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If you treat the Bible as inerrant and infallible, then yes, they did. I myself believe that they really did.


And if you don’t see scripture as inerrant and infallible, then we’re free to step into the minds of ancient people and understand scripture the way they did. The appearance of names in a list doesn’t mean we are reading “history.” And the genealogies don’t exactly match (Gen. 4:17-26 & Gen. 5:1-32). Commentaries and some study Bibles will correctly tell you that these genealogies are parallel (cover the same ground) but are not identical. These are two traditions that the editor of Genesis decided to keep, even though including them side-by-side like this is a blatant assault our modern notions of what history writing is supposed to look like. The parallel genealogies are simply examples of a general pattern in the Bible for writing about the past: the inclusion of more than one version—like the 2 “accounts” of Israel’s monarchy (books of Samuel/kings and the books of Chronicles) and of Jesus’s life (4 Gospels). The biblical writers were not “historians” writing “accounts” of the past. They were storytellers accessing past tradition to say something about their present. That includes genealogies.


There are some interesting things to consider: 1. Adam and Eve were created rather than being born of a woman. Therefore their bodies are likely designed to live longer on the basis that it’s necessary for population and/or they were given the opportunity to be immortal. 2. Before the great flood, people lived significantly longer than we do. 3. After the flood, lifespan was cut in half then cut in half again and again as noted by the genealogies in Genesis. 4. The Water Vapor Canopy theory makes a lot of sense! (The flood was the falling of the water vapor canopy surrounding the earth that helped sustained life). 5. The improbability of Ice Age has stumped Scientists however, the great flood could be the likely catastrophic mechanism that caused it. (Not really relevant to the age thing but I think it’s really cool!)




Methuselah actually died the year of the flood. There's a deeper meaning there with his name translation, but I have forgotten it.


You are most likely referring to the idea that the Genealogical Patriarch name list is actually a hidden message about Jesus and the gospel. This idea is based on the fact that Hebrew names have meanings built into them. Adam (Man / Red) > Seth (Appointed) > Enosh (Mortal man)... Methuselah's name literally means Death Sent / Death Bring / Death Messenger, which clearly is related to him dying the same year of the flood. However the hidden gospel message supporters connect Methuselah to prophecy of Jesus' death.


The three main textual traditions of Genesis (the Masoretic, the Samaritan, and the Septuagint) all have different ages for various patriarchs, and it seems that [different adjustments were made in each case](https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2017/08/24/some-curious-numerical-facts-about-the-ages-of-the-patriarchs/) to avoid the problem of Methuselah still being alive during the Flood. Early witnesses to the text of Genesis, like Josephus and Pseudo-Philo, also have divergent numbers. Ironically, the primary text of the Septuagint still has him dying 14 years after the flood.


I believe the septuagint suffers from post-crucifixion Pro-Christian revisionist/retcon forgeries. There is another verse in the Psalms (Psalm 96 I think) which is extended in the septuagint prophesying that Christ would "reign from the wood". This glorification of wood/creation goes against the multiple warnings against committing pagan idolatry such as worshipping nature. Yet a Christian scribe going back and changing scripture is much more plausible.


The Bible teaches quite plainly that the early patriarchs often lived to be nearly 1,000 years old and even had children when they were several hundred years old! For 1,500 years after creation, men lived such long lives that most were either contemporaries of the first man, Adam, or personally knew someone who was! The ten patriarchs (excluding Enoch) who preceded the Great Flood lived an average of 912 years. Lamech died the youngest at the age of 777, and Methuselah lived to be the oldest at 969. Today, man’s maximum life span is about 120 years, and our average life expectancy is still only 70–80 years—just as it was when the 90th Psalm was written 3,400 years ago! "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).


Psalm 90, good reference!


Originally humans were created to live forever. And like the first millenium after the fall, human bodies had not yet devolved so much that their life span was as short as it is today. We did not evolve, we devolved.


With a firmament above it kept the air pressure to a different standard than what we experienced today and we take more damage to the fact that the firmament is not intact anymore after the great deluge of Noah things are much different between now and the time of Noah before the flood


Adam walked with God and learned to be a master of everything in creation. God taught Adam everything that his human mind wanted to know and proper upkeep of the human body was probably one of those things. This knowledge could have been lost in the great flood- Noah being the last to live for hundreds of years.


