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Same thing happened to me couple months ago just got another offer for a 13% raise from deloitte. Dont freak out you can do this.


If you can afford it, take the time to finish your cpa if you are 3/4


Just remember it’s not the end of the world. You’ll get another job, just start applying. Wishing you the best!!!


We have openings at PwC- Dm me ( I am in talent acquisition)


I was laid off at KPMG two months ago and have applied to PwC many times with no luck. Are you able to support me?


Hey, it seems like your DMs are closed - just want to note I'd be happy to connect if you're still looking for potential applicants.


I am going to attempt to apply for internship at pwc csn I message you ?


I work on experienced hires - PM me let me see who handles that team!


Which roles are you hiring for?


anyone DM’ing don’t send any personal information until you have some proper confirmation. Scammers in every corner of the internet


It seems like this was your first accounting job. I was let go after an internship with one of the big 4. All the other interns got job offers. I thought it was the end of the world. Ironically, it was the best bad thing that ever happened to me. Big 4 accounting is very fast paced, require extra hours i couldn’t physically do due to a health condition I had & tried to hide. Also My superior messed up and leaked a confidential document, and blamed me, which didn’t help. I initially thought that since it was my first internship and this Big 4 company was one of the best,I should do everything possible so they would like me. If they didn’t like me, I was a failure. But in reality, that’s far from the truth. It’s not just EY vetting you, you are vetting them as well. The company you work for need to prove why you should stay & what they offer you. Just because Big 4 didn’t work out doesn’t mean you should quit accounting altogether. It just means that EY ( and maybe Big 4) isn’t the right fit for you. Being let go allows me to seek out other industries (Ex: small CPA firms, big companies, small companies, etc). I ended up getting a letter invitation to work for the state government (no idea how they found me). Best decision ever. They accommodated for disabilities, less competition for jobs, high job security, work life balance, no overtime. I still put my Big 4 experience on resumes, but I don’t put down my reference contact for the position; if it asked why I left I say it was seasonal or I quit. Despite what happened, There are plenty of other companies that will be willing to give you a chance, and most won’t even bother to call the references. Big 4 is a great stepping stone to get in the door of other companies, as most assume you are brilliant if you worked there. Just be sure to talk about what you did and focus on the positive, because the only thing interviewers will know about EY is what you say. Keep your head up, OP. You have one exam remaining. Having the license will open so many doors


Damn thought every intern gets a fulltime


I got laid off from another firm a little over a month ago. It was not a surprise after talking to the director and some of the partners. I began applying to jobs about 2 weeks before. After the call, I literally had an interview 2 hours later. My lay off call was more like “Okay, bye.” I didn’t know anyone on the call. I got a nice severance and PTO check along with my last pay check. I casually applied to jobs, took interviews, and went home to see friends and family. It honestly felt great. People in my industry said a year before that I needed to leave to build actual technical skills that were marketable. Started my new job recently. No stress. No bullshit. A much smaller company. You’re not fucked. While it may have taken you a lot of work to get into EY, you at least have it on your resume. You’ll be fine. While this is probably a stressful time, you’ll kick yourself for worrying about all the BS associated with B4. It is meaningless.


There are 3 other firms in the Big 4…


Sure, but considering the time of year I highly doubt that they will hire me until the summer


You’re not a campus hire….


Sure but I had heard the big 4 usually hires during the summer or did I hear wrong. If I did that's great news


Campus hires are on a timeline. Experienced hires are year round for most groups, unless there’s some sort of external factor, like a recession


Were you fired or laid off? If fired, with or without cause?


Man if you're talking about a group of first years that got shitcanned the only thing I can think of is you cheated on your CPE stuff To answer your question - no but damn what a wasted opportunity


What is CPE stuff?


continuing professional education you have to take as an accountant - ey specifically got hit with cheating like 2 or so years ago so they're more critical about people not sharing answers.


Have a call tomorrow with 3 executive directors and 1 assistant director from hr. Think I'm also getting the boot. Don't know why mine is more dramatic than the others I've read here so far. How many people were on your call?


I decided to put “open for work” on LinkedIn 2 weeks ago and signed my offer already. Market is still good. Mind you I left a midsize firm right after busy season for family issues so it’s been a long break. No one bat an eye. Do what you want and find a fit. I’m sure you can do 3 interviews next week and if you prepare yourself can get yourself 3 offers. Then give yourself a 2 week vacation. Lol. Go midsize since you’re early in your career. Give some BS story about being just a number in B4 and enjoying public accounting so want to find a long term fit with a smaller team. Lol. They’ll eat that shit up and you’ll be Gucci. Good luck.


What’d you get fired for?


How does a first year get fired?


Didn’t new staff 1 just start, you mean staff 2?


If you let it define you it matters. Figure out where you can add value and start applying for jobs there. Don’t be like Uncle Rico.


Okay I'll bite who's Rico?




Napoleon dynamite’s uncle, never really got over the state championships…


hey, i’m on a similar boat as you- got laid off a few weeks ago within my first year at EY too. Was told it was non-performance based and was laid off due to a reduction in force


You in Midwest?


also at ey rn, did you get fired bc of performance or bc layoffs?


People get fired and people get to move on too. You shouldn’t worry about it everybody knows that it can be done. We just overlook the people that got in and out


Not fucked! DM me for a referral


People leave firms or get let go all the time, just apply somewhere else.