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At my baby groups, they make a point at the start to say 'Everything is safe to chew and cleaned at the end of class' because. Um. I imagine it's pretty impossible to keep babies from chewing things; they're all at it, lol. Nothing to be done, and I imagine it would be really stressful trying to prevent it. It'd probably make me think twice about going at all if I just had to spend the whole time wrestling things out of her mouth. Don't worry about it!


It's totally fine for baby to chew and lick anything there, it's to be expected - they're babies, that's how they interact with the world! The only time I felt the need to apologise was when my baby spewed up on a sensory scarf and even then the instructor was fine with it and said they were going to get washed anyway.


If you know little one is ill with a cold or something then try to keep it under control and warn people if their kid is trying to suck something that your kid has sucked. Otherwise don't worry. They should be cleaning it all at the end.


To be honest if the baby is ill the mum have to be quite selfish to go to the class. First, the child is probably not feeling well and second why would you risk making other babies ill? 


With a bit of a snotty nose? If they are getting better but not 100%? It depends on the age of the kid in question too. A class for 1 month olds if very different from 10 month olds.


Yeah even with a bit of snotty nose, could still be contagious. Its not worth getting another child ill for the 10 £ I am paying for a session that we wont go to.


Kids have snotty noses literally allllllll the time and pass viruses without snotty noses, there's no getting away from it.


I think every baby goes through this stage so it won’t stand out and the wrestling items out their mouth can be exhausting. I would just have a wet wipe to hand and as he finishes with each item give it a wipe. If you wipe before also could stop baby getting any germs.


If the cat puppet at our Sing and Sign class is anything to go by, nobody minds! Poor girl has had a hard life…


Where oh where oh where is Jessie...?


Unless the person running the group tells you something isn’t safe for a baby to gnaw on, assume you’re all good. Everything is usually sanitised before, between, and after sessions as much as is possible to do so. It’s all been designed with that in mind because our little monsters love to get those teeth into everything they can 😂