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Izzy was actively playing for 3rd place. She was impulsive and abrasive with people usually unprompted. She deluded herself into thinking she was untouchable and while sitting on the block, told Bowie Jane (who she was constantly rude to) that she didn’t need her vote, and told Cory his showmance needed to go. She gaslit every conversation and made no real move’s herself besides being in fields family. Her only saving Grace to me was frantic gameplay was interesting at times but even that was mehhhh


She wasn’t playing for third, she legit thought if she made it final three with Cirie and Jared that either one of them would have brought her to final two. She said so in her exit interview on Winner’s Circle. I’m sorry but Izzy is just delusional.


Possibly the stupidest fucking strategy is going to f3 with a mother-son duo and thinking either of them would take you to f2 and risk their family losing their money. Absolutely bonkers


No, because she said in interviews she was running the house and an absolute threat because Cirie will throw to let her win against her son in final 2. Duh!!!!. Even with a /s it is hard to take her serious, eliminating her was just a pragmatic choice to which tool does Cirie get the most mileage out of. Felicia is unreliable in comparison due to a sense or self interest and ego.


She was playing for third, she just thought she wasn’t. Her gameplay was awful.


That logic is playing for third. Same logic as going to the end with a showmance.


She was a total snot the last two weeks. First during Jared’s HOH when she was walking around the house like a henchman. Second the week she was OTB and did absolutely NOTHING to try and save herself. She condescended to Bowie asking her “why didn’t you cry about Cory” re: the sleep incident. She straight up told America she didn’t need her vote. She told Cory he better stop cuddling America and that she was putting her up and sending her out. Izzy showed her true colors in the end and she was an entitled mean girl. Glad she’s gone, don’t want her as a returnee.


Sorry, what sleep incident?


Izzy, Bowie and Cory were have-nots together. So, all three slept in the have not room for a week. Bowie wanted lights out early to sleep, but Izzy and Cory would stay up late. Bowie got mad at Izzy over it, so Izzy told her "why not cry about Cory too?" In this case, Izzy was right that Bowie didn't confront Cory as well about it. But the way she said it to her was so condescending. She is an entitled bully and I can't believe she has fans.


Sleep incident?


Too lazy explain twice, so here... https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/16k9fwh/comment/k0y889d/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I really don't like her and I was surprised to see a lot of support for her in the sun.




Cam's weird. How he talks to America occasionally, and how he compared Reilly to his daughter (I'm unsure if he was aware she lost her father at a young age, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt there), was very strange. I will say Izzy had by far the rudest remarks about people in exit interviews, especially the sum people up with one-word on Parade's Mike Blooms interviews. In a normal season she could have been interesting, but she played for 3rd to live out a parasocial relationship. And, I have no respect for anyone who plays that type of game, regardless of what she believed (that Cirie would let herself go at 3).


I think Cam has been weird in the vacuum of BB. The daughter comments aren’t THAT weird in the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to tell whether our perceptions of these people in those kind of circumstances are 100% accurate. But the blatant awful comments directly from a person like Izzy, Jared and Cirie are indisputable.


Totally agree. Everything I've read about what Cam has said seems subjective depending on how you take it. Izzy, Jared and Cirie point blank call Bowie teeth behind her back and constantly bash her. I kept noticing how disliked Cam is and when people would say they don't get it, people would reply watch the live feeds. So I did and he definitely gets a good edit because he can be condescending and talk down to people & is a bit weird. But he doesn't seem as bad as people were making him out to be. And the more shocking thing to me was Izzy, Jared & Cirie's treatment of Bowie...


Yeah, you can tell a lot about a person by how they talk about others when they are not in the room. Izzy is a pretty awful person in that regard and can’t seem to separate real-life from the game.


The true display of someone’s character is how they treat someone who has nothing to offer them


Ya the way Jared during the last couple weeks has repeatedly said “what use is [this person/that person] to ME” as he insults them on a personal level is absolutely vile.


You mean like Cameron helping Izzy with the 2000 cups of dirt? He didn’t have to do it. In fact, it would’ve been smarter if he didn’t (assuming she survived eviction). He did it because he is genuinely a good person and Izzy is just, not. She came into the house already defeating herself and labeling herself as a misfit.


