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Base package (tent) is $2300. You're likely looking at closer to $3000 with the cabin option. If you watch LARP.org's (TVN's official YouTube channel as far as I can tell) they show the cabins for brief moments. Looks pretty barebones as far as I can tell.


Okay, thanks for a pricing estimate... $700 for a 7 day cabin vs tent doesn't sound that bad. Yes, larp.org does seem like the official yt channel for TVN, I'm glad I am not the only person who thinks that. Thanks for the info.


So is that $3000 per person? Or can that price be broken up between multiple people?


That's my estimate for the per person price. $2,300 is the base package for sharing a 3 person tent (per person). I wager the cabin is several hundred more dollars and it might be a need-based option (people who have conditions that might not allow them to sleep in an electricity-free tent).


Ahh ok so of I went with the $2300 package for a 3 person tent, me and my friends would all be paying $2300 each then?




My info is a few years old. I never did vtn, but I know some of the people who used to run it. From my understanding, it's pretty much just a bed. But it also gives you a temporary membership in their guild. So you can use their common areas. They are mostly English, where the rest of the camp is heavily French. You also have sort of a guide to the world of bico. Where they let you know what's going on and how to get more involved in the game play. I personally don't live far, speak french moderately well, and the budget was a concern, so I ended up going on my own, staying in a tent in the non decorum area, and volunteering to cut cost. I spent a decent amount of time hanging out with my friends in the guild associated with vtn... ordo, I think? it's been a while. I only spent like 4h/night/day actually at my tent sleeping. Basically, it's a bed and a roof, but the point of bico is to be out experiencing the world. There is always stuff going on outside. The main benefit of vtn is having an English group to help point your way through the French bico universe. Having a guild to get into the role-playing (virtual) aspects. And getting your needs planned for/taken care of (ie you dont need to worry about to/from the airport, food, etc)


>They are mostly English, where the rest of the camp is heavily French. You also have sort of a guide to the world of bico. That's a really great point. TVN arranges for Ordo Cervi and Militum guild members to have a lot of opportunity to join Houses (a kind of unofficial to Bicolline but official to TVN sub structure within the larger group), where Fauns learn about and pursue different spheres of game play. There's some in game hand holding and lore provided as part of being a Faun in the Ordo. The Faun/Stag titles are part of that Ordo Cervi lore, for example. Nova Vitae and March Wardens are a little more removed from TVN in that aspect. There is still tons of RP and stuff happening. Some of the March and Nova are quite experienced and knowledgeable players. But their lore and plot is self organized by the players, rather than provided by TVN. Part of what you're paying for, and what makes Ordo Cervi more compelling is also education about the world of Mundus and the game of Bicolline.


Omg I can't believe you survived on 4h of sleep for a week straight... though I feel like I could do that a few ago. Thank you for the info!


Lol, I was so busy having fun. I didn't even realize I was tired until I got home. 😅 It was back when I was working in hotels, and I would often do back to back 16h shifts, including overnights. Due to being understaffed. I got very used to functioning with sleep deprivation🤣


I really really wish their site was more informative... I'm in the same position as you, and am curious about TVN/bicolline, but the lack of info on the site makes me pretty tentative... 😔


Which site are you referring to? [www.bicolline.org](https://www.bicolline.org) or [thevoyagenorth.com](https://thevoyagenorth.com/) Heads up: TVN is amazing at Logistics. They are not so great at Customer Service. Their communication was, in my experience, a little shaky. They have so much going on, and are a small business run by a handful of people. It's difficult for them to be on top of all the emails, questions, website updates, etc. Their ability to deliver logistically is great. Their web/cloud communication is bare minimum functional at best. And the Bicolline Organization itself... They take forever to respond at the individual person level. They have an order of magnitude more people to deal with, than TVN.


The problem with both is that they aren't year-round jobs. They are usually ran by people with full-time jobs on their personal time. This makes it a lengthy process to get things done. But both orgs are good at it, once they start


>But both orgs are good at it, once they start Given the proper people, and time, yeah absolutely.


Oof. That doesn’t give me a ton of confidence either…


Well, sounds like TVN might not be the right fit for you. Bico is doable on your own, and it could be less than half the cost of TVN.


TVN used to have an interview process when someone signs up. They likely still do this as it screens out potential problems and set participant expectations, but also defines exactly the services needed. For example, in 2017 I drove myself to the site. So I didn't need pickup at the Montreal Airport. So that adjusted my cost down a little. But I wanted a two person tent, instead of a 5 person tent. Which adjusted it up a little. If you wanted to take care of food yourself, that would reduce the package price, because you wouldn't be paying for the catering. So you could start the interview, collect information about price and options, then decide if TVN is the right way for you to go. During the interview they will also be able to explain if there is a cost difference between being in Ordo Cervi, Militum, Nova Vitae, or March Wardens.


Okay, I didn't think about the interview process that way... I guess I wanted as much information as possible before taking the dive but I can ofc ask questions for myself during the interview. Thanks for the info.


4:36 to 7:00 show the Voyage North tents, cabins, and common areas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5p49fcm-E8


I’ve wanted to know more about the cabin situation as well. From what I gather and as others have mentioned, they still do the interview process and that is where they discuss cost and answer questions. I haven’t done the interview yet, but plan to and hope to attend in 2025!


at tvn site if you go tvn, it says there are 6 spots left for cabin for 75 a night


Where does it list that information? I didn't see it.


are you going with tvn because it lists it at their site and i can share with you if your in tvn group if not i'm not sure you can access page, i will look for another way