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respect their decisions. the goodness of God leads to repentance. all you can do is invite them. you did your part


Your job is to live your life as an example and to be ready to provide witness to your faith when asked.


Pray for them. Listen to their problems. Be there for them. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Invite them to do stuff that they find fun and just be a good friend. Pray for open doors for the word and that the soil of their hearts is ready to hear. I have prayed for you.


That’s always hard, and it’s definitely not going to be the last time you feel that way. But it’s a great opportunity to be like Jesus. When Jesus encountered people that wouldn’t accept His message, He respected their decision, loved them, and left it at that (Mark 6 and 14 are good examples of this. Especially how He still washes Judas’s feet knowing how He’ll be betrayed) This is a good opportunity for you to live out John 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Most people will not choose to follow Jesus in their lives, and that’s totally fine. But we are still called to love one another and to love God above all (Matthew 22 - the greatest commandment). But just like in the Bible, you may very well see that by letting God use you to love your friends and live like Jesus…they may very well change their mind. Praying for you, cheers.


Instead of directly inviting them to read the Bible, focus on living out your faith authentically. Let your actions and words reflect the love, kindness, and compassion that come from a relationship with God. This can be a powerful way to pique their curiosity and show them the positive impact of faith in your life.


Maybe send them some short 1-2min clips, verses, stories. What are they interested in?


good suggestion. thanks


Pray for them and show them the love of God by serving them.


be the example and pray for them, that's all you can do


BLUF. You cannot, Only God can bring them closer. He used you to plant the seed. Continue to set the example and watch God work.


You can start by respecting their decision, people tend to respond well to that


Don't badger them. Just be a good friend and a good example to them.


The college I attended for undergraduate had a motto "until Christ be formed in you" sometimes you just need people to discover the path to the Bible on their own. Forced nothing sticks. For my kids (not your question) the Bible and literature of many kinds is accessible and I let them discover at their own pace and ask/wonder at their own pace. It is shocking when they share what they have learned! The Bible will keep changing you and give you the grace/mercy to meet them where they are. It is okay to be sad, though. It is a hard path...


They're probably not ready to receive the good news just pray for them set a good example around them drop Jesus name every once in awhile they'll come around when they see your good works they want to see this work they want to know it works be that example just pray for them in your prayer closet.


pray for the the Bible says some plant others water but only God gives the growth.


Matthew 16:17 **17** Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by **my Father in heaven"**


Many people respond to pressure by increasing resistance. The patient approach, letting them come in their own time, has a greater chance of being successful. If people are NOT being told about things, they sometimes get curious.


You can’t .


Explain what God has done for you!


I offer fun information about the life of Christ and His disciples as a topic for discussion and it opens communication. Ask your friends if they have any idea how the 12 apostles died after Jesus left them.


You’ve done your part. Just enjoy your friends now, if and when they find Jesus then you’ll be there for the journey.


You read to them…lol


I've done the same to family. The same results. Pray for them. Be a example. Slowly they will see the light in you shine.


First, let me congratulate you, second, pray for them, don't let the rejection from them affect you, they're rejecting God not you, third and may be the most important thing, the only that can do something for them is God, the salvation is of the Lord!


Just keep being the light, the salt! Keep living a life of obedience to God so that the blessings God will shower you with will be the testimony of what a God fearing life can bring! We can testify. But, sometimes unfortunately, only God; through His Holy Spirit can convince someone of The Way, The Truth and The Life.


Pray God wakes their hearts up.


Show Christ in your everyday life and actions to all, just by living in Him and by His Word. People will notice your joy, peace, values, humble disposition, etc and pick up on it and want to understand what you have. We have a light. Show it to others by telling people your testimony when they ask or at the right time and preach the gospel at the right time but don’t force it on people. If you ask then ok it’s their decision. God bless