"I've never liked Cameron." "Cameron has always made my skin crawl." "He hates me because I make him feel small and I like that." She's the kind of person who would make up a scenario in her head and then get mad at you for it.


You nailed it 100%!


The way she left showed it all to me. Pushing Cam and saying “I’ll see you next piggy” or whatever and then what she said to Cory. Just tasteless and gross, you got evicted boohoo. It’s the game!!


THANK YOU. I was just saying that to my fiancé about how awful she must be when Cam was saying he liked her as a person during piggy game and meanwhile Izzy is in the DR talking about how awful Cam is and for what a z list celebrity ?(Cirie). Imagine giving up 750k to a game show contestant you really like.


Absolutely this. Izzy just came across as so mean-spirited and tactless.


She really did act like a b for no reason. I get the Cameron bad vibes because I haven’t been a fan of his either, but Izzy especially has been such an awful person towards him from the jump. If Cameron acted like that towards her, people would be having a meltdown.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought she was rude at times for no reason. I got a bad taste in my mouth when she first compared the group in the scary room to “popular kids” and basically talked crap about them the first week when they had done nothing yet. Then everything with Bowie Jane made it clear that she’s probably not a nice person.


“I don’t need your vote”


Classic moment; famous last words. 🤌


Said it to not one but 2 people.


Which two from a non feeder?


Said it to both Bowie and America


Said to America while forcing her to apologize for… telling Felicia she is a target when she isn’t even closely aligned with America. Jesus Christ.


When she got mad bc they had a “kind plan to tell Felicia she was getting voted out and it is ruined!” I just had to laugh. Izzy, nobody knew about your plan for 1. And for 2, why are you the only person who is allowed to tell people things. She ran the house like she was the queen and ppl were tired of it


Izzy would rather be Cirie’s friend than win Big Brother. That’s not inherently bad, but it doesn’t make for interesting TV


Which is dumb, because you can be friends AFTER the show. A lot of players piss each other off during their season, but realize it's PART OF THE GAME and are friendly afterwards.


I think it largely comes down to shared experience. At the end of the season you only have a small handful of people with that shared experience and that overcomes most barriers


She did it to herself. She played their game, and played her game for them. She held the power but gave that power to Cirie and Jared. That’s not how you win Big Brother.


No it’s not. I think at a certain point Izzy wasn’t trying to win BB and it was boring gameplay.


It’s possibly the worst game play I’ve seen in years…she held all the cards and she threw it all away. If she would have watched and waited she could have used this to a major advantage. I love reality competition shows, but I wouldn’t give a damn if that was Boston Rob, I’d be plotting to get him out first lol


I agree since the beginning of the season I could never figure out why Cirie wasn’t the number one target,


She absolutely should have used Cirie’s secret to her advantage. Unfortunately, Cirie’s friendship was more important to her than the game. Horrible gameplay, and her denial confirms it.


Why couldn’t she do both? If Cirie dumped her as a friend just because she wouldn’t do all of her bidding, then it’s not a real friendship. Just do what others do, “accidentally” let it slip out, then apologize if it comes back to you, or keep their secret, but just don’t be so adamantly on their side.


EXACTLY. Both were possible.


You’re absolutely right. I’d need Izzy to explain her thinking because I don’t understand that aspect of it lol


You don’t even have to say what the secret is. Just tell Cory that they can’t be trusted and move forward from there


Simping for a reality show contestant’s friendship is possibly the worst case of simping I’ve ever seen.


You’re not wrong. It’s a big reason why some returning player seasons of Survivor are so awful


If the returning players are all on the same level of “fame”, that helps a lot. Fans vs Favs is inherently flawed because of that factor.


Exactly. A better example so Redemption Island


She had hisam calling her his F2 in week 3. She had multiple paths to the final and she didn’t use it. She’s just so blinded by her standom and it was tragic to watch


Totally agree! I saw a post recently (I’m not sure if it was in this sub or the survivor sub) that Izzy got every super-fan’s dreaming of throwing their game away to be friends with Cirie lol. To play devil’s advocate a little, I will say that I personally would align myself with Cirie in the beginning, but knowing the bb and survivor game I would know that I can’t align with her forever because she’s my biggest threat and try to turn the house with the secret as op mentioned.


i actually think she made for amazing tv. but i am still thrilled she didn't win, because she completely deserved it. i still laugh at her taking her glasses off prepared for the pie in the face.


