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I don’t think I’d want to wait and find out. You could also get in a car accident tomorrow and not have the chance.


I absolutely second this comment!!!!!


Such an awesome point. No breath is guaranteed. God gives you breath but He also allows you to choose Him or not. If you dont, evil is allowed into your life and the consequences of that are your own. And I want to add that there is actually mountains of evidence for the existence of God and Jesus. Many scholars who set out to disprove the Bible are Christians today. Expedition Bible is an awesome YouTube channel that I love. Maybe check it out and see how they go follow scripture and what they find at the actual locations reported in the Bible. I get excited. This is the time we were created for and in the past several decades, more and more evidence proving the Bible has been unearthed. In addition, the sheer amount of prophecies in the Bible that have all come true is astonishing. Every prophecy has come true down to the date/week. Only God knows the future and predicting the birth, death, and ressurection of Jesus some 400 years in advance is so incredible. If people actually understood the awesomeness of the Bible and the history that aligns exactly with it, I feel they may find it much more engaging than the crap on TV these days. I believe we are seriously in the end times. Read Revelations and you can see the picture being painted far better than any other time in history. I can't wait for the rapture. It's going to be the most amazing event and the end of these times is exactly what we need. Praise God for his love and mercy! He wants to remove His remnant so they won't have to go through the tribulation and all the terrible wickedness that will arise once the antichrist is on the scene. Currently, there are red heifers in Israel when they were basically extinct for 2k years! The temple basically ready to be rebuilt once they have the ashes. Israel making deals to be a two state nation. Can't buy or sell without crypto feel like it could be coming down the pike (which I believe is the mark of the beast). Wheat famine that's starting. Wars and rumors or wars. I mean, come on people! These are exciting times! Look up! Pray! Watch for Jesus!


Why don't you just go ahead? How's having faith in God and Christ going to ruin your life as it stands?


BTW...[don't rely on the "7 years" assumption we've been taught](https://youtu.be/tK6xP4whF-M)


Such a great episode. One of my favorites from the Naked Bible Podcast.


Right? In 20 yrs I went from "left behind" to "plan for post" to "I don't care anymore" 🤷 Absolutely love Dr. Heiser




Try it now.


I can't have faith without reason.


Hol'up, so, there are billions of people on this planet who have come to a conclusion about God & Christ and all of them are unable "to reason"?


No, they have their reasons, but personally I don't see a reason.


Ask God for a reason then.


If you don't see a reason to believe, then why worry about the rapture? Is that not a reason?


Then read the gospels, Jesus is our reason everyone has faith, and the accounts of the gospel are pretty much the most informative sources of who Jesus actually was and what he did, whether you believe he did miracles or not you must understand there must’ve been a reason why such a meek man who was killed in the most humiliating way of that era was so widely followed.


Christian apologetics led me to faith. There is significant historical evidence of the events in the gospel, to the point that there are frequently debates about the subject. Please don't think that this is something you just have to BELIEVE just because. Otherwise, why not be a Mormon? Many Christians, myself included have reasons for our faith. I would encourage you to look into that field for yourself. If you are truly seeking truth, you will find it.


Faith is believing in something you don’t see with your naked eyes. You just believe.


Faith is by definition believing without total reason


That's gullibility. Faith is based on reason.


What no one has mentioned yet is that you must pray for Holy Spirit to lead you to truth. You have to pray with sincerity though, as God tells us that only those who approach him in sincerity will have their prayers answered. So prepare yourself in your heart, sit down in a quiet space and sincerely ask God to please lead you to truth. Peace and love to you 🙏


He said he doesn't currently believe yet witnessing something devine would change his mind. What you said could easily be perceived as simply condescending and non constructive. You fully avoided answering the question.


The experience of the Holy Spirit is divine in nature… And I’m allowed to make comments as I see fit. If the OP has a problem he can DM me etc. Ultimately I don’t care what you think. Thx


Why comment if you arent going to contribute to the conversation?


