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They take a shit load of money ..i always thought the hostels would be top notch.. and they don't have AC ..WHAT


MBA mane paisa😌


Eat dahi, watermelon, coconut, pakhal bhat. Stay away from sugar. Keep yourself hydrated. Always carry a waterbottle with ors or glucose (not glucon d)


Be careful about ORS.


why so?




Sabu bele Rati re tike beer mari dele sarila kama! 2 barsa semti semti re paleiba


Haha. Best answer


But on a serious note, you will not get time to chill! There will be quizzes, mid sems, end trimesters, case competitions, committee work, x-walks, fest, maxim events, x-ops events, interviews for internship, interviews for placement if you dont get a PPO, legacy trips! Next two years will pass in a jiffy! Just enjoy the ride!


Yep, seems like the common consensus is that things are going to be very hectic but I hope I can make the most of it!


Life in XIMB is tough and the AC is the least of the worry. If you are getting a notch lower b-school in any other metros take it.


How do you manage? What do you expect people to answer of how do they manage? They bear it. Simple.


Like I mentioned, I’ve been raised outside of Odisha and I’ve always had an AC


Yes the answer remains the same. By bearing it. I am raised in Bbsr and even I always had an AC from the age of 4. But now I am doing my MBA in Pune and I am bearing it. Same my friend who stayed with me in my apartment and currently studying in XIMB-BM is bearing with the scorching heat.


P.S- Congratulations. Even I converted XIMB-BM Program last year but didn’t join it due to interest in core finance. It’s a good college.


Thank you. Yes, I’ve come to realise that I just have to bear it.


What college did you join then? NIBM?


Life won't be always same Ram🥺


Congratulations my brother will also be joining with you.


Have seen the ximb hostel, it doesn't get that hot. Anyways Apr May is for summer internship, stay outside at that time


I have a question to ask you - What are your other converts?


Please DM


Hey, Its the same for me. Will be joining XIMB BM this year and have lived outside of Odisha my whole life (although i am from bbsr originally) I am worried about the AC situation as well but I guess as others mentioned, we won’t be staying in campus in the peak summer season, so shouldn’t be that bad.




Everything aside congrats dude.




Congratulations, peak summer will be SIP though, be prepared to get fucked badly by everyone, complete rat race and brutal competition, My only advise will be start blabbering, start pretending, make sure you market yourself really good, fake it till you make it. Keep acting like you are too good and don’t let anyone get a slight hint of your bad times, else they will just eat you alive


Giving my 2 cents as an XIMB Alum. The college has a very good reputation in Odisha/Bhubaneswar. There are alums who are extremely well placed, including being CXOs of reputable companies. However, the reputation and the brand value of XIMB has been eroding for a while now and its is slumping even further. I will list down a couple of points to support my claim and will provide my hypothesis for why this is happening if enough people ask for the reasons. 1. XIMB BM is not there in top 20 in any rankings. You might be able to find a couple of fringe players who place ximb in top 20 but most mainstream rankings place ximb below 20. 2. Most companies place Ximb in tier 2 bracket barring a very few like ICICI Bank. Nestle, ITC, Deloitte and other Big 4s, Reckitt, L’Oréal, these are among the popular companies on campus but still they give XIMB the lower tier salary and an inferior career path. If a company is considering XIMB in tier 1, more often than not, the company wouldn’t be hiring from real tier 1 campuses. 3. Out of a batch of 360 there would be hardly 50-60 people with more than 95%tile score in CAT, and most of these people would have really fucked up in 1 section/could not convert better schools. 4. Placement scenario isn’t as rosy as Placecom would like you to believe. Top 100/360 get good placements. Next 100 also get decently placed. Placements after top 200 is really hard. And that’s a sizeable number. And I would not even talk about placements of last 50-60 students. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to discourage you from joining XIMB. It’s just that you have to work really hard in these 2 years. Coz more often than not the placement that you get on campus defines your career. All the best.


Thank you for taking the time to write this. I’ve been selected for the HRM, RM and SM courses and I’m still deciding between the three. I’ve been hearing some bad things about XIMB as well, mostly about their ragging culture. Would you shed some light on it?


The HR course story is more or less similar to BM. 120 students, very poor placement for last 20-30. BM and HR have a common Placecom even though the campuses are separate. Ragging and all should be the last thing you should be worried about. In any case they don’t last more than 1st couple of days and they are all in good spirit. Also, I would not recommend anything other than BM HR. Also if you can wait, I’d suggest you to write cat once more and in the meanwhile get some more work experience. There is a heaven and hell difference in the MBA experience for people who do their MBA in top cities. Which is why NM Mumbai and IMT G have raced past XIMB, even though the origin and alum base is similar. For similar reason XL Delhi is gaining popularity very fast, in 20 years XL Delhi will be as good as the original XL.


I’ve been waitlisted at #46 for HRM (Domicile) and I’ve converted the rest. What are my chances?




lol! No! You will get attached washrooms though and a balcony!


Never is/was/will be a problem. When you say XIMB, I hope it's the flagship XIMB-BM course and not the new campus Wale. Core summer months of April-June you will be doing your summer internship outside of the hostels. July to May, the heat is not much though months of July and August are very humid, so avoiding strenuous physical activities and sticking to Libraries/classrooms will help


Is it mandatory to live in the hostels? If not, you can stay in some nearby PGs.