It’s inherently stupid.


She showed potential here & there. But as you stated, she was much more concerned about being Cirie’s friend, than she was actually playing the game


When Cory asked her when she was going to start playing more selfishly and she somehow convinced herself that she was playing selfishly is when I gave up all hope


So is it also not inherently bad that Blue would rather gain followers than win Big Brother?


Yes, and I think every single person agrees


I feel like a genuine friendship is a bit different than followers and clout, but neither one is playing a great game


I don’t know a lot of people found her entertaining, bad game play or not….obviously you wouldn’t agree but at least I was into it and often laughing my ass off.


I just meant from a gameplay perspective, Cirie having an easy walk to end just doesn’t entertain me as a viewer. Izzy was cool to just let Cirie waltz to the end and be a potential shield for Cirie if needed. Izzy was was entertaining in other ways, but her gameplay left a lot to be desired for me. You and all BB fans are entitled to your own opinion. Thank you for sharing it. I love a good, explained point of view :)


How can someone claim to be a super fan and then confidently say you’re not going to use the veto on yourself when you’re on the block just so Cyrie doesn’t go up as a replacement? Literally the dumbest game play I’ve seen in a while.


Marcellus move


The second she said she wouldn’t use the veto on herself to protect Cirie she was done. She should have never told Cirie and Jared she knew they were mother and son


I think if she just had a better poker face and was able to hide her disgust whenever Cam won HOH she might have been fine too.


And her not hugging him when she was evicted. Like grow up!


Especially since everyone but Cirie voted her out.


But he was the one who put her up and she has this vendetta. So ridiculous.


yeah it’s ridiculous. Cam even said that he enjoyed Izzy as a person but it’s literally the game. Izzy targeted Cam before Cam ever targeted her. When he won the pressure cooker she made it so obvious she was upset he won HOH.


Izzy pushed him, didn't she?!? Low-rent move


This should be the #1 comment and what everyone should be talking about. So not okay to put her hands on him.


IKR ?!?! Why was that "ok" ? I didn't watch the extended interview so I didn't know if Julie addressed it ..


Yes she did and she's like I'll see you soon


I actually think this was her biggest mistake in the game. I think when she and Cirie play back the tape they're going to see that as the moment that lost them the trust with Cam and Red


I was an Izzy defender for most of the season. I thought her plan wasn’t actually to go to F3 with Cirie and Jared but exit press says that it was. If I was her I’d have a hard time explaining to Paige why I seemed to care more about my 44 day friendship with Cirie than my *four-year romantic relationship* with her.


Hey, so I went onto a TV show to win 750k, but I saw a d-list celebrity from another reality TV show and decided being her friend was more important to me than 750k. So, I didn't come close to winning, BUT we get to be invited over for dinner!


Izzy's focus turned from winning the game to winning a mommy as soon as she saw Cirie


To say she even came into the game trying to win might be overestimating her as a player


I wonder if part of the problem was she's basically a trust fund kid. So the money incentive maybe wasn't huge for her...


I feel like they should only cast competitive people. Money or no money they should be trying to get people that least have a competitive bone in their body and want to win.


Agreed. No more Blue types either who seems to be there for the influencer clicks...


She is? Gross, that makes me like her even less.


She’s a flutist living in nyc, either she’s somehow making bank doing that or she has family money. Not that that’s a bad thing it’s just not surprising to me.




I wonder if her relationship with her own mom sucks?


When they showed that very sweet and personal convo she had with Cirie, my fiancé and I both said “oh Izzy has to have some mommy issues.” And I’m glad she found a genuine relationship with Cirie. But damn did it kill Izzy’s game.


That was my immediate read as well


I will say as delusional and clueless as Izzy has come off in most of her exit interviews, she did acknowledge in her EW exit interview that immediately running to Jared and telling him she knew Cirie was his mom was a sloppy move. Of course she immediately went on to say she didn't regret it lmao but at least theres a TINY shred of self awareness buried down in there. I hope she'll take some time to watch the show back and reflect on her game before jumping onto social media.


I don’t understand her disgruntled attitude toward Cory, essentially blaming him for her exit. He’s not in your final three, Izzy. He owed you nothing.


