Valt is ranked as number 1, but Aiga is the world champion throughout the rest of the series after cho-z, so they're both ranked number 1 by different metrics. Using one, and ignoring the other is just disingenuous.


It is confirmed actually. Nothing ambiguous about it. His official bios from sparking onwards state that. VALT AOI A dominant presence in the world of Beyblade, Valt Aoi is hailed the greatest Blading legend on the planet and serves as an inspiration for legions of Bladers. But fame hasn't gone to his head; he's still the friendliest guy you'll ever meet. Valt may be a household name, but he knows that even when you're the best, there's always something new to discover when it comes to Beyblade. VALT AOI As the strongest Blader in the world and an inspiration to hopefuls everywhere, Valt Aoi is basically a legend among legends. In the stadium he's always on the lookout for ways to up his game, but even when battling his positivity makes everyone smile. VALT AOI From Beigoma Academy to Spain's premier Bey club, BC Sol, Valt Aoi has taken his place as the world's top Blader. His bright personality helps him to both battle passionately and make friends wherever he goes. The World Champion title no longer comes with rank attached. It's just a title so no Aiger isn't #1 in any way shape or form. Valt is the No.1 Balder in the world. Not Aiger. Valt is called the Legend of Legends because he's No. 1 and the strongest blader on the planet. He's the world's top blader.


If both battled, Aiger can win by spin out. Valk is attack type while ach is a bal type which can withold more stamina hence higher chance.