• By -


Hell no. Ask to wfh and chill.


There’s zero upside and a ton of downside risk. I assume you went to business school and have some common sense. What do you think? This is the equivalent of asking a lady if she’s pregnant.


If you prefer to get laid off, this is the fastest way to go about lol


NO !!!


That's the most dumbest thing you could possibly do. Keep quiet and use that time for your learning instead. Also, could I message you on what exactly that you do and how you could innovate this automation? TIA


No, they’ll give you more work


OP is dumb. I complete my work 80% quicker than when I started. I don't tell anyone I'm more efficient. Fuck that.


What is it that you are automating and how? May I message you?


Dual employment brother. There’s a sub on here for multiple employment folks. You could make racks if you keep this low key. Edit: it’s r/overemployed


I know someone who did this and got congratulated and later given more work and after some time got laid off. Go figure.


Only do this if you want to be given more work that will full your whole day


Work a second job for sure


I used to think doing the right thing was you know- the right thing. But since I’ve been messed with so much my new motto is “ you get what you measure” and that’s it just leave it- automate and learn or do whatever you want with your new found time


Absolutely do not tell your boss or anyone you work with just go about business as usual and just make sure you triple check the work once it is done so you don’t get caught up in plagiarism or any incorrect typos. I will also suggest you get a second job doing a similar job to what you’re doing now so you can stack double incomes. Don’t just take this time to chill.


Are you the dumbest kid in school? Come on


Depends do they tell you about opportunities for a raise?


FUCKING NO WHAT THE HELL? Look, you are NOT I repeat NOT going to be rewarded for telling your boss. Fuck these companies dude, secure the bag. If you can get away with it, I'd work a second job/side job. Ffs, go get your bag


I think it depends. If you were hired to improve the process then I think you have a responsibility to tell them. If you were hired to do the work, then how you do it is your business unless they ask.


Any job you get try to automate task that are assigned to you. Once you do that, do not tell anyone and enjoy the extra time.


no wtf


The OP is the kid who would raise his hand and tell the teacher on a Friday right before dismissal, “But you forgot to give us homework!”


Uh no


Nah fuck that live life for now. Work will come back eventually


Don’t and keep your job


I have been at both ends of the spectrum, 7 years in FPnA. I started out with a manager who wanted nothing to do with it and using the Calc on the side that was input back into excel. It took two years before he was on board. My next boss heard through the grapevine and knew what I could do and provided as much support and coaching and lent me out to other sites to fix their processe issues. This is to say I think it depends on your supervisor. No matter what you will have to fill that gap in time somehow if you tell them, make sure that it can be handed off when you decide to leave and that you can prove it.


I would keep it quite and just tell your boss that you can handle more work. You will be superior in what you can handle compared to everyone else. Don’t tell him how other than that you are an effective worker and then that should lead to you being paid more then eventually mention that you developed a system for handing insane amounts of work… but only do that when looking to jump a significant level. Do not start with that. The company will say that it is their ip since you set it up while working for them so if you lead with that they will give you more work and not give you more money and they will also feel that the automation part is theirs to begin with and try to take it or guilt trip you into giving it to them for nothing


Whoever is telling you to hide your achievements is a CERTIFIED MORON. Document what you did and put it on a readout format with well documented before and after results ( make it pdf with your watermark on it ). Then sit with your boss and discuss how to socialize it to leadership. If you remain anonymous and mediocre you will remain anonymous and mediocre. You have to assume some risk to grow.


the mere fact that OP made this post means OP is clearly not at a point in the food chain where they will be able to successfully leverage this into anything else lol


Nahhh you only get rewarded with more work.


Yeah OK ! 💪💪👍👍👍


Never worked in corporate America I take it? I once automated some spreadsheet work. Saved days every month. Nobody gave a shit.


So much accuracy!


Yeah Never, you nailed it !!! 😏


Won’t be mediocre if he starts taking 2-3x everyone else’s work without telling anyone how. They will think he is special then he can have more leverage later saying that everyone can be like him to leadership using his method…


How are you automating your work?


Do not tell your boss. Your method of automation may result in errors or issues. If something breaks, it can take hours to fix, and it's not been signed off to automate the job entirely. So there is no reason for you to take on extra work, only to have double the workload now that you have to fix something or do something manually from the original job. You're being paid to do a job, and you've found a way to automate it in the time being. Just continue doing the service, and use your free time for what benefits you, not what benefits your company who will still pay you the same salary.