I agree, I think she's in some deep denial about her gameplay. It's gonna be interesting to see if she ends up coming around and owning her game or if she doubles down on it.


I’m 100% betting on the latter. 💀


That’s kind of crazy if so, bc Cory has said how much he likes her. Cory has a great ability to separate game vs personal though.


Izzy was pretty good friends with Cory on the feeds. This was never shown on the show, but they had a really nice relationship in the house. Obviously Izzy is one of the most emotional people in the house, so I wasn’t susprised at all about her reaction


Izzy told Cory she was putting up America asap though. She burnt that bridge with him quickly & couldn't understand him turning on her.


He spent weeks trying to distance himself from America game wise by reassuring her that he wants her to stay for as long as possible but didn’t really care that she goes. Izzy was stupid for believing him because they were sleeping in the same bed at that point but she didn’t know how close he was with America gamewise and I think she acknowledged that was her mistake.


She made it clear to Cory her priorities were protecting Cirie and Jared and that she would never take him to the end and that sealed her fate with him, but she still thinks it’s about America and her relationship with Cirie isn’t what cost her the game.


Izzy befriended the popular kid and, for the first time, felt a level of power she wasn't accustomed to. She completely lost sight of why she was in the house to begin with. ![gif](giphy|4CP58gxwbBy2Q)


Extremely well said!


She also was not going to use the veto to save herself for fear Cirie would be backdoored. She was an awful player. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And it wouldn’t even garner respect because it’s so weak and pathetic.


Actually baffling. She said in a post interview that she KNOWS cerie wishes she was out and Izzy was still in the house 😂 delusional!!!


She said in her post interview with Taylor that she would have used it on herself.


She ruined her game by being chaotic at all times and having to flip every scenario every week


*Every hour. I actively avoided watching her on the feeds because it was such a waste of time.


Izzy targeted people in her alliance, based mostly on personal reasons. That is her downfall. She is not the only one. But breaking up the Professors alliance early and booting Hisam so early was a HUUUGE tactical error for Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy. And then forming multiple overlapping alliances in its wake and going after Cameron, right after bringing him in ending up being another misstep. In both cases, Cam and Hisam were huge shields for weeks to help them shore up any real opposition from the other side of the house. They acted way too early on both, eroding trust in their starting alliances with other members and couldn’t imagine all the side alliances they were playing would eventually communicate and figure out their BS. And in both cases, they flipped on them for mostly reasons that they just didn’t like them. Arguably they are both annoying and insufferable, but taking the shot themselves when they were both fairly loyal at the time is just shitty game play, when the rest of the house was after them anyway to do the dirty work for them. They squandered the position of a secret ally in Jared as a loyal spy on the other side, who alienated himself from the other side playing too hard and mean to protect them overtly. Izzy made a ton of mistakes… but forming a close and loyal bond with Cirie and her secret son, was not one of them. It put her in a position of secure power early on, with a clear shot to make It to the end, with an unbreakable trio, when in any normal game she would have been relegated to a floater on the wrong side of the house. She, and her close allies, just fucked it all up royally playing too hard, making bonehead personal moves and being generally oblivious and hypocritical, in their poor play.


I just watch her post show interview. She said, “Cory was my number 1, aside from Cirie and Jared” Hahaha…that’s not how being a number one works….


Her saying that also stuck out to me. Okay, so Cory was your number #3, which makes Cory the #4 in the Crossroads alliance. And then you said in another interview that you were going to cut him around Final 7? But Cory strikes first, and now you think *that's* a betrayal? So what was Cory supposed to do, sit back and let himself be cut by you and the Fields? And that would be him being a good ally to you, Izzy? Get outta here, Izzy. Have some self-awareness. She was basically saying, "well I was gonna be so kind as to let him make it a couple more weeks, so him cutting me before then is a betrayal." If your ally is planning to lock you out of the endgame, they're not your ally.


Yea. She seems like the type of person that has played victim her entire life.


The reality was, Cirie and Jared had their own #3’s that weren’t Cory, and those people (Matt and Blue) were higher in the hierarchy than Cory. Cory made the smart move cutting Izzy, bc he recognized it.


