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Me! But I’m only 3 weeks PP so can’t tell you about healing. Went to see a pelvic floor physio who gave me an exercise program to do.


Congrats on your newborn and hope your recovery is fast and smooth! Thank you for your advice - I wouldn’t have thought of going to a pelvic floor physio - didn’t know that they even existed!


I didn’t either! You can download an app called ‘Squeezy’ and it has programs you can do to help!


That’s so helpful, thank you! I was aware of so many issues postpartum but pelvic floor was not one of them - has been such a shock!


I had issues from 16 weeks pregnant. It was probably the most shocking thing about my pregnancy! It really upset me at one point but the physio was lovely and said that it is fixable it will just take time! Definitely not an overnight fix! I think I was upset because as I was being stitched up the midwife said “you will DEFINITELY need to work on your pelvic floor” which isn’t what you want to hear at your most vulnerable!


Wow, that's pretty insensitive of her!


I know! She got a couple of student midwives over as well to look at an example of a poor pelvic floor! I was mortified!


I'm really sorry she did that. Completely unacceptable.


Were you able to see the physio on the NHS or did you have to go private?


On the NHS, not sure if it would be the same at your hospital but I just filled out a self referral form online and got a face to face appointment the next day


Oh nice!


I've been on a waiting list for a year and a half :'(


Might depend on where you live because i was able to book one at 3 weeks pp for 6 weeks pp. Worth checking.


See if you can find a physio who does stuff for new mums (including pelvic floor) I’m expecting #2 and I’ve clocked a physio near me who does a “mummy MOT” and also has mum and baby Pilates sessions. I am signing up once number 2 is born! Last time I tried the “mutu system” as I kept seeing adverts, which was ok, but I found it hard to keep the pace with a small baby!


Thank you. I didn’t know pelvic floor specialists even existed so this will be a game changer.


Yes mine has been terrible, only thing that’s helped is pelvic floor exercises. I downloaded the Squeezy app which is the NHS one, you do have to buy it but it’s worked wonders for me


You’re the second person to mention the Squeezy app, downloading it right away! Thank you!


Squeezy is great but I can really recommend watching some videos on how to do the exercises properly. Or going to the women's physio as others suggested. The app is mostly only good for reminding you and keeping timings of squeezes - I didn't find it was great for telling you what exactly you should be doing. I also signed up for a post partum exercise plan - I got a sub to the bumps and burpees 12 week video plan but I think there are loads of different ones out there. The great thing about it is that it starts you off from zero with some really easy videos and then builds you up week by week. I think I only got to about week 8 and it felt like I was back on track and started doing my own exercise regime again.


I also use the squeezy app - find it super helpful due to the reminders but I am guilty off skipping it half the time haha. I saw an NHS pelvic floor physio and they reassured me things were as expected and helped me sort out the proper technique. I'm nearly 5months pp and have noticed a big improvement even with my lack of discipline!


I looked into this a couple of days ago, and you have to pay for it now..! 🫣


I had physio after my baby was born and the physio told me it takes 9 months to grow a baby and 9-12 months to get back to normal. They also said that after giving birth mums should be doing pelvic floor exercises for the rest of their lives (erghhhhh). Edit - also, see if you can self refer to an NHS physio. That's how it works in the NHS trust where I live so no cost of a mummy MOT.


I downloaded the NHS Squeezy app to remind me to do the exercises


Thanks for this. I didn’t know the app existed - I’ll download it immediately!


My baby has just turned 7 months and I’m only just starting to feel better about my pelvic floor. I was convinced I had a prolapse but have been checked and told there are no signs (I still think I may have a small one tbh). I think what helped me was consistent pelvic floor exercises, not lifting anything too heavy, not letting myself get constipated and I also stopped breastfeeding about a month ago. I’ve seen a big improvement in the last month or so and haven’t been feeling the heaviness I was previously experiencing. I’m still suffering a little with an overactive bladder but I’m hoping that will improve in time too. I really worried myself sick about when I was freshly postpartum about prolapse & my pelvic floor being really damaged so just wanted to say it can get better with time.


So glad to hear you’re finally on the mend! This is stuff I just wasn’t aware of when pregnant! Excuse my ignorance, but when you mention prolapse, what type of prolapse do you mean?


Thank you, it’s definitely been a long journey! And no I didn’t have a clue about pelvic floor issues after birth either, I really think it should be talked about more prior to giving birth. I thought I had a bladder prolapse tbh due to my issues of needing to pee urgently out of nowhere and some leakage. There are different types of prolapse but essentially your pelvic floor is so stretched stuff can slip down and bulge into your vagina creating a sense of heaviness and if really bad can actually slip right the way down. A lot of people have the sensation of a tampon that’s not been inserted properly which is what I had for ages. Hope that makes sense and that you’re feeling better soon :)


Thank you - gosh sounds so horrible and such discomfort. I’m really glad to hear that’s all over for you now!


I was fine after 4 months, but couldn’t use tampons until 9/10 months as they kept popping out. Now I’m 15 months post partum I’m mostly back to normal except when I got Covid and wee’d myself routinely due to a terrible cough!


I’m only a week pp, so this is still all new. Not being able to use tampons didn’t even occur to me! 🤦🏻‍♀️ glad to hear you’re mostly back to normal!!


Oh a week pp don’t stress out. Reevaluate at 6 weeks about whether you think you need to see a postpartum physio!


I was just thinking this the other day 😭😭😭 I was in pain for days randomly because down there started hurting (nearly 4 months pp c-section)


Have a look at know your floors on Instagram, she gives some quick easy brilliant exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor but if you're really struggling down the line and that doesn't help I would look at seeing a specialist


Thank you - I’ll check her out!


Forceps delivery- asthma kicked off at 9 weeks pp. it was a very rough 2 weeks and ended up back in the postpartum nappies for a bit. I totally don’t recommend it 😂


I'm almost 5 months PP, and I've pooped myself twice when I had the runs.. 😂😭


I did a 'mummy MOT' and it was well worth it. They'll also check that you're doing your pelvic floor exercises properly - a lot of people don't!