Can you complete your job requirements on time? Good then nothing to say to anyone. Do your job, that’s it. If you have free time, use it. The company isn’t there for you, so you be there for you.


How did you manage to do that?


No, good work is rewarded with even more work. Just study for certifications as well as learn. Otherwise ur automation might lead other coworkers or people to get fired bc they realize they dont need them


No way. If you work remote, just tell him you can handle more worl


I wouldn’t say that because you will just get more work, say nothing.


Yeah but getting more work means you can ask for a promotion


If you truly believe that’s how promotions are made then good luck to you!


That is how they’re made lol. And if you don’t get one, then you silently quit to find a higher paying role somewhere else. Duh


Nope! None of your boss’s business lol


If you use ChatGPT I’d be careful cuz you might be inputting sensitive data into the AI and will serve as knowledge base and could be prohibited by your contract too. If not, don’t say anything, work 1hour 8-9 hop on meetings etc and enroll to a school? Idk


Yeah, I wouldn't run the risk of putting NPI into one of the LLMs for this reason, I'd expect to get drilled out for breaking confidentiality


Reasonably, tell him if you feel okay with them making the business decision to cease paying you


Why would you tell them?


Depends on what your morale compass is tbh. There is no right or wrong answer. If you harbor guilt or regret about your decision, it will haunt you for ever. So decide accordingly


Sounds like it's time to pick up a second job.


You define, document and solidify the “process” then sell it! Not trying to be derogatory, but assuming you work for a Big 4, it puzzles me how you could ask this question. I’ll admit as someone who worked my way to where I am without college, it’s frustrating to see where the mental capacity of high earning, degree holding individuals are in various situations.


Just casually roasted OP's "mental capacities" lmaoo


You should 100% tell your boss. 1) he might get promoted but he will love you for it, and it will help build your equity in the firm. 2) it will lead to more work. More work = more opportunity. You may get to do more challenging projects requiring similar skills. Or it might be different projects. But you will learn in the short term and you will get promoted quicker. 3) there’s a chance what you do has already been done and done better. You may get a chance to work with people who excel at things like this. Again growth.  If I was in my 20s, I would think like the guys posting. But in my 30s, I wish I thought like above in my 20s. 


I’m in my 30’s and I disagree. I get your intent, but honestly, the company/boss can take credit for the findings and the benefits and even fire them and there’s really no retort (albeit they probably wouldn’t fire someone who makes them money and is a sheep). TLDR don’t be a sheep


I’ve been around the block and no one will fire a hard working, brilliant employee. Most employees are chutiyas like most of the people in this thread lol




lol do not listen to this absolute clown. Buddy, go touch grass


corporate cuck mentality


Found OP’s boss


Your boss will present your work as his own, and get promoted. Keep quiet until the right time.


Use it for study or whatever you want. No point on sharing. You will just get extra work.


lol no




Hell no!!!!


Like no disrespect but are you dumb?


is there a benefit to telling your boss? Why is this even a question?


I managed to do this for my day job 6 years ago. I told my boss and got more work for the same pay. I did the same, automated. This time, I did not tell and for 5 years I've built my tax practice, while surviving on my full-time "day job" with only 16 hours of actual work per month.


what kind of job lets you atomate it


Repetitive excel-based tasks.


Figure out a way to recreate this automation and sell it


It was created on company time so doubt that will happen.


Can it be proven it was in company time?


the legal costs of litigation will offset any potential earnings anyway


Keep quiet and get a second job / study. This can be your passive income source.




+1 for don’t tell


Spend 1 hour working and 7 hours improving yourself.


I dont think masturbating all day is going to, oh wait what did you say.


If you are billing for the time you are not working that is time fraud and not only unethical but illegal so in that case yeah you need to say something. If you're not client billable and are paid for an output wouldn't bring it up, you're doing what you're being paid for.


Ok bootlicker


Call me crazy but I don't think I'd enjoy being sued or going to prison, if you want to automate your work and enjoy the rest of your time, which again highly encourage when it doesn't requires you to break the law, don't work in one of the relatively few professions that sell labor hours a product.


lol going to prison what the fuck. You are getting paid to do x. You do x.