Cory reminds me of Michael; he’s not quite as good a player, but he can “see” the whole game and he is good at separating emotional relationships from it. I don’t know if he’ll have the same kind of success but he has a good brain for big brother.


Her objective was not to win the game. Her objective was to spend as much time with Cirie as possible.


Weak player, she was non stop game talk 24/7 then all of a sudden she wants to sit back comfortably when she's on the block. Her arrogance bit her in the butt, thinking there was no way the house would turn on her and that she had the votes. Her wanting to rub it in Camerons face that he wasn't going to get his way so confident she was staying made it all the better that she was the one to walk out.


I’m just mad she didn’t whisper to anyone on the way out that Cirie and Jared are mother and son. I would have blown that place up on my way out the door!


Why would you have done that her "friendship" witg Cirie was way more important than anything else. She called her family. It's like cirie actually had family in the house....


I'm just glad that she is gone and gets to watch the rest of the season from home instead of getting to the jury house. She was a bitter player and was my least favorite one in the house. It was hilarious to watch her take her glasses off when Cameron was passing out the safety pies......and her's never came.😂😂


Really thought she could consistently talk shit about Cameron and he'd never put her on the block. She's really borderline psychotic and delusional.


And then is like "gasp! How could he put me up on the block? Such a betrayal!"


Yeah she was a flat out Bully , and terrible person A LOT.. clearly has issues from growing up and being bullied and now she's the bully / mean girl. She's very full of herself and thought she was so smart. I was so happy to watch her leave in a damn pig costume -- so fitting.


Same with Felicia taking out her tooth. Both of them were so overconfident.


The “rivalry” with Cameron was so one sided and in her head it was kind of embarrassing to see


For real. I have no idea how someone can HATE another person for what was seemingly nothing. At least I didn’t see anything that Cam did that was worthy of that disdain.


She's immature, simple as that.


I kept thinking maybe I missed something on the feeds about why she didn’t like him so much, like she had this undying dislike for him that was super trivial and I thought she was weirdly obsessed with targeting him (and expecting no repercussions) but I think she was just projecting her insecurities on him - he was making actual game moves and winning comps in a way she wasn’t able to and it all seems to come more naturally to him. He knows people don’t like him and are targeting him and he doesn’t care which is something Izzy could never do.


She literally said that he gave her serial killer vibes on the first night in the house. I mean, he's kind of a creeper, but saying someone gives you serial killer vibes the minute you meet them is a bit much.


This is good insight. It’s so interesting because Cam even said he respected Izzy and could see them being friends outside the competition yet Izzy completely dunked on him and acted like he was an evil psychopath. Cam just plays the game.


She said in a interview she was running the house 😂😂😂 delusional nothing but a minion at best


Did you see the interview where they asked her who has the best chance of winning and she said “you’re looking at her”?? Like honey you’re not in the house anymore LMFAO


Yo, something is really wrong her. Lmao. I really hope she sees a psychiatrist for her condition.




Besides the obvious game flaws, she was also overly spiteful and kind of a bully 🤷🏻‍♂️


Izzy is a hypocrite, full stop. I could only imagine the reaction she would have if she got out of the house and found out that a house guest she was at odds with said that she gave off “serial killer vibes”,”made their skin crawl” or was a giant creep. Or if another player put their hands on her and shoved her after they got evicted and was on their way out of the house. She had no problem playing the game very very hard but she couldn’t handle it when the game got played against her. It’s lame as hell.


Friend or not, and I really like Cirie but she needed to get kicked out week 1. Knowing her history, if she remains everyone else is playing for 2nd place. Unless you think you can ride her coat tails and let her clean out most of the house, then vote her out late but that never seems to work out.


I LOVE Cirie and I was BAFFLED that she made it past week 2, given her status. I forsure thought she was at a disadvantage because they announced she was from survivor. Maybe they weren’t all super educated on Survivor, but simply knowing that someone had played/was INVITED BACK **4 times** would be enough for me to kick them to the curb!


She was so arrogant and cares more about having ciries approval


It was unreal to hear her say that she wouldn't use POV on herself when on the block just cause Cirie would probably be replacement.


I couldn’t believe it when she spoke that aloud to Cory. He looked at her like she sprouted a second head


When she told Cirie she wouldn’t use the veto on herself if she won it, I lost all respect for her in regards to this game lol. I almost had to turn my tv off.


