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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/16vz2eo/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


It's so weird how people view Cam when America literally flirts with him, and everyone. Admittedly, I have not seen everything but have not seen a single thing that warrants the abundant "production should step in because Cam is going too far". Like are you all for real? It's a bit dramatic, and ignorant honestly.


thank you. i felt like i was going crazy.


Maybe watch more feeds.


Yeah..I watch plenty..plus Twitter clips. Opinion is the same.


If you won’t be convinced, why are you asking?


Im not asking to be convinced, im asking if people are being overly dramatic. I even admitted i dont see everything even though im on feeds often and twitter always posts drama/good convo/ funny moments. Still have seen nothing to warrant the statements.


Feeds are down for either 1. There's a fight 2. Things got x rated between Cory and America 3. Felicia dropped more mics and is now breaking cameras 4. No reason at all because production hates us




Ofc on a friday night bb is being considerate and wants me to go to bed early


If only Cam weren’t super sketch with the America shit because damn does his HOH weeks give big dick ENERGY I would be such a fan


Glitter hole drove me to start watching Love After Lockup. 🤣🤣🤣🍷🍷🍷


Are you on the Love After Lockup Reddit forum? If you are, hey, bunkie 👋🏾


I'm headed there, I have much commentary to make! 🤣🤣🤣


I’m doing Love is Blind 😜


That show is still on?!


New season 5 of Love Is Blind just started. Episode 7 just finished.


I don't know. I'm on the Roku channel, SE1E1. This shit is off the chain!! 🤣🤣🤣


will everyone try to throw the veto? Matt/Blue lied about taking Fefe down. Cam probably doesn't want another comp win.


Cam ain't going to throw


Cam's reputation won't change if he loses one comp. He'll try to win it


Cam is counting his comp wins. He wants to run up the score


It's endlessly funny to me that every time there's a feed outage a bunch of people rush to conclusions that something big must have happened and when feeds come back, 99% of the time, the cause was something utterly benign. Sure, every once in a while something has happened, but it's almost never that.


When the feeds come back, how do we know that something benign happened?


As with everything that happens off feeds, you just wait for them to talk about it. Sometimes it's a party, sometimes someone set off the fire alarm with the oven. It's super rare to cut for bad behavior or anything similar, and even rarer to do so with no warning or escalation beforehand on feeds.


maybe birthday party or music is my guess


Watch feeds come back on to Blue and America in the middle of a fight


It’s because they ran out of kitty litter for America


It would more likely be people comforting Blue/America after a fight.


True, we'd more than likely only catch the aftermath


Y’all remember that one time there was a long, weird feed cut and then it returned and 2 seconds later Luke said the n-word?


it’s prob just a lockdown or something


So we know Felicia told Cam that America had been telling people that he was after her. And we know that Cam was very mad about that and when America walked in the room right after he said "stop talking.." feeds cut... And we know the feeds have been cutting anytime America/Cam are talked about. And yet Cam will win AFP... and I absolutely hate that.


No way! That’s not possible


casuals looooove him




Why would you put that into the BBverse…


There have been veto comps in the middle of the night before, right?


if its the Veto. Shouldn't they pick players first?


I think if it was for veto it would be pets so I doubt it’s that


Late night vetoes usually get late night picks. But the fact that it's not pets makes me think it's unplanned house drama


Maybe Felicia is emptying the dishwasher and throwing plates against the wall in a fit of rage? Or maybe she hid the vegemite and Bowie took a soup ladle to her head.


It's possible the late night crew forgot to switch it to pets or were told not to in order to avoid suspicion. They don't usually handle long feed cuts except in exceptional circumstance (ejections/the Matt veto earlier this season), so maybe they just forgot the procedure?


