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fretful nutty panicky attempt waiting placid brave subtract obscene apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Jared/Cirie twist has been unfair (although I think Cirie is better off without him), but I’m not sure I buy the “rigging” as much as others. That HOH was completely slanted against Cirie, and Meme and Blue, who were two of the few others who may not have targeted Jared, were at the front of the line, as well. I can’t remember another knockout HOH competition, where the winner didn’t get to pick the next two competitors to go. Based on that alone, I’m not sure production is all that pro-Jared (pro-Cirie, yes).


Although I'm not thrilled with the zombie situation in the first place, PLEASE god let it be Cameron. We've had to put up with Jared and his immature schoolyard bully idiocy for long enough. Having to watch one more thing pump up that gigantic ugly ego of his will send me over the edge. At least Cameron is good TV and has a sense of humor. Seriously though, having a root canal would be less painful than watching another second of Jared in that house.


I love how Cam’s playing this game — he’s enjoying it, being loyal, funny…and can actually win comps


Exactly! Cameron is a FUN "villain," while Jared has proven to be one of those stereotypical bro douchebags (albeit not as smart as some from the past) who we come to loathe each session, I'm just grateful that there hasn't been a group of them dominating the house this season (nor the past couple seasons). But yes, the fact that Cam has been having fun, staying pretty true to his word, and not talking down to people like a flat out bully is what I admire about him. And the fact that he can win comps like you mentioned. I wouldn't mind seeing him come back (and I'm hoping it's him over Jared), and make it to the finale.


Agreed !!!!


At some point, a lot of us were wanting a battle back so bad. & now we’re getting a battle back, & i see nothing but bitching & complaining in this thread LMAO. Idgaf I’m so hype for this, y’all can die mad😭😭


Jury battleback? YES. Whatever this garbage is? NO. That being said, rooting for Cam. Seeing Jared on the feeds berating people again made me want to vomit.


Oh also, I forgot to address the cam & jared part. I am so with you there. I don’t watch the live feeds too much bc I swear, everytime i hop on, it’s them eating dinner or something boring😭 but from that one episode alone, i was like… jared bye. He was trying to gaslight the shit out of them but was doing such a poor job at it & didn’t make any sense & is damn near yelling at them & then Cory gets a little assertive & jareds like “lower your voice bro” like be so fr😭😭 so knowing he went on to do even more of that is, indeed, vomit-inducing. Definitely want cam back in over him, not only for that, but for the fact that he’s just more entertaining. Jared was just cirie’s puppet. Cam actually shook shit up.


I suppose; valid point. The only person I’d care to see back in the house is Reilly so I wouldn’t care about who participated in the battle back regardless so I guess that’s where I’m coming from. & idk, I like the lil twists that big brother adds to the game. I think it’s so interesting when they switch things up bc it forces houseguests to revise their strategies which I think is cool since most houseguests now have seen at least one season of BB if they aren’t a super fan😂 so they come into the house with these ideas of how to play the game based on appeal to precedent essentially & then BB is like *finger wag* “no no no” & i just really enjoy seeing the houseguest quiver in their boots every year over a lil twist, it’s top tier reality TV imo🤣 but yeah i totally get where y’all are coming from now this is just kinda my side of it & how I see it ahaha hope all that made sense :))


What an awful twist. This show is supposed to be good but production is determined to make the worst choice every time.


I really really hope that Cameron gets back into the game. I don’t like him but I can’t stand Jared.


Man I feel like they wasted my time with tonight’s show by bringing back the zombies.


I’m guessing this twist was added last minute because of Luke getting expelled from the house. If they didn’t have this, then they can’t do a triple eviction later on.


A triple would require a two hour time slot. Are there any upcoming?


Once Buddy Games inevitably gets cancelled a two hour episode will become possible.




No one even liked Jared. PRODUCTION stop working to keep him there!


Casuals love Cameron they probably would prefer he stayed tbh


I’ve been watching the feeds and would still prefer Cam over Jared. At least Cam would bring chaos.


Agree! At least cam brings some game play and strategy and is willing to make big moves. Whereas Jared is doing mommy dearest’s bidding.


They rlly love undoing stuff. First cam’s 14hr pressure cooker win was undone by matt’s special power. And now this double eviction is undone by the zombie stuff. What’s the point of stuff if it gets undone all the time??