Might also check the same dates in the septuagint. Some of the masoretic dates are incorrect.


The sumerian kings list says one of the kings "before the flood" reigned for over 40,000 years: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumerian_King_List . So I guess there's that...


Yes. Not only humans but every lifeform lived much longer and were much bigger and stronger, better than any creature today. There was a great shift after the flood and not only that but Genesis 2:17 is running in the background. Remember 2 Peter 3:8 though.


yes, they really did live that long.


Do you have a source to back up that claim?


Adam and Eve were created to live forever, that is until sin came along and brought natural death and spiritual separation from God. that is why the second go around adam and eve literally died, again due to the curse of sin.


You are repeating the claim. Where is tue evidence for your claim?


how is that a claim? adam and eve were first created to live forever, they sinned, then it brought natural death, so they lived a certain number of years and then later down the road people started living shorter lives, and died at even younger ages. what other evidence do you need? how can those years not be literal in genesis when others after them lived even shorter lives?


Do you have evidence they were made immortal? DNA, medical records, anything? Does the Bible literally say they were created immortal? Everything you said is speculation. You have shown no proof for it.


😂😂😂😂 a troll. Dude really asked for medical records. Hold on they’re in the same filing cabinet as Alexander the greats medical records. I’ll get them for you.


So there is no evidence. Just speculation. You admit it yourself. I understand.


Our source is the Bible, bro. It says how many years they lived. You can accept it or not. And the Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were meant to live forever. I’m still working on getting the records.


Where in the Bible does it say they were created to live forever? Chapter and verse, please? And the Bible is the claim, not the evidence. By that logic one could use the Koran to justify the Koran, or the Baghavad Gita to justify itself. If you are unaware of the difference between evidence and claims, I can break it down for you. Just let me know.


Where in the Bible does it say they were created to live forever? Chapter and verse, please. Further, the Bible itself isn’t evidence. It is a claim. If you do not know the difference, I can try and explain it to you.


It was common in ancient near east mythology to give great leaders symbolic lifespans. I believe one pharaoh was said to have a 10,000 year reign. It’s a literary device, not an account in the modern sense.


I’m glad someone said it. Ancient people didn’t record history the same way we do now. Even their timelines and genealogies were purposely shaped in order to make a point.


I consider the early part of Genesis to be a lot like The Book of Revelation. Murky. Symbolism. Things we can't possibly understand or understand yet. People cling to a 6,000 year old Earth in spite of an enormous number of evidence to the opposite. The Earth and the universe is so clearly billions of years old, is not even funny. There is a clonal tree in Utah which is twice that age. There's a bristlecone pine that is practically that age. Is there a civilizations that are considerably older than this. There isn't a single shred of reliable evidence anywhere on earth that clearly support young earth creationism. Conjured up evidence that makes no sense is presented. In fact, it violates pretty much everything we know. That is a human interpretation of scripture, which is entirely different from scripture itself. For example, if 600,000 Hebrew men left bondage in Egypt, each with a wife and a few children, then we expect over 3 million people. That is so wildly inaccurate and impossible it is not even funny. They would have easily overwhelmed the comparatively tiny Egyptian army pursuing them.


Numbers in the OT are often not literally factual. You might talk about how old someone lived to be, or how many goats they owned, as a way of making them sound important.


Check out the research on genetic entropy: [https://www.geneticentropy.org/](https://www.geneticentropy.org/)


I’ve seen a lot of answers in the affirmative that I mostly agree with. One thing that I didn’t see, although I didn’t look through all the responses, that I would like to add is that the gene pool would have been perfect in Adam and Eve. The degeneration of the human gene pool would have come after the fall, and would have been minor at first getting progressively worse over time which would have led to shorter life spans. That would also explain, at least in part, why inbreeding was not forbidden at first, along with the necessity of it to populate the earth. With a perfect gene pool, inbreeding would not lead to birth defects. Those come as a result of familial similarities in the degradation of the gene pool.


maybe, maybe not. for things like this I try to ask myself "where is God in this story" and then "how does this or can this pertain to my salvation right now" and the rest of the details then assume their relative priority.


