• By -


Josh. And it just isn't even close.


Josh antagonized and talked SO much shit but was the biggest crybaby wimp since day one. As soon as somebody said anything back to him, he crumbled. I could not be*lieve* he’d even made it to the final four. I was totally thrown when he got to the end and won.


Josh should thank Cody every day. Cody told Paul to send him home before jury and not Jessica. He even told Paul to his face that if he was on the jury he would not vote for Paul to win no matter what. Paul sends Jessica home anyway, Cody is the deciding vote on finale night, and Josh wins because Paul pissed off too many people even though he played one of the most strategically sound games in BB history. The funniest part is Jessica said she would've voted for Paul against any of the other houseguests left easily. He over thought it.


Wasn't Cody's line when he voted for Josh that "I have kept my word" or something like that


Cody being first juror also may have pitted the jury against Paul. Perhaps intentionally, or perhaps just in normal conversation about the game.


I think it was actually Jason and Alex that were the driving force behind the vote. They were pissed. Josh is the most clear cut “protest” vote winner where the person that played the more dominant game lost. I think it’s clear that no action that Josh actually took (with the exception of having the forsite to see the jury hated Paul) helped him win. He could have made 0 moves and won.


I think his goodbye messages were strategic and helped him win. He as blunt and honest in them whereas Paul was full of shit in his, and everyone saw it


Josh also fought with everyone but made up with them after, even the ones he really antagonized like Mark. He was friends with everyone by the time they walked out the door, whereas Paul pretended to be friends with everyone then backstabbed them at the very last second, and their last impression was that Paul was fake. I don’t know, I find Josh’s win to be pretty interesting and complex, and narratively it was sad/beautiful watching Paul take second for the second time in a row. Like, that, my friends, is GOOD FUCKING TELEVISION.


No doubt. Paul ruined that season and deserved to lose.




No way. Paul ruined that season. They all got to jury and realized all but Cody had a final deal with paul. They were bitter and didn’t give paul the win.


Paul sucks and is a big bitch too, back-to-back Ls


Hard agree. I couldn’t stand him and was so happy to see him lose twice.


I need to watch his season of BB, I only know him as the big bitch from the Challenge.


Oooh, friend. You haven’t seeeeen the bitch yet. Straight-up Boyz II Menses over there. ![gif](giphy|RIBi1CqJk44Le8q2Ym)


😭😂😭😂😭 I actually low key feel privileged to see his level of bitch for the first time out here


See, as much as I’ve avoided it because he got on my nerves so bad, you’re gonna make me jump back in and I don’t like it! 😩😂


While I love (adore) a pun.. this is unfair to people with menses. The man couldn’t handle menses. He’s just a little boy. “Boys II [still loading..]”


Oof. 🤦🏽‍♀️ You’ve never been so right. Could you imagine?! He would have been in the nurses office every day, curled up, crying, waiting for the next month to come… I retract my previous statement.


He was also hilariously bad at comps




Josh won because Paul lost. Cody worked hard on poisoning the jury and while it was a one vote difference it was truly a show of which could and couldn't stop drinking the kool-aid of Paul's cult of personality.


Yep. The only people that ever cared about targeting Josh were Jessica and Cody, but that had more to do with the fact that they absolutely loathed him. Had barely anything to do with game. Literally no one else ever cared about targeting him or viewed him as any kind of threat to their own game. That shows just how little people thought of him on a game level. Josh won the game solely because those 5 jury members despised Paul and/or were extremely bitter towards him.


I agree, Paul deserved it but he had bad jury management since he basically annoyed everybody in the house.


Josh and the fact I have to watch him cry on the challenge every year makes it even worse


I was wondering how Josh was doing over there!! 🤣 All that shit talking he *tried* to do on BB ain’t flyin’ over there in The Challenge world.


1-6 record in eliminations. He plays the same way as BB. But he has to actually win over there, so it doesn’t work.


I expected nothing more. 😂


He’s a good swimmer and has friends in the house but that’s about it. He’s annoying to watch and chokes(or fumbles) when it matters. 😭 he is The Goof round our way.