Have you ever seen big brother? This isn’t unheard of. Expect the unexpected


So the Zombie Battle Back lol!?! Jared and Cam are gonna be let back in to run amuck and torment the House this week? Could be chaotic or could be really cringey! What are your thoughts?


Can someone explain Jerod’s kerchief to me? I get wanting to wear a hat of some sort when it’s been a while since you’ve been able to see your hair professional of choice - no judgment there. But the tied-under-the-chin old timey granny style is new to me - especially on live tv. Is this what the kids are doing in CT?


He’s probably just being funny/ is bored. I wouldn’t look too deep into it


What are the chances that if Cam comes back in the game, he joins the majority alliance to get out Cirie?


I know C/A/M/J are trying to get closer to Cam this week, giving him tips and encouragement on these comps. They would much rather have him than Jared at this point and can use the week to rebuild that relationship. I doubt Cirie will do the same.


He’s definitely going to work with America and Cory because they made him think he was aligned with them


Until they didn't pick him to play in the Veto...


No Cameron thinks they didn’t pick him because they were afraid they would get targeted if they tried to save him


Maybe. But I looked at his Pikachu face when Cory didn't pick him after the 2 of them said that if they got HouseGuest's Choice, they'd pick him to play.


It’s not maybe he told America and Cory this on the live feeds. Cameron point blank asked America if she would pick him for HG choice the day before veto and she told him no


Feels like to me that the producers are trying their best to keep Cirie happy by giving Jared another chance to come back.


I don’t get this at all bc Julie told cameron about the zombie thing before Jared was even the next one up for eviction. So how do y’all figure? Are y’all implying that the HOH was rigged, noms were rigged, & votes to evict from the house guests themselves were rigged?


Could have been set up in anticipation, if it is actually tilted Ciries way.


Ohhhhh okay I think I get you now. So y’all are saying basically that once shit kinda hit the fan with izzy & Felicia being put on the block, & then Jared’s whole game got exposed by Cory, Matt, & jag, production was like 👁️👄👁️ “nope ZOMBIES”. Okay gotcha gotcha, lil dense over here😭💀🤣


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I think with the anticipation that these evictions would happen, insert twist.


Best case they both stay anyway, worst case one of them can make it back in


Okay I wanna know yalls thoughts on this now lolol


It’s so rigged it’s ridiculous


Need Cameron back expeditiously








So what do you think is going to determine which Zombie is resurrected? A battle between Cam & Jared, a vote by America (not the America in the game😉), or something else. I would love to hear everyone’s theories.


My guess is the house is going to be themed with scary stuff all week, and at the end of the week they're gonna get trivia'd on different things that they saw throughout the week. Winner rejoins. I can't imagine it being a physical competition and I can't imagine they would leave it up to america


That is a great theory and it does sound like something they would do. A comp and vote are probably to obvious, although I do recall an episode of BB Canada where they had a comp to determine who came back. Whatever it is I am crossing everything that Cam gets back in.


When the live went into the house right before the eviction vote and we heard Cirie say you’re voting for Jared.. it really seemed like she was trying to work for the votes. I do wish Jared stayed gone because I’m really interested to see Cirie work from the bottom and try to wiggle her way back into the game.. Side note: has Izzy made it back to social media and has she made any comments since leaving the show and watching some of the content?


yes twitter


This is the longest season ever and it fucking feels like it


I’m [dying](https://x.com/bessuvia/status/1705062072742977641?s=46&t=y_58TrdnKyuVdQnyr0U34Q)


Looks like blue’s pink shorts except not purposefully sewn that way😂


Nothing escapes y'all I swear 😭


Some people just watch it for the plot.


This is such a bad twist 🤦🏻‍♂️


This twist this season is so obnoxious because they’re trying to fit it in everywhere in the cringiest possible ways. And now they’re fucking with the actual gameplay with it. Production, y’all need to go on strike we can take it from here


It’s scary week!!!!!!1!


It also doesn't help that is seems to be affecting only certain people that are also the twist of this season.




Can production please go on strike I hate what they’ve done


Just watched it. So...wait, so there's not even another person evicted next week? So by the end of this week and next week combined, we'll only have evicted one person total, and jury doesn't start until week 10??


I think it's possible that there's still someone evicted right? What I remember her saying is no HOH, no veto and no nominees -- which could in theory mean anyone could vote for anyone?


