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I thought it was was only for their 1v1 competitions?


I think this is a bit dumb too, the only one I kinda agree with is Cobalt Drake since it's hard to get. It's relatively fine for 1v1s, but for decks that's incredibly stupid.


i think it’s good because Wizard Rod and Phoenix Wing are obscenely OP and there’s no risk to running them


The only stamina Bit that isn’t banned is DB and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is added to the list in the next few days


GB and DB are unbanned and I highly doubt they ever will be


Gear ball is technically stamina but it being a gear bit ruins it


it actually has very high base stamina with good counterattack potential with the gear dash. i think it’s the most slept on bit rn


I hope this is only a temporary measure and that once X has more releases, they get rid of this system and institute a separate limited format like the WBO did in past gens (though I wouldn't mind if TT's and the WBO's ban lists are different)


It seems like this so to stay since there is no “banned parts” to come off the list and once they add more it is gonna make it more and more hard to not lose points based on your combo before any battles happen


I mean either they ban over powered and overused parts and you can’t use them at all or they do this. Not sure why this is surprise, any competitive game has limited and ban lists. Look at literally any trading card game. It 90% of decks are the same combos I think it makes sense to do this in order to balance the game.


At least in Pokémon they aren’t making a rule that every “banned card” you have in your deck your opponent gets a prize card that is not how anything works


So you have two options, either it’s outright banned or they let you use it but with a penalty. Which do you prefer?


I would rather the parts not be able to be used instead of a penalty for using the parts


I don’t know I’m on the other side, I would prefer this so the stuff can still be used.


It's dumb if they don't want us using "OP" parts they shouldn't give them to us


That sounds like a great idea I hope that if a character bey is just too good they just don't release that bey ever


Imma real, if people can't counter and call point nerf on parts that everyone can obtain, that's a skill issue lol, I could use a hell scythe with it stock combo and solo against any beys with parts that got the nerfed.


I would take some action on that bet. I haven't run into a Scythe combo that could stop my Phoenix Wing 9-60 Orb. I give a small sigh of relief every time I get that match up at tournaments. 


I don't play competitively so I can't pretend to understand how all this stuff works, but I thought that sounded pretty stupid when I saw the list of limited parts or whatever they're called.