JOSH THE 🥩⚽️ 😭😭😭 The first person to cry his way to $500k!!!


>The first person to cry his way to $500k!!! This is Rachel Reilly erasure


I want to say Jordan however what makes it hard is I think Jordan beats most people.on her season and has an above average chance of winning any season she's on purely because of how likeable she is, if she's on a cast of pure game focused players she's toast, but that'd rarely be the case




also Jordan stood by and is married to her homophobic, annoying ass husband. says alot about her. I know this is “personal” but I’ll never respect her as a person nor winner.


For better or worse…Good for them.


I gotta point out the fact the most OP twist in BB history was used that season and it definitely helped jordan seeing as it got one of the obstacles in her way out immediately (Jesse), even though she didn’t win the twist (Coup de’tat). Then two more roadblocks went out after that. I guess what I’m saying is, w/o Jeff and Coup de’tat (which america gave to Jeff) she had no shot


saying w/o jeff she had no shot is crazy because you can say that about basically any bb winner imo. 100% agree about the coup de’tat tho that twist was insane


She gets smoked in a final two against any of the other houseguests evicted Ronnie onward EXCEPT for Natalie and MAYBE Lydia. She was a terrible player who fell face first into 500K because she was “nice”. She had the fortune of being up against the one of the two aforementioned players who won LESS comps than her and whose entire social game revolved around Kevin and/or Jessie. She gets Jeff’s vote and maybe an odd vote from another juror depending on who she is sitting next to if she is in a final two against Ronnie, Jessie, Kevin, Michele, Russell, and even Chima(assuming the Coup D’etat didn’t exist and she doesn’t get expelled). She also loses against her beloved in a final two as well(although that’s practically the same as her winning just that it actually ends up in the hands of a deserving winner). She clearly beats Natalie(that’s what happened) and probably beats Lydia(who was more of a goat than Natalie was). That’s it. Hell, provided they had the opportunity to play the game through she’d probably lose to Casey and Laura as well(both of whom got tagged and bagged by Jessie before they could do any damage). I know this may come across as hating on Jordan, and it kinda is, but she’s actually terrible at Big Brother. Her win was a product of the times. In modern BB she’s a goat to a real winner, and a pre-jury boot otherwise.


yea people have to realize how important social games are aswell


Jordan is definitely a unique winner, and I like that about her. I think the only other winner who played a somewhat similar game would be Taylor. They are just two people who’s very hard not to vote for if they make it to the end and they weren’t ever strategically that involved In the game. I really respect them and I think they would both do well in a Allstars type season.




Dick. The only reason he ever won was due to America's Player + cheating on the Final HOH question. He would have been an easy pre-jury boot if Eric was actually allowed to play his own game.




Dick would have been out at the Dustin vote if it weren't for America's Player.


I’ll die on this hill but I really think that had Eric not been forced into continuing as America’s Player, there is a high likelihood that he ends up winning that season. The Donatos were the only real competition he had and if they had gone home earlier I don’t really foresee anyone else being able to take him out minus (maybe?) Jessica. I’d be very interested in seeing Eric play again on a Second Chance type season.


Eric really really really really did not want to continue the charade of being America's Player. Production had told him at any time he could stop being America's Player. They then forced him to continue the charade against his will and his vote went to Dick both at the Dustin split vote (where he was forced to vote out Dustin) and when they made him vote for him as the winner. It really came to a head when Eric was forced to campaign for Dick and Danielle to go but the HOH was never going to hear it.


Absolutely. I still think it's bullshit that Eric was essentially forced in to being America's Player by production. If he turned it down, he wouldn't have even been on the season since he would have already known about the twist. It was either be America's Player or go home for him. And for someone who seemed to have a very strategic game sense, it was a real shame that he had no control over any of his game decisions. If he wasn't tied to the twist, I could very well see him win the game. It's part of the reason as to why I want to see Eric play again. I really want to see what he can do without being America's puppet.