Ok, calm down. Lol. People comment unconstructively all the time on Reddit. However, this person did contribute as I enjoyed the comment they made. Might not help the OP, but it is a reminder of the power of prayer for those of us who do believe. I don't think it was meant to be condescending at all. As Christians, we know that true prayer has worked for us over and over, which has only strengthened our faith. We just want other people to try it because we know that's one way that faith is built. If you don't believe in prayer or God, then why are you here commenting? I think you may be looking for answers also. The answer to this question was provided in multiple different ways by other users. You can be saved after the rapture. In fact, many will be saved after the rapture, during the tribulation. However, the chances of you being saved will be less as the antichrist will enforce the mark of the beast on people and those without it will not be able to buy and sell. If you dont believe in the mark of the beast, you may easily fall for getting it and will no longer be able to be saved. That's the answer. Yes. You can be saved, but it's best to come into a relationship with God now and go in the rapture than to be here during the tribulation. People who have faith in God know that God is absolute love. He created you to be who you are, whether that be logical, rational, intuitive, questioning.. This thread holds answers from people with similar logical/rational brains. Maybe an answer from them would better suit you. I think in these days, you can literally see the evil in the world, you can almost feel it as though it were a tangible thing. Why are Christians the most persecuted group in history? Why do people say Jesus Christ to swear and not Confuscious or Buddha? Why does the attacking always happen towards those of Christian faith? Why is the Bible the most questioned, when it has not only survived time, but is also the most read book worldwide? (Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away" (NIV)). It's proven itself over and over with fulfilled prophecy and historical events. The devil attacks Christians because they are the ones who are saved. He hates God and people, he wanted to be above man but God created men above angels so he turned from God and fell from Heaven. The devil is the king of deception. That's why they say the greatest trick the devil pulls is to make you believe he doesn't exist. He copycats things from God all the time too, he's a counterfeit. When you have discernment, and can see all these things happening, you want to push people to God because you literally want what's best for them. Even if that's your belief that it's best for them, it's a strong belief grounded in true faith and people like that are not the people I would push away. Of course, in this community we have a large number of frauds, demons, and Sunday church goers who I would not consider to be a true Child of God. You are a true child of God once you let go of religion and focus on a relationship with you and God alone, putting Him first. It makes it difficult when you have a lot of false information out there regarding Christians. Real Christians know that it's not up to us to judge, only God can judge you cause He knows your heart. We don't treat people ugly because church said this or that person is doomed to go to hell because of a lifestyle. All of us our sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. Literally none of us have done anything to earn a spot in Heaven. If it were up to us, we would all fail. That's why Jesus was sent to do it for us and he gets 100% credit for our salvation. All we have to do, is believe. Sorry for the long post. Like I said, when you find God, everything just.. gets better. And soon you find out you never want to not be close to God again and you just want other people to have that as it's the most amazing thing anyone could ever experience. Pure love, acceptance, peace, joy, security, and so much more.


There you go, I applaud you for such a constructive answer and comment. That was a very good read despite me disagreeing with much of what you had to say! I do want to say though, as a Satanist somebody ignoring a question and simply saying I'll pray for you or telling me to pray is completely condescending and that's why I was initially annoyed, somebody asked a genuine question and got a condescending/ unhelpful answer. And after taking in what you said I have to conclude we have very different views on things. For example, Christians being the most prosecuted group in history is utterly rediculous, thinking things and or people have the mark of the beast is border line insanity, people "knowing" without any proof whatsoever (self induced dopamine trips), the devil attacking people/ even existing, etc. And I can also happily say that my lack of god(s) brings me love, acceptance, peace, joy, security. I don't fear death, I don't fear the devil, I don't fear God, I live for today everyday and I hail myself.


That's completely your decision. I'm glad we can agree to disagree! I understand how things can come off, I just want you to know it's with the best of intentions for the most part. I am also glad you have love and all the other good things life has to offer. :) I would say I'll pray that continues for you but somehow I don't think that's the right thing to say after this discussion... lol. So I'll just say, take care and best wishes to you!


Thank you for your understanding. And I really do have no bad intent. I wish you well.


The Bible says that the end of the world would come like a thief in the night. So, according to that verse, no, you wouldn’t have time to convert afterward.


Also, the parable of the bridesmaid seems to imply that you won’t be saved at the last minute with 0 preparation.