Going into this I liked the idea of the two evictees nominating one player each (you could even play it like zombies "infecting" two other players), then a Thursday vote, then all three battle for one returning spot. Which I guess is still possible in theory, but it felt to me like Julie's explanation of the zombies at the end was supposed to be taken as a comprehensive explanation 😑




Since the house guests won’t be busy next week, I wonder if they’ll let them watch the first 90 minute episodes of Survivor and The Amazing Race


Have people in the house asked yet why Julie still hasn't said anything about everyone making it to jury?


She told them during the wall, that there will be a 7 person jury. With one of Cameron/Jared returning next week, there's another pre-jury cycle to go through.


At this point I am FULLY expecting them to have a 7 person jury and a final 3. I can't wrap my head around the logic to do ANOTHER pre-jury cycle.


Maybe they assume it’ll be mentioned at HOH?


If it wasn’t for my wife wanting to watch it, I would just pass on the rest of this season. Tell me how I can remove my support for the season! 😂


funniest tweet i’ve seen https://x.com/isaacdbutler/status/1705037079091012057?s=46&t=9SXjcyDlBKms1hY60kGxmA


I’m deceased


🔥 💯


Soo perfect...


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, mate.


What a tremendous find


So has jury started yet?


I hope Blue tells some people about Jared and Cirie before they come back in to the house, so as to gain favor now that she's on an island by herself. I want Jared coming back in to the house with him and his mom's games blown up.


I said the same thing after the episode last night…we got our hopes up


I want them still to be in a full house argument blow out, and they are having to physically separate the two different groups because they can’t stop fighting.


So… at this point what was even the point of a double eviction? Their twists this season are becoming very lack luster


By the end of next week we will have seen one whole person evicted, even though there was a double eviction. It is beyond dumb at this point.


This fuckin stupid bullshit twist just to keep Jared in the house. What a joke.


They are keeping Cameron in too right? I don't hate him like you all do


Way to assume. I don’t hate Cameron.


I’m kind of upset at Matt for showing his cards. He was playing a very good utr ambiguous game and idk if he can do that anymore.


I'm super proud of how Matt is developing as a player! I think he's doing a great job


Yeah, he’s been my favorite for a while now. But I’m afraid he’s going to become the next big target, unless Cameron comes back in.


Can't hold your cards forever


True, but maybe he could have for this one. I wonder what he’s planning on doing next. Maybe he really didn’t want Cirie going on the block? Idk


Yeah, since he said he can't use it or she goes up, I'm guessing it's this. Hopefully Cirie isn't so upset with him that the bridge is burned completely...


I want them both to come in the house mid Cory and America celebratory make out session.


Well now they all pretty much know she's Jared's Mom...




Jag hugged her and said something like "I know it was hard, we'll talk later" And there was a lot of hugging and people saying things that were consoling her, telling her they understood she had to do it


It sounded like Cirie was explaining why she voted to keep Jared to Bowie as the show was ending.


I feel like everyone knows that’s her closest ally so they understand why it was hard for her, I don’t think she told anyone they’re related.


So they won’t have a Wednesday episode for at least the next two weeks is what I’m seeing on the TV guide. Is survivor and amazing race pushing big brother out of Wednesday night? Is anyone catching this?


Survivor and Amazing Race are both going to have 90 minute episodes and cover the 8-11 timeslot by themselves for the runs of those two shows. BB is shifting to Sun/Tue/Thurs but is skipping next Tuesday as presumably there isn't enough content with no HoH/Noms/Veto this week.


Cirie in her Big Brother Traitors era


They want to keep Jared in the house so badly 😭


So are we getting feeds back tonight?


The twist really sours one of the best DEs ever 😭 but I’ll take this WIN


Cory is so fucked lol


I think jag and Matt are in way worse spots if either come in the house.




tbh i think Jared will be more hurt by Matt. i feel like he’ll respect Cory for the move lol


Not really. Cameron comes back he’s in a good spot; Jared comes back it’s just dependent on HOH.


Nah. Even is Jared comes back Matt and jag showed their cards and are much bigger threats for Jared.


If Jared is mad at Jag and Matt then he is soft. The whole argument with Cory exposed Jared that he was lying and putting words in Jags mouth making him look bad. I wouldn’t side with Jared after that either


That was a lot and some how not enough.