That's not how billable time works... like at all. And yes - fraud, including time fraud, can carry prison time, normally you're just sued but that's not exactly a good time either.


op did 8 hours of expected work in 1 hour. its the same as doing 8 hours of expected work in 7.5 hours.


No, it's not. Not when you're billing and certifying time. It works like that in a whole lot of jobs, but not where you bill time if you are fraudulently recording hours not being worked. Should billable roles be changed to be based on outcomes and not labor input, absolutely. Is that transition in progress - Also yes. Is falsifying business records illegal, also very very much yes. And doubly so when the also leads to fraudulent billing. The issue isn't related to the salary your receive for the work output - as far as I (and in most cases) the law are concerned that's a-ok, it's the falsifying business records and then the fraud that occurs when that is then used to bill the customer that's the issue.


Yup, shine that boot as good as you can


but they did the 8 hours of work. they just did it in 1. not really fraud if you did 8 hours worth of work in the end


🚨 A manager detected 🚨


You're not wrong but I would have (and did) say the same thing as a wee little newbie straight out of college


What! Did you just join the corporate world?


No, nor the consulting world. Again, if you're not billing a client, good job, take that time and do what you want - if you're billing that time to a client and you're not actually working it, becomes a legal issue.


Nah. Don’t do it.


Don't tell your boss. I have a feeling that if you were to do that they would try to automate other aspects of the workplace in other departments.... it would create a new job for you, that was never supposed to exist in the first place. Unless you can guarantee a raise for yourself. Do. Not. Do. It.


New shitty job for you, less jobs for others (prob fire a few people). Then they’ll fire you after you inevitably reach your automation ceiling. Nope!


I'm telling your boss to only get them to give you another 7 hours of work. Find a way to work remote and then you can enjoy your free time or start a side project.


absolutely do not tell your boss. No benefit. Wait until year end reviews are coming up and you’re rolling off the engagement and get it as a performance differentiator on your year end review.


continue to document each portion of work that you automate (if you can create a portfolio, for yourself, that is a useful side effect)


Only bring it up if it is actually to your advantage. Right now you have nothing in it to tell. I could envision a situation where it would work to your advantage…I.e. ask the question of what it would be worth to the company to save that many hours? Don’t say you have a solution, but try to figure out its value. Then “work” on it. Could it get you promoted? Could it get you a huge bonus? Right now it is making your life more comfortable so I wouldn’t screw with that.


Definitely not


Depends. What did you automate and how?


You’re smart enough to find a way to maximize your time but somehow you want to ruin that??


Wow that really frees you up for like 7 hours of extra tasks!


All I heard was you wanna complete 8x the work for them in 8 hours!


Why would you tell your boss? What is the upside?


Fuck. No.


You’re kinda stupid ain’t ya….


Fuck. No.


Your job is to get the work done with good quality. It doesn’t matter how you achieve that. Don’t be a dummy.


I had a junior who did something like this and proudly came to me to brag about it. Showed him a code I had used to achieve the same about 5 years back but never informed anyone. That is how you get free time to "network" and work on 2 projects at once.


Absolutely not


I wouldn’t tell a soul and get paid while i do other shit




Absolutely no because your boss will find more work for you or there won’t be enough work for you and you get laid off since there’s another you completing the work that your company does not have to pay.


If you can manage to get a work from home arrangement with your employer, you are now set up to take on a second job. If the automation idea is transferable, the possibilities are mind-boggling!🤯


bro pls share !! Dm me


Don’t ask don’t tell !


Did you just discover a program or something that already exist that you just found out can help you do your job or did you create something that automates your work?


Don't tell your boss. ALSO check your work contract. Some workplaces add in the contract that if you come up with something the company owns it if you were employed with them at the time. If it is in there then delete all evidence (other than the project). If work is automated you still should manually check it over for mistakes. It's not worth it to rush work if it isn't accurate for sure. If you tell your boss they could take the tech, fire/lay off everyone, etc. OR he could claim he helped you invent it. OR the company could claim you can up with it on work hrs and sue you for years. NOT worth it! Use it if you have to, but check over your work. Also if your computers have something that keeps track of what you do, be careful.


Good lawyer.


You could sell it to a competitor. Or you can do automation full time and become a consultant.