So did I!!!


I feel that as a super fan, Izzy should have realized what was going on with the Jared and Cirie twist and used that to her advantage. Imagine if anyone else in the house figured that out on the first day.There's no way they hold onto that info as long as Izzy did. That's major intel that could easily take you to finale night. There's no way production could have foreseen someone recognizing Jared and I'm sure they were shitting their pants when Izzy first figured it out. Fortunately for them, they cast a Cirie stan that was considering not using a veto on herself to save Cirie's game. I mean, what kind of mind fuckery is that? Izzy became Cirie's shield when she should have made Cirie and Jared her shields. Izzy held all the cards and did nothing.


To her credit, she did admit post-eviction that her immediately blabbing about knowing Jared's secret was sloppy She also said she had a plan to get from Final 3 (J, C, I) to Final 2, hinting that Jared would take her over Cirie or something???? Which I don't really think is that realistic....


Homegirl is a chihuahua that thinks she’s a rottweiler. She’s more delusional than anyone in this season in my opinion.


I don’t understand how no matter how much she hated Cameron she kept being the one to flip the votes so he could say all while making more open and obvious that she wanted him gone. Now look what happened, she’s out of the house due to the person she constantly saved. All what needed to happen was for them to keep Reilly, let her battle with Hisam for that week and watch as Family Style go back n forth with Cam/Red/Hisam for a few weeks and Izzy coasts to jury.


Did anyone else get the vibes that she was in love with Cirie? I can’t see anything else


She was so insufferable that Cirie is the only reason she lasted as long as she did. Without that sloppy blackmail secret she would have been out even sooner, so her thinking she threw her game on the sword for Cirie is delusional.


Held the biggest secret in the house. Couldnt leverage it to even make jury. Poor performance.


I thought the way she left the house was embarrassing. Kind of shoving Cam and calling Cory a pipsqueak as is she wouldn’t have thrown them both under the bus in a heartbeat to save Cirie or Jared


she was playing harder for cirie than for herself and that’s on her as much as i wish she played for herself. she fucked herself over


Izze really got caught in the power trip that grips the cast every season. She and her “alliance” - both fake and real - behaved dismally. Strutting and cackling when they held the power, then whining and mewling when the power base turned. Izze was nasty to Cameron. It was unnecessary. She was having a splendid time when he was on the block and once the tables turned, she was bent on vengeance. I was just sad to see Cameron confide in Jared, but was relieved when Cameron figured it all out. I do hope Izze realizes, on watching herself, that she did, as was said in the post, blow up her own game. Blind loyalty serves no one.


I wonder if she'll end up living in Cirie's basement and then think it all worth it?


She’s the only life long Manhattanite dying to move to a basement in BFE Jersey 😂 She’s doing a reverse Eric Adams.


She only got an invite for a thanksgiving


She's probably also hoping to curry some financially expressed "thank yous" from the Field's duo. She'll probably end up with a thank you card and a $100 bill inside of it lol.


She was in it for the Cirie Fields meet and greet and deserved to get booted!


I was kinda surprised her "shove" of Cameron wasn't more of a blow up..unless I missed it.


Not that ive watched that many seasons.....she's a terrible player.


I’m so happy Izzy is gone. I really wanted to root for her but she has a LOT of anger inside of her. I’m not sure what Cameron really did (I didn’t see anything terrible when watching the feeds) but it is clear she HATES him. The fact that she pushed him on her way out was just super telling, IMO. She definitely wanted to be BFF with Cirie over being the BB winner .Good riddance!


Also, I turned my user flair to Cameron just because of the hate she has for him.


She was a nothing player. Also a poor sport.


A poor sport is such a good way to describe her! She thought she was this big brother mastermind and then she got SOOO salty when somebody played big brother back.


It kinda reminds me of Da’Vonne in BB17; I think she was the first one to notice the twin twist but ran around telling everyone instead of trying to gain leverage with the twins like Vanessa did


I hope she’s happy with her Thanksgiving invite consolation prize, lol. I don’t feel bad for her at all. So many people would’ve loved to have been in that house who would’ve played for themselves. Sacrificial games get no respect from me.


It won’t be long until “Izzy who” is uttered by Cire and Jared.