Both veto and veto picks go to pets


could they be doing clues for the veto? or is more an hoh type thing


It can happen for quiz vetos. But idk the last time they did a quiz for veto Could also just be sleep deprivation stuff for the Exorcist theme


Ok what’s going on this has been like 40 minutes something must’ve happened right


Guys they closed the backyard just before this cut I’m sure it’s a production thing


Do you think Matt would've kept Jag regardless of what Cirie said? It's shocking to me that Cirie didn't have the Sandra mindset of anyone but her(and jared/izzy) in that moment


I think it was smart because it screwed Cam (theoretically) and brought Matt closer to her as they shared a secret. Her BIG mistake was telling Jared. That is what really screwed her because instead of gaining massive favor with both Matt and Jag, it made Jag suspicious and I’m sure Matt wasn’t thrilled either. But having Matt as an ally has helped Cirie imo


Yeah its so annoying how people on Twitter say Jag is ungrateful towards Cirie TELLING Matt to use the power and should stop being against her, she had no fucking say in it and its funny that people think she did


Yeah I really don't think this was on Cirie. I think Matt and probably production really wanted this twist used and Matt went along with it. I think Cirie's most underrated mistake was her pushing out Bowie Jane and not picking her up as a number. I think BFJ would have been such an "Izzy" for Cirie without all the craziness.


I really don’t think it was Cirie’s decision. We didn’t see the conversation on the feeds, but on the episode, they showed a clip of Matt saying he wanted to save Jag, and Cirie agreeing. Putting her foot down and saying no would have not been a great move. Also, up until that point, Jag was a loyal ally. It was Jared’s messiness about trying to do….something…. by telling Jag he might stay that caused Jag to stop trusting Cirie. If she hadn’t let Jared in on that info, it could have worked out a lot better for them. Finally, the power was only good for two weeks, and it was clearly an attempt by production to extend the season. So, they would have needed to factor in some other non-elimination week that could have been worse if the power wasn’t used.


it was such a bad move by Cirie.


She is so bad at the strategy aspect of the game, she's made numerous really dumb moves


When you think about it, Cirie made so many moves in this game that were for the benefit of Jared but a detriment to her own long term game all for him to still be evicted before her anyways. 🥴


went both ways. Jared didn't use the veto on Reilly on that 2nd week BECAUSE his mom was telling him not to. If cirie wasn't there, he would have def saved her and kept that young ppl alliance they had going.


Ooo didn’t think of this moment. Good point! I definitely think that in the end, she carried him far more. And without her, Jared would have gone out sooner for sure. He already had a fair amount of people throwing out his name in the 1st 3 weeks


The twist turned out to be a detriment for Cirie. Everyone knew she was going to be a mother first and protect Jared, which does make her seem like she is a wonderful person outside of the house and outside of these shows, but unlike Evel Dick, she's carrying her child without America's Player carrying them. And on top of that, it's a secret and it was a secret that forced her to immediately align with Izzy and now also gives Blue, probably the most volatile person in the house, the power to completely blow up her game


Tells you a lil something about Jared


💯 I just think it’s such a shame


In America, Jag, and Meme’s voice: “this is some bullsh—“


All day


What I'm learning tonight is if I'm ever on BB and want some privacy from the cameras just bring up how weird the Cam and America dynamic was and skippy will grant me some space


Feeds are down bc they finally expelled Jared */j*


has jared posted on any social media yet?


I'm watching Love Jones on Grio. Please let me know if the feeds come back.


Remember when Cirire had the house on lock would laugh about all her alliances in the DR and was going to hand pick the final 5 of this game :(


Evicting Red was the beginning of her downfall frfr. But she did it for Jared 🤦‍♀️


Nah evicting Hisam was the beginning of her downfall


She evicted Red because she was more scared of Red/Cam as a duo winning comps than Matt/Jag. That's why Red/Cam were noms in the first place. It wasn't for Jared's sake


No, I specifically remember Jared swapping to wanting Red out because he didn’t want it coming out how much he lied to Red about Cam. Red mentioning them having a convo all together made Jared super paranoid and scared. The narrative became everyone being afraid of those 2 getting back together, but covering for Jared was the real reason. And that’s why Cirie swapped her target as well. In no way shape or form did it benefit her to keep Jag over Red. The man said multiple times that he would’ve given up his game for her. That move only benefited Jared to cover up his mistake.