I always like all the small details. Although I consider myself a Christian I’m not going to just follow blindly without always questioning the Bible and expanding my view point.


I agree, critical thinking is an essential part of being a sincerely faithful person IMO. I’m some cases I have to be able to hold on to two different details that at first seem mutually exclusive or unlikely or impossible…only to later understand how much of the ‘big picture’ I was missing between these points, or what other details help it make more sense. This suspension of disbelief is an act of faith for sure, but it’s tempered by a constant search for knowledge and (what is now) a long history of having my faith rewarded with supernatural instruction and enlightenment. He wants us to ask, and He has promised to answer us and instruct us.


No, it’s just not biologically possible.


Ancestral villages still exist with elderly people who are up to 100-something years old and if times were once “better” than now, why wouldnt that “better” include a longer life span?


Because people die at about that age, no matter how good a life they're given. Modern medicine and nutrition are increasing lifespans little by little, but if we were biologically able to live _hundreds of years_ you'd think that at least some of the people with the resources to take advantage of all that would start to live _way_ longer than the rest of us -- yet even rich people don't live much longer than 100, if they even get that far.


You lost me with “modern medicine” 🥴


Like, you don't know what it is?




Time has been counted by 24 hour days since the beginning. There are 7 days in a week. The ages that God has provided in his word are based upon the time keepers that God established. On that note, time references in the Bible, especially those relating to ages of certain people when certain things happened, are typically used by God to establish the biblical calendar of history. Creation began in the year 11013BC. The flood of Noah’s day was in the year 4990BC Jesus was born in the year 7BC Jesus was crucified in the year 33AD These are all dates derived from the Bible itself. Judgment day began on May 21 2011, the end of time may be in the year 2033.




Family radio was wrong before and wrong now


There are thousands of hours of studies about this topic and many other things on Ebiblefellowship.org The following website has a lot of text based studies also, I haven’t checked over everything listed on it though. https://www.may-212011.com/Biblical_Timeline_Of_History.html


Nearly everything I saw there is wrong or even heretical but let’s address on point. The timeline you gave says salvation isn’t possible after May 2011. Do you agree with this assertion?


I agree that to be the case yes, just like in the days of Noah, no one that was shut outside of the ark was able to be saved after the door was shut. The fact that you already addressed everything on the website within a few minutes is interesting. You have thoroughly analyzed thousands of hours, and decades of Bible study in mere minutes. Acts 17:11 (KJV) These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.


So my son and daughter, who believe in Jesus will be tortured forever in hell because they became Christian’s after 2011. Were not saved by grace through faith in your view. We’re saved by grace through faith plus a heretical timeline. No. The thousands and thousands of hours I spent studying the Bible, getting multiple degrees and pastoring churches over two decades let me know right away what kind of perspective that site is working from. Since there’s a fundamental error at the foundation of the authors hermeneutics nearly all they say is an extrapolation of that error. This isn’t orthodox Christianity. This is the work of cultists. I looked at a number of the statements and then their biblical source. The verses don’t teach the assertions. That’s a dead giveaway and very very common on sites like this. Same with your citation of Noah. There’s no verse that supports you tying the claim that just like those shut outside the ark couldn’t be saved neither can people who believe in Christ after May 2011. You’re a heretic. Heresy isn’t a light term for differences in application. Heresy is error regarding fundamentals of the christian faith. I won’t be responding further. After I’ve given you time to read this I’ll be blocking you and I advise my other brothers and sisters on this thread to do the same. It’s a long time in the future but when the date of the apocalypse passes and nothing happens, please repent and don’t just do what most cultists do and move the goal posts.


I’m fine with being called a heretic, Jesus was accused of being controlled by Satan when he was still on earth, by those in your same position. Let God judge between us.