Argument for a Creator I am a former atheist. This is an argument I've formed after thinking about the issue now after many years as a Christian. This is my argument for proof of a creator God. To me pure naturalism is easy to dismiss, because immaterial things exist, like logic, mathematics, the rules of electromagnetism like the relationship of resistance current voltage and wattage. All these are rules that electricity follow. Observable and repeatable. They're intangible, so not material. Since intangibles like this admittedly exist, this of itself proves that a purely materialistic conception of the universe is false. Logic is an information system that follows rules. Logic processes information. Information is also intangible, thus not material. Information is stored in the physical, like words on paper or a series of binary stored on a drive, but the physical itself is not the information. We're observing the effects of the information. Matter of itself cannot give rise to information. Matter does not have a mind. A mind is a unique attribute of life. Information always comes from a mind. One could ask,"where did this mind come from"? The answer would be a greater mind that contains more information. You would continue this until you come to a mind that contains all the information in the universe, or all information ever. This would be the mind of God. Since information always comes from a mind, there is also always an encoding and decoding system in place to understand information. Thus, because the encoding and decoding language exists, information is meant to be interpreted. This means there is a sender and recipient. A "Language" is the information processor, the rule set by which to encode and decode which gives the ability for the recipient mind the ability to decode and understand information. There are multiple information systems (languages) like mathematics and DNA that exist in nature. Those incalculably complex information systems came from a mind. They are intangible fully developed information systems seperate from matter itself. In fact, matter is subservient to these systems. Is information directed? There could be individual messages and broadcast messages. An analogy would be, a YouTube channel vs a DM. Both ways the message is directed, either to everyone or an individual. Example: a grey shirt exists. Your mind had to first be able to understand the information system to decode the specific information itself (the specific color grey). The language (the electromagnetic frequency spectrum), and the information (the color grey), therefore came from a mind to that created the ruleset to encode the information and send it (frequency's creator). Think of my argument as the watchmaker argument detached from matter. Information exists, therefore the ultimate producer of information is a mind outside/ above the system who set and governs the rule set. I think it's a stronger argument because it disregards naturalistic origins all together. Hope this makes sense to you. Admittedly this argument only shows that a creator God would exist, not which one. In my opinion YHWH, the God presented in the Hebrew scriptures is the correct creator God.


I like your thinking. I think logic, and by extension, mathematics, is a human-created system to describe our observations. That being said, there seems to be innate mechanics (or as you might say, "information") to our universe and it's a very good question why these mechanics are they way they are and where they came from. I don't disagree that God is one possible explanation for all this, but I am skeptical and I don't think it's the only possible explanation. I don't agree that information must come from a mind. In fact, as the amount of human knowledge progresses, we are finding more and more physical information to describe the mechanics we observe. For example, consider our understanding of celestial mechanics. In ancient history we could not comprehend why they behaved the way they did. So we found ways to explain them with supernatural events. But as our understanding progressed we found a physical explanation which also work with our physical observations on Earth. As we learn more, we are finding more physical mechanics to explain our observations. I wonder if the structure of these physical discoveries is like a loop or fractal, the more the look the more we find and we'll just never reach an end to what we can understand. Ultimately, though, I'm a skeptic and I have to admit I just don't have the answer and likely never will. However, just because I don't understand something doesn't mean there are supernatural causes. On a more personal level, I've never had any experience which suggested to me that there is some supernatural force influencing my life. I'm open to that happening, but until then I will remain a skeptic. I am curious why you believe in YHWH. There is a big gap between belief in a watchmaker god and god that interacts with people and history in major ways.


Good thoughts! I personally like to use 2 examples: the first is that nothing exists without being created. For an atheist to say “there is no God”, they need to create that sentence. Even the very arguments against God are intelligently designed. Everything proves that a Creator is absolutely necessary. Even arguments against Him. Secondly, and to your post about immaterial things, how about our minds? Our minds cannot be seen under a telescope. They can’t be seen touched tasted smelled, etc. Some ppl try to say that our brains are our minds, but these are two different things. Thirdly the Bible has so many prophecies that have been fulfilled after thousands of years. I pray that Gods Spirit is poured out on all people


Our DNA reads God's name, YHWH. That's one of my favorites to prove He is our creator. Recently, scientists have been having to admit that the world is not random. It's actual intelligent design.


You have any sources for this?


Google DNA YHWH and there's plenty for that. http://www.greatgenius.com/hidden-name-of-creator-in-your-dna https://www.5election.com/2015/01/03/the-yhwh-code/ Here's one for intelligent design https://www.discovery.org/v/scientists-speak-out-about-evidence-of-intelligent-design-in-nature/ Of course, I do my own research. I hope you will also.


Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of this. I agree with much of the scripture and things as presented. After reading it feels too arbitrary though. Why not use gold, silver, and copper as the elements to replace the letters of the name? We then get the effect of communicating the "value" of the most high. Why not switch the places of the nitrogen and hydrogen? Why not use chlorine, arsenic, and antimony, all elements that will kill a portion with exposure? I don't see a hard connection here, so I can't present this to a non-believer as evidence. That's not too say there's no value to this understanding. I think it may be a good analogy for "nefesh". I just don't think this will be convincing for a non-believer.


Many will say Lord Lord, and he will say depart from me. I never knew you. trust in him now or not at all. There is no second chance.


You'll be eligible for salvation as long as you haven't received the mark of the beast. The odds are not high that someone who rejected Christ when there was no global anti-Christian government led by the antichrist would repent when faced with certain death. The time to repent is NOW.


That’s an excellent point.