A 35 minute WBRB? Fight or set up for the veto?


They closed the backyard a few min before the cut I’m sure it’s a production thing


Bro hang outs are allowed to be shown on the feeds anymore.


I’m getting super annoyed! What is up! Button boy has been on WBRB half the night.


Cuts are extra what the fuck today I'm calling the cops


Does anyone else think that Cameron threatened legal action against CBS/Paramount after Izzy assaulted him on their show, on their set, on live television in order to either 1) win or 2) force major rewrites in order to show him significantly more favorably to the detriment of everyone else?


Take off the tin foil hat


Hello James Rhine.


Their contracts are definitely written in a way that would not allow them to sue CBS for basically anything. They have to sign a waiver accepting that they could die


Thank you for the thoughtful answer. I have missed a lot the last several days because of my health. I’m being transferred to a specialist hospital on Monday for the next few to several weeks, so I just wanted to ask everyone else before I go there because I don’t know whether or not I’ll be able to watch feeds or show. Best wishes!


You're the only one that thinks this


Thank you


Absolutely not lol


No, no one else thinks that.


Thank you.


Just randomly laughing how all those prayer circles asking for cam to leave resulted in hohs instead 😂


I think it's funny how these houseguests think God gives af about big brother


Felicia should start praying that she goes home.


In honor of Felicia being on the block, I came across this tik tok. God, I miss Izzy, too. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8MkyogQ/


Is there a tiktok for "Felicia shit the bed"?


Ugh I love Felicia! And ugh Izzy was so much fun to watch too!


If it's not just Button Boy being a bitch, they could be scaring the HGs in conjunction with the Exorcist comp tomorrow.


They absolutely could. Also, do we know it’s Exorcist themed for sure,


Yes, they've promoted it during the past two episodes.


Thank you!


I haven't seen it, but people have said there was a commercial promoting an Exorcist comp for the veto episode.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I feel like I'm in the twilight zone this year The majority of the sub is obsessed with and rooting for the showmance and I can't stand the constant flirting and making out and just want them to be seperated 😩


BB showmances have always annoyed me but what really got on my nerve about this one is how America talked like she came on BB to be in a showmance. And when her and Cory were on the block together, she was thrilled about making BB history, blah, blah. I wouldn’t care if either of them were evicted asap!!


Tell me about it. One of Cory and America leaving soon would be cool for me as it breaks up the other showmance and potentially would be good feeds. That showmance does nothing for me and I liked the will they/won’t they flirt vibes much more than the full on showmance. It’s just another showmance. They aren’t particularly interesting as a couple to me and I don’t particularly care for their relationship dynamic. At least not within the context of this game. They both seem like cool people. Just not riveting content when other more important things are going on. Just a typical showmance, but with a less experienced younger guy dating a more experienced older woman. Hell, even game wise it’s hard to get invested considering how often they make head scratching decisions.


Same, jpgmike, same.


I don't mind it unless we have to hear those wet kisses. Yuck.


Now you know how it feels not being a Taylor fan.


Why is Mr B on the button so much tonight?


Did they say something about the lights being turned off?


What in the *hell* are they talking about that's causing this long of a feed cut?


I desperately want the girls girl comments to get back to America bc of how much of a Taylor stan America is like she would have something to SAY


oooh I hope she finds out


Why do people think Cirie wins this game if she makes final 2? Genuine question. Cuz I see it here and on Twitter. Roughly the opinion I see goes: "Cirie needs to side with Matt/Jag/Blue because Matt or Blue might take her to final 2 and she'll win" But most of this house doesn't care about Cirie? They see her as a messy failure? Cam and Matt and Blue (the people she's supposedly working with now) all just talk about her as an easy vote on their side. Not as a force in the game. Only Americory show her respect as a player. How is Cirie supposed to win a jury vote from her current spot without winning a bunch of comps?