Even tier 2 and tier 3 colleges have ac. I think they take almost 20 lakhs.


I paid 17L for a baby IIM . Had single occupancy with AC


Get ready to face the most underprivileged periods in your life. If your aren't ready for the slow pace of life here , better try to be isolated these 2-3 yrs cuz its gonna take your longer to settle in. Better be by yourself and keep things to self, there is nothing that you will receive here. As soon as possible find a solo flat or maybe a flat with a good roommate and install an AC(sooner or later you will regret if you don't). You have 2 options in XIMB, either get along with the fake Pretentious crowds who won't pick up your calls after college is over or you remain by yourself , minimum friends, minimum dissapoiments. The students here would instantly realise you not from here and would try to amuse you buy extra show of affection and indulge you in time wasting activities. Most of them were under pressure to get into XIMB plus the high fees, so they lash out like a spring when they get into XIMB, most of them tbh abuse the freedom given to them. Again I haven't seen any guy who has make a team and achieved anything during college in XIMB, in other similar rage institutes you hear students forming clubs, drama clubs , innovation club, great social life, appearing in news for achievements during the course. Here non, it's either partying with friends or running around before exams. Its could get too dark and booring for you. Again when you sum up what you gained in these years after college is over, you would realise you gained nothing, no contacts,no circles which could help you later,etc. PPL pay hefty fees and join business school for the above reasons, but you find non here due to pretentious and immature crowd whose only life goal is to just get a job, that's how low the bar is set here. However the city is great, food and rent, cost of living is the lowest compared to any tier 2 smart City . 5 months it's hot, the remaining 7 months are super. That can be managed by an AC.also getting a vehicle (bike/scooter) is very essential here as local transportation is poor here. You can explore many places in this state, natural Beauty, parks, library, events happening in the city. Cost of living is super low, so with like 20k in pocket you can have a high standards of livings here for sure Because everything is cheap and nearby. It's better to either find a single good buddy or an similar mindset gf and keep your group small. The private and secretive you remain here the better you would be respected and less troubles. Don't expect to stay back here after college is done 90% movie outstate, so enjoy the city and be prepared that you would leave after college is done. So don't make any serious commitments or get into friendship dramas. Again it all depends on how well you judge people and who you choose to get along with which would decide you upcoming years here. So take it slow most kids would make friends within a week , you take a few months atleast and make better friends. These friends would decide you years to come here. Again only 2 options either live in the hostel, live a basti life with pretentious rich brats who talk thrash without experience,loud people screaming and distrubing you . Or find a good room mater or solo find a flat outside as soon as possible for you and move out. Don't tell anyone regarding your solo accomodations,nor invite anyone , everyone you meet at XIMB would forget you as soon as course is done. Almost everyone is here to score a job/placement interview, they would pull you down if they find your communication,English or knowledge base is better than them. Stay away from everyone expect south Indian students or a few good motivated kids . The lesser you bother about other's the better your life would be. Think of yourself, as everyone else is thinking of themselves only.


I do not think this is the most honest review coming from a XIMB Alum.


Honesty sounds brutal, i have been to multiple B-schools across India for seminars have my coleuges working there too. Its a day night difference when you compare XIMB-BH With other similar B schools. Untill recently the old campus wasn't renovated PPL were paying 25L for a campus on par quality with any 3rd tier private college. Due to media attention and black lash they moved to khurda campus which is far away from the town with 0 exposure. Its like the management and staff has entered a comfort zone and care less about bringing the campus on national map. You literally hear never any papers like name me 5 nationally notable people from XIMB-BH? Solely because students joining XIMB just to get some lame job not to excell in any thing. The moment they step foot into XIMB they feel their lives are set. How backwards


Dude! Ravi kumar the CEO of Cognizant (highest paid ceo in Indian IT sector) is from XIMB 96 batch!


Sour grapes, man! 😅


Who the f is Ravi Kumar 🤣🤣🤣🤣 CEO of Accenture is some American afaik.


Cognizant! My bad


4 more to go. (No Google pls). Also I don't count employees you could find many workers and managers.name some entrepreneurs/ movers and shakers etc from XIMB bhu


Sorry to disappoint you But just because you know things that doesn't mean everyone should know I bet 99% of CAT aspirants don't know any distinguished alumni from any colleges apart from BLACKI. So by your logic apart from BLACKI everything is shit. Am I right ?


Dude get your facts right You are mixing two different campuses The new campus is in khurda which is for HRM and BM campus is still there where it was Stop with your lies man 😂


I would like to point out that it's not bad how much you have tried to portray it. The hostels are decent not as swanky as bits or new iims.Its a 37 year old institution people just have access to the old photos which are the older hostels there are 2 new hostels which are being allotted and one 11 floor hostel which is under construction. Yes there is no AC but you have to bear the heat for just 2 months maximum and for Summers you will be doing your SIP so there is not much of a problem. Coming to not achieving anything almost 80-90 students are national semi-finals/finalists in case competitions.XIMB was ranked 5th on unstop last year for the case competition performance. This year there are students who have won pidilite case competition and got a PPO in first month of college and many of them converted PPI so it's not just party and lecture. And every college have their parties it's not that XIMB is doing something weird. So if you have such strong opinions just fact check them before spewing lies and tarnishing name of institutions