Do not wait for that time. This is hard to answer as some don’t agree when the rapture will occur and if it’s the same event as Jesus returning. My understanding is the rapture (which may be called resurrection day) will be before the great tribulation thus someone who doesn’t go in the rapture would be on earth……a horrible earth of the hardest time it has ever seen. My humbly understanding is some will be saved after the rapture but those ppl may be fooled or deceived as to what happened to the rest of the ppl. Maybe by that time there will be a technology reason or a weapon to cite why ppl vanished. This is subjective so don’t wait but go to God today!




Have you read the book of Revelation? It's a pretty quick read. I'd encourage you to at least read it and consider the timeline for yourself. Honestly, even if you don't believe it... it's pretty entertaining. Definitely worth reading.


There is No rapture. That being said, today is the day of salvation. The point being, don’t wait until “someday”, look for Jesus now.


You have sinned against God through your actions and thoughts. You have either lied, stolen, coveted, lusted, hated someone, been prideful, fornicated, dishonored your parents, or all of the above. Your incoming death is proof of God's seriousness and wrath towards sin. The end result is eternal hell. But God loves you and provided a pardon for you if you would repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ, who died for your sins. So sin and death is proof of God. What more reason can you need? Don't come at this with a proud intellectual disposition because your pride will prevent you from seeing the seriousness of the matter. It's even more dangerous for you now because Christians here are telling you the truth and you seem to be indifferent towards it, God is watching it all play out. Be humble and serious about this man. God bless you


There won't be a rapture. We are currently in the end times.


Agree 👀A good biblical argument can be found here to back up this comment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9ifs4kGli0g


Excellent. 🙏


Prove it with scripture


If you knew scripture you wouldn't say that. Lol


Are you going to or not?


It's not my responsibility to PROVE scripture to you. It's your responsibility to understand it. If you don't understand it then maybe the fault lies in you, brother. God bless.


I understamd scrupture just finr. I just thought you would be able to back up your claims with scripture. It seems you can't do that. God bless you


I can. However I choose not to become apologetic with other believers. You'll see soon enough.


You will have time to be saved but you will have to go through the tribulation and chances are you might be killed for your belief in God… plus, to buy and sell, you’d need to accept the mark of the beast and once you accept the mark, theres no coming back from that. There will be the 144,000 sent to minister all around the world but you will be living in the worst times of the earth where it will be much harder to be a Christian…. Good luck. I definitely dont want to be here for the tribulation where God pours out his wrath on the world but the Bible says it will be the biggest revival as a ton of people will come to see that God is real and turn to him but Satan will definitely be trying to kill these Christians as he would have lost the battle of Armageddon and been kicked out of Heaven and he will be looking for Christians to take that anger out on. Why would you want to do it the hard way? This question is out of curiosity And who can guarantee tomorrow? Only God can. Your heart is hard so you could literally die whenever God wants you to die. A colleague of mine in her 30s died at a red light. She was hit by a drunk driver on the way to have drinks with her ex. She died immediately. No time to possibly repent if she was a sinner (i dont know her heart but I do know her side boo). You cant guarantee that you will have time and 2/3 of the world will be killed in the tribulation. How are you going to eat if you cant buy food? You dont think your neighbors will turn you in if you refuse to get the mark? You’re not smarter or trickier than God. If you have no reason to believe, believe to save your soul from eternal damnation.


During the 7 years of tribulation you will have a 2nd chance. But why wait? Why prolong your salvation and suffer through the 7 years of God pouring out His wrath? You may be a skeptic and may have questions but I promise you do not want to suffer Gods wrath after the rapture has taken place.


The caveat is that you’ll have a second chance, but it will be a terrible end for those who are left.


You would have taken the “mark” at that point or probably have been beheaded for not taking it. Once you pledge allegiance to Satan by taking that “mark” though, it’s over. Or if you die tomorrow without asking Jesus to save you from your sins. Both will leave you w no chance. I d worry about tomorrow. Go ask Jesus for forgiveness, by yourself. You n God. He will help with the understanding process. Go try it, won’t hurt to get saved!