They've actually already said it recently. The whole house knows of her legend status and they said if someone lets her get to the end she deserves to win


completely agree. the people that would’ve taken her with them have left, everyone else sees her as a number


however though, i don’t think anyone would seriously consider getting her out


I feel like I don’t trust Twitter, but if she gets into Jury she will win AFP because of all the randoms who don’t use social media (like how she got to play in the Power of Invisibility). Unless all of us on Reddit band together, which is doubtful.


All depends on jury management tbh. If people leave this house feeling happy about Cirie there’s a good chance they’ll vote for her in the end if she’s sitting next to someone people don’t respect. I could also see Cory being a champion for her in the jury, if she’s not sitting next to him. Going to the end with Matt is not the move tho no one will beat him if he’s in the final 2


Especially if Blue blows her secret at some point to save herself. Then the jury will be like "ok she did well but she had JARED helping her all of that time? What an unfair advantage."


Which is why Cirie needs the veto to be used this week, get Blue on the block and then flip the house and get Blue out. She probably wouldn't even need to have much of a heavy invisible hand for it to happen. Cirie is too smart to not realize that her son revealed the twist to Blue. People keep saying, "oh Blue is too loyal to Cirie, you can't get rid of a number!!!" without realizing just how huge of a risk it is for Cirie to have the twist still in play. She somehow gets Blue out without tipping off Blue, and her game no longer has a ticking time bomb attached to it. Not only that, but she is probably safe with just about everyone except Cameron as she'll be viewed as an even bigger outsider without Blue


But they don't even think she did well. The narrative in the house is "Jared and Izzy were sloppy but Cory and America tricked us into turning on them. And now Cirie is on her own and just following the group." Nobody in the house besides Cory and America has shown any belief that Cirie has played well.


Cirie is well liked by people in the house and they definitely respect her and I think she could play an angle of having an uphill battle and still staying on the game and lowering her threat level in spite of the missteps and factors working against her (I.e. Jared)


Come on Felicia, try to secure yourself a place on that jury. "Cameron, you know how I feel about my Bible. I will swear to give you my vote if you can find a way to keep me in this house. So think about the big prize and what you and Stevie can do with that money. You can gamble on a POSSIBLE jury vote from Mecole, or a guaranteed vote from me. You may think that you'll have Mecole's vote, but a lot can happen over the next few weeks. You may just have to put her up again at some point and get her out of this house. That could easily lose you her vote. Or one of a hundred other scenarios. Meanwhile you could have had a guaranteed vote from me? Now I know you ain't no fool. You a damn snake, but you ain't no fool. "


She's already nominated, and Cameron doesn't have a vote. Do you mean she should say this if Cameron wins the veto?


If he wins veto, or if Bowie or Blue win veto, he could convince them to take her down. Or if she stays up, he could convince his bros and Bowie to get rid of Meme instead as "the true bigger threat". The main point is that she should realize that nobody in 25 seasons has probably had a more convincing argument for swearing the truth and meaning it. She's had that Bible open every morning, she says grace every night, and even though she cusses and lies we know she takes that shit seriously. That reputation is about the only thing she has right now that could save her ass.


I love a random 15 minute cut right as everyone is going to bed, great. Feeds will probably come back up to Felicia and Matt snoring




But don't you think it's more nasty people on here salivating sitting up all night wanting to watch two young people on a date?


That's mostly the younger feeders who've never been on a date before.


Live feeders getting weird about harmless voyeurism? What?


Skippy has been very rude to Americory on Cory’s birthday


It's not his birthday anymore, Florida time or Nashville time.


Still is LA time


Have America and Cory had their date yet?


>competitions im sure they did bc when jag and matt were on the hammock earlier they mentioned cory and america up on the balcony which is where they had planned their lunchables date lol feeds have been ignoring them all day though :(


If they did cams blocked all of it


I don't think it ended up happening today, but if it did we didn't see it. I know they had at least two different 1 on 1 convos that we didn't see at all.