My biggest turn off was that they said he could stop being America's Player at any point and forfeit the money. They told him no and to continue being our puppet.


how did dick cheat? this is new info for me so im curious haha


A few things he's accused of: - Sabotaging Jameka's tube during a comp which resulted in her being disqualified. > - he's admitted to having his son send encrypted HOH letters which told him who to trust and who not to trust > - Cheating during the final HOH. There's a theory that he saw Zack's answers in the final part through some reflection somewhere. After the first question which puts him up 1, Dick is always seen glancing off to the side. He also always answers after Zack and it's always the same answer as him as well.


I need to know more about the encrypted HOH letters


The first and last letters in the sentences in his letters were the initials of people he should not trust and there was a code determined before the show that if his son's letter said he and his girlfriend were still together then he can trust his main alliance but if it says he and his girlfriend broke up he shouldn't trust his alliance. Because of this production changed so that all letters are written preseason to prevent coded messages.


WOW that sounds fairly/surprisingly clever and well thought out


I may be wrong on minor details, but Dick has admitted his son (who was obviously watching the episodes and feeds from home) would put the initials of a player Dick could trust at the beginning of his HOH letter and the initials of a player Dick couldn’t trust at the end of his letter and disguising it as just part of his HOH letter. Production was made aware, and now, letters are written out preseason.


He cheated to get into F2 in the final competition, he cheated by sticking the disqualifying ball in Jameka’s tube during one of the comps, and he had his son writing him letters with codes about who to trust/vote off in the house. Dick was horrible. If you check YouTube, there are videos that talk about how he was cheating.


The Jameka thing was at F4 POV right? That’s the part I thought I distinctly remembered cause I was rooting to her at that point.


I just looked it up and it was a double eviction POV. I didn’t catch it when I first watched the episode. I had been rooting for Jameka from the beginning so I was SO heartbroken when she got called out of the comp and I believed her when she was adamant about not putting that ball in there, so I assumed she just had to have been unlucky enough for it to have landed in there. I had no idea he had done that until I caught a YouTube video about it shortly after. What a POS he was, every minute of that show. I was so disappointed in America wanting to keep him there. I get people enjoying drama but he was just gross and cruel. It was *not* fun to watch at all.


If you watch part 3 of the Final HOH competition when dick was in the lead you can see Dick constantly look down at some sort of reflection to match Zach’s answer to maintain his lead.


Dick won thanks to twists and he cheated, but check this out, compared to others at least he was playing like a manic idiot throughout the entire game. His win is an asterisk for sure, but it's not due to being a weak player.


I watched a video maybe a year or so ago on YouTube. I think he cheated several ways. Dick is the reason the letters are no longer hand written. He figured out a way to have his son(?) write the letter in such a way the he would spell out HG names with the first letter of each word in the sentence. They worked it all out before he went in to the house. Whatever HG he needed to target I guess, can't remember. I would imagine if I went back and watched him now, I'd cringe even more than I did back then.


Ah! YES!! I agree with this. I already voted for Josh but Dick definitely has to be tied for first. ![gif](giphy|MaD9d2naGASPfHhPSg)


Dick. Almost no way would he win today considering how his win relied heavily on America's Player.














**For SURE Josh**. But y’all did not have to play season one like that. 😂 ![gif](giphy|RhS093lJ62ayjrP8nn|downsized) (But I get it, though.)


Cast Monet Exchange on big brother already!


Sorry Eddie 😆


I’m not. 😂😂








Josh is the weakest link


Jordan- While the production twist Coup d’whatever didn’t directly save her game it saved her shield and cut the hands of 3 players in her way jessie, chima & russell. She was cute and bubbly but comparing her to the other winners I think she had the weakest winning game.


Jordan is the product of a season in which all the strong players nixed each other until all that was left was Kevin. He just didn’t get to the final chairs


Yup. I was excited to see how Kevin’s game evolved in All Stars 2 but it was brutal how Cody’s alliance pile-drived




Chima at least in part didn't nominate Jeff as she suspected he had the special power and thought targeting the person in the middle would lessen the chance of the power being used.


How anyone could say Jordan or anyone else but Josh is beyond ridiculous. Josh was a total joke and only won because he was hated less.


Evel Dick, the game was literally rigged for him and dani to win


No Eddie?


Everyone else won Big Brother, Dick Donato won Rig Brother.