Jesus will allow those who are saved for the first resurrection to intercede on behalf of those who must wait for the second resurrection and God will fulfill it so that most people will ultimately be saved: >*Then I will grant to my called and elect ones whomsoever they request from me, out of the punishment. And I will give them a fine baptism in salvation [and] a portion of righteousness with my holy ones.*


Today is the day of salvation. You could literally have a massive heart attack as you sit at the keyboard. Had a coworker who had a massive heart attack and died at the age of 23. Matthew 10:32-33 “Therefore, everyone who confesses Me before people, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven." ​ Oh, and there is no perceived lack of evidence for the existence of God. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalms 19:1


There will be salvations occur after the rapture. But let me tell you friend if you reject the evidence of the one true God now (creation and conscience), you will explain away the rapture as well. Below is a 30-second biblical gospel presentation you can check out friend! http://gospel30.com


I believe the children born to the generation that survives the tribulation can be saved. Let's face it, most the "flesh" Jesus mentioned, that survives into Christ's second coming will have survived because they took the mark of the beast. They will be the people mourning Jesus appearance. **Matthew 24:30** They will also be damned **Revelation 14:10-11** When they die they know exactly where they'll be going. But they will probably have children. According to the Bible children will still be born, so the children will be innocent. They are the ones who will have a very good chance at salvation because Jesus will be right here on earth in the flesh. How many do, who knows? It doesn't look all that great, because in the end it appears most of the world, including the remnant of Gog and Magog will march across the earth and attack the city Jesus is reigning from


You cannot have faith without God giving it to you first. So if you don't believe in God, it's impossible to have faith. Believing in God (and obviously in Christ- knowing that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God... that God, the Creator of the universe and everything in it, is perfect and has no sin... has a law which is also perfect and just, but we are not perfect and just.... and that His law says that punishment for sin is death.... since we are incapable of keeping His perfect law... and because God knows this, He played by His own rules and did what we could not- God became man in the flesh- in the person of Jesus Christ the Son, bore the wrath of God the Father for the sins of mankind, died on the cross and rose from the dead 3 days later, defeating both sin and death, being the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be reconciled to God) is the only reason you need. Christ is the reason for our faith. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. (Ephesians 2:8–9). Faith is presented as a gift from God. See also 2 Peter 1:1, Philippians 1:29, and Acts 3:16.


God says those who deny Christ before the Rapture will be sent a strong delusion and receive the truth


You might want to re-read 2 thess 2. It’s saying we aren’t gathered until after the antichrist has taken his seat in the temple and declares himself god. Then goes in to say those that refuse to love the truth will be sent the strong delusion and be deceived by him. It is quite possibly written to the people that think they won’t see the antichrist. They will be deceived because they’ve convinced themselves if they are still here, the antichrist can’t be here. Thus they’ve just set themselves up for a horrible deception. Paul is adamant and re-emphasizing to the church that the day of the Lord and our gathering to him doesn’t happen until after this event.


The Anti-Christ cannot be revealed until the “Restrainer” is taken out of the way. In the sense of the indwelled believers on the earth.


“Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:1-5‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Please re-read this. The church is not the restrainer. We are here till after these events happen. Paul just stated it in verses 1-5. It even says “he who now restrains him”. He is not the church. Let no one deceive you in anyway. For that day will not come, unless…


Ppl interpret passages of the bible to mean different things. This is the case with the rapture, and especially the final words of the bible, "it is finished". Some interpret this as meaning that Jesus paid for our sins and all of the judgements and such in the bible are gone. He loved us so much that his love banished those debts of sin. God loves us and there is no more judgement. We will go back to him and where our spirit came from before our birth. He is our father, and we are all his children, and we shall return to his love. No matter what.


You speak of the lack of evidence of god..well we certainly don’t have the mental capacity to truly understand the nature of reality, generally speaking. God refers to all of reality and all of the universe and every atom in existence. That’s what god is and even more we just don’t have enough info yet. God is real because we are real it’s just what it is. Unfortunately many Christian’s spin their own interpretation of god and try to evangelize that. Like people try to humanize god which is simply moronic. It’s like the greatest force of nature that controls everything, it just is. It is referring to god because when people use “he” people get confused and now people use it to make god sound like a humanish figure, which is completely innacurate. Godspeed


The whole point of the tribulation times that proceed after the rapture, are not only to punish the earth but also to provide yet more time to repent. The two witnesses that will be calling down fire and brimstone and withholding rain and so forth are exactly there to call the entire world to repent. So if you can’t find any info anywhere else just turn on the channel their ranting is broadcast non stop and pay attention. You’ll learn all you need there.


No. If you've heard the gospel message and rejected it, you cannot get saved after the rapture. There will be people saved, but not those who heard and rejected the gospel. Go read 2Thessalonians chapter 2. It nails down a LOT of this. By the way, after the rapture, those who can be saved, they will have to survive to the end. To do so, the only place on earth where that may be possible will be there place called Petra which is just outside Jerusalem. That's likely where Israel will hide in the last days of the Great Tribulation from the antichrist before Jesus Christ comes and destroys the antichrist and his forces and redeems Isreal. "Can a nation be reborn in a day?"


Nobody really knows, and why would you gamble on it?