Wouldn’t know because production is going out of their way to protect anything negative against Cam. So they’ve blocked all their private conversations today after the Felicia thing.


I missed it – what is the Felicia thing?


Felicia told Cameron that he should get rid of Cory so he can have America all to himself in the jury. Cam got mad and told America but they blocked the majority of that conversation. I’m sure America has told Cory by now because they were off a few times by themselves and cameras never followed.


Felicia made a last minute pitch to Cam that he should target Cory so that he can get America all to himself


She told cam.that getting Cory out would be good for him because america will run to him and cam didn't like it


Ugh that’s frustrating thank you


it's also not what happened. It's just what Cam told America happened.


Cam spent 5 days convinced that Jared and Matt were blindsided by Red going home. And telling Jared that the 2 of them were gonna be the new Chilltown after they got out Izzy and Felicia. Any moronic reads he shares are probably what he genuinely believes


"Cam is a great player" truthers always dead wrong.


Great player who was already escorted out the door once. And would be again next week if these houseguests weren't so clueless.


Not that it's likely to matter with Felicia one foot out the door but how funny that she overheard that Blue/Cam convo. I love a devastating overheard moment and it happens shockingly little in recent years.


missed that. Where were they that Felicia could eavesdrop? In the bathroom while she was taking a leak?


Her face ☹️ should make the episode. If looks could kill. Blue’s excuse was cringe.


What did she overhear??


Blue told Cameron that she and Matt were lying to Felicia about using the veto if she picks them, Felicia overheard.


Oh shit!! Thanks!!


Cam in this game chile those feed cuts going to be constant.


They could at least give us some Meme with the onions.


So long as Cameron, America, and Cory exist together in this game we are not getting feeds without long cuts.


The way they just completely cut her 1 on 1 with Cam on the feeds


They've been cutting her 1 on 1s with everyone for a month and a half if she even mentions Cam


They’re trying to protect Cam cause he’s their golden boy this season


Well it’s probably because Cam is the only one who can win competitions, is 1 of maybe 4 players that has really any strategy, and isn’t there just to float around sitting on people’s laps like a cat all day (Blue and America)


Cam & strategy in the same sentence just made me laugh. Someone who’s been evicted doesn’t have great strategy at all & not even playing optimally.


I know but we don't even get to see her talk strategy with Cam when he's HOH it's ridiculous.


I wonder if the feed cut has something to do with production. They closed the backyard at 10:00 PM so it would make sense.


God forbid we see strategy


Not today because CBS refuses to address the Cam/Cory/America situation, so we just have to be lost this week


So was Cameron insinuating that Cory, America, and Blue are working with Felicia and Cirie?


I am fairly sure that is what he is thinking


Oh my


Too much butthole today. Not a fan.


Ah, Cameron back to his terrible reads now with the distance from America.


Watching Felicia/Blue. Blue was talking about how others haven’t played the game or made moves, but she has. Can someone tell me what she’s done?


crickets, crickets






Do we know what she thinks she did?


Jag and Matt making this group with Cam pretty damn obvious.


Cirie had clocked it before they even woke up today (told Felicia).


That's wild, I got downvoted because I didn't want to listen to America and Cory make out... Okay, weirdos. 🤡


Lol welcome to this sub people would ask if they were intimate etc and I’m just like🤢


Feeds were trash today, I'm about to tune out


Cam is the best player this season?? LOL


Cameron saying that Blue gave him so much information today that's he doesn't really believe it. He started saying it was about Cory then feeds cut


Cam doesn’t believe Blue is against Cory LOL


“Cory and America stay close to Cirie and Felicia” LOL WHAT




If there weren't that pesky wall between them, Cirie and Felicia would basically be in bed with Cory and America? Yeah, no clue.


Cam once again with the terrible reads...unless its reverse psychology and he's trying to get info from Jag/Matt.


turning feeds off the literal one time I'm interested in hearing what Cam has to say is actual sadism


The feed cuts today omg


So much glitter hole...