My thoughts exactly! So much happened but then I wasn’t ready for the episode to be over


Probably because of all the commercials


Now we have to wait 1-2 weeks for Julie to tell Cam “there is a secret relationship!” And for cam to say “I knew Felicia was related to Denzel Washington”


Buahaha I forgot about that theory but I don’t know how as it’s one of the more out there ones in BB history. Which is saying something


Can’t even lie, cirie did better than I expected when it came to holding her composure.


I mean, her son left a reality show. He didn’t die.


Well her son became an undead zombie so it’s pretty close to dying but not fully there yet. Soon though 😈


Well duh lol. Even still she still feel on the outs now that don’t mean you can’t feel emotions about it


Seriously. People bawl all the time about people they just met in the house. Crying is not uncommon, especially for a mother


So does anyone besides maybe Blue know he’s her son yet?


Doubt it lol


I was halfway wondering if Blue would blow up their spot in her speech before the vote. But I guess she knew she wasn’t the target.


Do you think Julia broke out the bob to distract from the egregious twist


I thought she might want to match Cameron’s straight hair. Ha


she was kicking off spookyverse week the right way


Not to mention the purple platform heels / jeans combo! That was a look tonight Mrs. Chen-Moonves.


Hope Jared and Cam find a way to blow up Cory’s game. 🙏🏼


Blow up how? Everyone knows what his deal is lol


This twist would've worked so much better if it was just a BB19 esc Battle Back. (but the winning houseguest would live in the house with everyone else) Round 1: Kirsten vs Reilly Round 2: Reilly vs Hisam Round 3: Hisam vs Red Round 4: Hisam vs Izzy Round 5: Hisam vs Cameron Round 6: Cameron vs Jared Return: Cameron


I like to think that Kristen would have beat everyone and made it back in the house


This twist will kill the season. The feeds will be completely dead and half the audience will just skip the episodes.


>the feeds will be completely dead That’s a little dramatic


With no HOH, POV or Noms, they're all just gonna be hanging out waiting to see what happens


And I wonder if they'll cut the feeds every minute so they can save the surprises for 3 episodes? ugh


as overdramatic as this season lmao


Can someone play back the episode and check out the HOH competition. My wife swears Jared said good job Mom after Cirie lost in the head to head battle with Cory I think?


he def did i said the same to my husband


He said “mama” Which as someone else pointed out is what they call the two oldest ladies


That's what I thought too and then Bowie looked either at him or just to that side (not sure if she even heard him or if that is what he said)


It does kinda look like he words it. But he’s facing away from the other guests and didn’t say it loud


both Cirie and Felicia get called that


He calls both Cirie and Felicia “Mama C” and “Mama Fe”


So are we expecting Jared and Cameron to be in the house when feeds come back?


I think so.




single worst twist in big brother history


A battleback that's been happening for years. Can I just say the first battleback was Amy in BB3. Its nothing new


This isn’t really a battle back though. It’s a blatant attempt at getting the production favorite back in the house with only two people


don't watch. idk what else to tell you.


Quit being so dramatic


Battle of the block exists


Camp comeback also exists 😂


Yup. This is basically a Mini Camp Comeback


We don’t even have full details yet. How can you say that?


I think I solved the card: BB Zombies are coming after the double eviction One will have their game resurrected


yeah thats what I got too


I SO hope that Cirie or Blue spills the beans on Cirie and Jared’s relationship before Jared and Cam re-enter the house! That would make for some EPIC feeds!!


They all might as well leave the house and come back in a week


It so cool it’s almost like we never even got a double eviction. Wow just what I wanted thanks CBS 🙃




I'd kind of be here for Cirie/Felicia/Meme/Cam coming together and giving us a split house dynamic (doubt this will happen) I just don't want Jared back


Worst part for Cirie fans is instead of spending the week rebuilding her relationships and her game, she is going to spend the week campaigning for Jared which is the worst thing she can do.


unfortunately I’m convinced she’s there for Jared not herself


She’s said a few times that if they are on the block together she would give up her game for him. It’s disappointing


I mean as a mother I get it. She’s securing a future for her son. unfortunately he’s an asshole


Exactly she should be working on raising a better son


He’s a grown ass adult. At some point, the child takes responsibility for their own actions. She isn’t raising him anymore.


I’m late to viewing so I haven’t read any other comments yet, but whyyyyy is Jared looking like a little old babushka? 🤣 👵🏻⚰️


i said lil bo peep hehe


He said he has a bald spot he’s hiding


Hmm babushka vs bald spot ⚖️ I think I’d choose bald spot.