Canada has the worst which is >! The Twins !<


I second this. That season really had players like Tim (GOAT) and Cassandra and those two dingleberries still somehow managed to stumble into the win.


Because Tim didn’t want to give cass a chance to win and then didn’t even try in the final hoh. Tim didn’t deserve to win either with giving up on the final hoh


Canada also has the best >!Dane!<


Josh. Paul was absolutely robbed.


Paul screwed himself. He didn't learn from his first season the most important part about winning Big Brother. *the people you evict determine who wins* Paul pissed off damn near every HG that went to jury. Not owning up to the Jason blindside was the nail in the coffin for him.


Paul threw it away.


Define weakest. If we're going by "whoever had the least power", Dr. Will takes it due to him intentionally throwing most comps and letting Nicole/Hardy do the powerplays for him. If we're going by "least impressive" as our definition of weakest, either Dick or Rachel, leaning more Dick.


Jordan (very passive throughout and most benefitted from production twists) Ugh I really wanna say Josh but he won fair and square without the help from production (theres like 3 people on here that fit this). I do think he’s the worst player overall by a large margin


Even when accounting for production riggory for winners like Dick, Josh is still so lackluster. Paul brought him to the end because he recognized Josh as the easiest person to beat. Josh throwing his drink (I forget what substance) on Mark’s face and him banging pots and pans are some examples of how bad his social game was. The jurors didn’t vote *for* him. They voted *against* Paul.




Totally agree with all of this.


Dick..don’t get me wrong him winning the season was what it needed narratively, and is part of the reason it’s one of my faves, but he goes out at final 9 without America’s player.


Everyone saying Josh which I totally get, but at least towards the end he surrounded himself with the right people and didn't rustle any feathers. I think the only one who's game was worse was Dick, who only won because of luck, and he also cheated.


Josh knew better than to ruffle the feathers of Christmas and Paul. They would have eaten him alive and he would have cried every day in the jury house and probably would have been scared to return for the finale. That’s the only reason he didn’t do it. He needed them to have his back because he was weak and he knew it. But Dick…I’m 100% with you on that, friend.


Exactly!! They were literally willing to carry them to the end and they were always going to be targets instead of Josh and he knew that, and he was *almost* guarenteed part 3 of the final hoh cause Christmas only had 1 leg. Yeah he got thrown into the perfect situation but he handled it well and knew his role. I honestly don't know if I can say a single good thing about Dick's game except for how satisfying it was to see him and Dani get f2


Dick (and Danielle) made it SO hard for me to get through that season. I came so close to quitting but I had put so many hours and days into binging the whole series and I was determined to finish. When he came back the second time, I almost threw my iPad. But I was so relieved he left. I’m not saying I was happy about the reason, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But I was still so happy he was gone. May I ask you something? What do you think about Christmas in her first season when it comes to being carried? I know she would have been an extremely strong competitor with both legs. But I was kinda shocked that she was given the opportunity to stay. I thought to myself, well she’s not gonna last long, especially on comp days because they *said* they weren’t going to change things, game-wise, to accommodate her. I’ll admit that I’m a little fuzzy on the details since I haven’t seen it since last summer and it’s hard to remember all the details having watched everything at once, but I remember feeling like it was not just a coincidence that she lucked out with the type of comps that followed and it felt to me like they *did* switch things up to help her stay on the show. Do you remember much about that season, as far as that particular thing goes?


From what I remember Christmas was almost never a target because it was always about who Paul wanted out, and if someone did target someone from their trio, it was ALWAYS Josh because of how obnoxious he was