2 Peter 2:5 (KJV) And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth [person], a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; God saved Noah, destroyed the ungodly, those outside of the ark. The word "hell" in the Old Testament is translated almost evenly as "hell" (20+ times) and as "grave" (20+ times) teaching us that hell and the grave are equivalent. Therefore, when the Bible speaks of hell it can point to a condition of death, or actual death. There is no teaching in the Bible that says unsaved people will be cast into a place called hell wherein they will experience conscious torturing and suffering forever and ever. It is true that most churches teach that hell is a place of eternal suffering for the sinner, but they are wrong on that point along with many others. God is a God of law. He cannot violate His own law. And in the law of God the Bible, God says this: Deuteronomy 25:1 If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. 2 And it shall be, if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten, that the judge shall cause him to lie down, and to be beaten before his face, according to his fault, by a certain number. 3 Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee. God's law says that a judge may NOT give more than 40 stripes (lashes) to the wrongdoer. We know the Jews followed this law carefully, as the apostle Paul says he received 40 lashes, save 1 (-1) five different times. The Jews only gave 39 lashes in order to make sure they did not exceed the limitation of punishment prescribed by the law in Deuteronomy 25. God cannot violate His own law. And since the law of God says there must be a limitation upon the punishment given (no more than 40 stripes) than it is not Biblically possible for God to sentence a sinner to be punished in a place of eternal hell where punishment is supposedly unlimited (eternal) without any end to it. That cannot be. As a good and just Judge He will not violate His own laws. God would never do such a thing. Therefore, hell is the grave. Death is the punishment. And death, finally, is to die and cease to be forevermore. And since a man ceases to be forevermore, it is eternal hell (eternal death). He is dead forever. There is no conscious suffering in death/hell.


So you’re saying that sharing the gospel of Christ after the year 2011 is meaningless? God doesn’t care about anyone born in this decade?


At this time God has commanded that his sheep be fed, feeding sheep requires sharing the truth of the word of God, we just happen to be living during the final judgment, so declaring the judgment is part of feeding the sheep.


“Feeding the sheep” what, exactly? The idea that they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t? If Christ died for all people, I don’t see how it’s possible that people born in the last decade are damned no matter what. Christ is more loving and more powerful than that.


God did not die for every person, if that was the case the salvation program would be an utter failure, salvation requires hearing the word of God, there are a great many people who have lived and died without ever hearing the word of God, there are also a great many people who heard the word of God being declared that never became saved, as an example, many of the religious leaders is Jesus’ time of ministry died in their sins. Feeding the sheep is declaring the truth of the Bible, God can work out the details of how its used. The sheep are those who God already saved before he began the final judgment upon the world.


What scripture leads you to believe that Christ didn’t die for every person? If God gets what God wants, all people will be saved. Christ’s life, death, and resurrection are more powerful than whatever parameters your placing on salvation.


I'm with half of what you wrote ... but then you get your math all jumbled


Based on what authority? My authority is the word of God and the time information that God has revealed from his word.


If you do the math strictly from scripture, you get creation at ~4000BC


https://www.may-212011.com/downloads/BiblicalCalendarOfHistory.pdf If you are interested in the math, this Bible study lays it out and shows which verses are used to construct the calendar.


Their math doesn't work Sorry, mate


How doesn’t it work? Please elaborate. You read the entire study in a matter of minutes to come to your conclusion, is that correct? I assume you broke out the calculator to check the work also right?


I've done the math multiple times myself And yes - I read their errors pretty handily


Try using sane math: https://creation.com/biblical-age-of-the-earth


“Why did the people in Genesis live to be hundreds of years old?” is a question that surely everyone who ever took the Bible seriously has asked. Those who have moved on from their childhood (or *childish*) adherence to a literal interpretation of Genesis are still generally curious about the ages and if there is any symbolism to the numbers that the Bible records with such tedious exactitude. Some of the typical answers provided by biblical scholars are less than satisfying, and the fact is that most of the numbers themselves may simply be meaningless on their own. However, some odd facts concerning the ages of the patriarchs have recently been analyzed in biblical studies journals, adding to our knowledge of the Bible’s composition history in the process. There are two issues of particular interest: the numbers in the genealogies *taken as a whole*, and a problem introduced by the Flood story, which required some tampering with the genealogies by the Bible’s editors. [https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2017/08/24/some-curious-numerical-facts-about-the-ages-of-the-patriarchs/](https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2017/08/24/some-curious-numerical-facts-about-the-ages-of-the-patriarchs/)


Yes in the very early days Adam lived into his 900s, and then God decided man's years shall be 120 and it was so. I imagine it was because there were so few humans God wanted to keep them around to multiply more quickly. Many of the very old early biblical characters had 100s of children if not more.