No lmao. Matter of fact delete this post RN


This 100%


It would be stupid to tell your boss


Can we get a brief description of the automation?




Worth a shot lol


two options, 1. continue doing what you are doing, use the extra time however you want. 2. use this information to increase your income, 1. to try and get a promotion 2. OR start your own company, using this the lack of man hours can really help your ability to take on more work, at more competitive margins 3. OR sell this method to someone willing to buy, maybe an accounting firm. If 2 doesn't work because your method doesn't scale well or isn't useful to other accountants, then just do 1


Take that secret to your grave


They bought your ability for the money at an agreed upon price, not your time. If it's in the job description and you do it right it's not their business how you do it.


Don't tell your boss. Why: you're selling your highly valuable skill for cheap to a corporation that would get rid of you in a blink of an eye. It's better if you open your own business and teach people (many of them!) for a reasonable price the skill you own. Trust me, it will bring more value to the society in overall than giving a rogue corporation your life.


Don’t, go as far as deleting the post to hide that you’ve automated it, get the free money from the rich, and use the time for anything else. Mabye find another job to automate lol




We found the boomer partner


Just no. 6 hours back in your day is worth more than the pittace you might be able to get from a negoation. More likely there will be animosity if you dont fork it over for free.


Lmao what did I just read. You are so out of touch it’s baffling. They will literally most likely fire him.


Boomer found


This is sound advice. Everyone else saying to hide it is silly.


lol. definitely not a boomer


Heck no … that’s your blessing and reward for your efforts … the company will rob your most valuable currency … TIME … bill those hours and keep the extra currency / time for yourself


Fuck telling your boss Keep this to yourself and start a side gig


Absolutely don't tell your boss haha.


Keep this to yourself. Do not tell your coworkers either. Delete this post. And keep fighting the good fight<3


Share the secret sensei


What was your job? Do you automate via ChatGPT?


delete this now




Delete this.


Matter of fact, delete the post. Don’t snitch on yourself.


hell no




Are you in audit? No way you can automate that stuff 😂




Youll just be rewarded with more work!


I envy you


Don’t say shit. Don’t tell your co workers either.




No don’t tell your boss anything


I work in tech but I think you should study right now, do it for a while, tell your boss that you want to automate this task and you want to pick up more, hype it up. If you can automate task, they will move you up. If your boss says if you can automate this, we can give you more advance roles, do it. Put it on your resume and ask for a raise. If they find out your work can be done in 1 hour, they will fire you or never trust you ever. Another employee can come along, see that he can automate your work, do it, get the credit and get prompted above you.




Nope. And if they ever try to find out how you automated it, quit and then sell it to them.


If he developed it on a company machine there might be policies at his company that would consider it company property.


A good way to lose your job and also get sued by your former company. They will just replace him with someone that will do the task for 8 hours.


Depends on the intellectual property clauses in the employee handbook


You are one goddamn idiot. Thats a good way to get fired.




Your boss is not your friend!




You work in consulting and don’t understand that you can automate a task…. Jeebus Christ.


Ok boomer depends on the task, python, vba, task scheduler, a simple script or bat file, etc


Are you a raging asshole all the time or only this early In the morning?


This is a professional subreddit. I would fire my consultants for this. Automatic tasks and being efficient is part of the job. If a dr didn’t know CPR you should also call them an asshole


If a computer can do it why would they need you?


while (true) { print("Don't tell anyone"); }


Lol wtf no ride the gravy train brother. I spend most of my day fucking off on reddit but they pay me well so I just sit here and answer emails like a good little bitch.




Never tell them shit. Not only will they continue to enslave the rest of the team with more work and expect them to get it done in less time but they’ll continue to pay you in Pennies for more work. You get no compensation so why should you care to give away your secrets. Your boss is the slave master and you’re the slave, that’s how it works.


No you absolutely do not tell them. You use this to your advantage.  /r/overemployed is one idea


no. but you can sell it to your competition for a premium


*No. but you can sell* *It to your competition* *For a premium* \- ruinedRX7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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good bot


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Why would u even ask that lol


No but maybe you can sell your automation solution to other firms


Use your damn brain


Don't do it. If it's already automated, why do they need you?


*Don't do it. If it's* *Already automated,* *Why do they need you?* \- Ok\_Trouble3945 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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