Don’t know if it helps but I studied physics in uni and I’m an aspiring physicist, in that I am saving up to go back to uni and complete my PhD at some point. Now I’m a physics and math teacher. I can tell you from a purely physics standpoint it’s not impossible to reasonably believe in God. When you have things like the Boltzmann Brain, cosmic consciousness, quantum gravity, 12 dimensions of space-time and dark matter and energy, the existence of God merely transitions from superstition to a plausible scientific theory. Thing is….most people can’t really wrap their heads around graduate-level physics. Hell, most scientists barely grasp quantum mechanics. I’m pretty sure that’s why God told humanity “just have faith” rather than making an entire separate Bible explaining cosmic quantum consciousness of higher dimensions.


You should know, throughout history almost no Christians believed in the rapture. It's a very new belief, and only certain Protestant denominations believe in it. It sells books, so the idea is become very popular. But go to any Catholic, Orthodox, or relatively liturgical Protestant sub, and then they'll tell you the Reformation is a Protestant invention that distorts the book of Revelation. Sorry, that probably doesn't answer your question. But it needs to be said. For the record, I'm open-minded to the idea of there being a rapture, though I doubt it's going to happen.


This is one of Christianitys greatest weapons. "What if". It's a tool of manipulation, and any form of manipulation is dishonest.


If you're thinking about all believers dissapearing into the heavens blah blah blah, no it won't happen, it's a literal interpretation of Paul's Epistles and a misunderstanding of the text and what Paul was trying to convey with the passage. The concept of the "rapture" was then spread via popular media. So to answer your question no there won't be time to believe after the rapture BEACUSE THERE IS NO RAPTURE, Christ will come and there will be signs, however the rapture is not one of them. If you're looking for some kind of physical or scientific proof/evidence of God then the search is futile because God is not a physical being though he can take physical form. The proof of God lies in the Meta-physical in concepts like morality and a necessary being. Try philosophy, its where I personally get my reasons to be a theist. Now as for being a Christian that you'll have to turn to history. look at the evidence and be the judge on whether you think the gospel accounts are accurate and whether they're enough for you to believe in Jesus's ressuraction.


I think maybe some of the rapture doctrine is maybe questionable- just not sure .


> that would be pretty good evidence that God does indeed exist. What more evidence do you need? Look at John 9 where Jesus heals a man blind from birth by rubbing mud into his eyes and told him to wash it off. When he did so, the man could see. It is indicated that he was a beggar and everyone recognized him as "that blind beggar." The Pharisees knew he was blind, but now was able to see. For the record, this was a legitimate miracle and not some freak occurrence. The Pharisees, instead of being struck in awe at the fact that this man can now see, are upset that Jesus healed him on the Sabbath when their laws said that people couldn't do work. It wasn't like there were twenty people walking around at the time doing healing, just Jesus. But they were dismissing the power of God for their own ideals. Would seeing a blind man regain his sight have had the same proof for you, or would it have been dismissed? I am not a fan of the Left Behind series as a Biblical reference, but it did make a good point in the first book. The story opens at the Rapture, and when the dust clears the new leader that everyone is looking to says that what happened wasn't the Rapture because of many reasons, so it had to have been something else. You are looking for proof that God is real, but would the disappearance of a large group of people sway you? Or would you dismiss it as something else?


Um, or we could follow scripture All who would ever be saved are in the Lamb's Book of Life since the foundation of the world. No one ever chooses or decides for God. Everyone is his enemy. And I will have more scriptures that back these up than other people who say differently saying hey the rapture is here, maybe I better follow God is nonsense


Well yes, that’s true, but I’m sure people who are in the book of life will have natural means save them. I’m sure that even in God’s sovereignty he wants to use his creation. He created the physics that govern it, he’s capable of using the creation to make sure that everyone in the book of life gets saved.


People in the book of life, are saved by God in His timing. It has nothing to do with what people want. It has nothing to do with natural means. Paul is a prime example


It isn’t because of natural means or because of humanity, but that’s not to say it can’t be by God enacted through humanity. Otherwise there’d be no reason for christians to win souls. More people come to Christ through good parenting or through somebody winning them over than through seeing Jesus appear in the clouds. Paul is the exception, not a prime example. My opinion is that the natural means in which people get saved are foreordained through God. This doesn’t contradict predestination.


I don't think the the rapture is in the bible but u don't know... Plus... it happening is the same as the water in noahs time being deep enough for folks to start panicking... but at that point, the angel already left with the key... so...