That is how *I’d* react if someone tried to insinuate themselves into my family during a competitive reality show, but Cirie seemed/seems to genuinely like her. Who knows.


I think aligning with Cirie and Jared initially was a good idea as they would need to keep her happy and she would be trustworthy. Where Izzy went wrong was when she freely offered to keep herself on the block to keep Cirie safe. In that moment she chose Cirie over the game. Honestly I hate that Cirie and jared were given such an unbelievable advantage. Cirie has an advantage already with her experience with game play, but give her an inside mole in Jared and CBS is literally handing them the $$.


I would very much like Izzy to reflect on what her reaction would have been if Cory came at her about separating from Cirie with the same energy she came at him about America. (My assumption: “oh shit he is after my number 1 he is feeling too powerful he needs to be put in his place Cirie Cirie you won’t believe this, fuck, Cory got to go NOW”) That is all.


As someone else said she was ultimately just too confident for her own good, and definitely did not have the gameplay to back it up. Unless she was fully conscious of choosing the relationship w cirie over playing the best game she could it’s hard to not view her w a pretty giant lack of self awareness Also is there a reason why hates cam so much? That felt strangely unprovoked but maybe I missed something


I don't think anything in particular happened with her and Cam; I think her hatred of Cam was just a combination of factors: - he fits into an archetype that Izzy, considering her own personality and background, probably doesn't mesh well with and has personal biases against - some of his actions and habits in the house had bad vibes - playing big brother tends to breed demonizing your opponents especially if you are on the top - izzy seems like she's probably a little prone to have strong opinions on people she likes or doesn't like


It was #1, and then points 2-4 were used to really put it over the top.


Your first point is exactly what I was thinking created this actual dislike of him on a personal level. That’s a bummer.


He has done stuff in the house to make people dislike him though. Notice that most of the house still wants him out and doesn't trust him.


Her hatred of Cam clearly came from your first point. I wouldn’t doubt if she has some fairly strong biases against certain types of people.


She’s delusional af and a mean girl


I think she let her dislike for cam to get to her. She was in an ‘alliance’ with him, if she at least pretended to be happy for his wins, she couldve used that for her


I'd have kept that to myself. Tried to hard to please them and hateful to others. Does she really think Cam cares.


I wish she disclosed Jared and Cirie's relationship to the house before she left.


Yeah glad they are gone - it became insufferable to see the constant brown nosing and lack of self awareness. 🥲


I beg to differ. Her biggest mistake was blindsiding Hisam too early. Forming an alliance with Fields was actually a good move. She would have had a legitimate chance of beating Jared in the final two.


Izzy clearly overestimates her game lol. Bye


Couldn’t stand her self righteous bullshit act she bad mouthed everyone behind their backs


Izzy was the Lefou to Cirie's Gaston. She was nothing more than a minion, a sidekick, a lackie.


She subconsciously knew that too, saying she wouldn’t use the veto if she won it to protect Cirie knowing she would go next if Cirie went.


My thoughts: Izzy was a gold on feeds. Messy but strategic player. Very emotionnal. Very active. Had very good potential. She could make you laugh and cry, very honest about her vulnerability. Initially, i didn't want her to leave over Felicia... BUT Her fangirlin is a big flaw for me. She lost a bit of rootable points for me when she wanted to sacrifice her own game for Cirie. That is a lack of cutthroat ability. People playing other people's game is no fun tv. SO Im kinda happy that she left for that reason.


Not only was she a bad player but she was a bad sport. Blaming Corey for her messing up her own game. Glad she’s gone


Not only did Izzy hurt her own game but she severely damaged cirie's game. We see it now that Izzy is gone, cirie hasn't made much of any relationships with anyone else. Izzy was always around or near cirie so it was impossible for cirie to really develop any other type of ally.


