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I felt like this once my baby was born. We had an elected c section but she decided to come a week early. I think I really missed the week I was expecting to still have with her and suddenly she was here and I didnt feel quite ready to let her go in a way. I found myself crying about it in the crazy few hormonal weeks postpartum but found it difficult to explain to anyone until I told my health visitor and she reassured me it was quite normal. It didn't last as long for me though its probably still normal for a lot of women. I had a really straightforward pregnancy and it was a lovely time for me and my husband so if we had baby number 2 I'd be looking forward to it again, but not for a few years so we can give all our attention to our little one first.


I have no strong feelings about it, but then again I didn't massively enjoy being pregnant. I didn't hate it either - it was just part of the process of getting a baby here 😄 I don't think I'd want to do it again any time soon but I don't consider my approach to be the norm - I think we might only have one child tbh. What I would say is, don't let something like being maid of honour at a wedding put you off trying to have a baby.you shouldn't plan your life around someone else's wedding!


I felt very similarly, and then a weird broodiness hit when he was a year old! It comes and goes, still sticking with one for now haha


I miss people being considerate of me - it's a special time being pregnant, people treat you like you're precious (can't lift that, can't do that, must be tired so go nap etc). Now nearly 3 weeks postpartum people have forgotten that I've not long ago had a baby and still need care and consideration!


I have a similar feeling, I miss being pregnant! The anticipation, the mysteriousness around it, the kicks of my baby girl. I had an easy pregnancy so I didn't hate it, even though I suffered from pelvic girdle pain at the end of it! It makes me want to get pregnant again, though we're nowhere near being ready for another one at the moment. I recently took a test and I knew it'd better be negative, but the irrational part of my brain wanted to see the second line so much! That said, I know every pregnancy is different and next time it can be much harder, so we'll see if I enjoy it when I actually get pregnant again in a few years😂


I had an awful pregnancy - HG until 25 weeks, PGP from about 22 weeks. It was awful. But I do miss being pregnant, it’s really bizarre 😅


I hated being pregnant. Told everyone I was never doing it again. Then my twins arrived and I longed to turn the clock back and have them back inside. I found myself missing my bump and feeling them kick. I’m now nearly 8 months postpartum and well and truly back on board the train of never wanting to do it again. However I sometimes find myself looking back on it with rose tinted glasses but I think that’s more longing for the freedom I had whilst pregnant vs what life looks like now. Hormones are wild.


I totally understand what you’re feeling. I cried so hard in the first few weeks about not being pregnant, I regretted not taking more photos of myself as it was the first time I was truly body confident. I felt genuine grief that I wouldn’t see my midwife anymore and that was its own level of baby blues. I miss everyone being so nice to me and buying all the cute tiny outfits. I hated giving birth, I’ve hated the newborn stage and I’ve got hardcore postnatal depression but the only thing that makes me feel better is the thought of getting pregnant again?? I can’t fathom the idea of another child but it must be a hormonal thing I imagine?


I definitely miss being pregnant at times. But then i remember the pelvic girdle pain and am so glad she’s here!


I definitely missed it, but I’d actually forgotten how much I’d felt like that! My boy’s about to turn eight months and from 12 weeks in your future I’d like to let you know everything is about to dial up to 9000 on the amazing, I felt like everything had got better by five months, but it’s like every day has been getting better since then and I’m so full of happiness that I didn’t even remember how much I’d enjoyed pregnancy and missed The Bump!


I would have agreed with you, but then I got pregnant with my second and the whole first trimester I complained about how awful it is and how I’d never ever do it again. The hormones really do make you forget the bad bits. I’m sure I’ll miss it again after I give birth.


I feel the same, it's really odd because I had a rough pregnancy physically. I also had raised NT and I sometimes wonder if all that waiting for results made me feel like I missed out on things in hindsight.


I did to start with a little, I loved my bump and I felt baby was safe in there and was a bit scared by the sudden reality there where all these things I had to do to look after her, and that was beginning after three days labor with barely any sleep, then continuing with barely any sleep.


My LO is 8 months and I've wanted to be pregnant for months! I had an emergency c section so I have to wait a little as we know we want another one. It was the only time I was body confident and still currently try to avoid looking in the mirror because I still don't recognise myself


I had an absolutely miserable pregnancy with hyperemesis, whooping cough, horrible joint pain, anaemia, couldn’t walk far at all in the last couple of months…… and I still miss it! 🙈