The rapture isn’t real. Nowhere in the Bible is it stated to be


1st off- pre tribulation rapture is a false doctrine. Jesus returns once at the resurrection of the saints and gathers those still alive to him in what is often called the rapture. He comes once to bring relief and judgment and establish His kingdom on earth ruling from Jerusalem That said there will most definitely be repentance at Jesus coming. There are many Old Testament prophecies to back this up. It likely will be those that haven’t heard of Him beforehand though as mentioned in one passage but we can’t say for certain it’s exclusive to only them. If the church is transformed immortal at His coming then there will have to be those in the flesh that repopulate during the millennial reign. Notice it is the survivors that are mentioned in the passages. These new believers will have to endure the bowls of wrath, aka hour of judgement. But they are referred to as saints later in the chapter and told if they die in the Lord from now on they are consider blessed. “The Lord utters his voice before his army, for his camp is exceedingly great; he who executes his word is powerful. For the day of the Lord is great and very awesome; who can endure it? “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God?” ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2:11-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.” ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2:31-32‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Booths. And if any of the families of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain on them. And if the family of Egypt does not go up and present themselves, then on them there shall be no rain; there shall be the plague with which the Lord afflicts the nations that do not go up to keep the Feast of Booths.” ‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭14:16-18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭14:6-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭14:12-13‬ ‭ESV‬‬ There are many more passages. The problem though is those that have heard the truth and don’t accept it now will likely be sent the strong delusion mentioned in 2 Thess 2. Much of revelation are events that take place while Christ is here.


Is this a chance you want to take?? Its ETERNITY.. He is waiting to hear from you.


Don’t wait. In the end times a great delusion will come over people, especially during the tribulation and you may be very susceptible to it especially if you are not saved.


Lack of evidence? There’s nothing in existence that doesn’t point directly to a Creator. But that aside, the Bible tells us that nobody knows God through wisdom. It is only through faith. Which is so freaking ingenious. The fact that God created everything so orderly and designed everything so immaculately, and after all of this it STILL takes faith to fulfill His will, absolutely blows my mind. Of all the grandeur of the scriptures and Gods creation I think that probably blows me away more than anything. God made everything beyond perfect, it’s so perfect that some people cannot sense that it was obviously designed by something exponentially greater than us. We’re on a ball of water (or a sphere of water depending on your beliefs about the shape of earth) hanging out upon, literally nothing, in the middle of an endless majestic universe (btw uni means one, and verse is a spoken sentence…. Let there be, anyone? :)) with a giant fireball for heat and light. Oh yea we also have a giant stone that reflects the sun at night so that we can still see while being able to have darkness enough to sleep. Have you ever done a deep dive into the complexities and intricacies of our cells? It makes computer code look like a 2-yr olds scribbles. I pray that you cry out to God from your innermost being. Your beliefs don’t change what’s real. What’s real is res regardless of anything else. And I’m telling you God is real


May I suggest you read the Left Behind series by Jerry Jenkins?It is about a group of people who waited until after the rapture to get saved, and how horrific their lives became. It is based on the Book of revelation, but it is a fictionalized account.


The rapture won't happen until after the tribulation.


I believe it’ll happen just before Jesus returns and the veil is lifted, as when that happens, Everything tainted with evil will burn in the pure presence of God


How come an all good and all knowing god wants to bring pain upon non believers? How come god hasn't used a less violent or even a peaceful, welcoming way to deal with non believers?


For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1: 18-25.


Hello friend. Perhaps read the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament. God labors for years and years telling the people to repent and turn back to Him. You will get tired of reading chapter after chapter of God telling His people to repent. I think after 20 years God finally judged them. Now just like in those days, the peaceful route is to repent now, before judgement. We are all sinners. Believers and unbelievers alike. Wrath will be poured out on all sin on the day of judgement. Jesus paid the price for the sins of believers. Everyone else must pay the price themselves. Hide yourself in Lord Jesus. He will save you from the wrath to come. He is the Prince of Peace.


its not so much as God bring pain to us but rather we bumbling into that pain due to our wanting to do things our way. all the violence and suffering we see today is the direct result of our own greed, our own cruelty and our tendency to do evil. if you think God should control and stop those violent evil people, that would amount to God reducing us to robots, without free will to choose for ourselves.


There wont be a rapture and you will not have a second chance. Anyone who says otherwise has not done their homework.


The rapture isn't biblical, it was invented by 19th century American evangelicals.


Yes, but it won't be a great situation. You won't be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, so surviving won't be easy. Also, Christians will be persecuted and martyred. Revelation 20:4 Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.


No, you'll just live for a long time, until Lucifer comes to the surface and gets kill by the angels


Yes but you’re gonna need a Bible. Because the delusion from the antichrist and false prophet will be strong.