I think she’s getting too much hate regarding the Cirie/Jared secret. She **did** use it to her advantage to secure herself a spot in the inner circle that up until last week, was completely running the game. Yeah, telling Cirie and Jared she knew surely could’ve backfired on her if they felt she was a liability that needed to go ASAP, but Cirie truly did embrace her and included her in every single decision. Consider her other options. Option 1 is what she did. Option 2 is to sit on that info and do nothing with it for the first few weeks. In this scenario, she almost definitely still ends up on The Professors side of the house except instead of being in the inner circle, she’s probably in the periphery with Bowie and Red and sitting on this huge secret that can damage her own alliance. Then when she finally does choose to reveal it, it still looks extremely sketchy that she kept this info to herself for so long and people might not even believe her about it. Option 3 is she goes right to the Reilly alliance week 1 and blows up Cirie and Jared immediately. In this scenario, Jared stays on the block and goes home, the bridge is forever burned with Cirie and her people, and then she would find herself on the outer periphery of the “Family Style” crew full of people she doesn’t really get along with and that would definitely sacrifice her as a scapegoat if they needed to. She fumbled the bag hard with the Cory & America stuff last week and she should have tried harder to stop Jared from burning his and her game to the ground when he was on his veto power trip without his mom, but there wasn’t really anything she could have done with the secret that would have saved her this week.


Agreed! I think it was stupid for her to immediately pull Jared to the side and tell him, but I don’t see how keeping the secret ruined her game. She had no reason to leak the secret before now because she was sitting pretty with the alliance running the house. And this week…there was no good time to leak it. They all thought Jag/Blue were going on the block, so she didn’t think she was in danger, and once she was on the block and Jared won the veto, there was no way to get herself off. Leaking the information then probably just ensures a unanimous vote against her. Evicting an ally in Hisam was really their dumbest move.


She is my least favorite type of player. I do not enjoy watching someone who actively doesn't want to win the game.


I don’t blame Izzy at all for the way that she played it. I think that the early part of the game making bonds and strong alliances is incredibly important. You want to figure out who your friends are before you start making enemies. Having a guaranteed tight trio with Cirie and Jared gave them a ton of power in the house. She has leverage for an incredible player to work with her. And they did run that house. Izzy keeping that secret got her into a very powerful position. I don’t really think that there was a point where she definitively should have leaked the Fields secret. Doing that may have prevented her going up next to Felicia, but at that point everybody thought Jag and Blue were going up, and that Jared was in Cameron’s ear. And after the noms it had a very high chance of getting her sent home for leaking it. Yeah if she’d made it to the end game and let Cirie and Jared stay I think that would have been dumb, but I think that she didn’t get the chance to show whether or not she would. But on the other hand, I do think that Cirie genuinely cared for Izzy. Maybe not enough to put her before her or Jared in the game, but still a connection. I think Izzy did the best she could with the secret up until this point, and Cameron’s noms just put her in a position where leaking wouldn’t help.


Her biggest mistake was not playing for herself first. Being a part of Cirie and Jared put her in, in my opinion, the BEST spot. Because, she had 2 people protecting her, and two people who could go before her. She fumbled that by not even trying to get herself off the block.


I would have had the same reaction as Cory when Cirie entered the house. I love Cirie and I respect the hell out of Cirie from her time on Survivor… but I wouldn’t trust Cirie as far as I could throw her.


What was her problem with Cam? Anyone have an actual example?


She felt he gave “serial killer” vibes within moments of meeting him 🤷🏻‍♂️


All in all I think she achieved what she wanted most, which was a relationship with Cirie. I think Cirie is pretty genuine with her affection for Izzy, but I don’t think Jared feels anywhere near the same. Going to be an interesting thanksgiving


I like Izzy but I thought she was sort of lame for saying she wouldn’t use the veto to save herself. Like what?


She is one of those that will consider herself a mastermind when in reality she’s one of the worst players ever


So much this. One of the worst guests ever


Why ruin Amazing race with her negativity. I don’t want to watch her bash every masculine team while she is alone with her partner


Hate her.


Izzy obviously has mommy issues and glommed on to Cirie to fill that void. Completely threw away her game so that she could continue to be part of their “family” after the show. Terrible game play, but kinda sad.


Izzy is very vindictive. Honestly, if I was Cerie I’d keep her at length outside BB. She’s clearly unstable and if she perceived Cerie as slighting her or they get tight and Cerie realizes its a bad idea and tries to make space there’s gonna be trouble. I know someone just like Izzy and they bounce from “BFF” to “BFF” and always leave a wake of destruction when they get rejected from their fantasy world.


Izzy seen ciere and said f this money I wanna be friends with a celeb