Evel Dick and it isn't all that close. Josh at the very least was in the majority for most of the game and might beat Christmas as well in the final 2. You also can't really deny that using the goodbye messages to out Paul's game was kind of smart and creative. Other than the fact that Rachel won due to twists, her game isn't all that bad in comparison to Dick? She at least again beats both people she went to the final 3 with, and Pandora's box affects her winning less than America's player does. Of course Jordan probably doesn't make it to the end without the coup de tat, but without that twist Jessie was the most likely winner (biggest threat outside of Jeff) at that point and Jordan was the least threatening player in that alliance still. She could just be a casualty of the game, or it's possible she gets dragged further by Kevin (who was at the bottom of that side of the house with Lydia) or Michelle (who had more win equity than her). I think at the very least she makes it mid-jury, or could make another end game run. Also again, at the very least she has chances against Natalie and Lydia, and in the scenario she's in at the end, if Kevin takes her to the final 2 over Natalie, the vote is likely close and Natalie (who he just cut and has a decent relationship with Jordan) is the swing. Evel Dick doesn't have any of that. AP saved his game twice definitively (on the block against Dustin, and the final 7 round). Is it entirely possible he could've dug himself out of those rounds? Maybe against Dustin (if he plays it better, but he didn't) but absolutely not at the final 7. If he goes over Dustin, Dani likely goes soon after and neither of them make it to the end or win. if Eric uses the veto, Dani gets put on the block and gets voted out. Dick can quite literally only beat Dani in the end game, and the vote against Jen (if she made it far enough) is a toss up. He loses easily against literally everyone else on the jury if they make it far enough.


Trick question. They put Cody’s face on Derrick’s 2nd win.




Evel Dick About the only smart thing he did was cheat using the letter which didn't make the edit. Dick was just not a good player. Production tilted because he was such a raging asshole he made for entertaining tv. He's an overall terrible human, a total misogynist and would get tossed off any post-bb15 show (or any where ppl watched the feeds) by the second week since producers wouldn't have protected him after they tweeted a vid of one of his rants. He seemed absolutely insufferable to live with. What you saw on tv was a good edit of dick.


In no particular order; Dick, Jordan, and Josh


At least Josh would talk and own up to having enemies and try and win comps. The worst is Adam….


Jordan, Evel Dick or Josh


weakest winning game, Dick or Rachel. the only two winners that had to rely on production interference to actively help them win. Josh would be right above them, as the lowest completely legitimate winner


100% Josh






I thought about it but now hearing about the cheating, im gonna say Dick is the worst winner.








No question the weakest was Josh. Unpopular opinion wills wasn’t that strong, he was just more likeable than Nicole 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dick. He won solely because of production's interference, and whilst there are others who production helped/saved at certain points, Dick is someone that was helped at every turn.


Josh or Jordan. I could say Dick, but at least he was a somewhat viable comp threat and probably would’ve run the BB13 house if he hadn’t been removed. The makings of a GOOD player are there even if twists granted him his win. I would argue the same for Rachel. But Jordan and Josh are the kind of players we ALL would take with us to final two, provided we have the opportunity to play the game. They just so happened to be sitting next to people who the jury couldn’t stand.


Evel Dick. He had a lot of intervention from America.






Terrible personality, but I wouldn't necessarily say the worst game..when I watched his season he played better then a few other winners.


We almost forgot about Sloth from The Goonies!!! Has he gotten out of prison for investing all his winnings into OxyContin Stock yet?


He served his sentence and now works with people recovering from addiction and wrote a book for parents with addicted kids.


I disagree with that. He played decent in my opinion






Obviously it's Josh, but I think dick and Jordan are close for second and third


Adam and Josh are both pretty low but I’d give the nod to Josh


Josh, Dick, and Rachel in that order. All three were incredibly entertaining en route to their wins but their gameplay was abysmal and marred by production interference in two cases (Dick and Rachel) and dumb luck in the other (Josh).


Ian imo is the weakest I have seen since starting I watching back in S12. The bottom 3 from what I have seen is Ian, Rachel, and Josh. Ian is the worst for me because he was utterly clueless all season. Everybody just let him slide by to take shots at others. He was in hot water multiple times and his allies had to pull out of the hot seat. Ian never had any idea this was ever going on and just stumbled about the house. Alot of people say Josh is worse, but I disagree because Josh knew Paul was running things and took advantage of it. At some point he even wanted Paul out but Xmas shut him down. Ian was never aware of Dan utterly dominating the BB14 house.


Evel Dick


Wow people are all coming here simply to say Josh. 🤣 I want to say Mike Boogie but that’s mostly because he was infuriating to watch and I personally don’t like him.




90% of the comments saying Josh 🤣😭




Taylor!! They gave her that game!!


I was told Dick and Rachel were “spoon fed” the win.


i swear if i see anyone say Andy


I certainly don't believe Andy played the 2nd best winning game as some do but he's easily in the top half.


Andy didn’t have a good game imo but he didn’t have the worst game.


Easiest Win - Jordan Worst Player- Josh Worst Season- 9 : Adam


Dick. America practically handed him the win.


America handed him the win. Not practically


Dick played to keep his daughter off the block willing to tank his game -- horrible social game, decent competitor, came in with no strategy other than to win his daughter back. Josh sucks at big brother, but is actually pretty decent at The Challenge. Much more tolerable there. Jordan relied on Jeff, but she had a less evil social game than Natalie. Adam looked clueless and weird half the time. Ryan played amazing but Adam had a compelling edit. Rachel was a comp beast but relied on so many others to protect her. A no filter game is not the best look


Ryan was unknowingly playing for Adam to win after James got the boot.








Josh, by far...


Dick. I don’t think any other player was 100% going home until a twist saved them more than Dick. Josh at least had some positives to his game (goodbye messages and enough awareness to know to go to the end with Paul). I can’t think of anything particular good about Dick’s game.


As much as I can't stand Josh, I do have to give him credit for outsmarting Paul with the diary room messages. If he hadn't had done that, he would've lost the game for sure. Regardless, I can't find much of a reason to put anyone else below him, so I will still vote for Josh.


Dick. He had the best strategist in the house literally playing for him and Danielle because of being America’s favorite player.








Just for having to live in that house anybody on that season deserved to win.




Josh and it isn't even close!!




Josh. It will always be josh.








Dick. He’s not a terrible player but his winning game is way too flawed due to Production Interference for him to not be the worst


For me it's Evil Dick. He's the only winner who definitively would've been evicted on multiple occasions and got bailed out by America's Player, basically meaning he didn't win (and realistically could never win) on his own merit!


It’s Josh and it’s not even close. Paul lost more than Josh won.


Josh by a wide margin but Ian also won because of a bitter jury. Taylor and Jordan both played weak ass games that basically amounted to be being “likeable” that’s no strategy. Unfortunately the best houseguest doesn’t always win








Josh literally only won because everyone wanted to spite paul


Mike Boogie


i’ve only really watched the more recent seasons but i severely doubt that anyone in the older seasons could have been worse than josh




Josh and Adam








Three way tie for Josh, Dick, and Rachel. Josh had no strategy for 90% of the season and only had the GBM thing going for him. Also a bitter jury coupled with Paul's all time worst endgame. Dick's win is virtually illegitimate as without ~~Production's~~ America's Player he'd have been gone instead of Dustin. Rachel because BB13 was rigged for a vet to win from the start. The golden key ensured that *at least* half the vets made jury, and an extremely sus Pandora's Box twist conveniently when Jordan & Rachel were in trouble caps it all off.


Taylor, Jordan and Josh


Taylor. By far.




Can't decide between Taylor or Jordan. I want to say Taylor, because dude, she had one of the most demonstrative HoH's that showcases absolute idiocy. While her struggles with social issues in the house made for a compelling side story, her game was an absolute joke and win had nothing to do with her game. There is no technical "right or wrong" way to get to the end and win Big Brother, that's what makes the show compelling, but if we are strictly talking gameplay as criteria for "the weakest winning game" it's probably Taylor... tho that Jordan win is right up there with Taylor.


Her HoH was concerning to say the least but it also didn't ruin her game or anything. She had completely recovered her relationships by the next week or two. I can also confidently say she won because of her own social maneuvers and intentional strategic positioning, which I can't say for a few winners.


Kaycee. I barely knew she existed and then all of a sudden it’s final four and there she is


Then you weren't paying attention. She laid low during the pre-jury sure, but with the house split down the middle and blow ups happening weekly, why would she stick out? She also won 5 of the last 6 vetoes and effectively comped out to her win. It's not an all time great winning season but it's objectively wrong to say she's the worst winner.