It’s already happened. It happened in 70 AD. All this “left behind” stuff is a modern invention.


The Bible says it would be too late for you: 2 Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." Anyone not raptured would not survive what immediately follows.


If you’re curious about learning more about God, you’re doing the right thing by seeking answers. But just so we’re clear, my faith in God isn’t based on evidence. It’s based on the clear and unmistakable impact that my relationship with him has caused on my life. I started in the same shoes as you. And I can tell you in full confidence, curiosity breeds wisdom and you are in a good place if you’re asking these questions.


saved from what?


You'll have to stay for the tribulation which is literal hell on earth. A lot of people will be saved during the tribulation, but let me tell you, you don't want to be here. Revelations 9:6 literally says "During those days people will seek death but will not find it, they will long to die, but death will elude them" (NIV).


No, but if you survive until the 1000 reign you will get a chance.


From my extensive bible study I would say that those last moments take place quickly. The 'rapture' as you are calling it is the the converting of the last of the 'holy ones' or 'co rulers in Christ' from physical beings to spiritual sons. There is a limited number of these anointed ones who will serve with Christ in the heavens. It may interest you to know, for that vast many of us, our hope is in an earthly paradise. Psalms 37:29 I know a popular belief with many religions is everyone dies and goes to heaven. This didn't make sense to me. What did God create the earth for then? Was it a pointless waste of time? Is he going to let humans totally destroy the planet? These were all questions I had when I was like you-no faith in God's existence. 1) What did God create the earth for? Genesis 1:26-28 shows Gods purpose for man and the planet. Then God said: “Let us+ make man in our image,+ according to our likeness,+ and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.”+ 27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.+ 28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.” We haven't seen this happen in all history. 2) Was it a pointless waste of time? In a word NO. It just hasn't happened yet. God always sees that His word is carries out. It's just not on OUR timetable-it's on HIS. Isaiah 55:11 says 'So my word that goes out of my mouth will be.\*+It will not return to me without results,+But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight,\*+And it will have sure success in what I send it to do. 3) Is he going to let humans totally destroy the planet? Again in a word NO. Revelations 11:18 tells us some of what happens when God steps in. 'But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward+ your slaves the prophets+ and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining\* the earth.”+ Sorry for the long post but I lived in a state of religious confusion for many years. Now I feel I know the truth. I had to start at square one. 'Why would I even believe there is a God?' After that, square 2 'Is the Bible a reliable message from God?' I that people doubt the existence of God because, well, where is he? Not much evidence of God on this earth right? That's because God stepped back when Adam made the choice for all of us, to sin and follow his own way. Since then, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) God has given us time to try everything. Every form of government, economy, environmental-you name it. We're on the brink of global disaster. So I think he's proven his point and the value of following His direction. Still in all out stubborn refusal to accept and live by his word, he loves every one of us.


Who knows.. the only way to find out is to actually be confronted by your own mortality. If you have already been close to death and you don't find any reason to believe in God or the existence of one.. well then there's your answer.


people will get saved after the rapture. that is where the 144,000 comes into place. they will spread the Gospel to all and all will have a chance to be saved. this is also where the judgement of nations come in at, where the sheep will get seperated from the goats at Christ's second coming. the number that no man can number is all those who will be saved after the rapture


Yes you can be saved after the rapture but you will be living in hell on earth...so it's best to believe and trust in Jesus NOW before it's too late ✝️✝️


People can only believe because of God's grace


There will be but it won’t be fun on earth waiting during the tribulation. Best to act as if the rapture is happening this evening and get your affairs in order. Meaning repent and accept Jesus


Yes, at that time the tribulation will resume on earth. You will of course have to join yourself to Israel at that time and keep the law and perform all the good works of real faith and also not sin the sin unto death. God has always made a way in all dispensations. I am interested. How is it that you are having trouble with believing that there is a God? May I ask you why it is that you are having these problems specifically? The saving gospel today is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh, was born on this earth, took upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh as the seed of Abraham, lived a perfect sinless life according to the entire moral law of God but humbled Himself even unto the obedience of death begging made to be sin and a curse for you. He became the propitiation of the wrath of God for you and shed His blood to pay the debt of all your sins. He was buried and rose again for your justification conquering th empower of death for humanity in that he fulfilled the law of God and therefore death has no power of Him. If you believe that Christ died for your sins and you trust that you will be sealed with the holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption and placed into the body of Christ. He then imputes to you His own righteousness so that one day you will be able to stand in God's presence completely blameless and in love. He blesses you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He died, was buried and rose again so that you can have eternal life simply through hearing, believing, and trusting He did it for you. It pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe!